<chapter id="installation">
  <title id="tinstallation">Installation</title>
    <para>To have &opie; 1.0 on an &ipaq;, you have to install a Familiar + &opie; <emphasis>image</emphasis> on your &ipaq;. An <emphasis>image</emphasis> is in fact a file, containing the memory image of an &ipaq; with Familiar (the linux distribution) and &opie; (the graphical platform) installed. You can download it from the Internet, then load it in your &ipaq; through a Compact Flash card, serial port or USB.</para>

      <listitem><para>To start with, go to the <ulink url="http://familiar.handhelds.org/familiar/releases/v0.7.1/install/download.html">Familiar download page</ulink>.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Put the model of you &ipaq; under <quote>Please select your hardware</quote>, choose <parameter>testing, v0.7.1</parameter> as the Familiar version, and <parameter>Opie</parameter> as the set of files, and press <parameter>Download</parameter>.</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>Follow the <ulink url="http://familiar.handhelds.org/familiar/releases/v0.7/install/download.html">Familiar installation instructions</ulink> then, to know how to upload this image file on your &ipaq;.</para></listitem>

    <para>Configuring a network connection for the &ipaq; is then very useful, in order to install new packages, or upgrade existing ones (to get new features or bugfixes, for example). The Familiar site provides instructions for connecting the &ipaq; to the Internet in a variety of ways. See <ulink url="http://www.handhelds.org/z/wiki/How%20to%20setup%20networking%20between%20a%20desktop%20PC%20and%20an%20&ipaq;%20using%20the%20serial%20or%20USB%20cables">this &ipaq; networking tutorial</ulink> to have information on configuring PPP or USB, and masquerading (giving access to the Internet through your PC), for example. Setting up masquerading is even simpler on Windows, if you can adapt <ulink url="http://www.pocketpcpassion.com/General/LawrenceBates/connectwin2000.htm">this kind of tutorial for Windows</ulink>.</para>

    <para>When your &ipaq; is connected to Internet, you can and should do several things, in command line, using Familiar, as noted in the <ulink url="http://familiar.handhelds.org/familiar/releases/v0.7/install/post-install.html">Familiar post-install</ulink> page, or using Opie applications.</para>
      <listitem><para>For example you can synchronize the &ipaq; clock with network time servers. There is a graphical way to do that through the <parameter>Settings</parameter> / <parameter>Date/Time</parameter> Opie application, or you can also run as root the following command:
          <userinput>ntpdate -b time.handhelds.org</userinput>
      <listitem><para>To teach to your &ipaq; what are the new packages or updated packages it can dowload, run the command (as root again):
          <userinput>ipkg update</userinput>
        Or use the <parameter>Settings</parameter> / <parameter>Packages</parameter> Opie graphical application.
      <listitem><para>To download and install automatically new versions, if they exist, of your installed packages,
          <userinput>ipkg upgrade</userinput>
        Or use the <parameter>Package</parameter> Opie application again.

    <para>&opie; applications will install and run on the default &zaurus; ROM (Linux-based distribution, as well as Familiar) with no problems,except for Launcher. It is not compatible with the default ROM, and should not be installed. You should be able to find the fine &opie; packages for you &zaurus; default ROM at this feed address: <ulink url="http://opie.handhelds.org/feed/sharprom/">http://opie.handhelds.org/feed/sharprom/</ulink>.</para>

    <para>Another option is to replace the default &zaurus; ROM with the OpenZaurus ROM image. OpenZaurus is a openly developed Linux distribution designed to run on the &zaurus;, and uses &opie; as its default user interface. For more information and installation instructions, please visit <ulink url="http://www.openzaurus.org/">OpenZaurus.org web site</ulink>. Notice you will access the Opie 1.0 feeds at the address <ulink url="http://opie.handhelds.org/feed/openzaurus/">http://opie.handhelds.org/feed/openzaurus/</ulink>.</para>
