From 5f6f3f7d9356e24ac5284b7ccc10a75451ea94ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mickeyl <mickeyl>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 17:36:09 +0000
Subject: some header files and glue to compile japanese apps

pretty much work in progress - maybe someone wants to finish
diff --git a/Rules.make b/Rules.make
index 16b4ffa..69b54e4 100644
--- a/Rules.make
+++ b/Rules.make
@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ $(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers :
 		$(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia \
 		$(TOPDIR)/include/opie \
 		$(TOPDIR)/include/opie2 \
-		$(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia/private
+		$(TOPDIR)/include/qtopia/private \
+		$(TOPDIR)/include/sl
 	( cd include/qpe &&  rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; ln -sf ../../library/backend/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; )
 	( cd include/qtopia && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../library/*.h .; )
 	( cd include/qtopia/private && rm -f *.h; ln -sf ../../../library/backend/*.h .; )
@@ -117,7 +118,9 @@ $(OPIEDIR)/stamp-headers :
 	( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opieui/*.h .; )
 	( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opieui/fileselector/*.h .; )
 	( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libopie2/opieui/big-screen/*.h .; )
+	# auxilliary libraries
 	( cd include/opie2 && ln -sf ../../libqtaux/*.h .; )
+	( cd include/sl && ln -sf ../../libslcompat/*.h .; )
 	# all
 	( cd include/opie; for generatedHeader in `cd ../../libopie; ls *.ui | sed -e "s,\.ui,\.h,g"`; do \
 	ln -sf ../../libopie/$$generatedHeader $$generatedHeader; done )
diff --git a/libslcompat/.cvsignore b/libslcompat/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f7300c
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/libslcompat/README b/libslcompat/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bed034
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Skeleton for a compat library for the Sharp closed source libsl.
+Early stage and will probably never be useful except for getting
+some of the japaneese apps to compile.
+Better pester Sharp to open up their sources.
diff --git a/libslcompat/ b/libslcompat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..365d217
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+    boolean "Sharp libsl compatibility library"
+    default "n"
+    depends on LIBOPIE2UI
diff --git a/libslcompat/ b/libslcompat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84d9ad6
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+TEMPLATE        = lib
+CONFIG          += qte warn_on debug
+HEADERS         = slcolorselector.h       \
+                  slfileselector.h        \
+                  slmisc.h
+SOURCES         = slcolorselector.cpp     \
+                  slfileselector.cpp
+TARGET          = slcompat
+DESTDIR      = $(OPIEDIR)/lib
+LIBS        += -lopiecore2 -lopieui2 -lqtaux2
+include ( $(OPIEDIR)/ )
diff --git a/libslcompat/slcolorselector.cpp b/libslcompat/slcolorselector.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18b408f
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/slcolorselector.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "slcolorselector.h"
+SlColorTable::SlColorTable( QWidget *parent, const char *name,WFlags f,
+                            int r, int c, const QRgb *a )
+             :QTableView( parent, name, f )
+QSize SlColorTable::sizeHint() const
+void SlColorTable::paintCell(QPainter*,int,int)
+void SlColorTable::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*)
+void SlColorTable::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*)
+void SlColorTable::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)
+void SlColorTable::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)
+SlColorSelector::SlColorSelector(bool isTransparentAccept, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f)
+                :QVBox( parent, name, f )
+SlColorSelectorPopup::SlColorSelectorPopup(bool isTransparentAccept, QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f)
+                     :OColorPopupMenu( QColor(), parent, name )
+void SlColorSelectorPopup::setCurrentColor(QRgb)
diff --git a/libslcompat/slcolorselector.h b/libslcompat/slcolorselector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1ee1f2
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/slcolorselector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 SHARP CORPORATION All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <opie2/ocolorpopupmenu.h>
+using namespace Opie;
+#include <qtableview.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#define DEF_COLOR_R (6)
+#define DEF_COLOR_C (8)
+struct SlColorTablePrivate;
+class SlColorTable : public QTableView
+	SlColorTable(QWidget *parent=0,const char *name=NULL,WFlags f=0,
+				 int r=DEF_COLOR_R,int c=DEF_COLOR_C,const QRgb *a=NULL);
+	~SlColorTable();
+	void setCurrentColor(QRgb);
+	QSize sizeHint() const;
+	void paintCell(QPainter*,int,int);
+	void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
+	void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*);
+	void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
+	void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*);
+	void selected(QRgb rgb);
+	void reSelected(QRgb rgb);
+	SlColorTablePrivate *p;
+	void setCurrent(int,int);
+	void setSelected(int,int);
+	QRgb getRgbInCell(int,int);
+struct SlColorSelectorPrivate;
+class SlColorSelector : public QVBox
+	SlColorSelector(bool isTransparentAccept,
+					QWidget *parent=0,const char *name=NULL,WFlags f=0);
+	~SlColorSelector();
+	void setCurrentColor(QRgb);
+	void setCurrentColorTransparent();
+	void selected(QRgb rgb);
+	void reSelected(QRgb rgb);
+	void transparentSelected();
+	void transparentReSelected();
+private slots:
+	void slotTransparentToggled(int);
+	SlColorSelectorPrivate *p;
+struct SlColorSelectorPopupPrivate;
+class SlColorSelectorPopup : public OColorPopupMenu //QPopupMenu
+	SlColorSelectorPopup(bool isTransparentAccept,
+						 QWidget *parent=0,const char *name=NULL,WFlags f=0);
+	~SlColorSelectorPopup();
+	void setCurrentColor(QRgb);
+	void setCurrentColorTransparent();
+	void selected(QRgb rgb);
+	void transparentSelected();
+private slots:
+	void slotSelected(QRgb);
+	void slotReSelected(QRgb);
+	void slotTransparentSelected();
+	void slotTransparentReSelected();
+	SlColorSelectorPopupPrivate *p;
diff --git a/libslcompat/slfiledialog.h b/libslcompat/slfiledialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad105c
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/slfiledialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 SHARP CORPORATION All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef __SLFILEDIALOG_H__
+#define __SLFILEDIALOG_H__
+#include <qdialog.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qvalidator.h>
+#include <sl/slmisc.h>
+class SlFileNameValidator : public QValidator
+	SlFileNameValidator( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 ) : QValidator(parent,name) {};
+	virtual State validate(QString&,int&) const;
+	virtual void fixup(QString&) const;
+class SlFileDialogPrivate;
+class SlFileDialog : public QDialog
+	SlFileDialog(bool bSaveAs = FALSE, QWidget * parent=0, const char * name=0, bool modal=TRUE, WFlags f=0 );
+	virtual ~SlFileDialog();
+	void setNewDirEnabled(bool);
+	void setDefaultFile( QString path );
+	void setDefaultName( QString name );
+	void setMimeType( QString mime );
+	void setComplementExt( QString ext );
+	void setIconViewType(bool isIcon);
+	QString &getFilePath();
+	QString &getFileName();
+	int		exec();
+protected slots:
+	virtual void accept();
+	void fileSelected(const QFileInfo &fInfo);
+	void slotNewDir();
+	void rotateChanged();
+	void keyPressed(QKeyEvent*,bool&);
+	void getDefaultColumnWidth(SlMisc::SlListColumnInfos &infos);
+	SlFileDialogPrivate *m_pD;
diff --git a/libslcompat/slfileselector.cpp b/libslcompat/slfileselector.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3189b51
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/slfileselector.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#include "slfileselector.h"
+SlFileIconView::SlFileIconView( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
+               :QIconView( parent, name )
+SlFileListView::SlFileListView( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
+               :QListView( parent, name )
+SlFileSelector::SlFileSelector( const QString &dirPath, const QString &mimefilter, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+               :OFileSelector( dirPath, parent, name )
+bool SlFileSelector::isTopDir()
+    return false;
+void SlFileSelector::setSelected()
+void SlFileSelector::setSelected(const QString&)
+    int a;
+void SlFileSelector::createFileList()
+    int a;
+void SlFileSelector::createFileList(QDir&)
+    int a;
+const QFileInfo* SlFileSelector::selected()
+    int a;
+void SlFileSelector::setCurrentFile(const QString&)
+    int a;
+const QString SlFileSelector::currentDir()
+    int a;
+void SlFileSelector::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)
+void SlFileSelector::show()
+void SlFileSelector::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
diff --git a/libslcompat/slfileselector.h b/libslcompat/slfileselector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35fd11b
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/slfileselector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 SHARP CORPORATION All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <opie2/ofileselector.h>
+using namespace Opie;
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qiconview.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qtableview.h>
+#include <qwidgetstack.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qpe/applnk.h>
+#include <qpe/mimetype.h>
+#include <sl/slmisc.h>
+class QComboBox;
+class SlFileItemType;
+class QCopChannel;
+struct SlFileListItemPrivate;
+class SlFileListItem
+	SlFileListItem(const QFileInfo&,const MimeType&);
+	~SlFileListItem();
+	const QFileInfo &file() const;
+	const MimeType &mimeType() const;
+	const QString getItemIconFilePath() const;
+	const QString name() const;
+	void setName(const QString&);
+	const QString sortKey() const;
+	void setSortKey(const QString&);
+	QPixmap pixmap() const;
+	QPixmap bigPixmap() const;
+	const QString dateString() const;
+	const QString typeString() const;
+	const QString bytesString() const;
+	void setDevice();
+	bool isDevice() const;
+	enum ColumnItem {
+		Name = 1,
+		Type,
+		Date,
+		Bytes,
+		Custom = 100
+	};
+	SlFileListItemPrivate *p;
+	SlFileListItem(const SlFileListItem&);
+typedef QValueList<SlFileListItem*> SlFileList;
+typedef QValueList<SlFileListItem::ColumnItem> SlFileListColumnConf;
+class SlFileListViewItem;
+struct SlFileListViewPrivate;
+class SlFileListView : public QListView
+	SlFileListView(QWidget*, const char*);
+	~SlFileListView();
+	void createFileList(SlFileList&);
+	int fileCount() const;
+	void updateItem(SlFileListViewItem*);
+	void createItem(SlFileListItem*);
+	void deleteItem(const QString&);
+	void deleteItem(SlFileListViewItem*);
+	SlFileListViewItem* searchItem(const QString&);
+	SlFileListColumnConf columnConf();
+	void setColumnConf(SlFileListColumnConf&);
+	void updateColumn();
+	static const QString columnItemName(SlFileListItem::ColumnItem);
+	static const SlFileListColumnConf columnItemList();
+	//virtual void takeItem( SlFileListViewItem * );
+	SlMisc::SlListColumnInfos columnWidthInfos();
+	//void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
+	void keyPressed(QKeyEvent *e,bool &isAccepted);
+protected slots:
+	friend class SlFileSelector;
+	SlFileListViewPrivate *p;
+	SlFileListView(const SlFileListView&);
+class SlFileIconViewItem;
+struct SlFileIconViewPrivate;
+class SlFileIconView : public QIconView
+	SlFileIconView(QWidget*, const char*);
+	~SlFileIconView();
+	void createFileList(SlFileList&);
+	int fileCount() const;
+	void updateItem(SlFileIconViewItem*);
+	void createItem(SlFileListItem*);
+	void deleteItem(const QString&);
+	void deleteItem(SlFileIconViewItem*);
+	SlFileIconViewItem* searchItem(const QString&);
+	void setSorting(int column,bool ascending);
+	int sortColumn() const;
+	void repaintItemsForce();
+	SlFileListColumnConf columnConf();
+	void setColumnConf(SlFileListColumnConf&);
+	//virtual void takeItem( SlFileIconViewItem * );
+	//void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
+protected slots:
+	void keyPressed(QKeyEvent *e,bool &isAccepted);
+	friend class SlFileSelector;
+	SlFileIconViewPrivate *p;
+	SlFileIconView(const SlFileIconView&);
+class SlFileSelectorFilter : public QObject
+	SlFileSelectorFilter(QWidget *parent,const char *name=0);
+	~SlFileSelectorFilter();
+	virtual bool isAddToList(QFileInfo&) const = 0;
+	SlFileSelectorFilter(const SlFileSelectorFilter&);
+typedef QList<MimeType> SlFileMimeTypeList;
+struct SlFileSelectorPrivate;
+class SlFileSelector : public OFileSelector /*QVBox*/
+	enum SlFileSelectorViewType {
+		ListView = 1,
+		IconView
+	};
+	enum SlFileOverwirteMode {
+		Overwrite = 1,
+		NewName,
+		Error
+	};
+	SlFileSelector(const QString &dirPath,
+				   const QString &mimefilter,
+				   QWidget *parent,
+				   const char *name);
+	SlFileSelector(const QString &currentFileName,
+				   SlFileSelectorViewType type,
+				   const QString &mimeFilter,
+				   SlFileListColumnConf &items,
+				   int sortColumn,bool sortAscending,
+				   SlFileSelectorFilter *filter=NULL,
+				   bool isRecursive=FALSE,
+				   QWidget *parent=NULL,
+				   const char *name=NULL,
+				   WFlags f=0);
+	SlFileSelector(QWidget *parent=NULL,const char *name=NULL,WFlags f=0);
+	virtual ~SlFileSelector();
+	void createFileList();
+	void createFileList(QDir&);
+	int fileCount() const;
+	const QFileInfo* selected();
+	void modifyItem(QFileInfo*,bool);
+	void createItem(QString&);
+	void deleteItem(const QString&);
+	void deleteItem();
+	void updateItem(const QString&);
+	SlFileListItem* searchItem(const QString&);
+	void setSelected();
+	void setSelected(const QString&);
+	void ensureItemVisible();
+	SlFileListItem* selectedItem();
+	bool setSelectedNext(bool);
+	bool setSelectedPrev(bool);
+	const QString currentDir();
+	void setSorting(int,bool);
+	int sortColumn() const;
+	bool ascending() const;
+	SlFileSelectorViewType viewType();
+	void setColumnItem(SlFileListColumnConf&);
+	void setViewType(SlFileSelectorViewType);
+	void setListView();
+	void setIconView();
+	int columnWidth(int);
+	void setColumnWidth(int,int);
+	static const QString columnItemName(SlFileListItem::ColumnItem);
+	static const SlFileListColumnConf columnItemList();
+	int columns() const;
+	bool upDir();
+	bool isTopDir();
+	void setCurrentFile(const QString&);
+	const QString currentFile(bool isReal=FALSE);
+	static bool copyFile(const QString&,const QString&,
+						 SlFileOverwirteMode m=Error,
+						 QString *resultName=NULL);
+	static bool copyFileCreateDir(const QString &srcName,
+								  const QString &dstName,
+								  SlFileOverwirteMode m=Error,
+								  QString *resultName=NULL);
+	static bool moveFile(const QString&,const QString&,
+						 SlFileOverwirteMode m=Error,
+						 QString *resultName=NULL);
+	static QString getCopyFileName(const QString&);
+	const QStringList& recent() const;
+	void setRecent(const QStringList&);
+	void setRecent(const QStringList&,bool isReplace);
+	void setRecentEnabled(bool);
+	const QStringList& history() const;
+	void setHistory(const QStringList&);
+	void setHistory(const QStringList&,bool isReplace);
+	bool isHistoryBackAvailable() const;
+	bool isHistoryForwardAvailable() const;
+	bool historyBack();
+	bool historyForward();
+	QPopupMenu *backHistoryPopupMenu() const;
+	QPopupMenu *forwardHistoryPopupMenu() const;
+	void setColumnConf(SlFileListColumnConf&);
+	void sendFileUpdateMessage(const QString&);
+	void updateView();
+	void recreateIcon();
+	void focusToNext();
+	void focusToPrev();
+	bool rename();
+	bool newfolder();
+	bool del();
+	bool duplicate();
+	bool cut();
+	bool copy();
+	bool paste();
+	void setMimeFilter(const QString &);
+	void clearTmpFolder();
+	void setRecursive(bool,bool);
+	bool recursive() const;
+	void setFilter(SlFileSelectorFilter *);
+	SlFileSelectorFilter *filter();
+	bool isEnablePaste();
+	static bool deleteFile(const QString&);
+	static bool deleteDir(const QDir&);
+	static bool copyDir(const QString &srcName,const QString &dstName,
+						SlFileOverwirteMode m=Error);
+	static bool moveDir(const QString&,const QString&,
+						SlFileOverwirteMode m=Error);
+	static QString getCopyDirName(const QString &);
+	static bool makeDir(const QString &path);
+	static uint size(const QString &fName);
+	static uint fileFree(const QString &fName);
+	enum DesktopMode {
+		HideDesktop = 1,
+		ShowAll,
+		FileTab
+	};
+	void setDesktopMode(DesktopMode mode);
+	void setEnabledSystemChannel(bool);
+	void showUpDirBtn(bool);
+	void showWritableFile(bool);
+	void setEnableSD(bool);
+	void setEnableCF(bool);
+	bool getEnableSD();
+	bool getEnableCF();
+	void sendKeyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
+	void setScale(int scale);
+	int scale() const;
+	SlMisc::SlListColumnInfos columnWidthInfos();
+	enum FocusMode {
+		Auto = 1,
+		ByTab,
+		ByCommand
+	};
+	void setFocusMode(FocusMode mode);
+	void adjustContentsSize();
+	static void updateFile(const QString &filename);
+	bool delFile(const QString &mymsg);
+	bool isIncludedFile(const QString &filename);
+	void selectionChanged(const QFileInfo &file,bool isDevice);
+	void fileSelected(const QFileInfo &file);
+	void dirOpened(const QDir &dir);
+	void enabledPaste(bool);
+	void columnWidthChanged(int column,int oldSize,int newSize);
+	void itemRightPressed(const QFileInfo &file,const QPoint &pos);
+	void selectionLost();
+	//void keyPressed(QKeyEvent *e,bool &isAccepted);
+private slots:
+	void fileClicked(QListViewItem *);
+	void fileClicked(QIconViewItem *);
+	void selectionChanged(QListViewItem *);
+	void selectionChanged(QIconViewItem *);
+	void dMenuChanged(int);
+	void changeDirectory(int,bool isImmediate=TRUE);
+	void hMenuSelected(int);
+	void cardMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray &);
+	void systemMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray &);
+	void headerClicked(int);
+	void asyncHMenuSelected();
+	void asyncDMenuChanged();
+	void rightPressed(QIconViewItem *,const QPoint&);
+	void rightPressed(QListViewItem *,const QPoint&,int);
+	void upDirClicked();
+	void slotKeyPressed(QKeyEvent *e,bool &isAccepted);
+	void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*);
+	void show();
+	void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
+	void openDirInside(QDir&);
+	void createMyPda();
+	void init();
+	SlFileSelectorPrivate *p;
+	SlFileSelector(const SlFileSelector&);
+	ulong focusWidgets() const;
+	QWidget* nextFocus(QWidget *,bool) const;
+	bool focusToTheWidget(QWidget *);
diff --git a/libslcompat/slmisc.h b/libslcompat/slmisc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ba988
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libslcompat/slmisc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 SHARP CORPORATION All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qpe/global.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#define _SLPOWER
+class QPopupMenu;
+class QListView;
+#if !defined(_SLPOWER)
+class PowerStatus;
+class SlPowerStatus;
+class Config;
+typedef ulong SlResolutionScale;
+class SlMisc {
+	static bool isExecutable(const QString &c) {
+		QFileInfo exec(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/bin/" + c);
+		return exec.isExecutable();
+	};
+	static ulong availableMemory();
+	static bool invalidFileName(QString &fName);
+	static QString getValidFileName(const QString &baseName);
+	static QString getCanonicalPath(const QString &fName);
+	static void enableAutoPowerOff(bool isOn);
+	static void enableAutoPowerOff(bool isOn,bool DimAlso,bool ScreenSaverAlso=FALSE);
+	static void enableLockApplication(bool);
+	static bool isTheSmbShareFileHasWriteEntry(const QString &shareFName);
+	static bool isTheSmbShareFileNowCopy(const QString &shareFName);
+	static bool checkTheSmbShareFileMode(const QString &shareFName,
+						 char modeMask, char checkMode, bool equality);
+	static bool isTheFileLockedBySmbd(const QString &fName);
+	static bool isSambaForked();
+	static void startSamba();
+	static void stopSamba();
+	enum ListType { Pid, CmdLine, Both };
+	static QStringList procList (const QRegExp& re, uint max = 0, enum ListType type = Pid);
+	static void dumpMemInfo(bool isShowHeap);
+	static bool canCreateTheFile(const QString&);
+	static QString getLanguage();
+	static QSize getMaximizedWidgetInfo();
+	static QSize SlMisc::getScrollbarMetrics();
+	static int getDpi();
+	static SlResolutionScale getResolutionScale();
+	static int getMaximizedWidgetContentsWidth();
+	static bool isLandscape();
+	static void requestCloseFile(const QString&);
+	static void requestOpenFile(const QString&);
+	static void insertStandardFontMenu(QPopupMenu *pm);
+	static void insertAllFontMenu(QPopupMenu *pm);
+	static int getLogicalSizeFromMenuId(int id);
+	static void setFontSizeItemChecked(QPopupMenu *pm,int logicalSize);
+	static int getFontPointSize(int logicalSize);
+	static void toggleFontSize(QPopupMenu *pm,int &logicalSize,bool isLarge=true);
+	static void toggleAllFontSize(QPopupMenu *pm,int *fontSize,bool isLarge=true);
+	static void SlFontArrange (QWidget* widget);
+	static void SlLayoutSpaceArrange (QObject* object);
+	static bool checkBatteryError(const QString &module_name, bool force);
+	static bool checkBatteryErrorWithoutDialog(const QString &module_name, bool force);
+	enum InputDeviceType {
+		BuiltinKeyboard = 1,
+		SoftwareKeyboard = 2
+	};
+	static InputDeviceType defaultInputDevice();
+	typedef struct SlListColumnInfo {
+		enum Type {
+			Fixed = 0,
+			StringLen,
+			Scale,
+			FixedDpiAware
+		};
+		Type type;
+		QString str;
+		int val;
+	};
+	typedef QValueList<SlListColumnInfo> SlListColumnInfos;
+	static void setListColumnsWidth(QWidget *w,SlListColumnInfos &infos,
+									Config &config);
+	static void writeListColumnsWidth(QWidget *w,SlListColumnInfos &infos,
+									  Config &config);
+	static void writeListColumnsWidth(QWidget *w,SlListColumnInfos &infos,
+									  Config &config,bool isLandscape);	
+	static void rotateListColumnsWidth(QWidget *w,SlListColumnInfos &infos,
+									   Config &config);
+	static void setListColumnsWidth(QWidget *w,SlListColumnInfos &infos, Config *config=NULL);
+	static void writeListColumnsWidth(QWidget *w,SlListColumnInfos &infos, Config *config=NULL);
+	static void writeListColumnsWidth(QWidget *w,SlListColumnInfos &infos, bool isLandscape, Config *config=NULL);
+	static void rotateListColumnsWidth(QWidget *w,SlListColumnInfos &infos, Config *config=NULL);
+	static void temporaryMessageBox(const QString &caption, const QString &text, int msec=10000, QMessageBox::Icon icon=QMessageBox::NoIcon, int button0=0, int button1=0, int button2=0, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, QWidget::WFlags f=QWidget::WStyle_DialogBorder);
+	static QString defaultWallPaper();
+	typedef enum AppCommand {
+		NoneCommand = 0,
+		NewCommand,
+		ModifyCommand,
+		DeleteCommand,
+		ZoomInCommand,
+		ZoomOutCommand,
+		CutCommand = 50,
+		CopyCommand,
+		PasteCommand
+	};
+	static AppCommand appCommandFromKey(const QKeyEvent &e);
+	typedef enum RequiredSize {
+		SmallSize = 0,
+		LargeSize
+	};
+	static const char* getTmpPath(RequiredSize);
+	static const char* getTmpPath(ulong);
+	static QString getObexTmpPath();
+	static ulong availableInternalStorage(void);
+	static QString moduleNameFromPath(const QString &path);
diff --git a/packages b/packages
index d5a0c14..b56cfac 100644
--- a/packages
+++ b/packages
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ CONFIG_LIBQPE	library
 CONFIG_LIBQPE-X11	x11/libqpe-x11
 CONFIG_LIBTREMOR core/multimedia/opieplayer/vorbis/tremor
 CONFIG_LIBTREMORPLUGIN core/multimedia/opieplayer/vorbis
 CONFIG_LIGHT-AND-POWER	core/settings/light-and-power
cgit v0.9.0.2