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2 files changed, 13 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/TODO b/core/pim/addressbook/TODO
index df55b2d..1eb537f 100644
--- a/core/pim/addressbook/TODO
+++ b/core/pim/addressbook/TODO
@@ -1,70 +1,67 @@
Stuff todo until OPIE 1.0 :
Feature requests:
- Dial by mobile phone by tapping the number..
(Maybe using gsmtool. And we may
add a library class for this)
- dial with dtmfdial incase it's installed and there's no mobile
- 3rd column for 2. Contact
- Implementing additional Views (Phonebook, ...)
- Birthday & Anniversary Reminder
- Plugin for Today for Birthdays and Anniversaries
- Beaming of multiple contacts (current list/ by search or by category)
Known Bugs:
-- Language not English (tested with german opie-translation):
- 1. Configure nicht übersetzt (alles leer).
- 2. Contacteditor nur teilweise übersetzt.
- 3. Kategorie-Picker geht nicht.
Bugs but not in addressbook:
- VCARD: If umlaut (äöüß) in address, the parser gets confused..
- Exporting and reimporting of Jobtitle was reported to fail (Could not reproduce this ! (se))
- Contact-Editor is temporarely reenabled. Wait for replacement.
- Redesign of Contacteditor
- Store last settings of combo-boxes
- Category is on the wrong position after changing to personal and back to normal
( Temporarily workaround: Category is never deactivated.. :S )
- Personal and Business Web-page is not editable
- Implement a picker/combo for the default email.
- After search (Started with Return): KeyFocus should be on Tabelle
- "What's this" should be added (Deleyed after Feature Freeze)
Less important:
- Reload if contacts were changed externally
- Overview window cleanup needed..
- The picker (alphabetical sort widget) should be
placed verticaly or horizontally (configurable)
- Find a smart solution for activating/deactivating the "send email" event
Should be Fixed (not absolute sure, need further validation):
- Syncing: abtable not reloaded after sync.
- Find widget should be replaced by something like
qpdf has.
- Adding a configuration dialog
- Picker: Activated letter schould be more visible
- Advanced handling of cursor keys (search..)
- Mail-Icon is missing
- Use opie-mail insted of qt-mail if possible.
@@ -78,32 +75,36 @@ Fixed:
-> Ablabel should be removed and Abtable should be increased with
different views (as started by darwin zins)..
- Use advanced database functions in abtable to decrease
memory footprint and to make everything more easy !
(abtable should store Iterator for selected Category)
- Abtable: Configure Contact column (internally already available,
need configuration)
- Select of primary contact (see #274 on mantis)
- Category-select does not work completely: "Unfiled" is always in listview ..
- Return from Contacteditor: Category resettet to all
- Personal Details not working
- If category changed, the letterpicker should be resetted
- There should be some icons for List and Cardview
- If in Cardview and a category change removes all entries:
There are already entries in Cardview after up/down
- Personal Details: Anniversary zeigt Fantasie-Werte
- Unfiled shown just in Category "All" and "Unfiled".
- After finising search and after Edit: Clear Picker
- After Edit: Table position back to edited entry.
- Optimize Table Update...
- Change MyDialog to Config
- Store position and state of toolbar
- Searchwidget closed: Selected user is jumping
- Wenn suchen beendet, dann dauert das Tabellenupdate (was überhaupt überflüssig ist)
zu lange..
- VCARD: Import of Anniversary does not work correctly (currently disabled)
- Name order selected in "contacteditor" not used in list view.
- OK-Key does not switch from Detailview (ablable) to Listview
- Receiving of beams should open a dialog
- Fix start of opie-mail
- Implement Button Pics
- Add a dialog to accept and optionally edit received contacts by IRDA.
+- Language not English (tested with german opie-translation):
+ 1. Configure nicht übersetzt (alles leer).
+ 2. Contacteditor nur teilweise übersetzt.
+ 3. Kategorie-Picker geht nicht.
diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/abview.cpp b/core/pim/addressbook/abview.cpp
index 161b163..93e57ca 100644
--- a/core/pim/addressbook/abview.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/addressbook/abview.cpp
@@ -124,64 +124,65 @@ void AbView::replaceEntry( const OContact &contact )
OContact AbView::currentEntry()
OContact currentContact;
switch ( (int) m_curr_View ) {
case TableView:
currentContact = m_abTable -> currentEntry();
case CardView:
currentContact = m_ablabel -> currentEntry();
m_curr_Contact = currentContact.uid();
return currentContact;
bool AbView::save()
qWarning("abView:Save data");
return m_contactdb->save();
void AbView::load()
qWarning("abView:Load data");
// Letter Search is stopped at this place
emit signalClearLetterPicker();
if ( m_inPersonal )
+ // VCard Backend does not sort..
m_list = m_contactdb->allRecords();
m_list = m_contactdb->sorted( true, 0, 0, 0 );
qWarning ("Number of contacts: %d", m_list.count());
updateView( true );
void AbView::reload()
qWarning( "void AbView::reload()" );
void AbView::clear()
// :SX
void AbView::setShowByCategory( const QString& cat )
qWarning("AbView::setShowCategory( const QString& cat )");
int intCat = 0;
// All (cat == NULL) will be stored as -1
@@ -196,66 +197,72 @@ void AbView::setShowByCategory( const QString& cat )
m_curr_category = intCat;
emit signalClearLetterPicker();
void AbView::setShowToView( Views view )
qWarning("void AbView::setShowToView( View %d )", view);
qWarning ("Change the View (Category is: %d)", m_curr_category);
if ( m_curr_View != view ){
m_prev_View = m_curr_View;
m_curr_View = view;
void AbView::setShowByLetter( char c )
qWarning("void AbView::setShowByLetter( %c )", c );
OContact query;
if ( c == 0 ){
+ // If the current Backend is unable to solve the query, we will
+ // ignore the request ..
+ if ( ! m_contactdb->hasQuerySettings( OContactAccess::WildCards | OContactAccess::IgnoreCase ) ){
+ return;
+ }
query.setLastName( QString("%1*").arg(c) );
- m_list = m_contactdb->queryByExample( query, OContactAccess::WildCards );
+ m_list = m_contactdb->queryByExample( query, OContactAccess::WildCards | OContactAccess::IgnoreCase );
m_curr_Contact = 0;
updateView( true );
void AbView::setListOrder( const QValueList<int>& ordered )
m_orderedFields = ordered;
QString AbView::showCategory() const
return mCat.label( "Contacts", m_curr_category );
void AbView::showPersonal( bool personal )
qWarning ("void AbView::showPersonal( %d )", personal);
if ( personal ){
if ( m_inPersonal )
// Now switch to vCard Backend and load data.
// The current default backend will be stored
// to avoid unneeded load/stores.
m_storedDB = m_contactdb;