/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "packageslave.h" /* OPIE */ #include <opie2/odebug.h> #include <qtopia/qprocess.h> #ifdef Q_WS_QWS #include <qtopia/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #endif using namespace Opie::Core; /* QT */ #ifdef Q_WS_QWS #include <qcopchannel_qws.h> #endif #include <qtextstream.h> /* STD */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> // mkdir() #if defined(_OS_LINUX_) || defined(Q_OS_LINUX) #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/vfs.h> #include <mntent.h> #elif defined(Q_OS_MACX) #include <unistd.h> #endif PackageHandler::PackageHandler( QObject *parent, char* name ) : QObject( parent, name ), packageChannel( 0 ), currentProcess( 0 ), mNoSpaceLeft( FALSE ) { // setup qcop channel #ifndef QT_NO_COP packageChannel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/Package", this ); connect( packageChannel, SIGNAL( received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&) ), this, SLOT( qcopMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&) ) ); #endif } void PackageHandler::qcopMessage( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data ) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); if ( msg == "installPackage(QString)" ) { QString file; stream >> file; installPackage( file ); } else if ( msg == "removePackage(QString)" ) { QString file; stream >> file; removePackage( file ); } else if ( msg == "addPackageFiles(QString,QString)" ) { QString location, listfile; stream >> location >> listfile; addPackageFiles( location, listfile); } else if ( msg == "addPackages(QString)" ) { QString location; stream >> location; addPackages( location ); } else if ( msg == "cleanupPackageFiles(QString)" ) { QString listfile; stream >> listfile; cleanupPackageFiles( listfile ); } else if ( msg == "cleanupPackages(QString)" ) { QString location; stream >> location; cleanupPackages( location ); } else if ( msg == "prepareInstall(QString,QString)" ) { QString size, path; stream >> size; stream >> path; prepareInstall( size, path ); } } void PackageHandler::installPackage( const QString &package ) { if ( mNoSpaceLeft ) { mNoSpaceLeft = FALSE; // Don't emit that for now, I still couldn't test it (Wener) //sendReply( "installFailed(QString)", package ); //return; } currentProcess = new QProcess( QStringList() << "ipkg" << "install" << package ); // No tr connect( currentProcess, SIGNAL( processExited() ), SLOT( iProcessExited() ) ); connect( currentProcess, SIGNAL( readyReadStdout() ), SLOT( readyReadStdout() ) ); connect( currentProcess, SIGNAL( readyReadStderr() ), SLOT( readyReadStderr() ) ); currentPackage = package; currentProcessError=""; sendReply( "installStarted(QString)", package ); currentProcess->start(); } void PackageHandler::removePackage( const QString &package ) { currentProcess = new QProcess( QStringList() << "ipkg" << "remove" << package ); // No tr connect( currentProcess, SIGNAL( processExited() ), SLOT( rmProcessExited() ) ); connect( currentProcess, SIGNAL( readyReadStdout() ), SLOT( readyReadStdout() ) ); connect( currentProcess, SIGNAL( readyReadStderr() ), SLOT( readyReadStderr() ) ); currentPackage = package; currentProcessError=""; sendReply( "removeStarted(QString)", package ); currentProcess->start(); } void PackageHandler::sendReply( const QCString& msg, const QString& arg ) { #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/Desktop", msg ); e << arg; #endif } void PackageHandler::addPackageFiles( const QString &location, const QString &listfile ) { QFile f(listfile); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 //make a copy so we can remove the symlinks later mkdir( ("/usr/lib/ipkg/info/"+location).ascii(), 0777 ); system(("cp " + f.name() + " /usr/lib/ipkg/info/"+location).ascii()); #else QDir d; //#### revise odebug << "Copy file at " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "" << oendl; d.mkdir(("/usr/lib/ipkg/info/" + location).ascii()); system(("copy " + f.name() + " /usr/lib/ipkg/info/"+location).ascii()); #endif if ( f.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QTextStream ts(&f); QString s; while ( !ts.eof() ) { // until end of file... s = ts.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' // for s, do link/mkdir. if ( s.right(1) == "/" ) { odebug << "do mkdir for " << s.ascii() << "" << oendl; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 mkdir( s.ascii(), 0777 ); //possible optimization: symlink directories //that don't exist already. -- Risky. #else d.mkdir( s.ascii()); #endif } else { #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 odebug << "do symlink for " << s.ascii() << "" << oendl; symlink( (location + s).ascii(), s.ascii() ); #else odebug << "Copy file instead of a symlink for WIN32" << oendl; if (!CopyFile((TCHAR*)qt_winTchar((location + s), TRUE), (TCHAR*)qt_winTchar(s, TRUE), FALSE)) qWarning("Unable to create symlinkfor %s", (location + s).ascii()); #endif } } f.close(); } } void PackageHandler::addPackages( const QString &location ) { // get list of *.list in location/usr/lib/ipkg/info/*.list QDir dir(location + "/usr/lib/ipkg/info", "*.list", // No tr QDir::Name, QDir::Files); if ( !dir.exists() ) return; QStringList packages = dir.entryList(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = packages.begin(); it != packages.end(); ++it ) { addPackageFiles( location, *it ); } } void PackageHandler::cleanupPackageFiles( const QString &listfile ) { QFile f(listfile); if ( f.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QTextStream ts(&f); QString s; while ( !ts.eof() ) { // until end of file... s = ts.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' // for s, do link/mkdir. if ( s.right(1) == "/" ) { //should rmdir if empty, after all files have been removed } else { #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 odebug << "remove symlink for " << s.ascii() << "" << oendl; //check if it is a symlink first (don't remove /etc/passwd...) char buf[10]; //we don't care about the contents if ( ::readlink( s.ascii(),buf, 10 >= 0 ) ) ::unlink( s.ascii() ); #else // ### revise owarn << "Unable to remove symlink " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "" << oendl; #endif } } f.close(); //remove the list file ::unlink( listfile.ascii() ); } } void PackageHandler::cleanupPackages( const QString &location ) { // get list of *.list in location/usr/lib/ipkg/info/*.list QDir dir( "/usr/lib/ipkg/info/"+location, "*.list", // No tr QDir::Name, QDir::Files); if ( !dir.exists() ) return; QStringList packages = dir.entryList(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = packages.begin(); it != packages.end(); ++it ) { cleanupPackageFiles( *it ); } //remove the backup directory //### } void PackageHandler::prepareInstall( const QString& size, const QString& path ) { // Check whether there will be enough space to install the next package. bool ok; unsigned int s = size.toUInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return; // Shamelessly stolen from the sysinfo application (Werner) #if defined(_OS_LINUX_) || defined(Q_OS_LINUX) struct statfs fs; if ( statfs( path.latin1(), &fs ) == 0 ) if ( s > fs.f_bsize * fs.f_bavail ) { //odebug << "############### Not enough space left ###############" << oendl; mNoSpaceLeft = TRUE; } #endif } void PackageHandler::iProcessExited() { if ( currentProcess->normalExit() && currentProcess->exitStatus() == 0 ) sendReply( "installDone(QString)", currentPackage ); else { #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/Desktop", "installFailed(QString,int,QString)" ); e << currentPackage << currentProcess->exitStatus() << currentProcessError; #endif } delete currentProcess; currentProcess = 0; #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); QString lf = QString::null; e << lf; #endif unlink( currentPackage ); } void PackageHandler::rmProcessExited() { if ( currentProcess->normalExit() && currentProcess->exitStatus() == 0 ) sendReply( "removeDone(QString)", currentPackage ); else sendReply( "removeFailed(QString)", currentPackage ); #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); QString lf = QString::null; e << lf; #endif } void PackageHandler::readyReadStdout() { while ( currentProcess->canReadLineStdout() ) { QString line = currentProcess->readLineStdout(); currentProcessError.append("OUT:"+line); if ( line.contains( "Unpacking" ) ) // No tr sendReply( "installStep(QString)", "one" ); // No tr else if ( line.contains( "Configuring" ) ) // No tr sendReply( "installStep(QString)", "two" ); // No tr } } void PackageHandler::readyReadStderr() { while ( currentProcess->canReadLineStderr() ) { QString line = currentProcess->readLineStderr(); currentProcessError.append("ERR:"+line); } } void PackageHandler::redoPackages() { //get list of filesystems //call cleanupPackages for the ones that have disappeared //call addPackageFiles for the new ones }