path: root/i18n/no/addressbook.po
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'i18n/no/addressbook.po') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/no/addressbook.po b/i18n/no/addressbook.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cb89c9
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/i18n/no/addressbook.po
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# This is a Qt message file in .po format. Each msgid starts with
+# a scope. This scope should *NOT* be translated - eg. translating
+# from French to English, "Foo::Bar" would be translated to "Pub",
+# not "Foo::Pub".
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-03-07 12:44:31 EST\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YYYY-MM-DD\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULLNAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
+#: abeditor.cpp:51
+msgid "AbEditor::< Address, City >"
+msgstr "< Adresse, Poststed >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:54
+msgid "AbEditor::< Address, Country >"
+msgstr "< Adresse, Land >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:52
+msgid "AbEditor::< Address, State/Province >"
+msgstr "< Adresse, Delstat/Provins >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:50
+msgid "AbEditor::< Address, Street >"
+msgstr "< Adresse, Gatenavn >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:53
+msgid "AbEditor::< Address, Zip/Postal Code >"
+msgstr "< Adresse, Postnummer >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:49
+msgid "AbEditor::< Company >"
+msgstr "< Firma >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:48
+msgid "AbEditor::< Department >"
+msgstr "< Avdeling >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:46
+msgid "AbEditor::< Full Name >"
+msgstr "< Fullt Navn >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:55
+msgid "AbEditor::< Notes >"
+msgstr "< Notater >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:47
+msgid "AbEditor::< Title >"
+msgstr "< Tittel >"
+#: abeditor.cpp:109
+msgid "AbEditor::Doctor"
+msgstr "Doktor"
+#: abeditor.cpp:109
+msgid "AbEditor::Dr"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:109
+msgid "AbEditor::Dr."
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:115
+msgid "AbEditor::I"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:115
+msgid "AbEditor::II"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:115
+msgid "AbEditor::IIII"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:116
+msgid "AbEditor::Jr."
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:115
+msgid "AbEditor::Junior"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:109
+msgid "AbEditor::Miss"
+msgstr "Frk"
+#: abeditor.cpp:110
+msgid "AbEditor::Mr"
+msgstr "Hr"
+#: abeditor.cpp:110
+msgid "AbEditor::Mr."
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:110
+msgid "AbEditor::Mrs"
+msgstr "Fr"
+#: abeditor.cpp:110
+msgid "AbEditor::Mrs."
+msgstr "Fr."
+#: abeditor.cpp:111
+msgid "AbEditor::Ms"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:111
+msgid "AbEditor::Ms."
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:111
+msgid "AbEditor::Prof."
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:111
+msgid "AbEditor::Professor"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:116
+msgid "AbEditor::Senior"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:116
+msgid "AbEditor::Sr."
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditor.cpp:107
+msgid "AbEditor::the"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:35
+msgid "AbEditorBase::..."
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:20
+msgid "AbEditorBase::AbEditorBase"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:135
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Birthday:"
+msgstr "F�dselsdag:"
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:136
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Email:"
+msgstr "Epost:"
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:137
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Fax:"
+msgstr ""
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:138
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Home Ph:"
+msgstr "Hjemmetlf:"
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:139
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Mobile Ph:"
+msgstr "Mobiltlf:"
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:140
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Other:"
+msgstr "Annet:"
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:141
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Spouse:"
+msgstr "Ektefelle:"
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:142
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Web Page:"
+msgstr "Hjemmeside:"
+#: abeditorbase.cpp:143
+msgid "AbEditorBase::Work Ph:"
+msgstr "Jobbtlf:"
+#: ablabel.cpp:47
+msgid "AbLabel::Birthday"
+msgstr "F�dselsdag"
+#: ablabel.cpp:47
+msgid "AbLabel::Email"
+msgstr "Epost"
+#: ablabel.cpp:47
+msgid "AbLabel::Fax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ablabel.cpp:48
+msgid "AbLabel::Home Ph"
+msgstr "Hjemmetlf."
+#: ablabel.cpp:48
+msgid "AbLabel::Mobile Ph"
+msgstr "Mobiltlf."
+#: ablabel.cpp:48
+msgid "AbLabel::Other"
+msgstr "Annet"
+#: ablabel.cpp:49
+msgid "AbLabel::Spouse"
+msgstr "Ektefelle"
+#: ablabel.cpp:49
+msgid "AbLabel::Web Page"
+msgstr "Hjemmeside"
+#: ablabel.cpp:49
+msgid "AbLabel::Work Ph"
+msgstr "Jobbtlf"
+#: abnamebase.cpp:78
+msgid "AbNameBase::Cancel"
+msgstr "Avbryt"
+#: abnamebase.cpp:51
+msgid "AbNameBase::First"
+msgstr "For-"
+#: abnamebase.cpp:61
+msgid "AbNameBase::Last"
+msgstr "Etter-"
+#: abnamebase.cpp:56
+msgid "AbNameBase::Middle"
+msgstr "Mellom-"
+#: abnamebase.cpp:20
+msgid "AbNameBase::Name Details"
+msgstr "Navnedetaljer"
+#: abnamebase.cpp:73
+msgid "AbNameBase::OK"
+msgstr "OK"
+#: abnamebase.cpp:66
+msgid "AbNameBase::Suffix"
+msgstr "Suffiks"
+#: abnamebase.cpp:46
+msgid "AbNameBase::Title"
+msgstr "Tittel"
+#: abtable.cpp:57
+msgid "AbTable::Contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt"
+#: abtable.cpp:56
+msgid "AbTable::Full Name"
+msgstr "Fullt Navn"
+#: abaddress.cpp:21
+msgid "AddressDetails::Address Details"
+msgstr "Adressedetaljer"
+#: abaddress.cpp:27
+msgid "AddressDetails::Cancel"
+msgstr "Avbryt"
+#: abaddress.cpp:70
+msgid "AddressDetails::City"
+msgstr "By"
+#: abaddress.cpp:65
+msgid "AddressDetails::Country"
+msgstr "Land"
+#: abaddress.cpp:32
+msgid "AddressDetails::OK"
+msgstr "OK"
+#: abaddress.cpp:52
+msgid "AddressDetails::State/Province"
+msgstr "Delstat/Provins"
+#: abaddress.cpp:75
+msgid "AddressDetails::Street"
+msgstr "Gatenavn"
+#: abaddress.cpp:47
+msgid "AddressDetails::Zip/Postal"
+msgstr "Postnummer"
+#: addressbook.cpp:38
+msgid "AddressbookWindow::Address Book"
+msgstr "Adressebok"
+#: addressbook.cpp:93
+msgid "AddressbookWindow::Edit Address"
+msgstr "Rediger Adresse"
+#: addressbook.cpp:49
+msgid "AddressbookWindow::List Operations"
+msgstr "Listeoperasjoner"
+#: addressbook.cpp:64
+msgid "AddressbookWindow::View Operations"
+msgstr "Visningsoperasjoner"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:55
+msgid "CompanyDetails::Cancel"
+msgstr "Avbryt"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:85
+msgid "CompanyDetails::City"
+msgstr "By"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:21
+msgid "CompanyDetails::Company Details"
+msgstr "Firmadetaljer"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:78
+msgid "CompanyDetails::Country"
+msgstr "Land"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:31
+msgid "CompanyDetails::Name"
+msgstr "Navn"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:50
+msgid "CompanyDetails::OK"
+msgstr "OK"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:40
+msgid "CompanyDetails::State/Province"
+msgstr "Delstat/Provins"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:64
+msgid "CompanyDetails::Street"
+msgstr "Gatenavn"
+#: abcompanybase.cpp:45
+msgid "CompanyDetails::Zip/Postal"
+msgstr "Postnummer"