A collection of useful Opie related software running with Qt/X11
version 3.0 and sometimes KDE as well

opie-langchecker.tar.gz -	with make messages and make all-messages
				you generate for each application two
				.po files. One file with all strings
				included in your program and one file
				with strings from tr() and the NOOP.
				Langchecker is a KParts KDE application
				which lets you first spell check the strings
				and seconldy shows you on a per file/line
				basis which strings are not available as tr.
				This helps you to find application

opie-featurelist.tar.bz2-	Is currently just a small hack application
				to create feature lists conforming to
				Cornelius Schumachers XML features file.
				Maybe it'll turn into a full blown
				Project management tool with Opie clients...
				( kmaschru ) or one simply writes a new
				TODO view + backend or changes the file
				BUILD: qmake -o Makefile opie-featurelist.pro