// AlphabetMap.h
// Copyright (c) 2002 Iain Murray

If I were just using GCC, which comes with the CGI "STL" implementation, I would
use hash_map (which isn't part of the ANSI/ISO standard C++ STL, but hey it's nice).
Using a plain map is just too slow for training on large files (or it is with certain
STL implementations). I'm sure training could be made much faster still, but that's
another matter...

While I could (and probably should) get a hash_map for VC++ from
http://www.stlport.org I thought it would be nicer if people didn't have
to download extra stuff and then have to get it working alongside the STL
with VC++, especially for just one small part of Dasher.

The result is this:
very much thrown together to get Dasher out ASAP.
It is deliberately not like an STL container.
However, as it has a tiny interface, it should still be easy to replace.
Sorry if this seems really unprofressional.

Replacing it might be a good idea. On the other hand it could be customised
to the needs of the alphabet, so that it works faster. For example,
currently if I have a string "asdf", it might be that "a" is checked
then "as" is checked then "asd" is checked. I shouldn't need to keep
rehashing the leading characters. I plan to fix that here. Doing so with
a standard hash_map would be hard.

alphabet_map MyMap(NumberOfEntriesWeExpect); // Can omit NumberOfEntriesWeExpect
MyMap.add("asdf", 15);
symbol i = MyMap.get("asdf") // i=15
symbol j = MyMap.get("fdsa") // j=0

You can't remove items once they are added as Dasher has no need for that.

IAM 08/2002

#ifndef __AlphabetMap_h__
#define __AlphabetMap_h__

#include "MSVC_Unannoy.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include "DasherTypes.h"

namespace Dasher {class alphabet_map;}
class Dasher::alphabet_map
	alphabet_map(uint InitialTableSize=255);
	void Add(const std::string& Key, symbol Value);
	symbol Get(const std::string& Key, bool* KeyIsPrefix=0) const;
	class Entry
		Entry(std::string Key, symbol Symbol, Entry* Next)
			: Key(Key), KeyIsPrefix(false), Symbol(Symbol), Next(Next) {}
		std::string Key;
		bool KeyIsPrefix;
		symbol Symbol;
		Entry* Next;
	void RecursiveAdd(const std::string& Key, symbol Value, bool PrefixFlag);
	// A standard hash -- could try and research something specific.
	inline uint Hash(const std::string& Input) const {
		uint Result = 0;
		typedef std::string::const_iterator CI;
		CI Cur = Input.begin();
		CI end = Input.end();
		while (Cur!=end) Result = (Result<<1)^*Cur++;
		Result %= HashTable.size();
		return Result;
		if (Input.size()==1) // Speedup for ASCII text
			return Input[0];
		for (int i=0; i<Input.size(); i++)
			Result = (Result<<1)^Input[i];

		return Result%HashTable.size();
	std::vector<Entry> Entries;
	std::vector<Entry*> HashTable;
	const symbol Undefined;

#endif /* #ifndef __AlphabetMap_h__ */