From 14acfe3608e8c57e5cacb08daed8944946e03d42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kergoth Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 02:40:13 +0000 Subject: Commits on behalf of Matej Dakol (wudoo). --- diff --git a/i18n/opie-i18n-sl.control b/i18n/opie-i18n-sl.control index a60785c..2c86fe5 100644 --- a/i18n/opie-i18n-sl.control +++ b/i18n/opie-i18n-sl.control @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Files: i18n/sl/.directory i18n/ko/*.qm +Files: i18n/sl/.directory i18n/sl/*.qm etc/dict/ Priority: optional Section: opie/i18n Maintainer: Matej Dakol @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ Architecture: arm Arch: iPAQ Version: $QPE_VERSION-$SUB_VERSION Depends: opie-base ($QPE_VERSION), qpf-cyberbit-120-50-t10 -Description: i18n: Korean - Korean UI texts for Qtopia environment. +Description: i18n: Slovenian + Slovenian UI texts for Opie environment and dictionary. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/sl/.directory b/i18n/sl/.directory index 84f375a..146b3d3 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/.directory +++ b/i18n/sl/.directory @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ [Desktop Entry] Name=Slovenscina Name[de]=Slowenisch +Name[en]=Slovenian diff --git a/i18n/sl/addressbook.ts b/i18n/sl/addressbook.ts index e41f4db..c051103 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/addressbook.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/addressbook.ts @@ -1,118 +1,165 @@ + AbEditor + + First Name + Ime + + + Last Name + Priimek + + + Categories + Kategorija + + + Gender + Spol + + + Notes + Zapiski + + + Middle Name + Medimek + + + Male + Moški + + + Female + Ženski + + + Enter Note + Vpišite zapiske + + + Notes... + Zapiski... + + + Contacts + Stiki + + + AbTable Full Name - + Polno ime Contact - + Stik Pick - + Izberi Unfiled - + Neizpolnjen AddressSettings Name Title - + Naziv First Name - + Ime Last Name - + Priimek File As - + Datoteka kot Default Email - + Privzeta Epošta Notes - + Zapiski Gender - + Spol - + AddressSettingsBase - + Arrange Edit Fields - + Uredi polja - + Select the field order: - + Izberi zaporedje polj: - + Up - + Gor - + Down - + Dol AddressbookWindow Contacts - + Stiki Contact - + Stik New - + Nov Edit - + Uredi Delete - + Izbriši Find - + Najdi Write Mail To - + Napiši sporočilo Beam Entry - + Prežarčen vnos My Personal Details - + Moje osebne podrobnosti Arrange Edit Fields - + Uredi polja Out of Space - + Zmanjkalo je prostora There is not enough space to create @@ -120,31 +167,35 @@ neccessary startup files. Free up some space before entering data! - + Ni dovolj prostora za potrebne +zagonske datoteke. + +Sprostite nekaj prostora preden +vnesete podatke! View - + Pogled Can not edit data, currently syncing - + Ne morem urediti podatkov, trenutno sinhroniziram Edit My Personal Details - + Uredi moje osebne podrobnosti Edit Address - + Uredi naslov Contacts - My Personal Details - + Stiki - Moje osebne podrobnosti Out of space - + Zmanjkalo je prostora Unable to save information. @@ -152,246 +203,55 @@ Free up some space and try again. Quit anyway? - + Ne morem shraniti informacije. +Sprostite nekaj prostora +in poizkusite ponovno. + +Izhod? Name Title - + Naziv Notes - + Zapiski Work - + Delo Mb - + Mobitel First Name - + Ime Last Name - + Priimek File As - + Datoteka kot Default Email - + Privzeta Epošta Gender - + Spol All - + Vse Unfiled - - - - - ContactEditor - - Fax - - - - Phone - - - - IM - - - - Mobile - - - - Page - - - - Pager - - - - Default Email - - - - Emails - - - - Name Title - - - - First Name - - - - Middle Name - - - - Last Name - - - - Suffix - - - - File As - - - - Gender - - - - Job Title - - - - Company - - - - Notes - - - - Groups - - - - Street - - - - Street 2 - - - - P.O. Box - - - - City - - - - State - - - - Zip - - - - Country - - - - Full Name... - - - - Organization - - - - Category - - - - Notes... - - - - General - - - - Business - - - - Home - - - - Address - - - - Zip Code - - - - United States - - - - United Kingdom - - - - Japan - - - - France - - - - Germany - - - - Norway - - - - Canada - - - - Male - - - - Female - - - - Details - - - - Enter Note - - - - Edit Name - - - - Contacts - + Neizpolnjeno diff --git a/i18n/sl/citytime.ts b/i18n/sl/citytime.ts index 429f523..f3f1c7f 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/citytime.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/citytime.ts @@ -3,97 +3,97 @@ CityTime Time Changing - + Menjam čas There was a problem setting timezone %1 - + Prišlo je do problema pri nastavitvi časovnega pasu %1 Restore Time Zone - + Restoriraj časovni pas There was a problem setting your timezone.Your time may be wrong now... - + Prišlo je do problema pri nastavitvi časovnega pasu. Čas bo mogoče napačen... - + CityTimeBase - + City Time - + Mestni čas - + <location 4> - + <lokacija 4> - + <CITY 6 TIME> - + <MESTO 6 ČAS> - + <location 5> - + <lokacija 5> - + <location 2> - + <lokacija 2> - + <location 6> - + <lokacija 6> - + <CITY 5 TIME> - + <MESTO 5 ČAS> - + <CITY 2 TIME> - + <MESTO 2 ČAS> - + <CITY 1 TIME> - + <MESTO 1 ČAS> - + <location 3> - + <lokacija 3> - + <location 1> - + <lokacija 1> - + <CITY 3 TIME> - + <MESTO 3 ČAS> - + <CITY 4 TIME> - + <MESTO 4 ČAS> ZoneMap CITY - + MESTO Unable to Find Timezone Info - + Ne najdem informacije o časovnem pasu <p>Unable to find any timezone information in %1 - + <p>Ne najdem informacije o časovnem pasu %1 Couldn't Find Map - + Ne najdem mape <p>Couldn't load map: %1, exiting - + <p>Ne morem naložiti mape: %1, končujem diff --git a/i18n/sl/datebook.ts b/i18n/sl/datebook.ts index 6d6005d..0d6808c 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/datebook.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/datebook.ts @@ -3,76 +3,77 @@ DateBook Calendar - + Koledar View - + Pogled Settings - + Nastavitve New - + Nov Today - + Danes Day - + Dan Week - + Teden WeekLst - + TedenSeznam Month - + Mesec Find - + Najdi Alarm and Start Time... - + Alarm in začetni čas... Default View - + Privzet pogled Event duration is potentially longer than interval between repeats. - + Dogodek je potencialno daljsi, +kot interval med ponovitvijo. Can not edit data, currently syncing - + Ne morem urediti podatkov, trenutno sinhroniziram Edit Event - + Uredi dogodke minutes) - + minut) OK - + Vredu Out of space - + Zmanjkalo je prostora Calendar was unable to save @@ -80,207 +81,212 @@ your changes. Free up some space and try again. Quit anyway? - + Koledar ne more shraniti +vaših sprememb. +Sprostite nekaj prostora in +poizkusite ponovno. + +Izhod? (Unknown) - + (Neznano) Error! - + Napaka! Fix it - + Popravi Continue - + Nadaljuj - + DateBookDayHeaderBase - + Form1 - + Obrazec1 - + M - + P - + T - + T - + W - + S - + F - + P - + S - + S Monday - + Ponedeljek Tuesday - + Torek Wednesday - + Sreda Thursday - + Četrtek Friday - + Petek Saturday - + Sobota Sunday - + Nedelja DateBookDayView :00p - + :00p DateBookDayWidget Start - + Začetek End - + Konec Edit - + Uredi Delete - + Izbriši Beam - + Prežarči DateBookSettings :00 PM - + :00 PM :00 AM - + :00 AM PM - + PM AM - + AM :00 - + :00 - + DateBookSettingsBase - + Preferences - + Možnosti - + Start viewing events - + Začni pregledovati dogodke - + Start Time: - + Začetni čas: - + :00 - + :00 - + Alarm Settings - + Nastavitev alarma - + Alarm Preset - + Prednastavitev alarma - + minutes - + minut - + DateBookWeekHeaderBase - + Form1 - + Obrazec1 - + Y: - + L: - + W: - + T: - + 00. Jan-00. Jan - + 00. Jan-00. Jan - + DateBookWeekLstDayHdrBase - + Form1 - + Obrazec1 - + DateBookWeekLstHeaderBase - + Form2 - + Obrazec2 - + W: 00,00 - + T: 00,00 - + 2 - + 2 - + 00 Jan-00 Jan - + 00 Jan-00 Jan @@ -288,408 +294,601 @@ Quit anyway? M Monday - + P T Tuesday - + T W Wednesday - + S T Thursday - + Č F Friday - + P S Saturday - + S S Sunday - + N p - + p DateEntry Calendar - + Koledar Repeat... - + Ponovi... Daily... - + Dnevno... Weekly... - + Tedensko... Monthly... - + Mesečno... Yearly... - + Letno... No Repeat... - + Ne ponovi... - + DateEntryBase New Event - + Nov dogodek - + Location - + Lokacija - + Category - + Kategorija - + Meeting - + Sestanek - + Lunch - + Kosilo - + Dinner - + Večerja - + Travel - + Potovanje - - Description - + + Description: + Opis: - + Office - + Pisarna - + Home - + Dom - - Start - End - + + Start + Začetek - + Jan 02 00 - + Jan 02 00 - - Start time - + + 00:00 + 00:00 - + + 00:30 + 00:30 + + + 01:00 + + + + 01:30 + + + + 02:00 + 02:00 + + + 02:30 + 02:30 + + + 03:00 + 03:00 + + + 03:30 + 03:30 + + + 04:00 + 04:00 + + + 04:30 + 04:30 + + + 05:00 + 05:00 + + + 05:30 + 05:30 + + + 06:00 + 06:00 + + + 06:30 + 06:30 + + + 07:00 + 07:00 + + + 07:30 + 07:30 + + + 08:00 + 08:00 + + + 08:30 + 08:30 + + + 09:00 + 09:00 + + + 09:30 + 09:30 + + + 10:00 + 10:00 + + + 10:30 + 10:30 + + + 11:00 + 11:00 + + + 11:30 + 11:30 + + + 12:00 + 12:00 + + + 12:30 + 12:30 + + + 13:00 + 13:00 + + + 13:30 + 13:30 + + + 14:00 + 14:00 + + + 14:30 + 14:30 + + + 15:00 + 15:00 + + + 15:30 + 15:30 + + + 16:00 + 16:00 + + + 16:30 + 16:30 + + + 17:00 + 17:00 + + + 17:30 + 17:30 + + + 18:00 + 18:00 + + + 18:30 + 18:30 + + + 19:00 + 19:00 + + + 19:30 + 19:30 + + + 20:00 + 20:00 + + + 20:30 + 20:30 + + + 21:00 + 21:00 + + + 21:30 + 21:30 + + + 22:00 + 22:00 + + + 22:30 + 22:30 + + + 23:00 + 23:00 + + + 23:30 + 23:30 + + + End + Konec + + All day - + Cel dan - - Time zone - + + Time zone: + Časovni pas: - + &Alarm - + &Alarm - + minutes - + minut - + Silent - + Tiho - + Loud - + Glasno - + Repeat - + Ponovi - + No Repeat... - + Ne ponovi... QObject Start - + Začetek End - + Konec Every - + Vsak %1 %2 every - + Vsak %1 %2 The %1 every - + Vsak %1 The %1 %1 of every - + %1 %1 od vsakega Every - + Vsak Monday - + Ponedeljek Tuesday - + Torek Wednesday - + Sreda Thursday - + Četrtek Friday - + Petek Saturday - + Sobota Sunday - + Nedelja QWidget st - + nd - + rd - + th - + RepeatEntry No Repeat - + Ne ponovi day(s) - + dni week(s) - + tednov Repeat By - + Ponovi Day - + Dan Date - + Datum month(s) - + mesecev year(s) - + let days - + dni day - + dan weeks - + tednov week - + teden month - + mesec year - + leto and - + in , and - + , +in , and - + , in - + RepeatEntryBase - + Repeating Event - + Ponavljajoči dogodek - + None - + Brez - + Day - + Dan - + Week - + Teden - + Month - + Mesec - + Year - + Leto - + Every: - + Vsak: - + Frequency - + Frekvenca - + End On: - + Končaj na: No End Date - + Brez končnega datuma Repeat On - + Ponovi Mon - + Pon Tue - + Tor Wed - + Sre Thu - + Čet Fri - + Pet Sat - + Sob Sun - + Ned Every - + Vsak - + Var1 - + Spremenljivka1 - + Var 2 - + Spremenljivka 2 - + WeekVar - + TedenskaSpremenljivka months - + meseci years - + leta diff --git a/i18n/sl/drawpad.ts b/i18n/sl/drawpad.ts index 24c64a9..004c195 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/drawpad.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/drawpad.ts @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ trenutno stran? Sat: - Nasičenje: + Nasičenje: Val: diff --git a/i18n/sl/keypebble.ts b/i18n/sl/keypebble.ts index 6d3bc0f..70df3ef 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/keypebble.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/keypebble.ts @@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ povezavo. Error: This server requires a password, but none has been specified. - Napaka: Ta strežnik potrebuje geslo, a nobeno ni bilo podano. + Napaka: Ta strežnik potrebuje geslo, a nobeno ni bilo podano. + Error: The password you specified was incorrect. diff --git a/i18n/sl/libmadplugin.ts b/i18n/sl/libmadplugin.ts index dab0c3a..e3f8d0a 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libmadplugin.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libmadplugin.ts @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ LibMadPlugin No Song Open - + Nobene odprte pesmi Title @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ , Track: - , Pesem: + , Pesem: diff --git a/i18n/sl/libqdvorak.ts b/i18n/sl/libqdvorak.ts index a8cd301..83ab234 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libqdvorak.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libqdvorak.ts @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ InputMethods Dvorak - Dvorak + Dvorak diff --git a/i18n/sl/libqhandwriting.ts b/i18n/sl/libqhandwriting.ts index b9061b6..0a672cb 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libqhandwriting.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libqhandwriting.ts @@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ Matched: - Najdeno: + Najdeno: Similar to: - Podobno: + Podobno kot: %1% diff --git a/i18n/sl/libqpe.ts b/i18n/sl/libqpe.ts index 3b50a65..5120593 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libqpe.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libqpe.ts @@ -441,59 +441,59 @@ Sprostite nekaj spomina in poizkusite ponovno. Email Addresses: - Epoštni naslovi: + Epoštni naslovi: Home Phone: - Domači telefon: + Domači telefon: Home Fax: - Domači faks: + Domači faks: Home Mobile: - Domači mobitel: + Domači mobitel: Home Web Page: - Domača spletna stran: + Domača spletna stran: Business Web Page: - Službena spletna stran: + Službena spletna stran: Office: - Pisarna: + Pisarna: Business Phone: - Službeni telefon: + Službeni telefon: Business Fax: - Službeni faks: + Službeni faks: Business Mobile: - Službeni mobitel: + Službeni mobitel: Business Pager: - Službeni pager: + Službeni pager: Profession: - Poklic: + Poklic: Assistant: - Pomočnik: + Pomočnik: Manager: - Upravnik: + Upravnik: Male @@ -505,23 +505,23 @@ Sprostite nekaj spomina in poizkusite ponovno. Gender: - Spol: + Spol: Spouse: - Sopotnik: + Sopotnik: Birthday: - Rojstni dan: + Rojstni dan: Anniversary: - Obletnica: + Obletnica: Nickname: - Vzdevek: + Vzdevek: Name Title diff --git a/i18n/sl/mindbreaker.ts b/i18n/sl/mindbreaker.ts index 2af6ab9..504067d 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/mindbreaker.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/mindbreaker.ts @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Answer%1 - Odgovor%1 + Odgovor%1 Reset Statistics diff --git a/i18n/sl/mpegplayer.ts b/i18n/sl/mpegplayer.ts index fcad781..de1437e 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/mpegplayer.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/mpegplayer.ts @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ File: - Datoteka: + Datoteka: , Length: - , Dolžina: + , Dolžina: diff --git a/i18n/sl/netsetup.ts b/i18n/sl/netsetup.ts index 709f1d7..b806c45 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/netsetup.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/netsetup.ts @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ <p>Only one %1 can be added. Remove the current one, or change its Properties - <p>Dodate lahko samo en %1. Odstranite trenutnega ali pa spremenite njegove lastnosti + <p>Dodate lahko samo en %1. Odstranite trenutnega ali pa spremenite njegove lastnosti Network diff --git a/i18n/sl/opieftp.ts b/i18n/sl/opieftp.ts index fdb681c..ad95862 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/opieftp.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/opieftp.ts @@ -3,221 +3,222 @@ OpieFtp OpieFtp - + OpieFtp Connection - + Povezava Local - + Lokalen Remote - + Oddaljen View - + Pogled New - + Nov Connect - + Poveži Disconnect - + Prekini Show Hidden Files - + Prikaži skrite datoteke Upload - + Prenos od sebe Make Directory - + Ustvari imenik Rename - + Preimenuj Delete - + Izbriši Download - + Prenesi k sebi Switch to Local - + Preklopi na lokalen Switch to Remote - + Preklopi na oddaljen Switch to Config - + Preklopi na nastavitve File - + Datoteka Size - + Velikost Date - + Datum Dir - + Imenik Username - + Uporabnik Password - + Geslo Remote server - + Oddaljeni strežnik Remote path - + Oddaljena pot Port - + Vrata Config - + Nastavitve Ftp - + Ftp Please set the server info - + Prosimo nastavite informacije o strežniku Ok - + Vredu Note - + Zapiski Unable to connect to - + Ne uspem se povezati na Unable to log in - + Ne uspem se prijaviti v Unable to upload - + Ne uspem prenesti od sebe Cannot upload directories - + Ne morem prenesti od sebe imenikov Unable to download - + Ne uspem prenesti k sebi Unable to list the directory - + Ne uspem dobiti seznama v imeniku Unable to change directories - + Ne uspem zamenjati imenika Unable to cd up - + Ne uspem zamenjati imenika Unable to get working dir - + Ne uspem dobiti delovnega imenika Change Directory - + Zamenjaj imenik Do you really want to delete - + Ali res želite izbrisati ? It must be empty - + ? +Mora biti prazen Yes - + Da No - + Ne Unable to make directory - + Ne uspem ustvariti imenika Unable to remove directory - + Ne uspem odstraniti imenika Unable to delete file - + Ne uspem izbrisati datoteke Unable to rename file - + Ne uspem preimenovati datoteke Could not rename - + Ne morem preimenovati That directory does not exist - + Ta imenik ne obstaja diff --git a/i18n/sl/opiemail.ts b/i18n/sl/opiemail.ts index efb9e76..6ac35bb 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/opiemail.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/opiemail.ts @@ -3,342 +3,343 @@ @default Reply - + Odgovori Reply All - + Odgovori vsem Delete - + Izbriši Composer Form1 - + Obrazec1 CC - + KP Subject - + Zadeva Cancel - + Prekliči Reset - + Ponastavi Queue - + Vrsta Send - + Pošlji From: - + Od: To: - + Za: MailviewerApp View - + Pogled Compose - + Novo sporočilo Settings - + Nastavitve Mail - + Pošta Mailboxes - + Poštni nabiralniki Configure OpieMail - + Nastavi OpiePošta OpieMailConfig OpieMail Config - + OpiePošta nastavitve Folders - + Mape &Add - + &Dodaj &Modify - + &Spremeni &Delete - + &Zbriši Folder name - + Ime mape Identity - + Identiteta Transport - + Prenos Input - + Vhod Name - + Ime Folder - + Mapa User - + Uporabnik Server - + Strežnik Protocol - + Protokol Output - + Izhod OpieMailConfigImpl Delete mailbox - + Zbriši poštni nabiralnik Delete the mailbox? All mails will be deleted. - + Naj zbrišem poštni nabiralnik? +Vsa pošta bo zbrisana. OpieMailFolder OpieMail Folder Config - + OpiePošta nastavitev map Description: - + Opis: Name: - + Ime: OpieMailIdenty OpieMail Identity - Config - + OpiePošta nastavitev identitete Signature: - + Podpis: Identity: - + Identiteta: Name: - + Ime: Organization: - + Organizacija: EMail: - + Epošta: Reply To - + Odgovori Use for sending - + Uporabi za pošiljanje OpieMailInputConfig OpieMailInput - + OpiePoštaVhod Name: - + Ime: Server: - + Strežnik: Protocol - + Protokol Destination Folder - + Ciljna mapa Username: - + Uporabnik: Password - + Geslo Port - + Vrata 110 - + 110 Enable intervall checking. - + Uporabi intervalno preverjanje. Check every: - + Preveri vsakih: minutes - + minut &Delete mail from server when deleted local. - + &Izbriši pošto iz strežnika, ko zbrišeš lokalno. &Keep Mail on Server - + &Pusti pošto na strežniku OpieMailOutputConfig OpieMailOutPut - + OpiePoštaIzhod Name: - + Ime: Protocol - + Protokol Server: - + Strežnik: Username: - + Uporabnik: Password - + Geslo Server requires authentication - + Strežnik potrebuje avtorizacijo Port - + Vrata 25 - + 25 QMailView Subject - + Zadeva To - + Za Sender - + Pošiljatelj Date - + Datum (Re)edit - + Uredi Copy To - + Kopiraj v Move To - + Premakni v SplitterWidgetBase Form1 - + Obrazec1 diff --git a/i18n/sl/parashoot.ts b/i18n/sl/parashoot.ts index 0aa33b9..a203a6a 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/parashoot.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/parashoot.ts @@ -3,22 +3,25 @@ ParaShoot ParaShoot - + StreljajPadalce New Game - + Nova igra Level: %1 Score: %2 - + Stopnja: %1 Točke: %2 GAME OVER! Your Score: %1 Parachuters Killed: %2 Accuracy: %3% - + KONEC IGRE! + Vaše točke: %1 + Padalcev ubitih: %2 + Natančnost: %3% diff --git a/i18n/sl/patience.ts b/i18n/sl/patience.ts index 01c0f4b..12d421a 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/patience.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/patience.ts @@ -3,59 +3,59 @@ CanvasCardWindow Patience - + Pasjansa Freecell - + Freecell &Game - + &Igra &Change Card Backs - + &Zamenjaj zadnjo stran kart &Snap To Position - + Z&askoči na položaj &Settings - + &Nastavitve &About - + &O &Help - + &Pomoč Play - + Igraj Change Card Backs - + Zamenjaj zadnje strani kart Snap To Position - + Zaskoči na položaj Turn One Card - + Obrni eno karto Settings - + Nastavitve Turn Three Cards - + Obrni tri karte diff --git a/i18n/sl/qasteroids.ts b/i18n/sl/qasteroids.ts index 7066645..1ddd6e8 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/qasteroids.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/qasteroids.ts @@ -3,37 +3,39 @@ KAstTopLevel Asteroids - + Asteroidi Score - + Točke Level - + Stopnja Ships - + Ladje Fuel - + Gorivo Press Calendar to start playing - + Pritisnite Koledar za začetek igranja Ship Destroyed. Press Contacts/Home key. - + Ladja uničena. +Pritisnite Kontakti/Domov tipko. Game Over. Press Calendar for a new game. - + Konec igre. +Pritisnite Koledar za novo igro. diff --git a/i18n/sl/qipkg.ts b/i18n/sl/qipkg.ts index dce1b3e..b2ccb3f 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/qipkg.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/qipkg.ts @@ -3,110 +3,113 @@ PackageDetails (pkgname) - + (imepaketa) Install - + Namesti Remove - + Odstrani Ignore - + Ignoriraj PackageManager New - + Nov All - + Vse Install Package - + Namesti paket Are you sure you want to install package %1 - + Ali ste prepričani, da želite +namestiti paket + +%1 PackageManagerBase Package Manager - + Upravljalec paketov Section: - + Področje: Upgrade all - + Posodbi vse Do it! - + Naredi! Package - + Paket Description - + Opis Size - + Velikost PackageManagerSettings Package Servers - + Paketni strežniki Name: - + Ime: URL: - + URL: New - + Nov Remove - + Odstrani Servers - + Strežniki Search Search Packages - + Išči pakete Find: - + Najdi: diff --git a/i18n/sl/rotation.ts b/i18n/sl/rotation.ts index 753ee02..7cc0d34 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/rotation.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/rotation.ts @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ RotationSettingsBase Rotation Settings - + Nastavitve rotacije <p>The chosen rotation will only affect new applications. - + <p>Izbrana rotacija bo vplivala le na nove aplikacije. diff --git a/i18n/sl/security.ts b/i18n/sl/security.ts index fa9c310..b443be4 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/security.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/security.ts @@ -3,87 +3,88 @@ Security Set passcode - + Nastavi kodo Change passcode - + Zamenjaj kodo Enter passcode - + Vpišite kodo Passcode incorrect - + Koda ni pravilna The passcode entered is incorrect. Access denied - + Vpisana koda ni pravilna. +Dostop zavrnjen Any - + Karkoli None - + Brez SecurityBase Security Settings - + Varnostne nastavitve Change passcode - + Zamenjaj kodo Clear passcode - + Zbriši kodo Require pass code at power-on - + Potrebna koda pri vklopu Sync - + Sinhroniziraj Accept sync from network: - + Sperjmi sinhronizacijo iz mreže: (default) - + (privzeto) - + - + - + Any - + Karkoli None - + brez <P>Pass code protection provides a minimal level of protection from casual access to this device. - + <P>Koda prinaša minimalno zaščito za varovanje vaše naprave. diff --git a/i18n/sl/showimg.ts b/i18n/sl/showimg.ts index 0ff41e1..691e25e 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/showimg.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/showimg.ts @@ -3,67 +3,67 @@ ImageViewer Image Viewer - + Pregledovalnik slik Horizontal flip - + Horizontalni obrat Vertical flip - + Vertikalni obrat Open - + Odpri Rotate 180 - + Obrni za 180 Rotate 90 - + Obrni za 90 Fullscreen - + Cel zaslon - Image Viewer - + - Pregledovalnik slik Loading image... - + Nalagam sliko... Could not load image - + Ne uspem naložiti slike No image - select Open from File menu. - + Ni slike - izberite Odpri iz Datoteka menuja. , %1/%2 colors - + , %1/%2 barv , %1 colors - + , %1 barv True color - + Resnične barve , %1 alpha levels - + , %1 alfa stopnje , 8-bit alpha channel - + , 8-bit alfa kanal diff --git a/i18n/sl/snake.ts b/i18n/sl/snake.ts index d9d6107..502c1e0 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/snake.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/snake.ts @@ -3,38 +3,41 @@ SnakeGame Snake - + Kača New Game - + Nova igra SNAKE! - + KAČA! Use the arrow keys to guide the snake to eat the mouse. You must not crash into the walls, edges or its tail. - + Uporabite smerne tipke za vodenje +kače, da poje miš. Ne smete se +zabiti v steno, robove ali svoj rep. Press Any Key To Start - + Pritisnite karkoli za začetek Score : %1 - + Točke: %1 GAME OVER! Your Score: %1 - + KONEC IGRE! +Vaše točke: %1 Press Any Key to Begin a New Game. - + Pritisnite karkoli za začetek nove igre. diff --git a/i18n/sl/sound.ts b/i18n/sl/sound.ts index f5c995f..c0ee03a 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/sound.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/sound.ts @@ -3,67 +3,67 @@ SoundSettingsBase Sound Settings - + Nastavitve zvoka Vmemo - + Gzapis Sample Rate - + Vzorčna stopnja 11025 - + 11025 22050 - + 22050 32000 - + 32000 44100 - + 44100 Stereo - + Stereo 16 bit - + 16 bit Screen sounds - + Zaslonski zvoki Keyboard sounds - + Zvoki tipkovnice Levels - + Nivoji Loud - + Glasno Output - + Izhod Mic - + Mik Silent - + Tiho diff --git a/i18n/sl/spreadsheet.ts b/i18n/sl/spreadsheet.ts index 52373e7..e82a03c 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/spreadsheet.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/spreadsheet.ts @@ -3,42 +3,42 @@ PIMSpreadsheetWindow Spreadsheet - + Razpredelnica New - + Nova Open - + Odpri Close - + Zapri Equation - + Formula Clear Cell - + Zbriši celico File - + Datoteka Edit - + Uredi SpreadsheetWidget SpreadsheetWidget - + RazpredelnicaWidget diff --git a/i18n/sl/sysinfo.ts b/i18n/sl/sysinfo.ts index 4b02c63..0e7c2a9 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/sysinfo.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/sysinfo.ts @@ -3,148 +3,148 @@ LoadInfo Application CPU usage (%) - + Uporaba CPE v aplikacijah (%) System CPU usage (%) - + Uporaba CPE v sistemu (%) Type: - + Type: MemoryInfo Used (%1 kB) - + Uporabljeno (%1 kB) Buffers (%1 kB) - + Medpomnilniki (%1 kB) Cached (%1 kB) - + Predpomneno (%1 kB) Free (%1 kB) - + Prosto (%1 kB) Total Memory: %1 kB - + Skupen spomin: %1 kB MountInfo total: %1 kB - + skupaj: %1 kB Used (%1 kB) - + Uporabljeno (%1 kB) Available (%1 kB) - + Na voljo (%1 kB) ProcessDetail Send - + Pošlji ProcessInfo PID - + PID Command - + Ukaz Status - + Status Time - + Čas StorageInfo CF Card - + CF kartica Hard Disk - + Trdi disk SD Card - + SD kartica SCSI Hard Disk - + SCSI trdi disk Internal Storage - + Notranji pomnilnik SystemInfo System Info - + Informacija o sistemu Memory - + Spomin Storage - + Pomnilnik CPU - + CPE Process - + Proces Version - + Različica VersionInfo <b>Linux Kernel</b><p>Version: - + <b>Linux jedro</b><p>Različica: Compiled by: - + Prevedel: <b>Opie</b><p>Version: - + <b>Opie</b><p>Različica: Built on: - + Zgrajeno na: diff --git a/i18n/sl/systemtime.ts b/i18n/sl/systemtime.ts index 8b20ef6..c409650 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/systemtime.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/systemtime.ts @@ -3,74 +3,74 @@ SetDateTime Set System Time - + Nastavi sistemski čas Time Zone - + Časovni pas Date - + Datum Time format - + Oblika časa 24 hour - + 24 ur 12 hour - + 12 ur Weeks start on - + Teden se začne na Sunday - + Nedeljo Monday - + Ponedeljek Date format - + Oblika datuma Applet format - + Oblika programčka hh:mm - + uu:mm D/M hh:mm - + D/M uu:mm SetTime Hour - + Ura Minute - + Minute AM - + AM PM - + PM diff --git a/i18n/sl/tableviewer.ts b/i18n/sl/tableviewer.ts index 7d41b6f..4b757f6 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/tableviewer.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/tableviewer.ts @@ -3,67 +3,67 @@ QObject KeyList::addKey() Cannot make default value for type %1, Key not added. - + KeyList::addKey() Ne uspem narediti privzete vrednosti za tip %1, ključ ni dodan. DataElem::setField(%1, %2) No valid type found - + DataElem::setField(%1, %2) Ne najdem veljavnega tipa TVBrowseKeyEntry Reset - + Ponastavi key - + ključ TVKeyEdit_gen TableViewer - Edit Keys - + PregledovalnikTabel - Uredi ključe Key Name - + Ime ključa Key Type - + Tip ključa New - + Nov Delete - + Izbriši Clear All - + Zbriši vse TVListView List View - + Pogled seznama TableViewerWindow Table Viewer - + Pregledovalnik tabel could not load Document - + ne uspem naložiti Dokumenta diff --git a/i18n/sl/tetrix.ts b/i18n/sl/tetrix.ts index 4916eef..af0cc4f 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/tetrix.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/tetrix.ts @@ -3,27 +3,27 @@ QTetrix Tetrix - + Tetrix Next - + Naslednji Score - + Točke Level - + Nivo Removed - + Odstranjen Start - + Začetek diff --git a/i18n/sl/textedit.ts b/i18n/sl/textedit.ts index 4a81102..d198f67 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/textedit.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/textedit.ts @@ -3,219 +3,219 @@ FontDialog Font Dialog - + Dialog pisave Size - + Velikost Font - + Pisava Font Style - + Stil pisave The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog - + Hitra rjava lisica skače čez počasnega psa TextEdit New - + Nov Open - + Odpri Save - + Shrani Save As - + Shrani kot Cut - + Izreži Copy - + Kopiraj Paste - + Prilepi Find... - + Najdi... Zoom in - + Povečaj Zoom out - + Pomanjšaj Bold - + Odebeljeno Italic - + Poševno Wrap lines - + Objami vrstice Start with new file - + Začni z novo datoteko File - + Datoteka Edit - + Uredi View - + Pogled Find Next - + Najdi naslednjega Close Find - + Zapri Najdi Delete - + Izbriši Text Editor - + Urejevalnik besedila Unnamed - + Neimenovano fileBrowser Name - + Ime Size - + Velikost Documents - + Dokumenti All files - + Vse datoteke Hidden files - + Skrite datoteke Type: %1 - + Tip: %1 Change Directory - + Zamenjaj imenik Make Directory - + Ustvari imenik Rescan - + Preišči Rename - + Preimenuj Delete - + Izbriši All - + Vse filePermissions Set File Permissions - + Nastavi datotečne pravice Set file permissions for: - + Nastavi datotečne pravice za: owner - + lastnik group - + skupina others - + drugi Owner - + Lastnik Group - + Skupina read - + beri write - + piši execute - + izvrši fileSaver Name - + Ime Size - + Velikost diff --git a/i18n/sl/today.ts b/i18n/sl/today.ts index d1182f5..5b68828 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/today.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/today.ts @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Today Today - + Danes <b>Please fill out the business card </b> - + <b>Prosim izpolnite poslovno kartico </b> <b>%1</b> BLAH mail(s), <b>%2</b> outgoing @@ -15,85 +15,97 @@ There is <b> 1</b> active task: <br> - + Trenutno je <b> 1</b> tekoče opravilo: <br> There are <b> %1</b> active tasks: <br> - + Trenutno je <b> %1</b> tekočih opravil: <br> No active tasks - + Ni tekočih opravil <b>%1</b> new mail(s), <b>%2</b> outgoing - + <b>%1</b> novih sporočil, <b>%2</b> izhodnih TodayBase Opiemail not installed - + OpiePošta ni nameščena todayconfig Today config - + Nastavitve Danes Should the location be shown? - + Naj bo +lokacija +prikazana? Should the notes be shown? - + Naj bodo zapiski +prikazani? Show only later appointments - + Prikaži samo kasnejše +zmenke How many appointment should should be shown? - + Koliko +zmenkov +naj bo +prikazanih? Calendar - + Koledar How many tasks should be shown? - + Koliko opravil +naj bo +prikazanih? Tasks - + Opravila Clip after how many letters - + Odščipni po koliko +znakih Should today be autostarted on resume ? (Opie only) - + Naj se danes +sam zažene pri +nadaljevanju? (samo Opie) Misc - + Različno diff --git a/i18n/sl/todolist.ts b/i18n/sl/todolist.ts index d7b7da7..503a0dc 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/todolist.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/todolist.ts @@ -3,146 +3,148 @@ NewTaskDialog Todo List - + Seznam opravkov NewTaskDialogBase New Task - + Novo opravilo Priority: - + Prednost: 1 - Very High - + 1 - Zelo visoka 2 - High - + 2 - Visoka 3 - Normal - + 3 - Normalna 4 - Low - + 4 - Nizka 5 - Very Low - + 5 - Zelo nizka Category: - + Kategorija: &Completed - + &Končano D&ue - + Z&apade 1 Jan 2001 - + 1 Jan 2001 TodoTable C. - + K. Prior. - + Pred. Description - + Opis Unfiled - + Neizpolnjeno All - + Vse TodoWindow Todo - + Opravki Out of Space - + Zmanjkalo prostora Unable to create startup files Free up some space before you enter any data - + Ne uspem ustvariti zagonskih datotek +Sprostite nekaj prostora +preden vnesete podatke New Task - + Novo opravilo Edit - + Uredi Delete - + Izbriši Beam - + Prežarči Find - + Najdi Completed tasks - + Končana opravila Task - + Opravilo View - + Pogled Can not edit data, currently syncing - + Ne morem urediti podatkov, trenutno sinhroniziram Edit Task - + Uredi opravilo All Categories - + Vse kategorije Unfiled - + Neizpolnjeno Out of space - + Zmanjkalo prostora Todo was unable @@ -151,7 +153,12 @@ Free up some space and try again. Quit Anyway? - + Ne uspem +shraniti vaših sprememb. +Sprostite nekaj prostora +in poizkusite ponovno. + +Izhod? diff --git a/i18n/sl/wordgame.ts b/i18n/sl/wordgame.ts index 7b79f74..dd28a70 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/wordgame.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/wordgame.ts @@ -3,135 +3,135 @@ Board Blanks: - + Praznine: OK - + Vredu Cancel - + Prekliči Unknown word - + Neznana beseda <p>The word "%1" is not in the dictionary. - + <p>Beseda "%1" ni v slovarju. Add - + Dodaj Ignore - + Prezri NewGameBase Form1 - + Obrazec1 Players - + Igralci AI3: Smart AI player - + UI3: Pameten UI igralec Rules - + Pravila &Start - + &Začni RulesBase Game Rules - + Pravila igre Name: - + Ime: Board - + Deska Size: - + Velikost: Edit... - + Uredi... Delete - + Izbriši &OK - + &Vredu &Cancel - + &Prekliči ScoreInfo <P>Invalid move - + <P>Neveljavna poteza <P>Score: - + <P>Točke: WordGame Word Game - + Besedna igra Back - + Nazaj Done - + Storjeno Close - + Zapri End game - + Konec igre Do you want to end the game early? - + Ali želite predčasno končati igro? Yes - + Da No - + Ne -- cgit v0.9.0.2