path: root/libopie/pim/ocontact.cpp
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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libopie/pim/ocontact.cpp b/libopie/pim/ocontact.cpp
index 917eb0a..efa2777 100644
--- a/libopie/pim/ocontact.cpp
+++ b/libopie/pim/ocontact.cpp
@@ -714,390 +714,392 @@ QString OContact::fullName() const
return name.simplifyWhiteSpace();
Returns a list of the names of the children of the contact.
QStringList OContact::childrenList() const
return QStringList::split( " ", find( Qtopia::Children ) );
/*! \fn void OContact::insertEmail( const QString &email )
Insert \a email into the email list. Ensures \a email can only be added
once. If there is no default email address set, it sets it to the \a email.
/*! \fn void OContact::removeEmail( const QString &email )
Removes the \a email from the email list. If the default email was \a email,
then the default email address is assigned to the first email in the
email list
/*! \fn void OContact::clearEmails()
Clears the email list.
/*! \fn void OContact::insertEmails( const QStringList &emailList )
Appends the \a emailList to the exiting email list
Returns a list of email addresses belonging to the contact, including
the default email address.
QStringList OContact::emailList() const
QString emailStr = emails();
QStringList r;
if ( !emailStr.isEmpty() ) {
qDebug(" emailstr ");
QStringList l = QStringList::split( emailSeparator(), emailStr );
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin();it != l.end();++it )
r += (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace();
return r;
Generates the string for the contact to be filed as from the first,
middle and last name of the contact.
void OContact::setFileAs()
QString lastName, firstName, middleName, fileas;
lastName = find( Qtopia::LastName );
firstName = find( Qtopia::FirstName );
middleName = find( Qtopia::MiddleName );
if ( !lastName.isEmpty() && !firstName.isEmpty()
&& !middleName.isEmpty() )
fileas = lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + middleName;
else if ( !lastName.isEmpty() && !firstName.isEmpty() )
fileas = lastName + ", " + firstName;
else if ( !lastName.isEmpty() || !firstName.isEmpty() ||
!middleName.isEmpty() )
fileas = firstName + ( firstName.isEmpty() ? "" : " " )
+ middleName + ( middleName.isEmpty() ? "" : " " )
+ lastName;
replace( Qtopia::FileAs, fileas );
Appends the contact information to \a buf.
void OContact::save( QString &buf ) const
static const QStringList SLFIELDS = fields();
// I'm expecting "<Contact " in front of this...
for ( QMap<int, QString>::ConstIterator it = mMap.begin();
it != mMap.end(); ++it ) {
const QString &value =;
int key = it.key();
if ( !value.isEmpty() ) {
if ( key == Qtopia::AddressCategory || key == Qtopia::AddressUid)
key -= Qtopia::AddressCategory+1;
buf += SLFIELDS[key];
buf += "=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString(value) + "\" ";
buf += customToXml();
if ( categories().count() > 0 )
buf += "Categories=\"" + idsToString( categories() ) + "\" ";
buf += "Uid=\"" + QString::number( uid() ) + "\" ";
// You need to close this yourself
Returns the list of fields belonging to a contact
Never change order of this list ! It has to be regarding
enum AddressBookFields !!
QStringList OContact::fields()
QStringList list;
list.append( "Title" ); // Not Used!
list.append( "FirstName" );
list.append( "MiddleName" );
list.append( "LastName" );
list.append( "Suffix" );
list.append( "FileAs" );
list.append( "JobTitle" );
list.append( "Department" );
list.append( "Company" );
list.append( "BusinessPhone" );
list.append( "BusinessFax" );
list.append( "BusinessMobile" );
list.append( "DefaultEmail" );
list.append( "Emails" );
list.append( "HomePhone" );
list.append( "HomeFax" );
list.append( "HomeMobile" );
list.append( "BusinessStreet" );
list.append( "BusinessCity" );
list.append( "BusinessState" );
list.append( "BusinessZip" );
list.append( "BusinessCountry" );
list.append( "BusinessPager" );
list.append( "BusinessWebPage" );
list.append( "Office" );
list.append( "Profession" );
list.append( "Assistant" );
list.append( "Manager" );
list.append( "HomeStreet" );
list.append( "HomeCity" );
list.append( "HomeState" );
list.append( "HomeZip" );
list.append( "HomeCountry" );
list.append( "HomeWebPage" );
list.append( "Spouse" );
list.append( "Gender" );
list.append( "Birthday" );
list.append( "Anniversary" );
list.append( "Nickname" );
list.append( "Children" );
list.append( "Notes" );
list.append( "Groups" );
return list;
Sets the list of email address for contact to those contained in \a str.
Email address should be separated by ';'s.
void OContact::setEmails( const QString &str )
replace( Qtopia::Emails, str );
if ( str.isEmpty() )
setDefaultEmail( QString::null );
Sets the list of children for the contact to those contained in \a str.
void OContact::setChildren( const QString &str )
replace( Qtopia::Children, str );
Returns TRUE if the contact matches the regular expression \a regexp.
Otherwise returns FALSE.
bool OContact::match( const QString &regexp ) const
return match(QRegExp(regexp));
Returns TRUE if the contact matches the regular expression \a regexp.
Otherwise returns FALSE.
bool OContact::match( const QRegExp &r ) const
bool match;
match = false;
QMap<int, QString>::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = mMap.begin(); it != mMap.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).find( r ) > -1 ) {
match = true;
return match;
QString OContact::toShortText() const
return ( fullName() );
QString OContact::type() const
return QString::fromLatin1( "OContact" );
// Definition is missing ! (se)
QMap<QString,QString> OContact::toExtraMap() const
qWarning ("Function not implemented: OContact::toExtraMap()");
QMap <QString,QString> useless;
return useless;
class QString OContact::recordField( int pos ) const
QStringList SLFIELDS = fields(); // ?? why this ? (se)
return SLFIELDS[pos];
// In future releases, we should store birthday and anniversary
// internally as QDate instead of QString !
// QString is always too complicate to interprete (DD.MM.YY, DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, etc..)(se)
/*! \fn void OContact::setBirthday( const QDate& date )
Sets the birthday for the contact to \a date. If date is null
the current stored date will be removed.
void OContact::setBirthday( const QDate &v )
if ( v.isNull() ){
qWarning( "Remove Birthday");
replace( Qtopia::Birthday, QString::null );
if ( v.isValid() )
replace( Qtopia::Birthday, TimeConversion::toString( v ) );
/*! \fn void OContact::setAnniversary( const QDate &date )
Sets the anniversary of the contact to \a date. If date is
null, the current stored date will be removed.
void OContact::setAnniversary( const QDate &v )
if ( v.isNull() ){
qWarning( "Remove Anniversary");
replace( Qtopia::Anniversary, QString::null );
if ( v.isValid() )
replace( Qtopia::Anniversary, TimeConversion::toString( v ) );
/*! \fn QDate OContact::birthday() const
Returns the birthday of the contact.
QDate OContact::birthday() const
QString str = find( Qtopia::Birthday );
qWarning ("Birthday %s", str.latin1() );
if ( !str.isEmpty() )
return TimeConversion::fromString ( str );
return QDate();
/*! \fn QDate OContact::anniversary() const
Returns the anniversary of the contact.
QDate OContact::anniversary() const
QDate empty;
QString str = find( Qtopia::Anniversary );
qWarning ("Anniversary %s", str.latin1() );
if ( !str.isEmpty() )
return TimeConversion::fromString ( str );
return empty;
void OContact::insertEmail( const QString &v )
//qDebug("insertEmail %s", v.latin1());
QString e = v.simplifyWhiteSpace();
QString def = defaultEmail();
// if no default, set it as the default email and don't insert
if ( def.isEmpty() ) {
setDefaultEmail( e ); // will insert into the list for us
// otherwise, insert assuming doesn't already exist
QString emailsStr = find( Qtopia::Emails );
if ( emailsStr.contains( e ))
if ( !emailsStr.isEmpty() )
emailsStr += emailSeparator();
emailsStr += e;
replace( Qtopia::Emails, emailsStr );
void OContact::removeEmail( const QString &v )
QString e = v.simplifyWhiteSpace();
QString def = defaultEmail();
QString emailsStr = find( Qtopia::Emails );
QStringList emails = emailList();
// otherwise, must first contain it
if ( !emailsStr.contains( e ) )
// remove it
//qDebug(" removing email from list %s", e.latin1());
emails.remove( e );
// reset the string
emailsStr = emails.join(emailSeparator()); // Sharp's brain dead separator
replace( Qtopia::Emails, emailsStr );
// if default, then replace the default email with the first one
if ( def == e ) {
//qDebug("removeEmail is default; setting new default");
if ( !emails.count() )
else // setDefaultEmail will remove e from the list
setDefaultEmail( emails.first() );
void OContact::clearEmails()
mMap.remove( Qtopia::DefaultEmail );
mMap.remove( Qtopia::Emails );
void OContact::setDefaultEmail( const QString &v )
QString e = v.simplifyWhiteSpace();
//qDebug("OContact::setDefaultEmail %s", e.latin1());
replace( Qtopia::DefaultEmail, e );
if ( !e.isEmpty() )
insertEmail( e );
void OContact::insertEmails( const QStringList &v )
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it )
insertEmail( *it );
+int OContact::rtti() {
+ return 2;
void OContact::setUid( int i )
replace( Qtopia::AddressUid , QString::number(i));