/* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (C) Opie Team <opie-devel@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU Library General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "settingstabwidget.h" #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qspinbox.h> SettingsTabWidget::SettingsTabWidget( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent, 0x0, 0 ) { QVBoxLayout *tmpvb = new QVBoxLayout( this ); QScrollView *sv = new QScrollView( this ); tmpvb->addWidget( sv, 0, 0 ); sv->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit ); sv->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); QWidget *container = new QWidget( sv->viewport() ); sv->addChild( container ); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( container ); layout->setMargin( 2 ); layout->setSpacing( 4 ); // Time server selector layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Time server" ), container ), 0, 0 ); cbTimeServer = new QComboBox( TRUE, container ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( cbTimeServer, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); // Lookup delay selector layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "minutes between time updates" ), container ), 2, 1 ); sbNtpDelay = new QSpinBox( 1, 9999999, 1, container ); sbNtpDelay->setWrapping( TRUE ); sbNtpDelay->setMaximumWidth( 50 ); connect( sbNtpDelay, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(ntpDelayChanged(int)) ); layout->addWidget( sbNtpDelay, 2, 0 ); // Prediction delay selector layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "minutes between prediction updates" ), container ), 3, 1 ); sbPredictDelay = new QSpinBox( 42, 9999999, 1, container ); sbPredictDelay->setWrapping( TRUE ); sbPredictDelay->setMaximumWidth( 50 ); layout->addWidget( sbPredictDelay, 3, 0 ); // Space filler layout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 1, 1, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ), 4, 0 ); // Show system time options on every restart chShowOnRestart = new QCheckBox( tr( "Show time settings on every restart" ), container ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( chShowOnRestart, 5, 5, 0, 1 ); // Display time server information selector chNtpTab = new QCheckBox( tr( "Display time server information" ), container ); connect( chNtpTab, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SIGNAL( displayNTPTab(bool) ) ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( chNtpTab, 6, 6, 0, 1 ); // Display time prediction information selector chPredictTab = new QCheckBox( tr( "Display time prediction information" ), container ); connect( chPredictTab, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SIGNAL( displayPredictTab(bool) ) ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( chPredictTab, 7, 7, 0, 1 ); // Space filler layout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 1, 1, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ), 8, 0 ); // Initialize values QString ntpSrvsFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir(); ntpSrvsFile.append( "etc/ntpservers" ); Config ntpSrvs( ntpSrvsFile, Config::File ); ntpSrvs.setGroup( "servers" ); int srvCount = ntpSrvs.readNumEntry( "count", 0 ); for ( int i = 0; i < srvCount; i++ ) { ntpSrvs.setGroup( QString::number( i ) ); cbTimeServer->insertItem( ntpSrvs.readEntry( "name" ) ); } if ( srvCount==0 ) { cbTimeServer->insertItem( "0.pool.ntp.org" ); cbTimeServer->insertItem( "1.pool.ntp.org" ); cbTimeServer->insertItem( "2.pool.ntp.org" ); } Config config( "ntp" ); config.setGroup( "settings" ); sbPredictDelay->setValue( config.readNumEntry( "minLookupDiff", 720 ) ); sbNtpDelay->setValue( config.readNumEntry( "ntpRefreshFreq", 1440 ) ); cbTimeServer->setCurrentItem( config.readNumEntry( "ntpServer", 0 ) ); chNtpTab->setChecked( config.readBoolEntry( "displayNtpTab", FALSE ) ); chPredictTab->setChecked( config.readBoolEntry( "displayPredictTab", FALSE ) ); Config config_qpe( "qpe" ); config_qpe.setGroup( "Startup" ); chShowOnRestart->setChecked( config_qpe.readBoolEntry( "ShowTimeSettings", FALSE ) ); } SettingsTabWidget::~SettingsTabWidget() { } void SettingsTabWidget::saveSettings() { int srvCount = cbTimeServer->count(); bool serversChanged = TRUE; int curSrv = cbTimeServer->currentItem(); QString edit = cbTimeServer->currentText(); for ( int i = 0; i < srvCount; i++ ) { if ( edit == cbTimeServer->text( i ) ) serversChanged = FALSE; } if ( serversChanged ) { QString ntpSrvsFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir(); ntpSrvsFile.append( "etc/ntpservers" ); Config ntpSrvs( ntpSrvsFile, Config::File ); ntpSrvs.setGroup( "servers" ); ntpSrvs.writeEntry( "count", ++srvCount ); ntpSrvs.setGroup( "0" ); ntpSrvs.writeEntry( "name", edit ); curSrv = 0; for ( int i = 1; i < srvCount; i++ ) { // odebug << "ntpSrvs[" << i << "/" << srvCount << "]=" << cbTimeServer->text( i ).latin1() << "" << oendl; ntpSrvs.setGroup( QString::number( i ) ); ntpSrvs.writeEntry( "name", cbTimeServer->text( i-1 ) ); } } Config config( "ntp", Config::User ); config.setGroup( "settings" ); config.writeEntry( "ntpServer", curSrv ); config.writeEntry( "minLookupDiff", sbPredictDelay->value() ); config.writeEntry( "ntpRefreshFreq", sbNtpDelay->value() ); config.writeEntry( "displayNtpTab", chNtpTab->isChecked() ); config.writeEntry( "displayPredictTab", chPredictTab->isChecked() ); Config config_qpe( "qpe" ); config_qpe.setGroup( "Startup" ); config_qpe.writeEntry( "ShowTimeSettings", chShowOnRestart->isChecked() ); } QString SettingsTabWidget::ntpServer() { return cbTimeServer->currentText(); }