path: root/libopie2/opiemm
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'libopie2/opiemm') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.cpp b/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.cpp
index de49937..653216c 100644
--- a/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opiemm/opieexif.cpp
@@ -112,193 +112,193 @@ namespace MM {
class FatalError {
const char* ex;
FatalError(const char* s) { ex = s; }
void debug_print() const { owarn << "exception: " << ex << "" << oendl; }
ExifData::TagTable_t ProcessTable[] = {
{ M_SOF0, "Baseline"},
{ M_SOF1, "Extended sequential"},
{ M_SOF2, "Progressive"},
{ M_SOF3, "Lossless"},
{ M_SOF5, "Differential sequential"},
{ M_SOF6, "Differential progressive"},
{ M_SOF7, "Differential lossless"},
{ M_SOF9, "Extended sequential, arithmetic coding"},
{ M_SOF10, "Progressive, arithmetic coding"},
{ M_SOF11, "Lossless, arithmetic coding"},
{ M_SOF13, "Differential sequential, arithmetic coding"},
{ M_SOF14, "Differential progressive, arithmetic coding"},
{ M_SOF15, "Differential lossless, arithmetic coding"},
{ 0, "Unknown"}
// Parse the marker stream until SOS or EOI is seen;
int ExifData::ReadJpegSections (QFile & infile, ReadMode_t ReadMode)
int a;
a = infile.getch();
if (a != 0xff || infile.getch() != M_SOI) {
SectionsRead = 0;
return false;
for(SectionsRead = 0; SectionsRead < MAX_SECTIONS-1; ){
int marker = 0;
int got;
unsigned int ll,lh;
unsigned int itemlen;
uchar * Data;
for (a=0;a<7;a++){
marker = infile.getch();
if (marker != 0xff) break;
if (a >= 6){
owarn << "too many padding bytes" << oendl;
return false;
if (marker == 0xff){
// 0xff is legal padding, but if we get that many, something's wrong.
return false;
Sections[SectionsRead].Type = marker;
// Read the length of the section.
lh = (uchar) infile.getch();
ll = (uchar) infile.getch();
itemlen = (lh << 8) | ll;
if (itemlen < 2) {
return false;;
Sections[SectionsRead].Size = itemlen;
Data = (uchar *)malloc(itemlen+1); // Add 1 to allow sticking a 0 at the end.
Sections[SectionsRead].Data = Data;
// Store first two pre-read bytes.
Data[0] = (uchar)lh;
Data[1] = (uchar)ll;
got = infile.readBlock((char*)Data+2, itemlen-2); // Read the whole section.
if (( unsigned ) got != itemlen-2){
return false;
case M_SOS: // stop before hitting compressed data
// If reading entire image is requested, read the rest of the data.
if (ReadMode & READ_IMAGE){
unsigned long size;
- size = QMAX( 0ul, infile.size() );
+ size = infile.size();
Data = (uchar *)malloc(size);
if (Data == NULL){
return false;
got = infile.readBlock((char*)Data, size);
if (( unsigned ) got != size){
return false;
Sections[SectionsRead].Data = Data;
Sections[SectionsRead].Size = size;
Sections[SectionsRead].Type = PSEUDO_IMAGE_MARKER;
SectionsRead ++;
//HaveAll = 1;
return true;
case M_EOI: // in case it's a tables-only JPEG stream
owarn << "No image in jpeg!" << oendl;
return false;
case M_COM: // Comment section
// pieczy 2002-02-12
// now the User comment goes to UserComment
// so we can store a Comment section also in READ_EXIF mode
process_COM(Data, itemlen);
case M_JFIF:
// Regular jpegs always have this tag, exif images have the exif
// marker instead, althogh ACDsee will write images with both markers.
// this program will re-create this marker on absence of exif marker.
// hence no need to keep the copy from the file.
case M_EXIF:
// Seen files from some 'U-lead' software with Vivitar scanner
// that uses marker 31 for non exif stuff. Thus make sure
// it says 'Exif' in the section before treating it as exif.
if ((ReadMode & READ_EXIF) && memcmp(Data+2, "Exif", 4) == 0){
process_EXIF((uchar *)Data, itemlen);
// Discard this section.
case M_SOF0:
case M_SOF1:
case M_SOF2:
case M_SOF3:
case M_SOF5:
case M_SOF6:
case M_SOF7:
case M_SOF9:
case M_SOF10:
case M_SOF11:
case M_SOF13:
case M_SOF14:
case M_SOF15:
process_SOFn(Data, marker);
return true;
// Discard read data.
void ExifData::DiscardData(void)
for (int a=0; a < SectionsRead; a++)
SectionsRead = 0;
// Convert a 16 bit unsigned value from file's native byte order
int ExifData::Get16u(void * Short)
if (MotorolaOrder){
return (((uchar *)Short)[0] << 8) | ((uchar *)Short)[1];
return (((uchar *)Short)[1] << 8) | ((uchar *)Short)[0];
// Convert a 32 bit signed value from file's native byte order
@@ -716,193 +716,197 @@ void ExifData::process_EXIF(unsigned char * CharBuf, unsigned int length)
if (memcmp(CharBuf+8,"II",2) == 0){
// printf("Exif section in Intel order\n");
MotorolaOrder = 0;
if (memcmp(CharBuf+8,"MM",2) == 0){
// printf("Exif section in Motorola order\n");
MotorolaOrder = 1;
// Check the next two values for correctness.
if (Get16u(CharBuf+10) != 0x2a
|| Get32u(CharBuf+12) != 0x08){
LastExifRefd = CharBuf;
// First directory starts 16 bytes in. Offsets start at 8 bytes in.
ProcessExifDir(CharBuf+16, CharBuf+8, length-6);
// This is how far the interesting (non thumbnail) part of the exif went.
ExifSettingsLength = LastExifRefd - CharBuf;
// Compute the CCD width, in milimeters.
if (FocalplaneXRes != 0){
ExifData::CCDWidth = (float)(ExifImageWidth * FocalplaneUnits / FocalplaneXRes);
// Convert exif time to Unix time structure
int ExifData::Exif2tm(struct ::tm * timeptr, char * ExifTime)
int a;
timeptr->tm_wday = -1;
// Check for format: YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS format.
a = sscanf(ExifTime, "%d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d",
&timeptr->tm_year, &timeptr->tm_mon, &timeptr->tm_mday,
&timeptr->tm_hour, &timeptr->tm_min, &timeptr->tm_sec);
if (a == 6){
timeptr->tm_isdst = -1;
timeptr->tm_mon -= 1; // Adjust for unix zero-based months
timeptr->tm_year -= 1900; // Adjust for year starting at 1900
return true; // worked.
return false; // Wasn't in Exif date format.
// Contructor for initialising
ExifData::Whitebalance = -1;
ExifData::MeteringMode = -1;
ExifData::FlashUsed = -1;
Orientation = 0;
Height = 0;
Width = 0;
IsColor = 0;
Process = 0;
FocalLength = 0;
ExposureTime = 0;
ApertureFNumber = 0;
Distance = 0;
CCDWidth = 0;
ExposureBias = 0;
ExposureProgram = 0;
ISOequivalent = 0;
CompressionLevel = 0;
MotorolaOrder = 0;
// process a EXIF jpeg file
bool ExifData::scan(const QString & path)
int ret;
QFile f(path);
+ if ( ! ) {
+ owarn << "Unable to open file " << << " readonly" << oendl;
+ DiscardData();
+ return false;
+ }
// Scan the JPEG headers.
ret = ReadJpegSections(f, READ_EXIF);
if (ret == false){
owarn << "Not JPEG file!" << oendl;
return false;
//now make the strings clean,
// for exmaple my Casio is a "QV-4000 "
CameraMake = CameraMake.stripWhiteSpace();
CameraModel = CameraModel.stripWhiteSpace();
UserComment = UserComment.stripWhiteSpace();
Comment = Comment.stripWhiteSpace();
return true;
// Does the embedded thumbnail match the jpeg image?
#ifndef JPEG_TOL
#define JPEG_TOL 0.02
bool ExifData::isThumbnailSane() {
if (Thumbnail.isNull()) return false;
// check whether thumbnail dimensions match the image
// not foolproof, but catches some altered images (jpegtran -rotate)
if (ExifImageLength != 0 && ExifImageLength != Height) return false;
if (ExifImageWidth != 0 && ExifImageWidth != Width) return false;
if (Thumbnail.width() == 0 || Thumbnail.height() == 0) return false;
if (Height == 0 || Width == 0) return false;
double d = (double)Height/Width*Thumbnail.width()/Thumbnail.height();
return (1-JPEG_TOL < d) && (d < 1+JPEG_TOL);
static QImage flip_image( const QImage& img );
static QImage rotate_90( const QImage& img );
static QImage rotate_180( const QImage& );
static QImage rotate_270( const QImage& );
// return a thumbnail that respects the orientation flag
// only if it seems sane
QImage ExifData::getThumbnail() {
if (!isThumbnailSane()) return NULL;
if (!Orientation || Orientation == 1) return Thumbnail;
// now fix orientation
QImage dest = Thumbnail;
switch (Orientation) { // notice intentional fallthroughs
case 2: dest = flip_image( dest ); break;
case 4: dest = flip_image( dest );
case 3: dest =rotate_180( dest ); break;
case 5: dest = flip_image( dest );
case 6: dest = rotate_90( dest ); break;
case 7: dest = flip_image( dest );
case 8: dest = rotate_270( dest ); break;
default: break; // should never happen
return dest;
static QImage flip_image( const QImage& img ) {
return img.mirror( TRUE, FALSE );
static QImage dest;
static int x, y;
static unsigned int *srcData, *destData; // we're not threaded anyway
static unsigned char *srcData8, *destData8; // 8 bit is char
static unsigned int *srcTable, *destTable; // destination table
static QImage rotate_90_8( const QImage &img ) {
dest.create(img.height(), img.width(), img.depth());
srcTable = (unsigned int *)img.colorTable();
destTable = (unsigned int *)dest.colorTable();
for ( x=0; x < img.numColors(); ++x )
destTable[x] = srcTable[x];
for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ){