<chapter><title>Todo</title> <para> Todo is designed for storing information about things you need to do, but which arent going to happen at a specific time, like "change the oil" or "mow the lawn". You can also give todo items a deadline, if they have to be completed by a certain time. </para> <section><title>Adding Tasks</title> <para> Go to <GUIMenu>Data</GUIMenu>&arrow;<GUIMenuItem>New Task<GUIMenuItem>, or click on the new task icon (blank page). The priority drop down menu lets you select the priority of the task. The lower the number, the more important it is. The categories behave in much the same way that they do in Calendar, you can select the category from the drop down menu, or you can click the "..." button to add, delete, or edit categories. To give the task a due date, check the "Due" checkbox, and then click the button next to it (it should contain the current date). That will open a calendar from which you can select the due date. The "Completed" check box is the same as the checkbox next to each item in the main view. The "Summary" field is for a short summary that will be visible in the main view, as well as in the Today application. The down arrow next to it will copy the text in the "Summary" field into the large text field below it, which is used for a more detailed description of the task. Click "ok" in the upper right to add the new task, or "x" to close the window without adding the new task. </para> </section> <section><title>Editing Tasks</title> <para> To edit a task, you can select it, and then go to <GUIMenu>Data</GUIMenu>&arrow;<GUIMenuItem>Edit Task</GUIMenuItem>, or click the edit task icon (an image of a pencil). The same dialog should apear as if you were adding a task, but the information for that task should already be filled in. You can change any of it you want to, and then click "ok" in the top right corner to save the changes, or "x" to go back to the way it was. </para> </section> <section><title>Deleting Tasks</title> <para> To delete a task, first select it, and then either select <GUIMenu>Data</GUIMenu>&arrow; <GUIMenuItem>Delete...</GUIMenuItem> or press the Delete icon (an image of a trash can). A dialog should pop up, asking if you want to delete the task, click yes to delete it, or no to cancel. </para> </section> <section><title>Finding Tasks</title> <para> To find a task, either go to <GUIMenu>Options</GUIMenu>&arrow;<GUIMenuItem>Find</GUIMenuItem> , or click the find icon (an image of a green magnifying glass), and a dialog should pop up. Enter the text you want to search for in the description, and select the category that you want it to search through (this will speed the search up, if you know what category it is in). You can also select "case sensative" which makes the search pay attention to the case of what you type (so if you look for "mow lawn", it won't find a task called "Mow lawn"). "Search Backwards" will search backwards from the currently selected task. Click "Find" to initiate the search, when it finds a task that matches the string, it will select it. If you click Find again, it will find the next one in the list (or the previous one, if "Search backwards" is selected). </para> </section> <section><title>Viewing Tasks</title> <para> To only view tasks filled under certain categories, go to the Category menu, and check the categories you want to view. Also, under the Options menu, you can select whether or not you want completed tasks to be visible, and whether or not you want to see the deadline. </para> </section> <section><title>Completing Tasks</title> <para> To mark a task as completed without deleting it, you can either check the checkbox next to it in the main view, or edit it, and check the "completed" check box in the edit dialog. If <GUIMenu>Options</GUIMenu>&arrow; <GUIMenuItem>Completed<GUIMenuItem> tasks is not checked, the task will disapear when you mark it completed. but do not worry, it is not gone forever, just check Completed tasks in the options menu, and you can see and edit it again. </para> </section> </chapter>