path: root/libopie/pim/ocontactaccessbackend_xml.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2004-11-16libopie1 goes into unsupportedmickeyl1-160/+0
2003-09-22Added first experimental incarnation of sql-backend for addressbook.eilers1-0/+6
2003-04-13More API doczecke1-18/+28
2003-03-21Merged speed optimized xml backend for contacts to main.eilers1-638/+39
2003-01-03Reenable debug outputeilers1-6/+11
2003-01-03Bugfix for calculating data diffs..eilers1-18/+39
2003-01-02Improved query by example: Search by date is possible.. First stepeilers1-33/+104
2002-12-08Moved journal-enum from ocontact into i the xml-backend..eilers1-9/+15
2002-11-14Sorting will now work if fullname is identical on some entrieseilers1-2/+5
2002-11-13Small Bug in sorted fixedeilers1-3/+6
2002-11-13Added sorted for Contacts..eilers1-0/+32
2002-11-01Added regExp-search in database for all fields in a contact.eilers1-0/+20
2002-10-16Added some docu to the interface and now using the cache infrastucture by zec...eilers1-1/+20
2002-10-14Some minor interface updateseilers1-16/+19
2002-10-07added OBackendFactory for advanced backend accesseilers1-0/+10
2002-09-27Added API for accessing the Contact-Database ! It is compiling, buteilers1-0/+550