/*     This is an overview of the opielibs2 project

  Origin: opielibs is about creating classes to
          * optimize Qt classes for the embedded environment
          * provide sophisticated abstractions for developers
          * provide complete documentation and working examples
          * provide end users with a common look and feel
          * reduce memory footprint through sharing code
          * reduce possible bugs through reusing tested code
          * improve the architecture of applications with design patterns

0. Building 

* for QPE run:
	qmake libopie2.pro

OR (even better)
	make menuconfig
	make -k

* for QT/X11 run:
	qmake "platform=x11" libopie2.pro

Make sure you have set $PLATFORM=x86-linux

1. General Overview

libopie is functionally seperated into the following libraries:
 - libopiecore
 - libopieui
 - libopiepim
 - libopiedb
 - libopienet
 - libopiemm

1.1 Contents of libopiecore [ opiecore ]

 - oapplication
 - ostorage

 - odbgstream
 - ondbgstream

 - oprocctrl
 - oprocess
 - odevice
 - odevicebutton

 - oconfig
 - oconfiggroupsaver

 - oglobal
 - oglobalsettings

1.2 Contents of libopieui [ opieui ]

 - ofiledialog
 - oclickablelabel
 - ocolorbutton
 - otabinfo
 - otabbar
 - otabwidget
 - ofontmenu
 - ofontselector
 - ofileview
 - oticker

 - olistview
 - olistviewitem
 - oversatileview
 - oversatileviewitem

 - omessagebox
 - odialogbase

 - okeyconfigwidget
 - otaskbarapplet
 - otimepicker

1.3 Contents of libopiepim [ opiepim ]


1.4 Contents of libopiedb [ opiedb ]


1.5 Contents of libopienet [ opienet ]

 - onetwork
 - onetworkinterface
 - owirelessnetworkinterface
 - ochannelhopper

 - omonitoring
 - ociscomonitoring
 - owlanngmonitoring
 - ohostapmonitoring
 - oorinocomonitoring

 - opacketcapturer
 - opacket
 - oethernetpacket
 - owavelanpacket
 - ollcpacket
 - oippacket
 - oudppacket
 - otcppacket

1.6 Contents of libopiemm [ opiemm ]

 - osoundsystem
 - oaudiointerface
 - osoundserver

2.0 Feature Description

2.1 libopiecore


2.2 libopieui


2.3 libopiepim


2.4 libopiedb


2.5 libopienet


2.6 libopiemm


3.0 Usage

3.1 Namespaces