From 34c1199becdb2f9b0447553e66c85d8f6770558f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zecke <zecke>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 19:05:24 +0000
Subject: Add a vCal Resource

Play a bit with cahce sizes
The idea is to have the current page
and the prior page cached... still looking how to do that
(limited to 'libopie2/opiepim/backend/otodoaccessvcal.cpp')

diff --git a/libopie2/opiepim/backend/otodoaccessvcal.cpp b/libopie2/opiepim/backend/otodoaccessvcal.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac70ea0
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libopie2/opiepim/backend/otodoaccessvcal.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qtopia/private/vobject_p.h>
+#include <qtopia/timeconversion.h>
+#include <qtopia/private/qfiledirect_p.h>
+#include "otodoaccessvcal.h"
+namespace {
+    static OTodo eventByVObj( VObject *obj ){
+        OTodo event;
+        VObject *ob;
+        QCString name;
+        // no uid, attendees, ... and no fun
+        // description
+        if( ( ob = isAPropertyOf( obj, VCDescriptionProp )) != 0 ){
+            name = vObjectStringZValue( ob );
+            event.setDescription( name );
+        }
+        // summary
+        if ( ( ob = isAPropertyOf( obj,  VCSummaryProp ) ) != 0 ) {
+            name = vObjectStringZValue( ob );
+            event.setSummary( name );
+        }
+        // completed
+        if( ( ob = isAPropertyOf( obj, VCStatusProp )) != 0 ){
+            name = vObjectStringZValue( ob );
+            if( name == "COMPLETED" ){
+                event.setCompleted( true );
+            }else{
+                event.setCompleted( false );
+            }
+        }else
+            event.setCompleted( false );
+        // priority
+        if ((ob = isAPropertyOf(obj, VCPriorityProp))) {
+            name = vObjectStringZValue( ob );
+            bool ok;
+            event.setPriority(name.toInt(&ok) );
+        }
+        //due date
+        if((ob = isAPropertyOf(obj, VCDueProp)) ){
+            event.setHasDueDate( true );
+            name = vObjectStringZValue( ob );
+            event.setDueDate( TimeConversion::fromISO8601( name).date() );
+        }
+        // categories
+        if((ob = isAPropertyOf( obj, VCCategoriesProp )) != 0 ){
+            name = vObjectStringZValue( ob );
+            qWarning("Categories:%s", );
+        }
+        event.setUid( 1 );
+        return event;
+    };
+    static VObject *vobjByEvent( const OTodo &event )  {
+        VObject *task = newVObject( VCTodoProp );
+        if( task == 0 )
+            return 0l;
+        if( event.hasDueDate() )
+            addPropValue( task, VCDueProp,
+                          TimeConversion::toISO8601( event.dueDate() ) );
+        if( event.isCompleted() )
+            addPropValue( task, VCStatusProp, "COMPLETED");
+        QString string = QString::number(event.priority() );
+        addPropValue( task, VCPriorityProp, string.local8Bit() );
+        addPropValue( task, VCCategoriesProp,
+                      event.idsToString( event.categories() ).local8Bit() );
+        addPropValue( task, VCDescriptionProp,
+                      event.description().local8Bit() );
+        addPropValue( task, VCSummaryProp,
+                      event.summary().local8Bit() );
+  return task;
+OTodoAccessVCal::OTodoAccessVCal( const QString& path )
+    : m_dirty(false), m_file( path )
+OTodoAccessVCal::~OTodoAccessVCal() {
+bool OTodoAccessVCal::load() {
+    m_map.clear();
+    m_dirty = false;
+    VObject* vcal = 0l;
+    vcal = Parse_MIME_FromFileName( QFile::encodeName(m_file).data() );
+    if (!vcal )
+        return false;
+    // Iterate over the list
+    VObjectIterator it;
+    VObject* vobj;
+    initPropIterator(&it, vcal);
+    while( moreIteration( &it ) ) {
+        vobj = ::nextVObject( &it );
+        QCString name = ::vObjectName( vobj );
+        if( name == VCTodoProp ){
+            OTodo to = eventByVObj( vobj );
+            m_map.insert( to.uid(), to );
+        }
+    }
+    // Should I do a delete vcal?
+    return true;
+bool OTodoAccessVCal::reload() {
+    return load();
+bool OTodoAccessVCal::save() {
+    if (!m_dirty )
+        return true;
+    QFileDirect file( m_file );
+    if (! ) )
+        return false;
+    VObject *obj;
+    obj = newVObject( VCCalProp );
+    addPropValue( obj, VCVersionProp, "1.0" );
+    VObject *vo;
+    for(QMap<int, OTodo>::ConstIterator it=m_map.begin(); it !=m_map.end(); ++it ){
+        vo = vobjByEvent( );
+        addVObjectProp(obj, vo );
+    }
+    writeVObject( file.directHandle(), obj );
+    cleanVObject( obj );
+    cleanStrTbl();
+    m_dirty = false;
+    return true;
+void OTodoAccessVCal::clear() {
+    m_map.clear();
+    m_dirty = true;
+bool OTodoAccessVCal::add( const OTodo& to ) {
+    m_map.insert( to.uid(), to );
+    m_dirty = true;
+    return true;
+bool OTodoAccessVCal::remove( int uid ) {
+    m_map.remove( uid );
+    m_dirty = true;
+    return true;
+bool OTodoAccessVCal::replace( const OTodo& to ) {
+    m_map.replace( to.uid(), to );
+    m_dirty = true;
+    return true;
+OTodo OTodoAccessVCal::find(int uid )const {
+    return m_map[uid];
+QArray<int> OTodoAccessVCal::sorted( bool, int, int, int ) {
+    QArray<int> ar(0);
+    return ar;
+QArray<int> OTodoAccessVCal::allRecords()const {
+    QArray<int> ar( m_map.count() );
+    QMap<int, OTodo>::ConstIterator it;
+    int i = 0;
+    for ( it = m_map.begin(); it != m_map.end(); ++it ) {
+        ar[i] = it.key();
+        i++;
+    }
+    return ar;
+QArray<int> OTodoAccessVCal::queryByExample( const OTodo&, int ) {
+    QArray<int> ar(0);
+    return ar;
+QArray<int> OTodoAccessVCal::effectiveToDos( const QDate& ,
+                                             const QDate& ,
+                                             bool  ) {
+    QArray<int> ar(0);
+    return ar;
+QArray<int> OTodoAccessVCal::overDue() {
+    QArray<int> ar(0);
+    return ar;
cgit v0.9.0.2