                             This file is part of the Opie Project
                             (C) 2003 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer (mickey@tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de)
                             Inspired by the KDE debug classes, which are
                             (C) 1997 Matthias Kalle Dalheimer (kalle@kde.org)
                             (C) 2002 Holger Freyther (freyther@kde.org)
� � � � � �.>+-=
�_;:, � � .> � �:=|.         This program is free software; you can
.> <`_, � > �. � <=          redistribute it and/or  modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.-- � :           the terms of the GNU Library General Public
.="- .-=="i, � � .._         License as published by the Free Software
�- . � .-<_> � � .<>         Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
� � �._= =} � � � :          or (at your option) any later version.
� � .%`+i> � � � _;_.
� � .i_,=:_. � � �-<s.       This program is distributed in the hope that
� � �+ �. �-:. � � � =       it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
� � : .. � �.:, � � . . .    without even the implied warranty of
� � =_ � � � �+ � � =;=|`    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
� _.=:. � � � : � �:=>`:     PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.= � � � = � � � ;      Library General Public License for more
++= � -. � � .` � � .:       details.
�: � � = �...= . :.=-
�-. � .:....=;==+<;          You should have received a copy of the GNU
� -_. . . � )=. �=           Library General Public License along with
� � -- � � � �:-=`           this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
                             If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
                             Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
                             Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

// Include this header without OPIE_NO_DEBUG defined to avoid having the oDebugInfo
// functions inlined to noops (which would then conflict with their definition here).

#include <opie2/odebug.h>

#undef odDebug
#undef odBacktrace

/* OPIE */

#include <opie2/oapplication.h>
#include <opie2/oglobalsettings.h>
#include <opie2/oconfig.h>

/* QT */

#include <qbrush.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qhostaddress.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qintdict.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include <qregion.h>
#include <qsize.h>
#include <qsocketdevice.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>

/* UNIX */

#include <stdlib.h>     // abort
#include <unistd.h>     // getpid
#include <stdarg.h>     // vararg stuff
#include <ctype.h>      // isprint
#include <syslog.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <execinfo.h>

 * debug levels

enum DebugLevels {
    ODEBUG_INFO     = 0,
    ODEBUG_WARN     = 1,
    ODEBUG_ERROR    = 2,
    ODEBUG_FATAL    = 3

 * oDebug private data

 * the main debug function

static void oDebugBackend( unsigned short level, unsigned int area, const char *data)
    //qDebug( "oDebugBackend: Level=%d, Area=%d, Data=%s", level, area, data );

    // ML: OPIE doesn't use areacodes at the moment. See the KDE debug classes for an
    // ML: example use. I think it's not necessary to implement such a strategy here.
    // ML: Comments?

    int priority = 0;
    QString caption;
    QString lev;
    switch( level )
        case ODEBUG_INFO: lev = "(Info)"; caption = "Info"; priority = LOG_INFO; break;
        case ODEBUG_WARN: lev = "(Warn)"; caption = "Warning"; priority = LOG_WARNING; break;
        case ODEBUG_FATAL: lev = "(Fatal)"; caption = "Fatal Error"; priority = LOG_CRIT; break;
        default: qDebug( "oDebugBackend: Warning: Unknown debug level! - defaulting to ODEBUG_ERROR." );
        case ODEBUG_ERROR: lev = "(Error)"; caption = "Error"; priority = LOG_ERR; break;

    short output = OGlobalSettings::debugMode();
    if (!oApp && (output == 1))
        qDebug( "oDebugBackend: Warning: no oapplication object - can't use MsgBox" );
        output = 2; // need an application object to use MsgBox

    QString areaName = (oApp) ? oApp->appName() : "<unknown>";

    // Output
    switch( output )
        case -1: // ignore
        case 0: // File
            QString outputFilename = OGlobalSettings::debugOutput();

            const int BUFSIZE = 4096;
            char buf[BUFSIZE] = "";
            buf[BUFSIZE-1] = '\0';
            int nSize;

            nSize = snprintf( buf, BUFSIZE-1, "%s: %s", (const char*) areaName, data);

            QFile outputFile( outputFilename );
            if ( outputFile.open( IO_WriteOnly | IO_Append ) )
                if ( ( nSize == -1 ) || ( nSize >= BUFSIZE ) )
                    outputFile.writeBlock( buf, BUFSIZE-1 );
                    outputFile.writeBlock( buf, nSize );
                qDebug( "ODebug: can't write to file '%s' (%s)", (const char*) outputFilename, strerror(errno) );
        } // automatic close of file here

        case 1: // Message Box
            // Since we are in opiecore here, we cannot use OMsgBox and use
            // QMessageBox instead

            caption += QString("(") + areaName + ")";
            QMessageBox::warning( 0L, caption, data, ("&OK") ); // tr?

        case 2: // Shell
            FILE *output = stderr;
            fprintf( output, "%s: ", (const char*) areaName );
            fputs( data, output);

        case 3: // syslog
            syslog( priority, "%s", data);

        case 4: // socket
            QString destination = OGlobalSettings::debugOutput();
            if ( destination && destination.find(":") != -1 )
                QString host = destination.left( destination.find(":") );
                QString port = destination.right( destination.length()-host.length()-1 );
                QHostAddress addr;
                addr.setAddress( host );
                // TODO: sanity check the address
                QString line;
                line.sprintf( "%s: %s", (const char*) areaName, (const char*) data );
                QSocketDevice s( QSocketDevice::Datagram );
                int result = s.writeBlock( (const char*) line, line.length(), addr, port.toInt() );
                if ( result == -1 )
                    qDebug( "ODebug: can't send to address '%s:%d' (%s)", (const char*) host, port.toInt(), strerror(errno) );

    // check if we should abort


    if( ( nLevel == ODEBUG_FATAL )
        && ( !oDebug_data->config || oDebug_data->config->readNumEntry( "AbortFatal", 1 ) ) )


 * odbgstream

odbgstream& perror( odbgstream &s)
    return s << QString::fromLocal8Bit(strerror(errno));

odbgstream odDebug(int area)
    return odbgstream(area, ODEBUG_INFO);
odbgstream odDebug(bool cond, int area)
    if (cond) return odbgstream(area, ODEBUG_INFO);
    else return odbgstream(0, 0, false);

odbgstream odError(int area)
    return odbgstream("ERROR: ", area, ODEBUG_ERROR);

odbgstream odError(bool cond, int area)
    if (cond) return odbgstream("ERROR: ", area, ODEBUG_ERROR); else return odbgstream(0,0,false);

odbgstream odWarning(int area)
    return odbgstream("WARNING: ", area, ODEBUG_WARN);

odbgstream odWarning(bool cond, int area)
    if (cond) return odbgstream("WARNING: ", area, ODEBUG_WARN); else return odbgstream(0,0,false);

odbgstream odFatal(int area)
    return odbgstream("FATAL: ", area, ODEBUG_FATAL);

odbgstream odFatal(bool cond, int area)
    if (cond) return odbgstream("FATAL: ", area, ODEBUG_FATAL); else return odbgstream(0,0,false);

odbgstream::odbgstream(unsigned int _area, unsigned int _level, bool _print)
           :area(_area), level(_level),  print(_print)

odbgstream::odbgstream(const char * initialString, unsigned int _area, unsigned int _level, bool _print)
          :output(QString::fromLatin1(initialString)), area(_area), level(_level),  print(_print)

odbgstream::odbgstream(odbgstream &str)
           :output(str.output), area(str.area), level(str.level), print(str.print)

odbgstream::odbgstream(const odbgstream &str)
           :output(str.output), area(str.area), level(str.level), print(str.print)

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(bool i)
    if (!print) return *this;
    output += QString::fromLatin1(i ? "true" : "false");
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(short i)
    if (!print) return *this;
    QString tmp; tmp.setNum(i); output += tmp;
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(unsigned short i)
    if (!print) return *this;
    QString tmp; tmp.setNum(i); output += tmp;
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(unsigned char i)
    return operator<<( static_cast<char>( i ) );

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(int i)
    if (!print) return *this;
    QString tmp; tmp.setNum(i); output += tmp;
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(unsigned int i)
    if (!print) return *this;
    QString tmp; tmp.setNum(i); output += tmp;
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(long i)
    if (!print) return *this;
    QString tmp; tmp.setNum(i); output += tmp;
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(unsigned long i)
    if (!print) return *this;
    QString tmp; tmp.setNum(i); output += tmp;
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(const QString& string)
    if (!print) return *this;
    output += string;
    if (output.at(output.length() -1 ) == '\n')
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(const char *string)
    if (!print) return *this;
    output += QString::fromUtf8(string);
    if (output.at(output.length() - 1) == '\n')
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(const QCString& string)
    *this << string.data();
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(const void * p)
    form("%p", p);
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(double d)
    QString tmp; tmp.setNum(d); output += tmp;
    return *this;

odbgstream::odbgstream &form(const char *format, ...)
#ifdef __GNUC__
      __attribute__ ( ( format ( printf, 2, 3 ) ) )

void odbgstream::flush()
    if ( output.isEmpty() || !print )
        oDebugBackend( level, area, output.local8Bit().data() );
        output = QString::null;

odbgstream& odbgstream::form(const char *format, ...)
    char buf[4096];
    va_list arguments;
    va_start( arguments, format );
    buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
    vsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf)-1, format, arguments );
    *this << buf;
    return *this;

    if (!output.isEmpty())
        fprintf(stderr, "ASSERT: debug output not ended with \\n\n");
        *this << "\n";

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<(char ch)
    if (!print) return *this;
    if (!isprint(ch))
        output += "\\x" + QString::number( static_cast<uint>( ch ) + 0x100, 16 ).right(2);
        output += ch;
        if (ch == '\n') flush();
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( QWidget* widget )
    QString string, temp;
    // -----
        string=(QString)"[Null pointer]";
    } else
        temp.setNum((ulong)widget, 16);
        string=(QString)"["+widget->className()+" pointer " + "(0x" + temp + ")";
            string += " to unnamed widget, ";
        } else
            string += (QString)" to widget " + widget->name() + ", ";
        string += "geometry="
               + QString().setNum(widget->width())
               + "x"+QString().setNum(widget->height())
               + "+"+QString().setNum(widget->x())
               + "+"+QString().setNum(widget->y())
               + "]";
    if (!print) return *this;

    output += string;
    if (output.at(output.length()-1) == '\n')
    return *this;

 * either use 'output' directly and do the flush if needed
 * or use the QString operator which calls the char* operator
odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QDateTime& time)
    *this << time.toString();
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QDate& date)
    *this << date.toString();

    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QTime& time )
    *this << time.toString();
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QPoint& p )
    *this << "(" << p.x() << ", " << p.y() << ")";
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QSize& s )
    *this << "[" << s.width() << "x" << s.height() << "]";
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QRect& r )
    *this << "[" << r.left() << ", " << r.top() << " - " << r.right() << ", " << r.bottom() << "]";
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QRegion& reg )
    /* Qt2 doesn't have a QMemArray... :(
    *this << "[ ";
    for (uint i=0;i<rs.size();++i)
        *this << QString("[%1, %2 - %3, %4] ").arg(rs[i].left()).arg(rs[i].top()).arg(rs[i].right()).arg(rs[i].bottom() ) ;
    *this <<"]";
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QStringList& l )
    *this << "(";
    *this << l.join(",");
    *this << ")";

    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QColor& c )
    if ( c.isValid() )
        *this << c.name();
        *this << "(invalid/default)";
    return *this;

odbgstream& odbgstream::operator<<( const QBrush& b)
    static const char* const s_brushStyles[] = {
        "NoBrush", "SolidPattern", "Dense1Pattern", "Dense2Pattern", "Dense3Pattern",
        "Dense4Pattern", "Dense5Pattern", "Dense6Pattern", "Dense7Pattern",
        "HorPattern", "VerPattern", "CrossPattern", "BDiagPattern", "FDiagPattern",
        "DiagCrossPattern" };

    *this <<"[ style: ";
    *this <<s_brushStyles[ b.style() ];
    *this <<" color: ";
    // can't use operator<<(str, b.color()) because that terminates a odbgstream (flushes)
    if ( b.color().isValid() )
        *this <<b.color().name() ;
        *this <<"(invalid/default)";
    if ( b.pixmap() )
        *this <<" has a pixmap";
    *this <<" ]";
    return *this;

QString odBacktrace( int levels )
    QString s;
    void* trace[256];
    int n = backtrace(trace, 256);
    char** strings = backtrace_symbols (trace, n);

    if ( levels != -1 )
        n = QMIN( n, levels );
    s = "[\n";

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        s += QString::number(i) +
             QString::fromLatin1(": ") +
             QString::fromLatin1(strings[i]) + QString::fromLatin1("\n");
    s += "]\n";
    free (strings);
    return s;

void odClearDebugConfig()
    delete oDebug_data->config;
    oDebug_data->config = 0;

#define odDebug ondDebug
#define odBacktrace ondBacktrace