/*! \class InputMethodInterface inputmethodinterface.h
  \brief The InputMethodInterface class provides an interface for Qtopia
  input methods.

  Input methods must supply a QWidget that will be shown above the task bar
  and emit a signal when a key is pressed:

  Input methods may be added to Qtopia via plugins. In order to write an
  input method plugin you must create an interface to your input method by
  deriving from the InputMethodInterface class and implementing the pure
  virtual functions.

  See also: <a href=inputmethods.html>Input Method Tutorial</a>

/*! \fn QWidget *InputMethodInterface::inputMethod( QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags f )

  The inputMethod() function returns the input method widget. This
  widget will be display just above the task bar when the user needs to input
  text. You should always return the same widget if this function is called
  multiple times.

/*! \fn void InputMethodInterface::resetState()

  The resetState() function should return the input method to its default

/*! \fn QString InputMethodInterface::name()

  The name() function returns the name of the input method. This will
  be displayed in the popup list of available input methods.

/*! \fn QPixmap *InputMethodInterface::icon()

  The icon() function returns the icon for the input method. This will
  be displayed in the taskbar when the input method is selected.

/*! \fn void InputMethodInterface::onKeyPress( QObject *receiver, const char *slot )

  The onKeyPress() function must connect the supplied slot to the signal
  that is emitted when a key press is generated.