From 5042e3cf0d3514552769e441f5aad590c8eaf967 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kergoth <kergoth>
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2002 00:10:42 +0000
Subject: Adding qmake in preperation for new build system

(limited to 'qmake/tools/qbitarray.cpp')

diff --git a/qmake/tools/qbitarray.cpp b/qmake/tools/qbitarray.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f4e14b
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/qmake/tools/qbitarray.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+** $Id$
+** Implementation of QBitArray class
+** Created : 940118
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
+** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
+** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
+** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
+** Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+** See or email for
+**   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
+** See for QPL licensing information.
+** See for GPL licensing information.
+** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
+** not clear to you.
+#include "qbitarray.h"
+#include "qdatastream.h"
+#define SHBLOCK	 ((bitarr_data*)(sharedBlock()))
+    \class QBitVal qbitarray.h
+    \reentrant
+    \brief The QBitVal class is an internal class, used with QBitArray.
+    \ingroup collection
+    The QBitVal is required by the indexing [] operator on bit arrays.
+    It is not for use in any other context.
+    \fn QBitVal::QBitVal (QBitArray* a, uint i)
+    Constructs a reference to element \a i in the QBitArray \a a.
+    This is what QBitArray::operator[] constructs its return value
+    with.
+    \fn QBitVal::operator int()
+    Returns the value referenced by the QBitVal.
+    \fn QBitVal& QBitVal::operator= (const QBitVal& v)
+    Sets the value referenced by the QBitVal to that referenced by
+    QBitVal \a v.
+    \overload QBitVal& QBitVal::operator= (bool v)
+    Sets the value referenced by the QBitVal to \a v.
+    \class QBitArray qbitarray.h
+    \reentrant
+    \brief The QBitArray class provides an array of bits.
+    \ingroup collection
+    \ingroup tools
+    \ingroup shared
+    Because QBitArray is a QMemArray, it uses explicit \link
+    shclass.html sharing\endlink with a reference count.
+    A QBitArray is a special byte array that can access individual
+    bits and perform bit-operations (AND, OR, XOR and NOT) on entire
+    arrays or bits.
+    Bits can be manipulated by the setBit() and clearBit() functions,
+    but it is also possible to use the indexing [] operator to test
+    and set individual bits. The [] operator is a little slower than
+    setBit() and clearBit() because some tricks are required to
+    implement single-bit assignments.
+    Example:
+    \code
+    QBitArray a(3);
+    a.setBit( 0 );
+    a.clearBit( 1 );
+    a.setBit( 2 );     // a = [1 0 1]
+    QBitArray b(3);
+    b[0] = 1;
+    b[1] = 1;
+    b[2] = 0;          // b = [1 1 0]
+    QBitArray c;
+    c = ~a & b;        // c = [0 1 0]
+    \endcode
+    When a QBitArray is constructed the bits are uninitialized. Use
+    fill() to set all the bits to 0 or 1. The array can be resized
+    with resize() and copied with copy(). Bits can be set with
+    setBit() and cleared with clearBit(). Bits can be toggled with
+    toggleBit(). A bit's value can be obtained with testBit() and with
+    at().
+    QBitArray supports the \& (AND), | (OR), ^ (XOR) and ~ (NOT)
+    operators.
+/*! \class QBitArray::bitarr_data
+  \brief The QBitArray::bitarr_data class is internal.
+  \internal
+    Constructs an empty bit array.
+QBitArray::QBitArray() : QByteArray( 0, 0 )
+    bitarr_data *x = new bitarr_data;
+    Q_CHECK_PTR( x );
+    x->nbits = 0;
+    setSharedBlock( x );
+    Constructs a bit array of \a size bits. The bits are uninitialized.
+    \sa fill()
+QBitArray::QBitArray( uint size ) : QByteArray( 0, 0 )
+    bitarr_data *x = new bitarr_data;
+    Q_CHECK_PTR( x );
+    x->nbits = 0;
+    setSharedBlock( x );
+    resize( size );
+    \fn QBitArray::QBitArray( const QBitArray &a )
+    Constructs a shallow copy of \a a.
+    \fn QBitArray &QBitArray::operator=( const QBitArray &a )
+    Assigns a shallow copy of \a a to this bit array and returns a
+    reference to this array.
+    Pad last byte with 0-bits.
+void QBitArray::pad0()
+    uint sz = size();
+    if ( sz && sz%8 )
+	*(data()+sz/8) &= (1 << (sz%8)) - 1;
+    \fn uint QBitArray::size() const
+    Returns the bit array's size (number of bits).
+    \sa resize()
+    Resizes the bit array to \a size bits and returns TRUE if the bit
+    array could be resized; otherwise returns FALSE.
+    If the array is expanded, the new bits are set to 0.
+    \sa size()
+bool QBitArray::resize( uint size )
+    uint s = this->size();
+    if ( !QByteArray::resize( (size+7)/8 ) )
+	return FALSE;				// cannot resize
+    SHBLOCK->nbits = size;
+    if ( size != 0 ) {				// not null array
+	int ds = (int)(size+7)/8 - (int)(s+7)/8;// number of bytes difference
+	if ( ds > 0 )				// expanding array
+	    memset( data() + (s+7)/8, 0, ds );	//   reset new data
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+    Fills the bit array with \a v (1's if \a v is TRUE, or 0's if \a v
+    is FALSE).
+    fill() resizes the bit array to \a size bits if \a size is
+    nonnegative.
+    Returns FALSE if a nonnegative \e size was specified and the bit
+    array could not be resized; otherwise returns TRUE.
+    \sa resize()
+bool QBitArray::fill( bool v, int size )
+    if ( size >= 0 ) {				// resize first
+	if ( !resize( size ) )
+	    return FALSE;			// cannot resize
+    } else {
+	size = this->size();
+    }
+    if ( size > 0 )
+	memset( data(), v ? 0xff : 0, (size + 7) / 8 );
+    if ( v )
+	pad0();
+    return TRUE;
+    Detaches from shared bit array data and makes sure that this bit
+    array is the only one referring to the data.
+    If multiple bit arrays share common data, this bit array
+    dereferences the data and gets a copy of the data. Nothing happens
+    if there is only a single reference.
+    \sa copy()
+void QBitArray::detach()
+    int nbits = SHBLOCK->nbits;
+    this->duplicate( *this );
+    SHBLOCK->nbits = nbits;
+    Returns a deep copy of the bit array.
+    \sa detach()
+QBitArray QBitArray::copy() const
+    QBitArray tmp;
+    tmp.duplicate( *this );
+    ((bitarr_data*)(tmp.sharedBlock()))->nbits = SHBLOCK->nbits;
+    return tmp;
+    Returns TRUE if the bit at position \a index is set, i.e. is 1;
+    otherwise returns FALSE.
+    \sa setBit(), clearBit()
+bool QBitArray::testBit( uint index ) const
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
+    if ( index >= size() ) {
+	qWarning( "QBitArray::testBit: Index %d out of range", index );
+	return FALSE;
+    }
+    return (*(data()+(index>>3)) & (1 << (index & 7))) != 0;
+    \overload
+    Sets the bit at position \a index to 1.
+    \sa clearBit() toggleBit()
+void QBitArray::setBit( uint index )
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
+    if ( index >= size() ) {
+	qWarning( "QBitArray::setBit: Index %d out of range", index );
+	return;
+    }
+    *(data()+(index>>3)) |= (1 << (index & 7));
+    \fn void QBitArray::setBit( uint index, bool value )
+    Sets the bit at position \a index to \a value.
+    Equivalent to:
+    \code
+    if ( value )
+	setBit( index );
+    else
+	clearBit( index );
+    \endcode
+    \sa clearBit() toggleBit()
+    Clears the bit at position \a index, i.e. sets it to 0.
+    \sa setBit(), toggleBit()
+void QBitArray::clearBit( uint index )
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
+    if ( index >= size() ) {
+	qWarning( "QBitArray::clearBit: Index %d out of range", index );
+	return;
+    }
+    *(data()+(index>>3)) &= ~(1 << (index & 7));
+    Toggles the bit at position \a index.
+    If the previous value was 0, the new value will be 1. If the
+    previous value was 1, the new value will be 0.
+    \sa setBit(), clearBit()
+bool QBitArray::toggleBit( uint index )
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
+    if ( index >= size() ) {
+	qWarning( "QBitArray::toggleBit: Index %d out of range", index );
+	return FALSE;
+    }
+    register uchar *p = (uchar *)data() + (index>>3);
+    uchar b = (1 << (index & 7));		// bit position
+    uchar c = *p & b;				// read bit
+    *p ^= b;					// toggle bit
+    return c;
+    \fn bool QBitArray::at( uint index ) const
+    Returns the value (0 or 1) of the bit at position \a index.
+    \sa operator[]()
+    \fn QBitVal QBitArray::operator[]( int index )
+    Implements the [] operator for bit arrays.
+    The returned QBitVal is a context object. It makes it possible to
+    get and set a single bit value by its \a index position.
+    Example:
+    \code
+    QBitArray a( 3 );
+    a[0] = 0;
+    a[1] = 1;
+    a[2] = a[0] ^ a[1];
+    \endcode
+    The functions testBit(), setBit() and clearBit() are faster.
+    \sa at()
+    \overload bool QBitArray::operator[]( int index ) const
+    Implements the [] operator for constant bit arrays.
+    Performs the AND operation between all bits in this bit array and
+    \a a. Returns a reference to this bit array.
+    The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
+    with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
+    other), taken to be 0.
+    \code
+    QBitArray a( 3 ), b( 2 );
+    a[0] = 1;  a[1] = 0;  a[2] = 1;     // a = [1 0 1]
+    b[0] = 1;  b[1] = 0;                // b = [1 0]
+    a &= b;                             // a = [1 0 0]
+    \endcode
+    \sa operator|=(), operator^=(), operator~()
+QBitArray &QBitArray::operator&=( const QBitArray &a )
+    resize( QMAX(size(), a.size()) );
+    register uchar *a1 = (uchar *)data();
+    register uchar *a2 = (uchar *);
+    int n = QMIN( QByteArray::size(), a.QByteArray::size() );
+    int p = QMAX( QByteArray::size(), a.QByteArray::size() ) - n;
+    while ( n-- > 0 )
+	*a1++ &= *a2++;
+    while ( p-- > 0 )
+	*a1++ = 0;
+    return *this;
+    Performs the OR operation between all bits in this bit array and
+    \a a. Returns a reference to this bit array.
+    The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
+    with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
+    other), taken to be 0.
+    \code
+    QBitArray a( 3 ), b( 2 );
+    a[0] = 1;  a[1] = 0;  a[2] = 1;     // a = [1 0 1]
+    b[0] = 1;  b[1] = 0;                // b = [1 0]
+    a |= b;                             // a = [1 0 1]
+    \endcode
+    \sa operator&=(), operator^=(), operator~()
+QBitArray &QBitArray::operator|=( const QBitArray &a )
+    resize( QMAX(size(), a.size()) );
+    register uchar *a1 = (uchar *)data();
+    register uchar *a2 = (uchar *);
+    int n = QMIN( QByteArray::size(), a.QByteArray::size() );
+    while ( n-- > 0 )
+	*a1++ |= *a2++;
+    return *this;
+    Performs the XOR operation between all bits in this bit array and
+    \a a. Returns a reference to this bit array.
+    The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
+    with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
+    other), taken to be 0.
+    \code
+    QBitArray a( 3 ), b( 2 );
+    a[0] = 1;  a[1] = 0;  a[2] = 1;     // a = [1 0 1]
+    b[0] = 1;  b[1] = 0;                // b = [1 0]
+    a ^= b;                             // a = [0 0 1]
+    \endcode
+    \sa operator&=(), operator|=(), operator~()
+QBitArray &QBitArray::operator^=( const QBitArray &a )
+    resize( QMAX(size(), a.size()) );
+    register uchar *a1 = (uchar *)data();
+    register uchar *a2 = (uchar *);
+    int n = QMIN( QByteArray::size(), a.QByteArray::size() );
+    while ( n-- > 0 )
+	*a1++ ^= *a2++;
+    return *this;
+    Returns a bit array that contains the inverted bits of this bit array.
+    Example:
+    \code
+    QBitArray a( 3 ), b;
+    a[0] = 1;  a[1] = 0; a[2] = 1;	// a = [1 0 1]
+    b = ~a;				// b = [0 1 0]
+    \endcode
+QBitArray QBitArray::operator~() const
+    QBitArray a( size() );
+    register uchar *a1 = (uchar *)data();
+    register uchar *a2 = (uchar *);
+    int n = QByteArray::size();
+    while ( n-- )
+	*a2++ = ~*a1++;
+    a.pad0();
+    return a;
+    \relates QBitArray
+    Returns the AND result between the bit arrays \a a1 and \a a2.
+    The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
+    with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
+    other), taken to be 0.
+    \sa QBitArray::operator&=()
+QBitArray operator&( const QBitArray &a1, const QBitArray &a2 )
+    QBitArray tmp = a1.copy();
+    tmp &= a2;
+    return tmp;
+    \relates QBitArray
+    Returns the OR result between the bit arrays \a a1 and \a a2.
+    The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
+    with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
+    other), taken to be 0.
+    \sa QBitArray::operator|=()
+QBitArray operator|( const QBitArray &a1, const QBitArray &a2 )
+    QBitArray tmp = a1.copy();
+    tmp |= a2;
+    return tmp;
+    \relates QBitArray
+    Returns the XOR result between the bit arrays \a a1 and \a a2.
+    The result has the length of the longest of the two bit arrays,
+    with any missing bits (i.e. if one array is shorter than the
+    other), taken to be 0.
+    \sa QBitArray::operator^()
+QBitArray operator^( const QBitArray &a1, const QBitArray &a2 )
+    QBitArray tmp = a1.copy();
+    tmp ^= a2;
+    return tmp;
+/* \enum QGArray::array_data
+  \warning This will be renamed in the next major release of Qt.  Until
+  then it is undocumented and we recommend against its use.
+  \internal
+  ### 3.0 rename ###
+  ### 3.0 move it to QGArray? ###
+    \fn QBitArray::array_data * QBitArray::newData()
+    \internal
+    Returns data specific to QBitArray that extends what QGArray provides.
+    QPtrCollection mechanism for allowing extra/different data.
+    \fn void  QBitArray::deleteData ( array_data * d )
+    \internal
+    Deletes data specific to QBitArray that extended what QGArray provided.
+    QPtrCollection mechanism for allowing extra/different data.
+  QBitArray stream functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+    \relates QBitArray
+    Writes bit array \a a to stream \a s.
+    \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
+QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QBitArray &a )
+    Q_UINT32 len = a.size();
+    s << len;					// write size of array
+    if ( len > 0 )				// write data
+	s.writeRawBytes(, a.QByteArray::size() );
+    return s;
+    \relates QBitArray
+    Reads a bit array into \a a from stream \a s.
+    \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
+QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QBitArray &a )
+    Q_UINT32 len;
+    s >> len;					// read size of array
+    if ( !a.resize( (uint)len ) ) {		// resize array
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+	qWarning( "QDataStream: Not enough memory to read QBitArray" );
+	len = 0;
+    }
+    if ( len > 0 )				// read data
+	s.readRawBytes(, a.QByteArray::size() );
+    return s;
cgit v0.9.0.2