/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #define QTOPIA_INTERNAL_LANGLIST #include "inputmethods.h" /* OPIE */ #include <opie2/odebug.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> using namespace Opie::Core; /* QT */ #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qtl.h> #ifdef Q_WS_QWS #include <qwindowsystem_qws.h> #include <qwsevent_qws.h> #include <qcopchannel_qws.h> #endif /* STD */ #include <stdlib.h> /* XPM */ static const char * tri_xpm[]={ "9 9 2 1", "a c #000000", ". c None", ".........", ".........", ".........", "....a....", "...aaa...", "..aaaaa..", ".aaaaaaa.", ".........", "........."}; int InputMethod::operator <(const InputMethod& o) const { return name() < o.name(); } int InputMethod::operator >(const InputMethod& o) const { return name() > o.name(); } int InputMethod::operator <=(const InputMethod& o) const { return name() <= o.name(); } /* Slightly hacky: We use WStyle_Tool as a flag to say "this widget belongs to the IM system, so clicking it should not cause a reset". */ class IMToolButton : public QToolButton { public: IMToolButton( QWidget *parent ) : QToolButton( parent ) { setWFlags( WStyle_Tool ); setBackgroundOrigin( ParentOrigin ); setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground ); } }; InputMethods::InputMethods( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent, "InputMethods", WStyle_Tool | WStyle_Customize ), mkeyboard(0), imethod(0) { readConfig(); setBackgroundOrigin( ParentOrigin ); setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground ); QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout( this ); kbdButton = new IMToolButton( this); kbdButton->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); kbdButton->setToggleButton( TRUE ); if (parent->sizeHint().height() > 0) kbdButton->setFixedHeight( parent->sizeHint().height() ); kbdButton->setFixedWidth( 32 ); kbdButton->setAutoRaise( TRUE ); kbdButton->setUsesBigPixmap( TRUE ); hbox->addWidget( kbdButton ); connect( kbdButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showKbd(bool)) ); kbdChoice = new IMToolButton( this ); kbdChoice->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); kbdChoice->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)tri_xpm ) ); if (parent->sizeHint().height() > 0) kbdChoice->setFixedHeight( parent->sizeHint().height() ); kbdChoice->setFixedWidth( 13 ); kbdChoice->setAutoRaise( TRUE ); hbox->addWidget( kbdChoice ); connect( kbdChoice, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseKbd()) ); connect( (QPEApplication*)qApp, SIGNAL(clientMoused()), this, SLOT(resetStates()) ); imButton = new QWidgetStack( this ); // later a widget stack imButton->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); if (parent->sizeHint().height() > 0) imButton->setFixedHeight( parent->sizeHint().height() ); hbox->addWidget(imButton); imChoice = new QToolButton( this ); imChoice->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); imChoice->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)tri_xpm ) ); if (parent->sizeHint().height() > 0) imChoice->setFixedHeight( parent->sizeHint().height() ); imChoice->setFixedWidth( 13 ); imChoice->setAutoRaise( TRUE ); hbox->addWidget( imChoice ); connect( imChoice, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseIm()) ); loadInputMethods(); QCopChannel *channel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/IME", this ); connect( channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT(qcopReceive(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)) ); } InputMethods::~InputMethods() { Config cfg("qpe"); cfg.setGroup("InputMethod"); if (imethod) cfg.writeEntry("im", imethod->name() ); if (mkeyboard) cfg.writeEntry("current", mkeyboard->name() ); unloadInputMethods(); } void InputMethods::hideInputMethod() { kbdButton->setOn( FALSE ); } void InputMethods::showInputMethod() { kbdButton->setOn( TRUE ); } void InputMethods::showInputMethod(const QString& name) { int i = 0; QValueList<InputMethod>::Iterator it; InputMethod *im = 0; for ( it = inputMethodList.begin(); it != inputMethodList.end(); ++it, i++ ) { QString lname = (*it).libName.mid((*it).libName.findRev('/') + 1); if ( (*it).name() == name || lname == name ) { im = &(*it); break; } } if ( im ) chooseKeyboard(im); } void InputMethods::resetStates() { if ( mkeyboard && !mkeyboard->newIM ) mkeyboard->interface->resetState(); } QRect InputMethods::inputRect() const { if ( !mkeyboard || !mkeyboard->widget || !mkeyboard->widget->isVisible() ) return QRect(); else return mkeyboard->widget->geometry(); } void InputMethods::unloadInputMethods() { unloadMethod( inputMethodList ); unloadMethod( inputModifierList ); inputMethodList.clear(); inputModifierList.clear(); } void InputMethods::unloadMethod( QValueList<InputMethod>& list ) { QValueList<InputMethod>::Iterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) (*it).releaseInterface(); } QStringList InputMethods::plugins()const { QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "plugins/inputmethods"; #ifdef Q_OS_MACX QDir dir( path, "lib*.dylib" ); #else QDir dir( path, "lib*.so" ); #endif /* Q_OS_MACX */ return dir.entryList(); } void InputMethods::installTranslator( const QString& type ) { QStringList langs = Global::languageList(); QStringList::ConstIterator lit; for ( lit= langs.begin(); lit!=langs.end(); ++lit) { QString lang = *lit; QTranslator * trans = new QTranslator(qApp); QString tfn = QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"i18n/"+lang+"/"+type+".qm"; if ( trans->load( tfn )) qApp->installTranslator( trans ); else delete trans; } } void InputMethods::setPreferedHandlers() { Config cfg("qpe"); cfg.setGroup("InputMethod"); QString current = cfg.readEntry("current"); QString im = cfg.readEntry("im"); QValueList<InputMethod>::Iterator it; if (!inputModifierList.isEmpty() && !im.isEmpty() ) { for (it = inputModifierList.begin(); it != inputModifierList.end(); ++it ) if ( (*it).name() == im ) { imethod = &(*it); break; } } if (!inputMethodList.isEmpty() && !current.isEmpty() ) { for (it = inputMethodList.begin(); it != inputMethodList.end(); ++it ) if ( (*it).name() == current ) { owarn << "preferred keyboard is " << current << "" << oendl; mkeyboard = &(*it); kbdButton->setPixmap( *mkeyboard->icon() ); break; } } } void InputMethods::loadInputMethods() { #ifndef QT_NO_COMPONENT hideInputMethod(); mkeyboard = 0; unloadInputMethods(); QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "plugins/inputmethods"; QStringList list = plugins(); QStringList::Iterator it; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { InputMethodInterface *iface = 0; ExtInputMethodInterface *eface = 0; QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary( path + "/" + *it ); if ( lib->queryInterface( IID_InputMethod, (QUnknownInterface**)&iface ) == QS_OK ) { InputMethod input; input.newIM = FALSE; input.library = lib; input.libName = *it; input.interface = iface; input.widget = input.interface->inputMethod( 0, inputWidgetStyle ); input.interface->onKeyPress( this, SLOT(sendKey(ushort,ushort,ushort,bool,bool)) ); inputMethodList.append( input ); } else if ( lib->queryInterface( IID_ExtInputMethod, (QUnknownInterface**)&eface ) == QS_OK ) { InputMethod input; input.newIM = TRUE; input.library = lib; input.libName = *it; input.extInterface = eface; input.widget = input.extInterface->keyboardWidget( 0, inputWidgetStyle ); // may be either a simple, or advanced. if (input.widget) { //odebug << "its a keyboard" << oendl; inputMethodList.append( input ); } else { //odebug << "its a real im" << oendl; input.widget = input.extInterface->statusWidget( 0, 0 ); if (input.widget) { //odebug << "blah" << oendl; inputModifierList.append( input ); imButton->addWidget(input.widget, inputModifierList.count()); } } }else{ delete lib; lib = 0l; } installTranslator( (*it).left( (*it).find(".") ) ); } qHeapSort( inputMethodList ); #endif /* killed BUILT in cause they would not compile */ QWSServer::setCurrentInputMethod( 0 ); /* set the prefered IM + handler */ setPreferedHandlers(); if ( !inputModifierList.isEmpty() ) { if (!imethod) imethod = &inputModifierList[0]; imButton->raiseWidget(imethod->widget); QWSServer::setCurrentInputMethod( imethod->extInterface->inputMethod() ); } else { imethod = 0; } // we need to update keyboards afterwards, as some of them may not be compatible with // the current input method updateKeyboards(imethod); if ( !inputModifierList.isEmpty() ) imButton->show(); else imButton->hide(); if ( inputModifierList.count() > 1 ) imChoice->show(); else imChoice->hide(); } void InputMethods::chooseKbd() { QPopupMenu pop( this ); pop.setFocusPolicy( NoFocus ); //don't reset IM QString imname; if (imethod) imname = imethod->libName.mid(imethod->libName.findRev('/') + 1); int i = 0; int firstDepKbd = 0; QValueList<InputMethod>::Iterator it; for ( it = inputMethodList.begin(); it != inputMethodList.end(); ++it, i++ ) { // add empty new items, all old items. if (!(*it).newIM || (*it).extInterface->compatible().count() == 0 ) { pop.insertItem( (*it).name(), i, firstDepKbd); if ( mkeyboard == &(*it) ) pop.setItemChecked( i, TRUE ); firstDepKbd++; } else if ( (*it).extInterface->compatible().contains(imname)) { // check if we need to insert a sep. if (firstDepKbd == i) pop.insertSeparator(); pop.insertItem( (*it).name(), i, -1); if ( mkeyboard == &(*it) ) pop.setItemChecked( i, TRUE ); } } QPoint pt = mapToGlobal(kbdChoice->geometry().topRight()); QSize s = pop.sizeHint(); pt.ry() -= s.height(); pt.rx() -= s.width(); i = pop.exec( pt ); if ( i == -1 ) return; InputMethod *im = &inputMethodList[i]; chooseKeyboard(im); } void InputMethods::chooseIm() { QPopupMenu pop( this ); int i = 0; QValueList<InputMethod>::Iterator it; for ( it = inputModifierList.begin(); it != inputModifierList.end(); ++it, i++ ) { pop.insertItem( (*it).name(), i ); if ( imethod == &(*it) ) pop.setItemChecked( i, TRUE ); } QPoint pt = mapToGlobal(imChoice->geometry().topRight()); QSize s = pop.sizeHint(); pt.ry() -= s.height(); pt.rx() -= s.width(); i = pop.exec( pt ); if ( i == -1 ) return; InputMethod *im = &inputModifierList[i]; chooseMethod(im); } void InputMethods::chooseKeyboard(InputMethod* im) { if ( im != mkeyboard ) { if ( mkeyboard && mkeyboard->widget->isVisible() ) mkeyboard->widget->hide(); mkeyboard = im; kbdButton->setPixmap( *mkeyboard->icon() ); } if ( !kbdButton->isOn() ) kbdButton->setOn( TRUE ); else showKbd( TRUE ); } static bool keyboardCompatible(InputMethod *keyb, const QString &imname ) { if ( !keyb || !keyb->newIM || !keyb->extInterface->compatible().count() ) return TRUE; if ( keyb->extInterface->compatible().contains(imname) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // Updates the display of the soft keyboards available to the current input method void InputMethods::updateKeyboards(InputMethod *im ) { uint count; if ( im ) { QString imname = im->libName.mid(im->libName.findRev('/') + 1); if ( mkeyboard && !keyboardCompatible(mkeyboard, imname) ) { kbdButton->setOn( FALSE ); showKbd( FALSE ); mkeyboard = 0; } count = 0; QValueList<InputMethod>::Iterator it; for ( it = inputMethodList.begin(); it != inputMethodList.end(); ++it ) { if ( keyboardCompatible( &(*it), imname ) ) { if ( !mkeyboard ) { mkeyboard = &(*it); kbdButton->setPixmap( *mkeyboard->icon() ); } count++; } } } else { count = inputMethodList.count(); if ( count && !mkeyboard ) { mkeyboard = &inputMethodList[0]; kbdButton->setPixmap( *mkeyboard->icon() ); } else if (!count){ mkeyboard = 0; //might be redundant } } if ( count > 1 ) kbdChoice->show(); else kbdChoice->hide(); if ( count ) kbdButton->show(); else kbdButton->hide(); } void InputMethods::chooseMethod(InputMethod* im) { if ( im != imethod ) { updateKeyboards( im ); Config cfg("qpe"); cfg.setGroup("InputMethod"); if (im ) cfg.writeEntry("im", im->name() ); if (mkeyboard) cfg.writeEntry("current", mkeyboard->name() ); QWSServer::setCurrentInputMethod( 0 ); imethod = im; if ( imethod && imethod->newIM ) QWSServer::setCurrentInputMethod( imethod->extInterface->inputMethod() ); else QWSServer::setCurrentInputMethod( 0 ); if ( im ) imButton->raiseWidget(im->widget); else imButton->hide(); //### good UI? make sure it is shown again! } } void InputMethods::qcopReceive( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data ) { if ( imethod && imethod->newIM ) imethod->extInterface->qcopReceive( msg, data ); } void InputMethods::showKbd( bool on ) { if ( !mkeyboard ) return; if ( on ) { mkeyboard->resetState(); int height = QMIN( mkeyboard->widget->sizeHint().height(), 134 ); int width = static_cast<int>( qApp->desktop()->width() * (inputWidgetWidth*0.01) ); int left = 0; int top = mapToGlobal( QPoint() ).y() - height; if ( inputWidgetStyle & QWidget::WStyle_DialogBorder ) { odebug << "InputMethods: reading geometry." << oendl; Config cfg( "Launcher" ); cfg.setGroup( "InputMethods" ); int l = cfg.readNumEntry( "absX", -1 ); int t = cfg.readNumEntry( "absY", -1 ); int w = cfg.readNumEntry( "absWidth", -1 ); int h = cfg.readNumEntry( "absHeight", -1 ); if ( l > -1 && t > -1 && w > -1 && h > -1 ) { odebug << "InputMethods: config values ( " << l << ", " << t << ", " << w << ", " << h << " ) are ok." << oendl; left = l; top = t; width = w; height = h; } else { odebug << "InputMethods: config values are new or not ok." << oendl; } } else { odebug << "InputMethods: no floating selected." << oendl; } mkeyboard->widget->resize( width, height ); mkeyboard->widget->move( left, top ); mkeyboard->widget->show(); mkeyboard->widget->installEventFilter( this ); } else { if ( inputWidgetStyle & QWidget::WStyle_DialogBorder ) { QPoint pos = mkeyboard->widget->pos(); QSize siz = mkeyboard->widget->size(); odebug << "InputMethods: saving geometry." << oendl; Config cfg( "Launcher" ); cfg.setGroup( "InputMethods" ); cfg.writeEntry( "absX", pos.x() ); cfg.writeEntry( "absY", pos.y() ); cfg.writeEntry( "absWidth", siz.width() ); cfg.writeEntry( "absHeight", siz.height() ); cfg.write(); mkeyboard->widget->removeEventFilter( this ); } mkeyboard->widget->hide(); } emit inputToggled( on ); } bool InputMethods::shown() const { return mkeyboard && mkeyboard->widget->isVisible(); } QString InputMethods::currentShown() const { return mkeyboard && mkeyboard->widget->isVisible() ? mkeyboard->name() : QString::null; } void InputMethods::sendKey( ushort unicode, ushort scancode, ushort mod, bool press, bool repeat ) { #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) QWSServer::sendKeyEvent( unicode, scancode, mod, press, repeat ); #endif } bool InputMethods::eventFilter( QObject* , QEvent* e ) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::Close ) { ( (QCloseEvent*) e )->ignore(); showKbd( false ); kbdButton->setOn( false ); return true; } return false; } void InputMethods::readConfig() { Config cfg( "Launcher" ); cfg.setGroup( "InputMethods" ); inputWidgetStyle = QWidget::WStyle_Customize | QWidget::WStyle_StaysOnTop | QWidget::WGroupLeader | QWidget::WStyle_Tool; inputWidgetStyle |= cfg.readBoolEntry( "Float", false ) ? QWidget::WStyle_DialogBorder : 0; inputWidgetWidth = cfg.readNumEntry( "Width", 100 ); }