/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include <qdir.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include "qpeapplication.h" #include "global.h" #include "resource.h" #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) #include "qcopenvelope_qws.h" #endif #include "alarmserver.h" #include <qpe/timeconversion.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> struct timerEventItem { time_t UTCtime; QCString channel, message; int data; bool operator==( const timerEventItem &right ) const { return ( UTCtime == right.UTCtime && channel == right.channel && message == right.message && data == right.data ); } }; class TimerReceiverObject : public QObject { public: TimerReceiverObject() { } ~TimerReceiverObject() { } void resetTimer(); void setTimerEventItem(); void deleteTimer(); protected: void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *te ); private: QString atfilename; }; TimerReceiverObject *timerEventReceiver = NULL; QList<timerEventItem> timerEventList; timerEventItem *nearestTimerEvent = NULL; // set the timer to go off on the next event in the list void setNearestTimerEvent() { nearestTimerEvent = NULL; QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList ); if ( *it ) nearestTimerEvent = *it; for ( ; *it; ++it ) if ( (*it)->UTCtime < nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime ) nearestTimerEvent = *it; if (nearestTimerEvent) timerEventReceiver->resetTimer(); else timerEventReceiver->deleteTimer(); } //store current state to file //Simple implementation. Should run on a timer. static void saveState() { QString savefilename = Global::applicationFileName( "AlarmServer", "saveFile" ); if ( timerEventList.isEmpty() ) { unlink( savefilename ); return; } QFile savefile(savefilename+".new"); if ( savefile.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) { QDataStream ds( &savefile ); //save QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) { ds << it.current()->UTCtime; ds << it.current()->channel; ds << it.current()->message; ds << it.current()->data; } savefile.close(); unlink( savefilename ); QDir d; d.rename(savefilename+".new",savefilename); } } /*! Sets up the alarm server. Restoring to previous state (session management). */ void AlarmServer::initialize() { //read autosave file and put events in timerEventList QString savefilename = Global::applicationFileName( "AlarmServer", "saveFile" ); QFile savefile(savefilename); if ( savefile.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QDataStream ds( &savefile ); while ( !ds.atEnd() ) { timerEventItem *newTimerEventItem = new timerEventItem; ds >> newTimerEventItem->UTCtime; ds >> newTimerEventItem->channel; ds >> newTimerEventItem->message; ds >> newTimerEventItem->data; timerEventList.append( newTimerEventItem ); } savefile.close(); if (!timerEventReceiver) timerEventReceiver = new TimerReceiverObject; setNearestTimerEvent(); } } static const char* atdir = "/var/spool/at/"; static bool triggerAtd( bool writeHWClock = FALSE ) { QFile trigger(QString(atdir) + "trigger"); if ( trigger.open(IO_WriteOnly|IO_Raw) ) { const char* data = #ifdef QT_QWS_CUSTOM //custom atd only writes HW Clock if we write a 'W' ( writeHWClock ) ? "W\n" : #endif data = "\n"; int len = strlen(data); int total_written = trigger.writeBlock(data,len); if ( total_written != len ) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr( "Out of Space" ), QObject::tr( "Unable to schedule alarm.\nFree some memory and try again." ) ); trigger.close(); QFile::remove( trigger.name() ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void TimerReceiverObject::deleteTimer() { if ( !atfilename.isEmpty() ) { unlink( atfilename ); atfilename = QString::null; triggerAtd( FALSE ); } } void TimerReceiverObject::resetTimer() { const int maxsecs = 2147000; int total_written; QDateTime nearest = TimeConversion::fromUTC(nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime); QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); int secs = TimeConversion::secsTo( now, nearest ); if ( secs > maxsecs ) { // too far for millisecond timing secs = maxsecs; } // System timer (needed so that we wake from deep sleep), // from the Epoch in seconds. // int at_secs = TimeConversion::toUTC(nearest); // qDebug("reset timer to %d seconds from Epoch",at_secs); QString fn = atdir + QString::number(at_secs) + "." + QString::number(getpid()); if ( fn != atfilename ) { QFile atfile(fn+".new"); if ( atfile.open(IO_WriteOnly|IO_Raw) ) { // just wake up and delete the at file QString cmd = "#!/bin/sh\nrm " + fn; total_written = atfile.writeBlock(cmd.latin1(),cmd.length()); if ( total_written != int(cmd.length()) ) { QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("Out of Space"), tr("Unable to schedule alarm.\n" "Please free up space and try again") ); atfile.close(); QFile::remove( atfile.name() ); return; } atfile.close(); unlink( atfilename ); QDir d; d.rename(fn+".new",fn); chmod(fn.latin1(),0755); atfilename = fn; triggerAtd( FALSE ); } else { qWarning("Cannot open atd file %s",fn.latin1()); } } // Qt timers (does the actual alarm) // from now in milliseconds // qDebug("AlarmServer waiting %d seconds",secs); startTimer( 1000 * secs + 500 ); } void TimerReceiverObject::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { bool needSave = FALSE; killTimers(); if (nearestTimerEvent) { if ( nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime <= TimeConversion::toUTC(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) ) { QCopEnvelope e( nearestTimerEvent->channel, nearestTimerEvent->message ); e << TimeConversion::fromUTC( nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime ) << nearestTimerEvent->data; timerEventList.remove( nearestTimerEvent ); needSave = TRUE; } setNearestTimerEvent(); } else { resetTimer(); } if ( needSave ) saveState(); } /*! \class AlarmServer alarmserver.h \brief The AlarmServer class provides alarms to be scheduled. Applications which wish to be informed when a certain time instant passes use the functions of AlarmServer to request so. */ /*! Schedules an alarm for \a when. Soon after this time, \a message will be sent to \a channel, with \a data as a parameter. \a message must be of the form "someMessage(int)". \sa deleteAlarm() */ void AlarmServer::addAlarm ( QDateTime when, const QCString& channel, const QCString& message, int data) { if ( qApp->type() == QApplication::GuiServer ) { bool needSave = FALSE; // Here we are the server so either it has been directly called from // within the server or it has been sent to us from a client via QCop if (!timerEventReceiver) timerEventReceiver = new TimerReceiverObject; timerEventItem *newTimerEventItem = new timerEventItem; newTimerEventItem->UTCtime = TimeConversion::toUTC( when ); newTimerEventItem->channel = channel; newTimerEventItem->message = message; newTimerEventItem->data = data; // explore the case of already having the event in here... QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) if ( *(*it) == *newTimerEventItem ) return; // if we made it here, it is okay to add the item... timerEventList.append( newTimerEventItem ); needSave = TRUE; // quicker than using setNearestTimerEvent() if ( nearestTimerEvent ) { if (newTimerEventItem->UTCtime < nearestTimerEvent->UTCtime) { nearestTimerEvent = newTimerEventItem; timerEventReceiver->killTimers(); timerEventReceiver->resetTimer(); } } else { nearestTimerEvent = newTimerEventItem; timerEventReceiver->resetTimer(); } if ( needSave ) saveState(); } else { QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "addAlarm(QDateTime,QCString,QCString,int)" ); e << when << channel << message << data; } } /*! Deletes previously scheduled alarms which match \a when, \a channel, \a message, and \a data. Passing null values for \a when, \a channel, or \a message indicates "any". Passing -1 for \a data indicates "any". \sa deleteAlarm() */ void AlarmServer::deleteAlarm (QDateTime when, const QCString& channel, const QCString& message, int data) { if ( qApp->type() == QApplication::GuiServer) { bool needSave = FALSE; if ( timerEventReceiver != NULL ) { timerEventReceiver->killTimers(); // iterate over the list of events QListIterator<timerEventItem> it( timerEventList ); time_t deleteTime = TimeConversion::toUTC( when ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) { // if its a match, delete it if ( ( (*it)->UTCtime == deleteTime || when.isNull() ) && ( channel.isNull() || (*it)->channel == channel ) && ( message.isNull() || (*it)->message == message ) && ( data==-1 || (*it)->data == data ) ) { // if it's first, then we need to update the timer if ( (*it) == nearestTimerEvent ) { timerEventList.remove(*it); setNearestTimerEvent(); } else { timerEventList.remove(*it); } needSave = TRUE; } } if ( nearestTimerEvent ) timerEventReceiver->resetTimer(); } if ( needSave ) saveState(); } else { QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "deleteAlarm(QDateTime,QCString,QCString,int)" ); e << when << channel << message << data; } } /*! Writes the system clock to the hardware clock. */ void Global::writeHWClock() { if ( !triggerAtd( TRUE ) ) { // atd not running? set it ourselves system("/sbin/hwclock --systohc"); // ##### UTC? } }