** Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.

#include "serverapp.h"
#include "screensaver.h"

/* OPIE */
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <opie2/odevice.h>
#include <qtopia/password.h>
#include <qtopia/config.h>
#include <qtopia/power.h>

#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
#include <qtopia/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include <qtopia/global.h>
using namespace Opie::Core;

/* QT */
#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
#include <qgfx_qws.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qpixmapcache.h>

/* STD */
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static ServerApplication *serverApp = 0;
static int loggedin=0;

    : m_keyCode( 0 ) {

QCopKeyRegister::QCopKeyRegister( int k, const QCString& c, const QCString& m )
    :m_keyCode( k ), m_channel( c ), m_message( m ) {

int QCopKeyRegister::keyCode()const {
    return m_keyCode;

QCString QCopKeyRegister::channel()const {
    return m_channel;

QCString QCopKeyRegister::message()const {
    return m_message;

bool QCopKeyRegister::send() {
    if (m_channel.isNull() )
        return false;

    QCopEnvelope( m_channel, m_message );

    return true;


  Priority is number of alerts that are needed to pop up
class DesktopPowerAlerter : public QMessageBox
    DesktopPowerAlerter( QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 )
	: QMessageBox( tr("Battery Status"), tr("Low Battery"),
		       QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Default,
		       QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton,
		       parent, name, FALSE )
	currentPriority = INT_MAX;
	alertCount = 0;

    void alert( const QString &text, int priority );
    void hideEvent( QHideEvent * );
    int currentPriority;
    int alertCount;

void DesktopPowerAlerter::alert( const QString &text, int priority )
    if ( alertCount < priority )
    if ( priority > currentPriority )
    currentPriority = priority;
    setText( text );

void DesktopPowerAlerter::hideEvent( QHideEvent *e )
    QMessageBox::hideEvent( e );
    alertCount = 0;
    currentPriority = INT_MAX;


KeyFilter::KeyFilter(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), held_tid(0), heldButton(0)
    /* We don't do this cause it would interfere with ODevice */
#if 0

void KeyFilter::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* e)
    if ( e->timerId() == held_tid ) {
	// button held
	if ( heldButton ) {
	    emit activate(heldButton, TRUE);
	    heldButton = 0;
	held_tid = 0;

void KeyFilter::registerKey( const QCopKeyRegister& key ) {
    m_keys.insert( key.keyCode(), key );

void KeyFilter::unregisterKey( const QCopKeyRegister& key ) {
    m_keys.remove( key.keyCode() );

bool KeyFilter::keyRegistered( int key ) {
     * Check if we've a key registered
    if ( !m_keys[key].send())
        return false;
        return true;


bool KeyFilter::checkButtonAction(bool db, int keycode,  int press, int autoRepeat)
    if ( !loggedin
	    // Permitted keys
	    && keycode != Key_F34 // power
	    && keycode != Key_F30 // select
	    && keycode != Key_Enter
	    && keycode != Key_Return
	    && keycode != Key_Space
	    && keycode != Key_Left
	    && keycode != Key_Right
	    && keycode != Key_Up
	    && keycode != Key_Down )
	return TRUE;

        /* check if it was registered */
    if (!db ) {
        if (keycode != 0 &&press && !autoRepeat && keyRegistered(keycode) )
            return true;
    }else {

        // First check to see if DeviceButtonManager knows something about this button:
        const ODeviceButton* button = ODevice::inst()->buttonForKeycode(keycode);
        if (button && !autoRepeat) {
            if ( held_tid ) {
                held_tid = 0;
            if ( button->heldAction().isNull() ) {
                if ( press )
                    emit activate(button, FALSE);
            } else if ( press ) {
                heldButton = button;
                held_tid = startTimer( ODevice::inst ()->buttonHoldTime () );
            } else if ( heldButton ) {
                heldButton = 0;
                emit activate(button, FALSE);
            return TRUE;
        return false;
    if ( keycode == HardKey_Suspend ) {
        if ( press ) emit power();
        return TRUE;
    if ( keycode == HardKey_Backlight ) {
        if ( press ) emit backlight();
        return TRUE;
    if ( keycode == Key_F32 ) {
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
        if ( press ) QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/Desktop", "startSync()" );
        return TRUE;
    if ( keycode == Key_F31 ) {
        if ( press ) emit symbol();
        return TRUE;

    if ( keycode == Key_NumLock )
        if ( press ) emit numLockStateToggle();

    if ( keycode == Key_CapsLock )
        if ( press ) emit capsLockStateToggle();

    if ( serverApp )

    return FALSE;

enum MemState { MemUnknown, MemVeryLow, MemLow, MemNormal } memstate=MemUnknown;



bool ServerApplication::doRestart = FALSE;
bool ServerApplication::allowRestart = TRUE;
bool ServerApplication::ms_is_starting  = TRUE;

void ServerApplication::switchLCD( bool on ) {
    if ( !qApp )

    ServerApplication *dapp = ServerApplication::me() ;

    if ( !dapp-> m_screensaver )

    if ( on ) {
        dapp-> m_screensaver-> setDisplayState ( true );
        dapp-> m_screensaver-> setBacklight ( -3 );
        dapp-> m_screensaver-> setDisplayState ( false );


ServerApplication::ServerApplication( int& argc, char **argv, Type t )
    : QPEApplication( argc, argv, t )
    ms_is_starting = true;

    // We know we'll have lots of cached pixmaps due to App/DocLnks

    m_ps = new PowerStatus;
    m_ps_last = new PowerStatus;
    pa = new DesktopPowerAlerter( 0 );

    m_apm_timer = new QTimer( this );
    connect(m_apm_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
            this, SLOT( apmTimeout() ) );


    QCopChannel *channel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/System", this );
    connect(channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&) ),
            this, SLOT(systemMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&) ) );

    channel = new QCopChannel("QPE/Launcher", this );
    connect(channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&) ),
            this, SLOT(launcherMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&) ) );

    m_screensaver = new OpieScreenSaver();
    m_screensaver->setInterval( -1 );
    QWSServer::setScreenSaver( m_screensaver );

    connect( qApp, SIGNAL( volumeChanged(bool) ),
             this, SLOT( rereadVolumes() ) );

    /* ### PluginLoader libqtopia SafeMode */
#if 0
    if ( PluginLoader::inSafeMode() )
	QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(showSafeMode()) );
    QTimer::singleShot(20*1000, this, SLOT(clearSafeMode()) );

    kf = new KeyFilter(this);

    connect( kf, SIGNAL(launch()), this, SIGNAL(launch()) );
    connect( kf, SIGNAL(power()), this, SIGNAL(power()) );
    connect( kf, SIGNAL(backlight()), this, SIGNAL(backlight()) );
    connect( kf, SIGNAL(symbol()), this, SIGNAL(symbol()));
    connect( kf, SIGNAL(numLockStateToggle()), this,SIGNAL(numLockStateToggle()));
    connect( kf, SIGNAL(capsLockStateToggle()), this,SIGNAL(capsLockStateToggle()));
    connect( kf, SIGNAL(activate(const Opie::Core::ODeviceButton*,bool)),
             this,SIGNAL(activate(const Opie::Core::ODeviceButton*,bool)));

    connect( kf, SIGNAL(backlight()), this, SLOT(toggleLight()) );

    connect( this, SIGNAL(power() ),
             SLOT(togglePower() ) );


    serverApp = this;


    /* make sure the event filter is installed */
    const ODeviceButton* but = ODevice::inst()->buttonForKeycode( -1 );


    delete pa;
    delete m_ps;
    delete m_ps_last;

void ServerApplication::apmTimeout() {
    serverApp-> checkMemory( ); // in case no events are generated
    *m_ps_last = *m_ps;
    *m_ps = PowerStatusManager::readStatus();

    if ( m_ps->acStatus() != m_ps_last-> acStatus() )
        m_screensaver-> powerStatusChanged( *m_ps );

    if ( m_ps->acStatus() == PowerStatus::Online ) {

    int bat = m_ps-> batteryPercentRemaining();

    if ( bat < m_ps_last-> batteryPercentRemaining() ) {
        if ( bat <= m_powerCritical ) {
	    QMessageBox battlow(
		tr("<p>The battery level is critical!"
		    "<p>Keep power off until AC is restored"),
		QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton,
		0, QString::null, TRUE, WStyle_StaysOnTop);
	    battlow.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Ok"));
        } else if ( bat <= m_powerVeryLow )
            pa->alert( tr( "The battery is running very low. "), 2 );

    if ( m_ps-> backupBatteryStatus() == PowerStatus::VeryLow ) {
	    QMessageBox battlow(
		tr("<p>The Back-up battery is very low"
		    "<p>Please charge the back-up battery"),
		QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton,
		0, QString::null, TRUE, WStyle_StaysOnTop);
	    battlow.setButtonText(QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Ok"));

void ServerApplication::systemMessage( const QCString& msg,
                                       const QByteArray& data ) {
    QDataStream stream ( data, IO_ReadOnly );

    if ( msg == "setScreenSaverInterval(int)" ) {
        int time;
        stream >> time;
        m_screensaver-> setInterval( time );
    else if ( msg == "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" ) {
        int t1, t2, t3;
        stream >> t1 >> t2 >> t3;
        m_screensaver-> setIntervals( t1, t2, t3 );
    else if ( msg == "setBacklight(int)" ) {
        int bright;
        stream >> bright;
        m_screensaver-> setBacklight( bright );
    else if ( msg == "setScreenSaverMode(int)" ) {
        int mode;
        stream >> mode;
        m_screensaver-> setMode ( mode );
    else if ( msg == "reloadPowerWarnSettings()" ) {
    else if ( msg == "setDisplayState(int)" ) {
        int state;
        stream >> state;
        m_screensaver-> setDisplayState ( state != 0 );
    else if ( msg == "suspend()" ) {
        emit power();
    else if ( msg == "sendBusinessCard()" ) {
        QString card = ::getenv ( "HOME" );
        card += "/Applications/addressbook/businesscard.vcf";

        if ( QFile::exists( card ) ) {
            QCopEnvelope e ( "QPE/Obex", "send(QString,QString,QString)" );
            QString mimetype = "text/x-vCard";
            e << tr( "business card" ) << card << mimetype;

void ServerApplication::reloadPowerWarnSettings ( )
    Config cfg ( "apm" );
    cfg. setGroup ( "Warnings" );

    int iv = cfg. readNumEntry ( "checkinterval", 10000 );

    m_apm_timer-> stop ( );
    if ( iv )
        m_apm_timer-> start ( iv );

    m_powerVeryLow  = cfg. readNumEntry ( "powerverylow", 10 );
    m_powerCritical = cfg. readNumEntry ( "powervcritical", 5 );

void ServerApplication::launcherMessage( const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data )
    QDataStream stream ( data, IO_ReadOnly );

    if ( msg == "deviceButton(int,int,int)" ) {
        int keycode, press, autoRepeat;
        stream >> keycode >> press >> autoRepeat;

        kf->checkButtonAction ( true, keycode, press, autoRepeat );
    else if ( msg == "keyRegister(int,QCString,QCString)" ) {
        int k;
        QCString c, m;
        stream >> k >> c >> m;

        kf -> registerKey( QCopKeyRegister(k, c, m) );

bool ServerApplication::screenLocked()
    return loggedin == 0;

void ServerApplication::login(bool at_poweron)
    if ( !loggedin ) {
	Global::terminateBuiltin("calibrate"); // No tr
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
	QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/Desktop", "unlocked()" );

#include <qtopia/config.h>

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#include <time.h>

#if 0
static bool blanked=FALSE;

static void blankScreen()
#ifdef QWS
    QWidget w(0, 0, Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_NoBorder | Qt::WStyle_Tool | Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop | Qt::WPaintUnclipped);
    w.resize( qt_screen->width(), qt_screen->height() );
    w.move(0, 0);

    QPainter p(&w);
    p.fillRect(w.rect(), QBrush(QColor(255,255,255)) );

    blanked = TRUE;

static void darkScreen()
    /* ### Screen blanking ODevice */
#if 0
    qpe_setBacklight(0); // force off

namespace {
    void execAutoStart(const QDateTime& suspendTime ) {
        QString appName;
	int delay;
	QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();

        Config cfg( "autostart" );
	cfg.setGroup( "AutoStart" );
	appName = cfg.readEntry( "Apps", "" );
	delay = cfg.readNumEntry( "Delay", 0  );

	// If the time between suspend and resume was longer then the
	// value saved as delay, start the app
	if ( suspendTime.secsTo( now ) >= ( delay * 60 ) && !appName.isEmpty() ) {
		QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "execute(QString)" );
		e << QString( appName );

void ServerApplication::togglePower()
	static bool excllock = false;

	if ( excllock )
		return ;

	excllock = true;

	bool wasloggedin = loggedin;
	loggedin = 0;
	m_suspendTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();

#ifdef QWS

	if ( Password::needToAuthenticate ( true ) && qt_screen ) {
		// Should use a big black window instead.
		// But this would not show up fast enough
		QGfx *g = qt_screen-> screenGfx ( );
		g-> fillRect ( 0, 0, qt_screen-> width ( ), qt_screen-> height ( ));
		delete g;

	ODevice::inst ( )-> suspend ( );

	ServerApplication::switchLCD ( true ); // force LCD on without slow qcop call
	QWSServer::screenSaverActivate ( false );

		QCopEnvelope( "QPE/Card", "mtabChanged()" ); // might have changed while asleep

	if ( wasloggedin )
		login ( true );


	excllock = false;

void ServerApplication::toggleLight()
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
    QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "setBacklight(int)");
    e << -2; // toggle

 * We still listen to key events but handle them in
 * a special class

bool ServerApplication::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e) {
    if ( e->type() != QEvent::KeyPress &&
         e->type() != QEvent::KeyRelease )
        return QPEApplication::eventFilter( o, e );

    QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>( e );
    if ( kf->checkButtonAction( true, ke->key(),
                                e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress,
                                ke-> isAutoRepeat() ))
        return true;

    return QPEApplication::eventFilter( o, e );


#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
bool ServerApplication::qwsEventFilter( QWSEvent *e )

    if ( e->type == QWSEvent::Mouse ) {
	QWSMouseEvent *me = (QWSMouseEvent *)e;
	static bool up = TRUE;
	if ( me->simpleData.state&LeftButton ) {
	    if ( up ) {
		up = FALSE;
	} else if ( !up ) {
	    up = TRUE;
    }else if ( e->type == QWSEvent::Key ) {
        QWSKeyEvent * ke = static_cast<QWSKeyEvent*>( e );
        if ( kf->checkButtonAction( false,
                                    ke-> simpleData.keycode,
                                    ke-> simpleData.is_press,
                                    ke-> simpleData.is_auto_repeat ) )
            return true;

    return QPEApplication::qwsEventFilter( e );

/* ### FIXME libqtopia Plugin Safe Mode */

void ServerApplication::showSafeMode()
#if 0
    if ( QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Safe Mode"), tr("<P>A system startup error occurred, "
		"and the system is now in Safe Mode. "
		"Plugins are not loaded in Safe Mode. "
		"You can use the Plugin Manager to "
		"disable plugins that cause system error."), tr("OK"), tr("Plugin Manager..."), 0) == 1 ) {
	Global::execute( "pluginmanager" );

void ServerApplication::clearSafeMode()
#if 0
    // If we've been running OK for a while then we won't bother going into
    // safe mode immediately on the next crash.
    Config cfg( "PluginLoader" );
    cfg.setGroup( "Global" );
    QString mode = cfg.readEntry( "Mode", "Normal" );
    if ( mode == "MaybeSafe" ) {
	cfg.writeEntry( "Mode", "Normal" );

void ServerApplication::shutdown()
    if ( type() != GuiServer )
    ShutdownImpl *sd = new ShutdownImpl( 0, 0, WDestructiveClose );
    connect( sd, SIGNAL(shutdown(ShutdownImpl::Type)),
	     this, SLOT(shutdown(ShutdownImpl::Type)) );
    QPEApplication::showWidget( sd );

void ServerApplication::shutdown( ShutdownImpl::Type t )
    char *opt = 0;

    switch ( t ) {
    case ShutdownImpl::ShutdownSystem:
        opt = "-h";
        // fall through
    case ShutdownImpl::RebootSystem:
        if ( opt == 0 )
            opt = "-r";

        if ( execl( "/sbin/shutdown", "shutdown", opt, "now", ( void* ) 0) < 0 )
//		        		::syslog ( LOG_ERR, "Erroring execing shutdown\n" );

    case ShutdownImpl::RestartDesktop:
    case ShutdownImpl::TerminateDesktop:
        prepareForTermination( FALSE );

        // This is a workaround for a Qt bug
        // clipboard applet has to stop its poll timer, or Qt/E
        // will hang on quit() right before it emits aboutToQuit()
        emit aboutToQuit ( );


void ServerApplication::restart()
    if ( allowRestart ) {

         * Applets and restart is a problem. Some applets delete
         * their widgets even if ownership gets transfered to the
         * parent (Systray ) but deleting the applet may be unsafe
         * as well ( double deletion ). Some have topLevel widgets
         * and when we dlclose and then delete the widget we will
         * crash and an crash during restart is not nice
        /* same as above */
        emit aboutToQuit();
	doRestart = TRUE;
        prepareForTermination( true );
        for ( int fd = 3; fd < 100; fd++ )
		close( fd );
        execl( ( qpeDir() + "/bin/qpe" ).latin1(), "qpe", 0 );
        exit( 1 );

void ServerApplication::rereadVolumes()
    Config cfg( "qpe" );
    cfg. setGroup ( "Volume" );

    m_screentap_sound = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "TouchSound" );
    m_keyclick_sound  = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "KeySound" );
    m_alarm_sound     = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "AlarmSound" );

void ServerApplication::checkMemory()
    static bool ignoreNormal=TRUE;
    static bool existingMessage=FALSE;

	return; // don't show a second message while still on first

    existingMessage = TRUE;
    switch ( memstate ) {
	case MemUnknown:
	case MemLow:
	    memstate = MemUnknown;
	    if ( !recoverMemory() ) {
		QMessageBox::warning( 0 , tr("Memory Status"),
		    tr("Memory Low\nPlease save data.") );
		ignoreNormal = FALSE;
	case MemNormal:
	    memstate = MemUnknown;
	    if ( !ignoreNormal ) {
		ignoreNormal = TRUE;
		QMessageBox::information ( 0 , tr("Memory Status"),
		    "Memory OK" );
	case MemVeryLow:
	    memstate = MemUnknown;
	    QMessageBox::critical( 0 , tr("Memory Status"),
		tr("Critical Memory Shortage\n"
		"Please end this application\n"
		"immediately.") );
    existingMessage = FALSE;

bool ServerApplication::recoverMemory()
    return FALSE;

void ServerApplication::keyClick(int , bool press, bool )
    if ( press && m_keyclick_sound )
        ODevice::inst() -> playKeySound();


void ServerApplication::screenClick(bool press)
    if ( press && m_screentap_sound )
        ODevice::inst() -> playTouchSound();

void ServerApplication::soundAlarm() {
    if ( me ()->m_alarm_sound )

ServerApplication *ServerApplication::me ( )
	return static_cast<ServerApplication*>( qApp );

bool ServerApplication::isStarting()
    return ms_is_starting;

int ServerApplication::exec()
    ms_is_starting = true;
    odebug << "Serverapp - exec" << oendl;
    return QPEApplication::exec();

#include "serverapp.moc"