Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/apps/zsafe/zsafe.cpp b/noncore/apps/zsafe/zsafe.cpp
index abf6511..ef16b46 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/zsafe/zsafe.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/zsafe/zsafe.cpp
@@ -2027,1546 +2027,1630 @@ int ZSafe::loadInit(const char* _filename, const char *password)
char key[128];
Krc2* krc2 = new Krc2();
fd = fopen (_filename, "rb");
QFileInfo f (_filename);
load_buffer_length = f.size();
load_buffer_length = ((load_buffer_length / 1024)+1) * 1024 * 2;
if (fd == NULL)
return PWERR_OPEN;
buffer = (char *)malloc(load_buffer_length);
for (j = 0; password[j] != '\0'; j++) {
key[j] = password[j];
keylength = j;
krc2->rc2_expandkey (key, keylength, 128);
#ifndef WIN32
size = read(fileno (fd), (unsigned char *) (charbuf + count), 8);
printf ("LoadInit() read1");
size = fread ((unsigned char *) (charbuf + count), sizeof(unsigned char), 8, fd);
if (size < 8)
return PWERR_DATA;
for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) {
count2 = count << 1;
iv[count] = charbuf[count2] << 8;
iv[count] += charbuf[count2 + 1];
size = 0;
bufferIndex = 0;
#ifndef WIN32
while ((count = read (fileno (fd), (unsigned char *) charbuf, 8)) > 0) {
while (count < 8) {
count2 = read (fileno (fd), (unsigned char *) (charbuf + count), 8);
printf ("LoadInit() read2");
while ((count = fread ((unsigned char *) (charbuf), sizeof(unsigned char), 8, fd)) > 0) {
while (count < 8) {
count2 = fread ((unsigned char *) (charbuf + count), sizeof(unsigned char), 8, fd);
if (count2 == 0) {
return PWERR_DATA;
count += count2;
} /* while (count < 8) */
size += 8;
for (count2 = 0; count2 < 8; count2 += 2) {
count3 = count2 >> 1;
ciphertext[count3] = charbuf[count2] << 8;
ciphertext[count3] += charbuf[count2 + 1];
plaintext[count3] = ciphertext[count3] ^ iv[count3];
iv[count3] = plaintext[count3];
} /* for (count2) */
krc2->rc2_decrypt (plaintext);
memcpy ((unsigned char *) (buffer + bufferIndex), plaintext, 8);
bufferIndex += 8;
buffer[bufferIndex + 1] = '\0';
} /* while ((count = read (fileno (fd), (unsigned char *) charbuf, 8)) > 0) */
size -= buffer[size - 1];
lastcount = 0;
/* This will point to the starting index */
bufferIndex = 0;
return PWERR_GOOD;
int ZSafe::loadEntry(char *entry[FIELD_SIZE])
/* Strip off PKCS 5 padding
* Should check to make sure it's good here
int count, count1=0;
for (count = lastcount; count < size; count++) {
if ((unsigned char) (buffer[count]) == 255) {
if (buffer[bufferIndex] == '\0') {
entry[count1] = (char *) malloc (count - bufferIndex + 1);
memcpy (entry[count1], (unsigned char *) (buffer + bufferIndex), count - bufferIndex);
entry[count1][count - bufferIndex] = '\0';
bufferIndex = count;
if (count1 == FIELD_SIZE) {
lastcount = count;
return 1;
} /* if ((unsigned char) (buffer[count]) == 255) */
} /* for (count = 0; count < size; count++) */
return 2;
int ZSafe::loadFinalize(void)
fclose (fd);
if (buffer) free(buffer);
return PWERR_GOOD;
bool ZSafe::saveDocument(const char* _filename,
bool withPwd,
const char* )
if (filename.isEmpty())
QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("No document defined.\nYou have to create a new document"));
return false;
// if (m_password.isEmpty())
// withPwd = true; // the document must be saved with a valid password
if (withPwd)
bool pwdOk = FALSE;
while (!pwdOk)
getDocPassword(tr("Enter Password"));
if (m_password.isEmpty())
QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("Password is empty.\nPlease enter again."));
QString firstPasswd = m_password;
getDocPassword(tr("Reenter Password"));
if (m_password.isEmpty())
QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("Password is empty.\nPlease enter again."));
if (firstPasswd != m_password)
QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("Passwords must be identical.\nPlease enter again."));
pwdOk = TRUE;
modified = false;
else if (modified)
QString fns(_filename);
fns = fns.right (fns.length() - fns.findRev ('/') - 1);
switch( QMessageBox::information( this, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("Do you want to save ") + fns + tr("\nbefore continuing?"),
tr("&Don't Save"),
0 // Enter == button 0
) )
{ // Escape == button 2
case 0: // Save clicked, Alt-S or Enter pressed.
modified = false;
case 1: // Don't Save clicked or Alt-D pressed
modified = false;
return true;
modified = false;
if (m_password.isEmpty())
return false;
int retval = saveInit(_filename, m_password);
// int retval = saveInit(_filename, "test");
if (retval != PWERR_GOOD) {
return false;
char* entry[FIELD_SIZE];
// save the validation entry
int i=0;
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("ZSAFECATEGORY")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "ZSAFECATEGORY");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("name")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "name");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("username")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "username");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("password")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "password");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("comment")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "comment");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("field5")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "field5");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("field6")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "field6");
retval = saveEntry(entry);
for (int z=0; z<i; z++) free(entry[z]);
if (retval == PWERR_DATA) {
qWarning("1: Error writing file, contents not saved");
return false;
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+"valzsafe", 1);
// #endif
QListViewItem *i;
// step through all categories
for (i = ListView->firstChild();
i != NULL;
i = i->nextSibling())
// step through all subitems
QListViewItem *si;
for (si = i->firstChild();
si != NULL;
si = si->nextSibling())
int j=0;
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(i->text(0))+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], i->text(0));
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(0))+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(0));
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(1))+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(1));
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(2))+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(2));
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(3))+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(3));
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(4))+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(4));
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(5))+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(5));
retval = saveEntry(entry);
for (int z=0; z<j; z++)
if (retval == PWERR_DATA) {
qWarning("1: Error writing file, contents not saved");
return false;
if (saveFinalize() == PWERR_DATA) {
qWarning("2: Error writing file, contents not saved");
return false;
} else {
#ifndef DESKTOP
Global::statusMessage (tr("Password file saved."));
modified = false;
return true;
PasswordForm *newPwdDialog;
bool newPwdDialogResult = false;
void ZSafe::setPasswordDialogDone()
newPwdDialogResult = true;
void ZSafe::getDocPassword(QString title)
qWarning ("getDocPassword");
// open the 'Password' dialog
PasswordForm *dialog = new PasswordForm(this, title, TRUE);
newPwdDialog = dialog;
newPwdDialogResult = false;
connect( dialog->PasswordField, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ),
this, SLOT( setPasswordDialogDone() ) );
// CS: !!!
// int pos = filename.findRev ('/');
QString ti = filename.right (filename.length() - filename.findRev ('/') - 1);
#ifdef WIN32
dialog->setCaption("Qt " + ti);
// dialog->setCaption(title);
DialogCode result = (DialogCode) dialog->exec();
#ifdef DESKTOP
result = Accepted;
QString password;
if (result == Accepted || newPwdDialogResult)
m_password = dialog->PasswordField->text();
exitZs (1);
int ZSafe::saveInit(const char *_filename, const char *password)
char key[128];
unsigned int j = 0;
unsigned int keylength;
// int val;
int count2;
Krc2* krc2 = new Krc2();
/* first we should check the permissions of the filename */
if (QFile::exists(_filename)) {
val = checkFile(_filename);
if (val != PWERR_GOOD)
return val;
} else
val = creat (_filename, (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
if (val == -1)
return PWERR_OPEN;
QFileInfo f (_filename);
save_buffer_length = f.size();
save_buffer_length = ((save_buffer_length / 1024)+1) * 1024;
fd = fopen (_filename, "wb");
if (fd == NULL)
return PWERR_OPEN;
buffer = (char*)malloc(save_buffer_length);
/* make the key ready */
for (j = 0; password[j] != '\0'; j++) {
key[j] = password[j];
keylength = j;
krc2->rc2_expandkey (key, keylength, 128);
/* First, we make the IV */
for (count2 = 0; count2 < 4; count2++) {
iv[count2] = rand ();
putc ((unsigned char) (iv[count2] >> 8), fd);
putc ((unsigned char) (iv[count2] & 0xff), fd);
bufferIndex = 0;
return PWERR_GOOD;
int ZSafe::saveEntry(char *entry[FIELD_SIZE])
char *text1;
int count2, count3;
unsigned short ciphertext[4];
Krc2* krc2 = new Krc2();
buffer = (char*)memset(buffer, '\0', save_buffer_length);
for (count2 = 0; count2 < FIELD_SIZE; count2++) {
text1 = entry[count2];
if (strlen (text1) == 0) {
strncat(buffer, " ", strlen(" "));
} else {
strncat(buffer, text1, strlen(text1));
/* Use 255 as the marker. \n is too tough to test for */
buffer[strlen (buffer)] = 255;
} /*for (count2 = 0; count2 < 5; count2++)*/
count2 = 0;
/* I'm using CBC mode and encrypting the data straight from top down.
* At the bottom, encrypted, I will append an MD5 hash of the file, eventually.
* PKCS 5 padding (explained at the code section
while (count2 < (int)strlen (buffer)) {
plaintext[bufferIndex] = buffer[count2 + 1] << 8;
plaintext[bufferIndex] += buffer[count2] & 0xff;
plaintext[bufferIndex] = buffer[count2] << 8;
plaintext[bufferIndex] += buffer[count2 + 1] & 0xff;
if (bufferIndex == 4) {
krc2->rc2_encrypt (plaintext);
for (count3 = 0; count3 < 4; count3++) {
ciphertext[count3] = iv[count3] ^ plaintext[count3];
/* Now store the ciphertext as the iv */
iv[count3] = plaintext[count3];
/* reset the buffer index */
bufferIndex = 0;
if (putc ((unsigned char) (ciphertext[count3] >> 8), fd) == EOF) return PWERR_DATA;
if (putc ((unsigned char) (ciphertext[count3] & 0xff), fd) == EOF) return PWERR_DATA;
} /*for (count3 = 0; count3 < 5; count3++)*/
} /*if (bufferIndex == 5)*/
/* increment a short, not a byte */
count2 += 2;
} /*while (count2 < strlen (buffer))*/
int ret = PWERR_GOOD;
return ret;
int ZSafe::saveFinalize(void)
int count1, retval = PWERR_GOOD;
unsigned short ciphertext[4];
Krc2* krc2 = new Krc2();
/* Tack on the PKCS 5 padding
* How it works is we fill up the last n bytes with the value n
* So, if we have, say, 13 bytes, 8 of which are used, we have 5 left
* over, leaving us 3 short, so we fill it in with 3's.
* If we come out even, we fill it with 8 8s
* um, except that in this instance we are using 4 shorts instead of 8 bytes.
* so, half everything
for (count1 = bufferIndex; count1 < 4; count1++) {
plaintext[count1] = (4 - bufferIndex);
krc2->rc2_encrypt (plaintext);
for (count1 = 0; count1 < 4; count1++) {
ciphertext[count1] = iv[count1] ^ plaintext[count1];
if (putc ((unsigned char) (ciphertext[count1] >> 8), fd) == EOF) retval = PWERR_DATA;
if (putc ((unsigned char) (ciphertext[count1] & 0xff), fd) == EOF) retval = PWERR_DATA;
fclose (fd);
return retval;
void ZSafe::quitMe ()
qWarning ("QUIT...");
if (modified)
switch( QMessageBox::information( this, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("Do you want to save\nbefore exiting?"),
tr("S&ave with\nnew\npassword"),
tr("&Don't Save"),
0 // Enter == button 0
) )
{ // Escape == button 2
case 0: // Save clicked, Alt-S or Enter pressed.
// save
modified = false;
saveDocument(filename, FALSE);
exitZs (1);
case 1: //
// Save with new password
modified = false;
saveDocument(filename, TRUE);
exitZs (1);
case 2: // Don't Save clicked or Alt-D pressed
// don't save but exitZs
exitZs (1);
exitZs (1);
void ZSafe::categoryFieldActivated( const QString& category)
if (categoryDialog)
setCategoryDialogFields(categoryDialog, category);
void ZSafe::addCategory()
if (filename.isEmpty())
QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("No document defined.\nYou have to create a new document"));
// open the 'Category' dialog
bool initIcons = false;
// open the 'Category' dialog
CategoryDialog *dialog;
if (categoryDialog)
dialog = categoryDialog;
categoryDialog = new CategoryDialog(this, tr("Category"), TRUE);
#ifdef WIN32
categoryDialog->setCaption ("Qt " + tr("Category"));
dialog = categoryDialog;
connect( dialog->CategoryField,
SIGNAL( activated ( const QString &)),
this, SLOT( categoryFieldActivated( const QString & ) ) );
initIcons = true;
#ifdef DESKTOP
#ifndef WIN32
QStringList list = conf->entryList( APP_KEY+"/fieldDefs" );
// read all categories from the config file and store
// into a list
QFile f (cfgFile);
QStringList list;
if ( ) { // file opened successfully
QTextStream t( &f ); // use a text stream
QString s;
int n = 1;
while ( !t.eof() ) { // until end of file...
s = t.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
// read all categories from the config file and store
// into a list
QFile f (cfgFile);
QStringList list;
if ( ) { // file opened successfully
QTextStream t( &f ); // use a text stream
QString s;
while ( !t.eof() ) { // until end of file...
s = t.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
QString categ;
dialog->CategoryField->clear(); // remove all items
while( it != list.end() )
QString *cat = new QString (*it);
if (cat->contains("-field1", FALSE))
#ifdef DESKTOP
#ifndef WIN32
categ = cat->section ("-field1", 0, 0);
int pos = cat->find ("-field1");
categ = cat->left (pos);
int pos = cat->find ("-field1");
categ = *cat;
if (!categ.isEmpty())
dialog->CategoryField->insertItem (categ, -1);
// CategoryDialog *dialog = new CategoryDialog(this, "Category", TRUE);
if (initIcons)
Wait waitDialog(this, tr("Wait dialog"));
waitDialog.waitLabel->setText(tr("Gathering icons..."));;
#ifdef DESKTOP
QDir d(iconPath);
QDir d(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/pics/");
d.setFilter( QDir::Files);
const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator
QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing
while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { // for each file...
QString fileName = fi->fileName();
if(fileName.right(4) == ".png"){
fileName = fileName.mid(0,fileName.length()-4);
#ifdef DESKTOP
QPixmap imageOfFile;
imageOfFile.load(iconPath + fi->fileName());
QPixmap imageOfFile(Resource::loadPixmap(fileName));
QImage foo = imageOfFile.convertToImage();
foo = foo.smoothScale(16,16);
#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef DESKTOP
// dialog->move (20, 100);
DialogCode result = (DialogCode) dialog->exec();
#ifdef DESKTOP
result = Accepted;
QString category;
QString icon;
QString fullIconPath;
QPixmap *pix;
if (result == Accepted)
modified = true;
category = dialog->CategoryField->currentText();
icon = dialog->IconField->currentText()+".png";
qWarning (category);
QListViewItem *li = new ShadedListItem( 1, ListView );
Category *c1 = new Category();
// if (!icon.isEmpty() && !icon.isNull())
if (icon != "predefined.png")
// build the full path
fullIconPath = iconPath + icon;
pix = new QPixmap (fullIconPath);
// pix->resize(14, 14);
if (pix)
// save the full pixmap name into the config file
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+category, icon);
// #endif
QImage img = pix->convertToImage();
c1->setIcon (*pix);
QPixmap folder( ( const char** ) general_data );
c1->setIcon (folder);
c1->setIcon (*getPredefinedIcon(category));
c1->setListItem (li);
categories.insert (c1->getCategoryName(), c1);
// delete dialog;
void ZSafe::delCategory()
if (!selectedItem)
if (isCategory(selectedItem))
switch( QMessageBox::information( this, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("Do you want to delete?"),
tr("&Delete"), tr("D&on't Delete"),
0 // Enter == button 0
) ) { // Escape == button 2
case 0: // Delete clicked, Alt-S or Enter pressed.
// Delete from the category list
modified = true;
categories.remove (selectedItem->text(0));
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->removeEntry (selectedItem->text(0));
// #endif
// Delete the selected item and all subitems
// step through all subitems
QListViewItem *si;
for (si = selectedItem->firstChild();
si != NULL; )
QListViewItem *_si = si;
si = si->nextSibling();
selectedItem->takeItem(_si); // remove from view list
if (_si) delete _si;
delete selectedItem;
selectedItem = NULL;
case 1: // Don't delete
void ZSafe::setCategoryDialogFields(CategoryDialog *dialog)
dialog->Field1->setText(getFieldLabel (selectedItem, "1", tr("Name")));
dialog->Field2->setText(getFieldLabel (selectedItem, "2", tr("Username")));
dialog->Field3->setText(getFieldLabel (selectedItem, "3", tr("Password")));
dialog->Field4->setText(getFieldLabel (selectedItem, "4", tr("Comment")));
dialog->Field5->setText(getFieldLabel (selectedItem, "5", tr("Field 4")));
dialog->Field6->setText(getFieldLabel (selectedItem, "6", tr("Field 5")));
+ QString icon;
+ Category *cat= categories.find (selectedItem->text(0));
+ if (cat)
+ {
+ icon = cat->getIconName();
+ }
+#ifdef DESKTOP
+ QDir d(iconPath);
+ QDir d(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/pics/");
+ d.setFilter( QDir::Files);
+ const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
+ int i=0;
+ QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator
+ QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing
+ if (icon.isEmpty() || icon.isNull())
+ {
+ dialog->IconField->setCurrentItem(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while ( (fi=it.current()) )
+ { // for each file...
+ QString fileName = fi->fileName();
+ if(fileName.right(4) == ".png")
+ {
+ fileName = fileName.mid(0,fileName.length()-4);
+ if(fileName+".png"==icon)
+ {
+ dialog->IconField->setCurrentItem(i+1);
+ break;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
void ZSafe::setCategoryDialogFields(CategoryDialog *dialog, QString category)
dialog->Field1->setText(getFieldLabel (category, "1", tr("Name")));
dialog->Field2->setText(getFieldLabel (category, "2", tr("Username")));
dialog->Field3->setText(getFieldLabel (category, "3", tr("Password")));
dialog->Field4->setText(getFieldLabel (category, "4", tr("Comment")));
dialog->Field5->setText(getFieldLabel (category, "5", tr("Field 4")));
dialog->Field6->setText(getFieldLabel (category, "6", tr("Field 5")));
+ QString icon;
+ Category *cat= categories.find (category);
+ if (cat)
+ {
+ icon = cat->getIconName();
+ }
+#ifdef DESKTOP
+ QDir d(iconPath);
+ QDir d(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/pics/");
+ d.setFilter( QDir::Files);
+ const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
+ int i=0;
+ QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator
+ QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing
+ if (icon.isEmpty() || icon.isNull())
+ {
+ dialog->IconField->setCurrentItem(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while ( (fi=it.current()) )
+ { // for each file...
+ QString fileName = fi->fileName();
+ if(fileName.right(4) == ".png")
+ {
+ fileName = fileName.mid(0,fileName.length()-4);
+ if(fileName+".png"==icon)
+ {
+ dialog->IconField->setCurrentItem(i+1);
+ break;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
void ZSafe::saveCategoryDialogFields(CategoryDialog *dialog)
QString app_key = APP_KEY;
#ifndef DESKTOP
conf->setGroup ("fieldDefs");
#ifndef WIN32
app_key += "/fieldDefs/";
QString category = dialog->CategoryField->currentText();
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->writeEntry(app_key+category+"-field1", dialog->Field1->text());
conf->writeEntry(app_key+category+"-field2", dialog->Field2->text());
conf->writeEntry(app_key+category+"-field3", dialog->Field3->text());
conf->writeEntry(app_key+category+"-field4", dialog->Field4->text());
conf->writeEntry(app_key+category+"-field5", dialog->Field5->text());
conf->writeEntry(app_key+category+"-field6", dialog->Field6->text());
// #endif
#ifndef DESKTOP
conf->setGroup ("zsafe");
void ZSafe::editCategory()
if (!selectedItem)
if (isCategory(selectedItem))
QString category = selectedItem->text(0);
bool initIcons = false;
// open the 'Category' dialog
CategoryDialog *dialog;
if (categoryDialog)
dialog = categoryDialog;
categoryDialog = new CategoryDialog(this, tr("Category"), TRUE);
#ifdef WIN32
categoryDialog->setCaption ("Qt " + tr("Category"));
dialog = categoryDialog;
connect( dialog->CategoryField,
SIGNAL( activated ( const QString &)),
this, SLOT( categoryFieldActivated( const QString & ) ) );
initIcons = true;
#ifdef DESKTOP
#ifndef WIN32
QStringList list = conf->entryList( APP_KEY+"/fieldDefs" );
// read all categories from the config file and store
// into a list
QFile f (cfgFile);
QStringList list;
if ( ) { // file opened successfully
QTextStream t( &f ); // use a text stream
QString s;
int n = 1;
while ( !t.eof() ) { // until end of file...
s = t.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
// read all categories from the config file and store
// into a list
QFile f (cfgFile);
QStringList list;
if ( ) { // file opened successfully
QTextStream t( &f ); // use a text stream
QString s;
while ( !t.eof() ) { // until end of file...
s = t.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
QString categ;
dialog->CategoryField->clear(); // remove all items
int i=0;
bool foundCategory = false;
while( it != list.end() )
QString *cat = new QString (*it);
if (cat->contains("-field1", FALSE))
#ifdef DESKTOP
#ifndef WIN32
categ = cat->section ("-field1", 0, 0);
int pos = cat->find ("-field1");
categ = cat->left (pos);
int pos = cat->find ("-field1");
categ = *cat;
if (!categ.isEmpty())
dialog->CategoryField->insertItem (categ, i);
if ( == 0)
foundCategory = true;
if (!foundCategory)
dialog->CategoryField->insertItem (category, i);
QString icon;
Category *cat= categories.find (selectedItem->text(0));
if (cat)
icon = cat->getIconName();
if (initIcons)
Wait waitDialog(this, tr("Wait dialog"));
waitDialog.waitLabel->setText(tr("Gathering icons..."));;
#ifdef DESKTOP
QDir d(iconPath);
QDir d(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/pics/");
d.setFilter( QDir::Files);
const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
int i=0;
QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator
QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing
if (icon.isEmpty() || icon.isNull())
while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { // for each file...
QString fileName = fi->fileName();
if(fileName.right(4) == ".png")
fileName = fileName.mid(0,fileName.length()-4);
#ifdef DESKTOP
QPixmap imageOfFile;
imageOfFile.load(iconPath + fi->fileName());
QPixmap imageOfFile(Resource::loadPixmap(fileName));
QImage foo = imageOfFile.convertToImage();
foo = foo.smoothScale(16,16);
#ifdef DESKTOP
// QDir d(QDir::homeDirPath() + "/pics/");
QDir d(iconPath);
QDir d(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/pics/");
d.setFilter( QDir::Files);
const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
int i=0;
QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator
QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing
if (icon.isEmpty() || icon.isNull())
while ( (fi=it.current()) )
{ // for each file...
QString fileName = fi->fileName();
if(fileName.right(4) == ".png")
fileName = fileName.mid(0,fileName.length()-4);
// dialog->show();
#ifndef DESKTOP
// dialog->move (20, 100);
DialogCode result = (DialogCode) dialog->exec();
#ifdef DESKTOP
result = Accepted;
QString fullIconPath;
QPixmap *pix;
if (result == Accepted)
modified = true;
if (category != dialog->CategoryField->currentText())
categories.remove (category);
// #ifndef WIN32
// #endif
category = dialog->CategoryField->currentText();
icon = dialog->IconField->currentText()+".png";
if (cat)
qWarning("Category found");
// if (!icon.isEmpty() && !icon.isNull())
if (icon != "predefined.png")
// build the full path
fullIconPath = iconPath + icon;
pix = new QPixmap (fullIconPath);
if (pix)
// save the full pixmap name into the config file
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+category, icon);
// #endif
QImage img = pix->convertToImage();
cat->setIconName (icon);
cat->setIcon (*pix);
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->removeEntry (category);
// #endif
cat->setIcon (*getPredefinedIcon(category));
// change the category name of the selected category
QListViewItem *catItem = cat->getListItem();
if (catItem)
qWarning (category);
catItem->setText( 0, tr( category ) );
cat->setCategoryName (tr(category));
categories.insert (category, cat);
// delete dialog;
void ZSafe::cutItem()
if (!selectedItem)
if (!isCategory(selectedItem))
IsCut = true;
copiedItem = selectedItem;
void ZSafe::copyItem()
if (!selectedItem)
if (!isCategory(selectedItem))
IsCopy = true;
copiedItem = selectedItem;
// paste item into category
void ZSafe::pasteItem()
if (!selectedItem)
if (isCategory(selectedItem))
modified = true;
if (IsCut)
if (copiedItem)
// add the new item
QListViewItem *i = new ShadedListItem (0, selectedItem);
// i->setOpen (TRUE);
i->setText (0, copiedItem->text(0));
i->setText (1, copiedItem->text(1));
i->setText (2, copiedItem->text(2));
i->setText (3, copiedItem->text(3));
i->setText (4, copiedItem->text(4));
i->setText (5, copiedItem->text(5));
selectedItem->setOpen( TRUE );
// remove the cutted item
selectedItem = NULL;
else if (IsCopy)
if (copiedItem)
// add the new item
QListViewItem *i = new ShadedListItem (0, selectedItem);
// i->setOpen (TRUE);
i->setText (0, copiedItem->text(0));
i->setText (1, copiedItem->text(1));
i->setText (2, copiedItem->text(2));
i->setText (3, copiedItem->text(3));
i->setText (4, copiedItem->text(4));
i->setText (5, copiedItem->text(5));
selectedItem->setOpen( TRUE );
IsCut = false;
IsCopy = false;
void ZSafe::newDocument()
// open the file dialog
#ifndef DESKTOP
#ifndef NO_OPIE
QMap<QString, QStringList> mimeTypes;
mimeTypes.insert(tr("All"), QStringList() );
mimeTypes.insert(tr("ZSafe"), "zsafe/*" );
QString newFile = OFileDialog::getSaveFileName( OFileSelector::EXTENDED_ALL,
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
tr ("Create new ZSafe document"));
QString newFile = ScQtFileEdit::getSaveAsFileName(this,
tr ("Create new ZSafe document"),
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
QString newFile = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
"ZSafe (*.zsf)",
"ZSafe File Dialog"
"Choose a ZSafe file" );
// open the new document
if (newFile && newFile.length() > 0 )
// save the previous opened document
if (!filename.isEmpty())
saveDocument(filename, FALSE);
modified = true;
// clear the password list
QListViewItem *i;
QListViewItem *c = NULL;
// step through all categories
for (i = ListView->firstChild();
i != NULL;
i = i->nextSibling())
if (c) delete c; // delete the previous category
c = i;
// step through all subitems
QListViewItem *si;
for (si = i->firstChild();
si != NULL; )
QListViewItem *_si = si;
si = si->nextSibling();
i->takeItem(_si); // remove from view list
if (_si) delete _si;
if (c) delete c; // delete the previous category
// m_password = "";
selectedItem = NULL;
filename = newFile;
// save the current filename to the config file
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+"document", filename);
QString ti = filename.right (filename.length() - filename.findRev ('/') - 1);
#ifdef WIN32
this->setCaption("Qt ZSafe: " + ti);
this->setCaption("ZSafe: " + ti);
// openDocument(filename);
QMessageBox::information( this, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("Now you have to enter\na password twice for your\nnewly created document."), tr("&OK"), 0);
void ZSafe::loadDocument()
// open the file dialog
#ifndef DESKTOP
#ifndef NO_OPIE
QMap<QString, QStringList> mimeTypes;
mimeTypes.insert(tr("All"), QStringList() );
mimeTypes.insert(tr("ZSafe"), "zsafe/*" );
QString newFile = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( OFileSelector::EXTENDED_ALL,
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
tr ("Open ZSafe document"));
QString newFile = ScQtFileEdit::getOpenFileName(this,
tr ("Open ZSafe document"),
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
QString newFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
"ZSafe (*.zsf)",
"ZSafe File Dialog"
"Choose a ZSafe file" );
// open the new document
if (newFile && newFile.length() > 0 )
// save the previous opened document
if (!filename.isEmpty())
saveDocument(filename, FALSE);
// clear the password list
QListViewItem *i;
QListViewItem *c = NULL;
// step through all categories
for (i = ListView->firstChild();
i != NULL;
i = i->nextSibling())
if (c) delete c; // delete the previous category
c = i;
// step through all subitems
QListViewItem *si;
for (si = i->firstChild();
si != NULL; )
QListViewItem *_si = si;
si = si->nextSibling();
i->takeItem(_si); // remove from view list
if (_si) delete _si;
if (c) delete c; // delete the previous category
m_password = "";
selectedItem = NULL;
filename = newFile;
// save the current filename to the config file
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+"document", filename);
QString ti = filename.right (filename.length() - filename.findRev ('/') - 1);
#ifdef WIN32
this->setCaption("Qt ZSafe: " + ti);
this->setCaption("ZSafe: " + ti);
void ZSafe::saveDocumentAs()
#ifndef DESKTOP
#ifndef NO_OPIE
QMap<QString, QStringList> mimeTypes;
mimeTypes.insert(tr("All"), QStringList() );
mimeTypes.insert(tr("ZSafe"), "zsafe/*" );
QString newFile = OFileDialog::getSaveFileName( OFileSelector::EXTENDED_ALL,
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
tr ("Save ZSafe document as.."));
QString newFile = ScQtFileEdit::getSaveAsFileName(this,
tr ("Save ZSafe document as.."),
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
// open the file dialog
QString newFile = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe",
"ZSafe (*.zsf)",
"ZSafe File Dialog"
"Choose a ZSafe file" );
// open the new document
if (newFile && newFile.length() > 0 )
// save the previous opened document
if (!filename.isEmpty())
saveDocument(filename, FALSE);
selectedItem = NULL;
filename = newFile;
// save the current filename to the config file
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+"document", filename);
QString ti = filename.right (filename.length() - filename.findRev ('/') - 1);
#ifdef WIN32
this->setCaption("Qt ZSafe: " + ti);
this->setCaption("ZSafe: " + ti);
QMessageBox::information( this, tr("ZSafe"),
tr("Now you have to enter\na password twice for your\nnewly created document."), tr("&OK"), 0);
void ZSafe::saveDocumentWithoutPwd()
saveDocument(filename, FALSE);
void ZSafe::saveDocumentWithPwd()
saveDocument(filename, TRUE);
void ZSafe::about()
QString info;
info = "<html><body><div align=""center"">";
info += "<b>";
info += tr("Zaurus Password Manager<br>");
info += tr("ZSafe version 2.1.2<br>");
info += "</b>";
info += tr("by Carsten Schneider<br>");
info += "<br>";
info += "";
info += "<br>";
info += tr("Translations by Robert Ernst<br>");
info += "<br>";
info += "<br></div>";
info += "</body></html>";
// QMessageBox::information( this, tr("ZSafe"), info, tr("&OK"), 0);
QMessageBox mb( this, tr("ZSafe"));
mb.setText (info);
mb.setButtonText (QMessageBox::Ok, tr ("&OK"));
QPixmap zsafe_img((const char**) zsafe_xpm);
mb.setIconPixmap (zsafe_img);
void ZSafe::setExpandFlag()
expandTree = !expandTree;
file->setItemChecked('o', expandTree);
#ifndef DESKTOP
conf->setGroup ("zsafePrefs");
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->writeEntry (APP_KEY+"expandTree", expandTree);
// #endif
void ZSafe::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
if (raiseFlag)
raiseFlag = false;
raiseTimer.start (1, true);
if (infoForm->isVisible())
void ZSafe::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * )
// qWarning ("resizeEvent");
#ifndef DESKTOP
DeskW = appl->desktop()->width();
DeskH = appl->desktop()->height();
DeskW = this->width();
DeskH = this->height();
qWarning( QString("Width : %1").arg(DeskW), 2000 );
qWarning( QString("Height: %1").arg(DeskH), 2000 );
New->setGeometry ( QRect( DeskW-84, 2, 20, 20 ) );
Edit->setGeometry ( QRect( DeskW-64, 2, 20, 20 ) );
Delete->setGeometry( QRect( DeskW-44, 2, 20, 20 ) );
Find->setGeometry ( QRect( DeskW-24, 2, 20, 20 ) );
void ZSafe::slotRaiseTimer()
if (infoForm->isVisible())
raiseFlag = true;
QPixmap * ZSafe::getPredefinedIcon(QString category)
QPixmap *pm;
if (category == "Bank cards")
pm = new QPixmap((const char**)bank_cards_data);
else if (category == "Passwords")
pm = new QPixmap((const char**)passwords_data);
else if (category == "Software")
pm = new QPixmap((const char**)software_data);
else if (category == "General")
pm = new QPixmap((const char**)general_data);
pm = new QPixmap((const char**)general_data);
return pm;
void ZSafe::setDocument(const QString& fileref)
#ifndef DESKTOP
// stop the timer to prevent loading of the default document
DocLnk link(fileref);
if ( link.isValid() )
// if (filename != link.file())
// saveDocument(filename, FALSE);
filename = link.file();
// if (filename != fileref)
// saveDocument(filename, FALSE);
filename = fileref;
// save the current filename to the config file
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+"document", filename);
QString ti = filename.right (filename.length() - filename.findRev ('/') - 1);
#ifdef WIN32
this->setCaption("Qt ZSafe: " + ti);
this->setCaption("ZSafe: " + ti);
// clear the password list
QListViewItem *i;
QListViewItem *c = NULL;
// step through all categories
for (i = ListView->firstChild();
i != NULL;
i = i->nextSibling())
if (c) delete c; // delete the previous category
c = i;
// step through all subitems
QListViewItem *si;
for (si = i->firstChild();
si != NULL; )
QListViewItem *_si = si;
si = si->nextSibling();
i->takeItem(_si); // remove from view list
if (_si) delete _si;
if (c) delete c; // delete the previous category
m_password = "";
selectedItem = NULL;