1. How to use the Opie build system
There's a tutorial document at:

The API reference currently is at:

You will need qvfb, uic and
(if you want to develop applications) designer
compiled and linked against qt-x11.
That means you must download and configure/make it.
wget ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz
(Alternatively, you can get static binaries from http://www.vanille.de/tools)

The recommended version of Qt embedded is qt-embedded-2.3.7

You can get it from:

Set QTDIR to point to your qt/embedded source tree, such as:
export QTDIR=/opt/qt-2.3.7

You need to do set the OPIEDIR environment variable:
export OPIEDIR=`pwd`
export OPIEDIR=~/projects/sources/opie
or whereever you placed the Opie sources.

You need to adjust your runtime library search path,
so that the Qt/Embedded and Opie libraries can be found:

You have to apply the qte<version>-all.patch to the Qt/Embedded
sources and copy the qconfig-qpe.h file to $QTDIR/src/tools:
cd $QTDIR; cat $OPIEDIR/qt/qte<version>-all.patch | patch -p1
cp $OPIEDIR/qt/qconfig-qpe.h $QTDIR/src/tools

You are now ready to configure and build Qt/Embedded

echo 'yes' | ./configure -qconfig qpe -depths 4,16,24,32 -system-jpeg -system-libpng -system-zlib -no-xkb -no-sm -no-xft -qvfb

Note that the above command ( -qvfb ) compiles in the Virtual 
Framebuffer and is mostly meant for development on your host system.
For cross compiling, you will need to use the -xplatform switch.
See ./configure --help for details about the possible options.

Once you have these compiled, be sure to set the PATH to ensure your (cross)compiler
is available.

Then do the following in the opie source tree:

make clean
make menuconfig

Now you can move through the menu and select or deselect anything..
Exit and save the configuration and enter "make" to create opie...

Have fun!

2. Used Libraries

The following Libraries are used in Opie.
For a successful build you must install these librarys and headers.
The versions are known-good versions. If you successfully try newer ones,
commit a new README or send a mail to opie-devel@handhelds.org

* libsdl 1.2

* libxine 1.0 beta 11

* libpcap 0.7.2

* libetpan 0.33pre
  http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/libetpan/ + patch in noncore/net/mail/libetpanstuff

* libsqlite 2.8.6

* libipk v109 (or greater)