-rw-r--r-- | noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.cpp | 19 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.cpp | 20 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.h | 2 |
4 files changed, 16 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.cpp b/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.cpp index a23c900..1c56aae 100644 --- a/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.cpp @@ -213,96 +213,97 @@ void MainWindow::makeMenu() destination->insertStringList( settings->getDestinationNames() ); setComboName(destination,settings->getDestinationName()); connect( destination, SIGNAL(activated(int)), settings, SLOT(activeDestinationChange(int)) ); spacer = new QLabel( " ", destBar ); spacer->setBackgroundColor( destBar->backgroundColor() ); CheckBoxLink = new QCheckBox( tr("Link"), destBar); CheckBoxLink->setBackgroundColor( destBar->backgroundColor() ); CheckBoxLink->setChecked( settings->createLinks() ); connect( CheckBoxLink, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), settings, SLOT(linkEnabled(bool)) ); destAction = new QAction( tr( "Destinations" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( destAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), SLOT( destShow(bool) ) ); a = new QAction( tr( "Close Destinations" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "close" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( destClose() ) ); a->addTo( destBar ); destBar->setStretchableWidget( CheckBoxLink ); destAction->setToggleAction( true ); // destAction->addTo( viewMenu ); // configure the menus Config cfg( "oipkg", Config::User ); cfg.setGroup( "gui" ); findShow( cfg.readBoolEntry( "findBar", true ) ); searchShow( cfg.readBoolEntry( "searchBar", true ) ); sectionShow( cfg.readBoolEntry( "sectionBar", true ) ); destShow( cfg.readBoolEntry( "destBar", false ) ); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { Config cfg( "oipkg", Config::User ); cfg.setGroup( "gui" ); cfg.writeEntry( "findBar", !findBar->isHidden() ); cfg.writeEntry( "searchBar", !searchBar->isHidden() ); cfg.writeEntry( "sectionBar", !sectionBar->isHidden() ); cfg.writeEntry( "destBar", !destBar->isHidden() ); } void MainWindow::runIpkg() { packageListServers.allPackages(); ipkg->loadList( &packageListSearch ); ipkg->loadList( &packageListDocLnk ); ipkg->loadList( &packageListServers ); ipkg->commit(); + ipkg->clearLists(); // ##### If we looked in the list of files, we could send out accurate // ##### messages. But we don't bother yet, and just do an "all". QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); QString lf = QString::null; e << lf; displayList(); } void MainWindow::updateList() { // wait->show(); QTimer *t = new QTimer( this ); connect( t, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT( rotateUpdateIcon() ) ); t->start( 0, false ); packageListServers.clear(); packageListSearch.clear(); packageListDocLnk.clear(); ipkg->update(); packageListServers.update(); packageListSearch.update(); packageListDocLnk.update(); t->stop(); // wait->hide(); } void MainWindow::filterList() { // wait->show(); QString f = ""; if ( findAction->isOn() ) f = findEdit->text(); packageListServers.filterPackages( f ); // wait->hide(); } void MainWindow::displayList() { // wait->hide(); filterList(); listViewPackages->display(); } void MainWindow::sectionChanged() { disconnect( section, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( sectionChanged() ) ); disconnect( subsection, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT( subSectionChanged() ) ); subsection->clear(); @@ -375,119 +376,105 @@ void MainWindow::findShow(bool b) if (b) findBar->show(); else findBar->hide(); findAction->setOn( b ); } void MainWindow::findClose() { findAction->setOn( false ); } void MainWindow::searchShow(bool b) { if (b) searchBar->show(); else searchBar->hide(); searchAction->setOn( b ); } void MainWindow::searchClose() { searchAction->setOn( false ); } void MainWindow::destShow(bool b) { if (b) destBar->show(); else destBar->hide(); destAction->setOn( b ); } void MainWindow::destClose() { destAction->setOn( false ); } void MainWindow::rotateUpdateIcon() { pvDebug(2, "MainWindow::rotateUpdateIcon"); if ( updateIcon ) updateAction->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "oipkg/update" ) ); else updateAction->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "oipkg/update2" ) ); updateIcon = !updateIcon; } void MainWindow::setDocument(const QString &fileName) { - installFile(fileName); - // ##### If we looked in the list of files, we could send out accurate - // ##### messages. But we don't bother yet, and just do an "all". - QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); - QString lf = QString::null; - e << lf; - // displayList(); - exit; -} - -void MainWindow::installFile(const QString &fileName) -{ - pvDebug(3, "MainWindow::installFile "+fileName); if ( !QFile::exists( fileName ) ) return; ipkg->installFile( fileName ); - // ##### If we looked in the list of files, we could send out accurate - // ##### messages. But we don't bother yet, and just do an "all". QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); QString lf = QString::null; e << lf; - displayList(); + exit; } + void MainWindow::makeChannel() { channel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/Application/oipkg", this ); connect( channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&, const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT(receive(const QCString&, const QByteArray&)) ); } void MainWindow::receive(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &arg) { pvDebug(3, "QCop "+msg+" "+QCString(arg)); if ( msg == "installFile(QString)" ) { ipkg->installFile( QString(arg) ); }else if( msg == "removeFile(QString)" ) { ipkg->removeFile( QString(arg) ); }else if( msg == "createLinks(QString)" ) { ipkg->createLinks( QString(arg) ); }else if( msg == "removeLinks(QString)" ) { ipkg->removeLinks( QString(arg) ); }else{ pvDebug(2,"Huh what do ya want") } } void MainWindow::createLinks() { pvDebug(2,"creating links..."); ipkg->createLinks( settings->destinationurl->text() ); } void MainWindow::removeLinks() { pvDebug(2,"removing links..."); ipkg->removeLinks( settings->destinationurl->text() ); } void MainWindow::remotePackageQuery() { packageListSearch.query( searchEdit->text() ); packageListSearch.update(); displayList(); } diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.h b/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.h index 7c93dad..ce3e761 100644 --- a/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.h +++ b/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/mainwindow.h @@ -19,80 +19,79 @@ class QPEToolBar; class QLineEdit; class PackageListItem; class QCopChannel; class QMessageBox; class QCheckBox; class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0 ); ~MainWindow(); void makeChannel(); QCopChannel *channel; protected slots: void runIpkg(); void updateList(); void displayList(); void subSectionChanged(); void sectionChanged(); void showSettings(); void showSettingsSrv(); void showSettingsDst(); public slots: void sectionClose(); void sectionShow(bool); void findClose(); void findShow(bool); void searchClose(); void searchShow(bool); void destClose(); void destShow(bool); void filterList(); void createLinks(); void removeLinks(); void receive (const QCString &, const QByteArray &); void setDocument (const QString &); void remotePackageQuery(); private: void makeMenu(); void setSections(); void setSubSections(); - void installFile(const QString &); bool updateIcon; PmIpkg* ipkg; PackageManagerSettings *settings; PackageListLocal packageListServers; PackageListRemote packageListSearch; PackageListDocLnk packageListDocLnk; PackageListView *listViewPackages; QAction *runAction; QAction *updateAction; QAction *findAction; QPEToolBar *findBar; QLineEdit *findEdit; QAction *searchAction; QAction *searchCommit; QPEToolBar *searchBar; QLineEdit *searchEdit; QAction *sectionAction; QPEToolBar *sectionBar; QComboBox *section; QComboBox *subsection; QAction *destAction; QPEToolBar *destBar; QComboBox *destination; QCheckBox* CheckBoxLink; // QMessageBox *wait; private slots: void rotateUpdateIcon(); }; #endif diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.cpp b/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.cpp index 0401a5b..30777c2 100644 --- a/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.cpp +++ b/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.cpp @@ -196,200 +196,202 @@ void PmIpkg::processLinkDir( QString file, QString dest ) pvDebug(4,"removing "+destFile+" no "+file); unlink( linkFile ); } } } } void PmIpkg::loadList( PackageList *pl ) { for( Package *pack = pl->first();pack ; (pack = pl->next()) ) { if ( pack && (pack->name() != "") && pack) { if ( pack->toInstall() ) to_install.append( pack ); if ( pack->toRemove() ) to_remove.append( pack ); } } } void PmIpkg::commit() { int sizecount = 0; installDialog = new InstallDialog(settings,0,0,true); installDialog->toRemoveItem->setOpen( true ); installDialog->toInstallItem->setOpen( true ); for (uint i=0; i < to_remove.count(); i++) { sizecount += 1; installDialog->toRemoveItem->insertItem( new PackageListItem(installDialog->ListViewPackages, to_remove.at(i),settings) ); } for (uint i=0; i < to_install.count(); i++) { sizecount += to_install.at(i)->size().toInt(); installDialog->toInstallItem->insertItem( new PackageListItem(installDialog->ListViewPackages, to_install.at(i),settings) ); } runwindow->progress->setTotalSteps(sizecount); qDebug("Install size %i",sizecount); installDialog->showMaximized(); installDialog->show(); if ( installDialog->exec() ) { doIt(); runwindow->showMaximized(); runwindow->show(); } installDialog->close(); + delete installDialog; out(tr("\nAll done.")); } void PmIpkg::doIt() { runwindow->progress->setProgress(0); show(); remove(); install(); } void PmIpkg::remove() { if ( to_remove.count() == 0 ) return; out(tr("Removing")+"\n"+tr("please wait")+"\n\n"); QStringList *fileList; for (uint i=0; i < to_remove.count(); i++) { if ( to_remove.at(i)->link() )fileList = getList( to_remove.at(i)->name(), to_remove.at(i)->dest() ); if ( runIpkg("remove " + to_remove.at(i)->installName(), to_remove.at(i)->dest() )) { runwindow->progress->setProgress( 1 ); linkOpp = removeLink; to_remove.at(i)->processed(); - pvDebug(4,"link "+QString::number(i)); + pvDebug(3,"link "+QString::number(i)); if ( to_remove.at(i)->link() ) processFileList( fileList, to_remove.at(i)->dest() ); - pvDebug(4,"take "+QString::number(i)); - to_remove.take( i ); + //pvDebug(3,"take "+QString::number(i)+" of "+QString::number(to_remove.count())); + //if ( to_remove.at(i) ) to_remove.take( i ); out("\n"); }else{ out(tr("Error while removing")+to_remove.at(i)->name()+"\n"); if ( to_remove.at(i)->link() ) processFileList( fileList, to_remove.at(i)->dest() ); } if ( to_remove.at(i)->link() ) processFileList( fileList, to_remove.at(i)->dest() ); if ( to_remove.at(i)->link() )delete fileList; } to_remove.clear(); out("\n"); } void PmIpkg::install() { if ( to_install.count() == 0 ) return; out(tr("Installing")+"\n"+tr("please wait")+"\n"); for (uint i=0; i < to_install.count(); i++) { qDebug("install loop %i of %i installing %s",i,to_install.count(),to_install.at(i)->installName().latin1()); //pvDebug if ( runIpkg("install " + to_install.at(i)->installName(), to_install.at(i)->dest() )) { runwindow->progress->setProgress( to_install.at(i)->size().toInt() + runwindow->progress->progress()); to_install.at(i)->processed(); linkOpp = createLink; if ( to_install.at(i)->link() ) makeLinks( to_install.at(i) ); - to_install.take( i ); + // to_install.take( i ); out("\n"); }else{ out(tr("Error while installing")+to_install.at(i)->name()+"\n"); linkOpp = createLink; if ( to_install.at(i)->link() ) makeLinks( to_install.at(i) ); } } out("\n"); to_install.clear(); } void PmIpkg::createLinks( const QString &dest ) { pvDebug(2,"PmIpkg::createLinks "+dest); linkOpp=createLink; QString url = settings->getDestinationUrlByName( dest ); url = url==""?dest:url; processLinkDir( "/opt", url ); processLinkDir( "/usr", url ); } void PmIpkg::removeLinks( const QString &dest ) { pvDebug(2,"PmIpkg::removeLinks "+dest); linkOpp=removeLink; QString url = settings->getDestinationUrlByName( dest ); url = url==""?dest:url; processLinkDir( "/opt", url ); processLinkDir( "/usr", url ); } void PmIpkg::update() { show(); runIpkg( "update" ); runwindow->close(); } void PmIpkg::out( QString o ) { runwindow->outPut->append(o); runwindow->outPut->setCursorPosition(runwindow->outPut->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE); } void PmIpkg::show() { if (!runwindow->isVisible()) { runwindow->showMaximized(); runwindow->show(); } runwindow->outPut->setText(""); -// showButtons(b); -// if ( !b ) -// runwindow->progress->hide(); -// else -// runwindow->progress->show(); } void PmIpkg::installFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &dest) { to_install.clear(); to_remove.clear(); pvDebug( 2,"PmIpkg::installFile "+ fileName); Package *p = new Package(fileName,settings); if ( dest!="") p->setDest( dest ); to_install.append( p ); commit(); delete p; } void PmIpkg::removeFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &dest) { to_install.clear(); to_remove.clear(); pvDebug( 2,"PmIpkg::removeFile "+ fileName); Package *p = new Package(fileName,settings); if ( dest!="") p->setDest( dest ); to_remove.append( p ); commit(); delete p; } + +void PmIpkg::clearLists() +{ + to_remove.clear(); + to_install.clear(); +} diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.h b/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.h index c543304..d53a74d 100644 --- a/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.h +++ b/noncore/unsupported/oipkg/pmipkg.h @@ -1,63 +1,65 @@ #ifndef PMIPKG_H #define PMIPKG_H #include <qobject.h> #include <qlist.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qwidget.h> #include "pksettings.h" #include "runwindow.h" #include "packagelist.h" #include "installdialog.h" #include "debug.h" #define createLink 0 #define removeLink 1 class Package; class PmIpkg : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: PmIpkg( PackageManagerSettings* , QWidget* p=0, const char * name=0, WFlags f=0 ); ~PmIpkg(); int linkOpp; void loadList( PackageList* ); void commit(); void update(); void show(); + /** No descriptions */ + void clearLists(); public slots: void doIt(); void install(); void remove(); void installFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &dest=""); void removeFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &dest=""); void createLinks( const QString &dest ); void removeLinks( const QString &dest ); private: PackageManagerSettings* settings; RunWindow *runwindow; InstallDialog *installDialog; QList<Package> to_remove; QList<Package> to_install; QString fileNameToInstall; QCheckBox *_force_reinstall; QCheckBox *_force_remove; QCheckBox *_force_depends; // void startDialog(); void makeLinks(Package*); void linkPackage( QString, QString ); void processLinkDir( QString , QString ); bool runIpkg(const QString& args, const QString& dest="" ); void out( QString ); QStringList* getList( QString, QString ); void processFileList( QStringList*, QString ); }; #endif |