/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included ** in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ** THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ** PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "categories.h" #include <qfile.h> #include <qcstring.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include "stringutil.h" using namespace Qtopia; /*********************************************************** * * CategoryGroup * **********************************************************/ #ifdef PALMTOPCENTER UidGen CategoryGroup::sUidGen( UidGen::PalmtopCenter ); #else UidGen CategoryGroup::sUidGen( UidGen::Qtopia ); #endif int CategoryGroup::add( const QString &label ) { if ( label == QObject::tr("All") || label == QObject::tr("Unfiled") ) return 0; QMap<QString,int>::Iterator findIt = mLabelIdMap.find( label ); if ( findIt != mLabelIdMap.end() ) return 0; int newUid = uidGen().generate(); insert( newUid, label ); return newUid; } void CategoryGroup::insert( int uid, const QString &label ) { uidGen().store( uid ); mIdLabelMap[uid] = label; mLabelIdMap[label] = uid; } bool CategoryGroup::add( int uid, const QString &label ) { if ( label == QObject::tr("All") || label == QObject::tr("Unfiled") ) return FALSE; QMap<QString,int>::ConstIterator labelIt = mLabelIdMap.find( label ); if ( labelIt != mLabelIdMap.end() ) return FALSE; QMap<int,QString>::ConstIterator idIt = mIdLabelMap.find( uid ); if ( idIt != mIdLabelMap.end() ) return FALSE; insert( uid, label ); return TRUE; } bool CategoryGroup::remove( const QString &label ) { QMap<QString,int>::Iterator findIt = mLabelIdMap.find( label ); if ( findIt == mLabelIdMap.end() ) return FALSE; mIdLabelMap.remove( *findIt ); mLabelIdMap.remove( findIt ); return TRUE; } bool CategoryGroup::remove( int uid ) { QMap<int,QString>::Iterator idIt = mIdLabelMap.find( uid ); if ( idIt == mIdLabelMap.end() ) return FALSE; mLabelIdMap.remove( *idIt ); mIdLabelMap.remove( idIt ); return TRUE; } bool CategoryGroup::rename( int uid, const QString &newLabel ) { if ( newLabel == QObject::tr("All") || newLabel == QObject::tr("Unfiled") ) return FALSE; QMap<int, QString>::Iterator idIt = mIdLabelMap.find( uid ); if ( idIt == mIdLabelMap.end() ) return FALSE; mLabelIdMap.remove( *idIt ); mLabelIdMap[newLabel] = uid; *idIt = newLabel; return TRUE; } bool CategoryGroup::rename( const QString &oldLabel, const QString &newLabel ) { return rename( id(oldLabel), newLabel ); } bool CategoryGroup::contains(int uid) const { return ( mIdLabelMap.find( uid ) != mIdLabelMap.end() ); } bool CategoryGroup::contains(const QString &label) const { return ( mLabelIdMap.find( label ) != mLabelIdMap.end() ); } /** Returns label associated with the uid or QString::null if * not found */ const QString &CategoryGroup::label(int uid) const { QMap<int,QString>::ConstIterator idIt = mIdLabelMap.find( uid ); if ( idIt == mIdLabelMap.end() ) return QString::null; return *idIt; } /** Returns the uid associated with label or 0 if not found */ int CategoryGroup::id(const QString &label) const { QMap<QString,int>::ConstIterator labelIt = mLabelIdMap.find( label ); if ( labelIt == mLabelIdMap.end() ) return 0; return *labelIt; } QStringList CategoryGroup::labels() const { QStringList labels; for ( QMap<int, QString>::ConstIterator it = mIdLabelMap.begin(); it != mIdLabelMap.end(); ++it ) labels += *it; // ### I don't think this is the place for this... // labels.sort(); return labels; } QStringList CategoryGroup::labels(const QArray<int> &catids ) const { QStringList labels; if ( catids.count() == 0 ) return labels; for ( QMap<int, QString>::ConstIterator it = mIdLabelMap.begin(); it != mIdLabelMap.end(); ++it ) if ( catids.find( it.key() ) != -1 ) labels += *it; return labels; } QArray<int> CategoryGroup::ids( const QStringList &cats ) const { QArray<int> results; for ( QStringList::ConstIterator catIt = cats.begin(); catIt != cats.end(); ++catIt ) { if ( *catIt == QObject::tr("All") || *catIt == QObject::tr("Unfiled") ) continue; int value = id( *catIt ); if ( value != 0 ) { int tmp = results.size(); results.resize( tmp + 1 ); results[ tmp ] = value; } } return results; } QArray<int> CategoryGroup::ids() const { QArray<int> results( mIdLabelMap.count() ); int i = 0; for ( QMap<int, QString>::ConstIterator it = mIdLabelMap.begin(); it != mIdLabelMap.end(); ++it ) results[i++] = it.key(); return results; } /*********************************************************** * * Categories * **********************************************************/ /** Add the category name as long as it doesn't already exist locally * or globally. Return TRUE if added, FALSE if conflicts. */ int Categories::addCategory( const QString &appname, const QString &catname, int uid ) { if ( mGlobalCats.contains(catname) ) return 0; QMap< QString, CategoryGroup >::Iterator appIt = mAppCats.find( appname ); if ( appIt == mAppCats.end() ) { CategoryGroup newgroup; newgroup.add( uid, catname ); mAppCats.insert( appname, newgroup ); emit categoryAdded( *this, appname, uid ); return uid; } CategoryGroup &cats = *appIt; cats.add( uid, catname ); emit categoryAdded( *this, appname, uid ); return uid; } int Categories::addCategory( const QString &appname, const QString &catname ) { if ( mGlobalCats.contains(catname) ) return 0; QMap< QString, CategoryGroup >::Iterator appIt = mAppCats.find( appname ); if ( appIt == mAppCats.end() ) { CategoryGroup newgroup; int uid = newgroup.add( catname ); mAppCats.insert( appname, newgroup ); emit categoryAdded( *this, appname, uid ); return uid; } CategoryGroup &cats = *appIt; int uid = cats.add( catname ); if ( !uid ) return 0; emit categoryAdded( *this, appname, uid ); return uid; } int Categories::addGlobalCategory( const QString &catname, int uid ) { mGlobalCats.add( uid, catname ); emit categoryAdded( *this, QString::null, uid ); return uid; } int Categories::addGlobalCategory( const QString &catname ) { int uid = mGlobalCats.add( catname ); if ( !uid ) return 0; emit categoryAdded( *this, QString::null, uid ); return uid; } /** Removes the category from the application; if it is not found * in the application, then it attempts to remove it from * the global list */ bool Categories::removeCategory( const QString &appname, const QString &catname, bool checkGlobal ) { QMap< QString, CategoryGroup >::Iterator appIt = mAppCats.find( appname ); if ( appIt != mAppCats.end() ) { CategoryGroup &cats = *appIt; int uid = cats.id( catname ); if ( cats.remove( uid ) ) { emit categoryRemoved( *this, appname, uid ); return TRUE; } } if ( !checkGlobal ) return FALSE; return removeGlobalCategory( catname ); } bool Categories::removeCategory( const QString &appname, int uid ) { QMap< QString, CategoryGroup >::Iterator appIt = mAppCats.find( appname ); if ( appIt != mAppCats.end() ) { CategoryGroup &cats = *appIt; if ( cats.remove( uid ) ) { emit categoryRemoved( *this, appname, uid ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } bool Categories::removeGlobalCategory( const QString &catname ) { int uid = mGlobalCats.id( catname ); if ( mGlobalCats.remove( uid ) ) { emit categoryRemoved( *this, QString::null, uid ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool Categories::removeGlobalCategory( int uid ) { if ( mGlobalCats.remove( uid ) ) { emit categoryRemoved( *this, QString::null, uid ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** Returns the sorted list of all categories that are associated with * the app. If includeGlobal parameter is TRUE then the returned * categories will include the global category items. */ QStringList Categories::labels( const QString &app, bool includeGlobal, ExtraLabels extra ) const { QMap< QString, CategoryGroup >::ConstIterator appIt = mAppCats.find( app ); QStringList cats; switch ( extra ) { case NoExtra: break; case AllUnfiled: cats.append( tr("All") ); cats.append( tr("Unfiled") ); break; case AllLabel: cats.append( tr("All") ); break; case UnfiledLabel: cats.append( tr("Unfiled") ); break; } if ( appIt != mAppCats.end() ) cats += (*appIt).labels(); else qDebug("Categories::labels didn't find app %s", app.latin1() ); if ( includeGlobal ) cats += mGlobalCats.labels(); // I don't think a sorted list is useful, the user might find prefer // it in the original order. // cats.sort(); return cats; } QString Categories::label( const QString &app, int id ) const { if ( mGlobalCats.contains( id ) ) return mGlobalCats.label( id ); QMap< QString, CategoryGroup >::ConstIterator appIt = mAppCats.find( app ); if ( appIt == mAppCats.end() ) return QString::null; return (*appIt).label( id ); } QStringList Categories::labels( const QString & app, const QArray<int> &catids ) const { QStringList strs = mGlobalCats.labels( catids ); strs += mAppCats[app].labels( catids ); return strs; } /** Returns a single string associated with the cat ids for display in * a combobox or any area that requires one string. If catids are empty * then "Unfiled" will be returned. If multiple categories are assigned * the first cat id is shown with " (multi)" appended to the string. */ QString Categories::displaySingle( const QString &app, const QArray<int> &catids, DisplaySingle display ) const { QStringList strs = labels( app, catids ); if ( !strs.count() ) return tr("Unfiled"); strs.sort(); QString r; if ( strs.count() > 1 ) { switch ( display ) { case ShowFirst: r = strs.first(); break; case ShowMulti: r = strs.first() + tr(" (multi.)"); break; case ShowAll: r = strs.join(" "); break; } } else r = strs.first(); return r; } QArray<int> Categories::ids( const QString &app ) const { QArray<int> allIds = mGlobalCats.ids(); QArray<int> appIds = mAppCats[app].ids(); // we should make the guarentee that the ids are in the // same order as the labels, (i.e. app cats then global) // otherwise there is no point in having these two separate functions. uint appSize = appIds.size(); appIds.resize( appSize + allIds.size() ); for ( uint i = appSize; i < appIds.size(); ++i ) appIds[int(i)] = allIds[int(i - appSize)]; return appIds; } QArray<int> Categories::ids( const QString &app, const QStringList &cats ) const { QArray<int> allIds = mGlobalCats.ids( cats ); QArray<int> appIds = mAppCats[app].ids( cats ); uint appSize = appIds.size(); appIds.resize( appSize + allIds.size() ); for ( uint i = appSize; i < appIds.size(); ++i ) appIds[int(i)] = allIds[int(i - appSize)]; return appIds; } int Categories::id( const QString &app, const QString &cat ) const { if ( cat == tr("Unfiled") || cat.contains( tr(" (multi.)") ) ) return 0; int uid = mGlobalCats.id( cat ); if ( uid != 0 ) return uid; return mAppCats[app].id( cat ); } /** Return TRUE if renaming succeeded; FALSE if app name not found, * or if there was a name conflict */ bool Categories::renameCategory( const QString &appname, const QString &oldName, const QString &newName ) { QMap< QString, CategoryGroup >::Iterator appIt = mAppCats.find( appname ); if ( appIt != mAppCats.end() ) { CategoryGroup &cats = *appIt; int id = cats.id( oldName ); if ( id != 0 && cats.rename( id, newName ) ) { emit categoryRenamed( *this, appname, id ); return TRUE; } } return renameGlobalCategory( oldName, newName ); } bool Categories::renameGlobalCategory( const QString &oldName, const QString &newName ) { int uid = mGlobalCats.id( oldName ); if ( uid != 0 && mGlobalCats.rename( uid, newName ) ) { emit categoryRenamed( *this, QString::null, uid ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void Categories::setGlobal( const QString &appname, const QString &catname, bool global ) { // if in global and should be in app; then move it if ( mGlobalCats.contains( catname ) && !global ) { mGlobalCats.remove( catname ); addCategory( appname, catname ); return ; } // if in app and should be in global, then move it if ( !global ) return; if ( removeCategory( appname, catname, FALSE ) ) addGlobalCategory( catname ); } bool Categories::isGlobal( const QString &catname ) const { return mGlobalCats.contains( catname ); } /** Returns true if the catname is associated with any application */ bool Categories::exists( const QString &catname ) const { if ( isGlobal(catname) ) return TRUE; for ( QMap<QString, CategoryGroup>::ConstIterator appsIt = mAppCats.begin(); appsIt != mAppCats.end(); ++appsIt ) if ( exists( appsIt.key(), catname ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } bool Categories::exists( const QString &appname, const QString &catname) const { QMap< QString, CategoryGroup >::ConstIterator appIt = mAppCats.find( appname ); if ( appIt == mAppCats.end() ) return FALSE; return (*appIt).contains( catname ); } bool Categories::save( const QString &fname ) const { QFile file( fname ); if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { qWarning("Unable to write to %s", fname.latin1()); return FALSE; } QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; ts << "<!DOCTYPE CategoryList>" << endl; ts << "<Categories>" << endl; for ( QMap<int, QString>::ConstIterator git = mGlobalCats.idMap().begin(); git != mGlobalCats.idMap().end(); ++git ) ts << "<Category id=\"" << git.key() << "\"" << " name=\"" << escapeString(*git) << "\" />" << endl; for ( QMap<QString, CategoryGroup>::ConstIterator appsIt=mAppCats.begin(); appsIt != mAppCats.end(); ++appsIt ) { const QString &app = appsIt.key(); const QMap<int, QString> &appcats = (*appsIt).idMap(); for ( QMap<int, QString>::ConstIterator appcatit = appcats.begin(); appcatit != appcats.end(); ++appcatit ) ts << "<Category id=\"" << appcatit.key() << "\"" << " app=\"" << escapeString(app) << "\"" << " name=\"" << escapeString(*appcatit) << "\" />" << endl; } ts << "</Categories>" << endl; file.close(); return TRUE; } bool Categories::load( const QString &fname ) { QFile file( fname ); if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { qWarning("Unable to open %s", fname.latin1()); return FALSE; } clear(); QByteArray ba = file.readAll(); QString data = QString::fromUtf8( ba.data(), ba.size() ); QChar *uc = (QChar *)data.unicode(); int len = data.length(); // QTime t; // t.start(); QString name; QString id; QString app; int i = 0; while ( (i = data.find( "<Category ", i)) != -1 ) { i += 10; name = QString::null; app = QString::null; while ( 1 ) { // skip white space while ( i < len && (uc[i] == ' ' || uc[i] == '\n' || uc[i] == '\r') ) i++; // if at the end, then done if ( i >= len-2 || (uc[i] == '/' && uc[i+1] == '>') ) break; // we have another attribute read it. int j = i; while ( j < len && uc[j] != '=' ) j++; QString attr = QConstString( uc+i, j-i ).string(); i = ++j; // skip = while ( i < len && uc[i] != '"' ) i++; j = ++i; while ( j < len && uc[j] != '"' ) j++; QString value = Qtopia::plainString( QConstString( uc+i, j-i ).string() ); i = j + 1; // qDebug("attr='%s' value='%s'", attr.latin1(), value.latin1() ); if ( attr == "id" ) id = value; else if ( attr == "app" ) app = value; else if ( attr == "name" ) name = value; } if ( name.isNull() || id.isNull() ) { qWarning("No name or id in the category"); continue; } if ( app.isNull() ) mGlobalCats.add( id.toInt(), name ); else mAppCats[ app ].add( id.toInt(), name ); } return TRUE; } void Categories::clear() { mGlobalCats.clear(); mAppCats.clear(); } void Categories::dump() const { qDebug("\tglobal categories = %s", mGlobalCats.labels().join(", ").latin1() ); for ( QMap<QString, CategoryGroup>::ConstIterator appsIt = mAppCats.begin(); appsIt != mAppCats.end(); ++appsIt ) { const QString &app = appsIt.key(); QStringList appcats = (*appsIt).labels(); qDebug("\tapp = %s\tcategories = %s", app.latin1(), appcats.join(", ").latin1() ); } } QStringList CheckedListView::checked() const { QStringList strs; for ( QCheckListItem *i = (QCheckListItem *) firstChild(); i; i = (QCheckListItem *)i->nextSibling() ) if ( i->isOn() ) strs += i->text( 0 ); return strs; } void CheckedListView::addCheckableList( const QStringList &options ) { for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it ) { (void) new QCheckListItem( this, *it, QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); } } void CheckedListView::setChecked( const QStringList &checked ) { // iterate over all items bool showingChecked = FALSE; for ( QCheckListItem *i = (QCheckListItem *) firstChild(); i; i = (QCheckListItem *)i->nextSibling() ) // see if the item should be checked by searching the // checked list if ( checked.find( i->text( 0 ) ) != checked.end() ) { i->setOn( TRUE ); // make sure it is showing at least one checked item if ( !showingChecked ) { ensureItemVisible( i ); showingChecked = TRUE; } } else i->setOn( FALSE ); }