-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opiestumbler/opiestumbler.cpp | 4 |
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/opiestumbler/opiestumbler.cpp b/noncore/net/opiestumbler/opiestumbler.cpp index 2f4f54b..3531162 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opiestumbler/opiestumbler.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opiestumbler/opiestumbler.cpp @@ -241,99 +241,99 @@ void OpieStumbler::slotShowDetails() } void OpieStumbler::slotLoadManufacturers() { m_db = Opie::Net::OManufacturerDB::instance(); } QString OpieStumbler::manufacturer( const QString &mac, bool extended ) { QString retval; if ( m_db ) if ( extended ) retval = m_db->lookupExt(mac); else retval = m_db->lookup(mac); if ( retval.isEmpty() ) retval = tr("Unknown"); return retval; } void OpieStumbler::slotJoinNetwork() { slotStopScanning(); OWirelessNetworkInterface *wiface = static_cast<OWirelessNetworkInterface*>(ONetwork::instance()->interface(m_interface)); if( !wiface ) return; QListIterator<StumblerStation> it(m_stationsHistory); for(; it.current() && it.current()->st->macAddress.toString() != m_mac; ++it ); if( !it.current() ) return; m_ssid = it.current()->st->ssid.left(it.current()->st->ssid.length()-1); m_splash = new QFrame( this, "splash", false, WStyle_StaysOnTop | WStyle_DialogBorder | WStyle_Customize ); m_splash->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised ); m_splashBox = new QVBoxLayout( m_splash, 4, 4 ); m_infoLabel = new QLabel( QString("<center><b>%1 %2</b></center>").arg(tr("Joining Network")).arg(m_ssid), m_splash ); m_pbar = new QProgressBar( 3, m_splash ); m_pbar->setCenterIndicator(true); m_splashBox->addWidget( m_infoLabel ); m_splashBox->addWidget( m_pbar ); - int sw = m_splashBox->sizeHint().width()*2; + int sw = m_splashBox->sizeHint().width() * 2; int sh = m_splashBox->sizeHint().height(); - m_splash->setGeometry((240-(sw))/2, (320-sh)/2, sw, sh); + m_splash->setGeometry((qApp->desktop()->width() - sw)/2, (qApp->desktop()->height() - sh)/2, sw, sh); m_splash->show(); m_splash->raise(); Opie::Net::OStation *station = it.current()->st; odebug << "Bringing interface down" << oendl; wiface->setUp(false); odebug << "Setting mode to " << (station->type == "adhoc" ? "adhoc" : "managed") << oendl; wiface->setMode(station->type == "adhoc" ? "adhoc" : "managed" ); odebug << "Setting channel to " << station->channel << oendl; wiface->setChannel(station->channel); odebug << "Setting SSID to " << station->ssid << oendl; wiface->setSSID(station->ssid); wiface->commit(); odebug << "Bringing interface up" << oendl; wiface->setUp(true); m_pbar->setProgress(1); //Wait 5 sec for association QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(slotAssociated())); } void OpieStumbler::slotAssociated() { OWirelessNetworkInterface *wiface = static_cast<OWirelessNetworkInterface*>(ONetwork::instance()->interface(m_interface)); if( !wiface ) { slotCleanSplash(); return; } if (!wiface->isAssociated()) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Could not Join")); m_infoLabel->setText(tr("Could not Join")); QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(slotCleanSplash())); return; } Global::statusMessage(tr("Joined")); m_pbar->setProgress(2); m_infoLabel->setText(QString("<center><b>%1 %2</b></center>").arg(tr("Joined Network")).arg(m_ssid)); if(m_proc) { m_proc->kill(); |