** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.

#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qstring.h>

#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include <opie/odevicebutton.h>

using namespace Opie;

class OQCopMessageData {
	QCString m_channel;
	QCString m_message;
	QByteArray m_data;

OQCopMessage::OQCopMessage ( ) 
	: d ( 0 )
	init ( QCString ( ), QCString ( ), QByteArray ( ));

OQCopMessage::OQCopMessage ( const OQCopMessage &copy ) 
	: d ( 0 )
	init ( copy. channel ( ), copy. message ( ), copy. data ( ));

OQCopMessage &OQCopMessage::operator = ( const OQCopMessage &assign )
	init ( assign. channel ( ), assign. message ( ), assign. data ( ));
	return *this;

OQCopMessage::OQCopMessage ( const QCString &ch, const QCString &m, const QByteArray &arg ) 
	: d ( 0 )
	init ( ch, m, arg );

void OQCopMessage::init ( const QCString &ch, const QCString &m, const QByteArray &arg )
	if ( !d )
		d = new OQCopMessageData ( );
	d-> m_channel = ch;
	d-> m_message = m;
	d-> m_data = arg;

bool OQCopMessage::send ( )
	if ( d-> m_channel. isEmpty ( ) || d-> m_message. isEmpty ( ))
		return false;

	QCopEnvelope e ( d-> m_channel, d-> m_message );
	if ( d-> m_data. size ( ))
		e. writeRawBytes ( d-> m_data. data ( ), d-> m_data. size ( ));

	return true;

QCString OQCopMessage::channel ( ) const
	return d-> m_channel;

QCString OQCopMessage::message ( ) const
	return d-> m_message;

QByteArray OQCopMessage::data ( ) const
	return d-> m_data;

void OQCopMessage::setChannel ( const QCString &ch )
	d-> m_channel = ch;

void OQCopMessage::setMessage ( const QCString &m )
	d-> m_message = m;

void OQCopMessage::setData ( const QByteArray &data )
	d-> m_data = data;

/*! \class ODeviceButton
    \brief The ODeviceButton class represents a physical user mappable button on a Qtopia device.

    This class represents a physical button on a Qtopia device.    A
    device may have "user programmable" buttons.
    The location and number of buttons will vary from device to
    device.    userText() and pixmap() may be used to describe this button
    to the user in help documentation.

    \ingroup qtopiaemb



 Returns the button's keycode.
ushort ODeviceButton::keycode() const
    return m_Keycode;

 This function returns a human readable, translated description of the button.
QString ODeviceButton::userText() const
    return m_UserText;

 This function returns the pixmap for this button.    If there isn't one
 it will return an empty (null) pixmap.
QPixmap ODeviceButton::pixmap() const
    return m_Pixmap;

 This function returns the factory preset (default) action for when this button
 is pressed.    The return value is a legal QCop message.
OQCopMessage ODeviceButton::factoryPresetPressedAction() const
    return m_FactoryPresetPressedAction;

 This function returns the user assigned action for when this button is pressed.
 If no action is assigned, factoryPresetAction() is returned.
OQCopMessage ODeviceButton::pressedAction() const
    if (m_PressedAction.channel().isEmpty())
	return factoryPresetPressedAction();
    return m_PressedAction;

 This function returns the factory preset (default) action for when this button
 is pressed and held.    The return value is a legal QCop message.
OQCopMessage ODeviceButton::factoryPresetHeldAction() const
    return m_FactoryPresetHeldAction;

 This function returns the user assigned action for when this button is pressed
 and held. If no action is assigned, factoryPresetAction() is returned.
OQCopMessage ODeviceButton::heldAction() const
    if (m_HeldAction.channel().isEmpty())
	return factoryPresetHeldAction();
    return m_HeldAction;

void ODeviceButton::setKeycode(ushort keycode)
    m_Keycode = keycode;

void ODeviceButton::setUserText(const QString& text)
    m_UserText = text;

void ODeviceButton::setPixmap(const QPixmap& picture)
    m_Pixmap = picture;

void ODeviceButton::setFactoryPresetPressedAction(const OQCopMessage& action)
    m_FactoryPresetPressedAction = action;

void ODeviceButton::setPressedAction(const OQCopMessage& action)
    m_PressedAction = action;

void ODeviceButton::setFactoryPresetHeldAction(const OQCopMessage& action)
    m_FactoryPresetHeldAction = action;

void ODeviceButton::setHeldAction(const OQCopMessage& action)
    m_HeldAction = action;