path: root/noncore
authorerik <erik>2007-07-09 22:06:00 (UTC)
committer erik <erik>2007-07-09 22:06:00 (UTC)
commita91bbaee9eb419dc985d9f5c3689831c8aa75c1e (patch) (side-by-side diff)
treeba0da224a93f7af1a80a4bef3186edff8dc9483f /noncore
parent1ec355e1cc016edd2e322ff7d57469feaa46474b (diff)
Fix for opie bug 1719. This should make opie-irc play nicer with utf-8.
Patches were culled from OE. Thanks to whoever the original patch author was.
Diffstat (limited to 'noncore') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircconnection.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircconnection.cpp
index 88e63f7..fb7e168 100644
--- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircconnection.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircconnection.cpp
@@ -1,122 +1,123 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include "ircconnection.h"
IRCConnection::IRCConnection(IRCServer *server) {
m_server = server;
m_socket = new QSocket(this);
m_connected = FALSE;
m_loggedIn = FALSE;
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(login()));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(dataReady()));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(error(int)), this, SLOT(error(int)));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connectionClosed()), this, SLOT(disconnect()));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished()), this, SLOT(disconnect()));
/* Connect to the IRC server */
void IRCConnection::doConnect() {
m_socket->connectToHost(m_server->hostname(), m_server->port());
/* Send commands to the IRC server */
void IRCConnection::sendLine(QString line) {
while((line.right(1) == "\n") || (line.right(1) == "\r"))
line = line.left(line.length() - 1);
- m_socket->writeBlock(line, line.length());
+ QCString uline = line.utf8();
+ m_socket->writeBlock(uline, uline.length());
void IRCConnection::sendCTCPReply(const QString &nickname, const QString &type, const QString &args) {
sendLine("NOTICE " + nickname + " :\001" + type + " " + args + "\001");
void IRCConnection::sendCTCPRequest(const QString &nickname, const QString &type, const QString &args) {
sendLine("PRIVMSG " + nickname + " :\001" + type + " " + args + "\001");
void IRCConnection::sendCTCPPing(const QString &nickname) {
QDateTime tm;
QString strtime = QString::number(tm.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()));
sendCTCPRequest(nickname, "PING", strtime);
void IRCConnection::whois(const QString &nickname) {
sendLine("WHOIS " + nickname);
* login() is called right after the connection
* to the IRC server has been established
void IRCConnection::login() {
char hostname[256];
QString loginString;
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CLIENTMESSAGE, tr("Connected, logging in ..")));
m_connected = TRUE;
gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)-1);
hostname[sizeof (hostname) - 1] = 0;
/* Create a logon string and send it */
if (m_server->password().length()>0) {
loginString += "PASS " + m_server->password() + "\r\n";
loginString += "NICK " + m_server->nick() + "\r\n" +
"USER " + m_server->username() + " " + hostname +
" " + m_server->hostname() + " :" + m_server->realname() + "\r\n";
/* Called when data arrives on the socket */
void IRCConnection::dataReady() {
while(m_socket->canReadLine()) {
- IRCMessage message(m_socket->readLine());
+ IRCMessage message(QString::fromUtf8(m_socket->readLine()));
if (!m_loggedIn && message.isNumerical() && message.commandNumber() == 1) {
/* Now autojoin all channels specified inside the server profile */
QStringList channels = QStringList::split(QChar(','), m_server->channels());
for (QStringList::Iterator it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it) {
QString channelName = (*it).stripWhiteSpace();
if (channelName.startsWith("#") || channelName.startsWith("+")) {
sendLine("JOIN "+ channelName);
m_loggedIn = TRUE;
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CLIENTMESSAGE, tr("Successfully logged in.")));
emit messageArrived(&message);
/* Called if any type of socket error occurs */
void IRCConnection::error(int num) {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Socket error : ") + strerror(num)));
void IRCConnection::disconnect() {
m_connected = FALSE;
m_loggedIn = FALSE;
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CONNCLOSE, tr("Connection closed")));
bool IRCConnection::isConnected() {
return m_connected;
bool IRCConnection::isLoggedIn() {
return m_loggedIn;
void IRCConnection::close() {
if (m_socket->state()==QSocket::Idle) {
diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp
index c449a65..ae47f69 100644
--- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp
@@ -1,683 +1,683 @@
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <opie2/ofiledialog.h>
#include <opie2/ofileselector.h>
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include "ircmessageparser.h"
#include "ircversion.h"
#include "ircchannelperson.h"
#include "dcctransfertab.h"
#include "ircservertab.h"
/* Lookup table for literal commands */
IRCLiteralMessageParserStruct IRCMessageParser::literalParserProcTable[] = {
{ "PING", FUNC(parseLiteralPing) },
{ "NOTICE", FUNC(parseLiteralNotice) },
{ "JOIN", FUNC(parseLiteralJoin) },
{ "PRIVMSG", FUNC(parseLiteralPrivMsg) },
{ "NICK", FUNC(parseLiteralNick) },
{ "PART", FUNC(parseLiteralPart) },
{ "QUIT", FUNC(parseLiteralQuit) },
{ "ERROR", FUNC(parseLiteralError) },
{ "ERROR:", FUNC(parseLiteralError) },
{ "MODE", FUNC(parseLiteralMode) },
{ "KICK", FUNC(parseLiteralKick) },
{ "TOPIC", FUNC(parseLiteralTopic) },
{ 0 , 0 }
/* Lookup table for literal commands */
IRCCTCPMessageParserStruct IRCMessageParser::ctcpParserProcTable[] = {
{ "PING", FUNC(parseCTCPPing) },
{ "VERSION", FUNC(parseCTCPVersion) },
{ "ACTION", FUNC(parseCTCPAction) },
{ "DCC", FUNC(parseCTCPDCC) },
{ 0 , 0 }
/* Lookup table for numerical commands
* According to:
IRCNumericalMessageParserStruct IRCMessageParser::numericalParserProcTable[] = {
{ 1, "%1", "1", FUNC(parseNumericalServerName) }, // RPL_WELCOME
{ 2, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_YOURHOST
{ 3, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_CREATED
{ 4, QT_TR_NOOP("Server %1 version %2 supports usermodes '%3' and channelmodes '%4'"), "1:4", FUNC(parseNumericalServerFeatures) }, // RPL_MYINFO
{ 5, 0, 0, FUNC(parseNumericalServerProtocol) }, // RPL_BOUNCE, RPL_PROTOCTL
{ 250, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_STATSCONN
{ 251, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_LUSERCLIENT
{ 252, QT_TR_NOOP("There are %1 operators connected"), "1", 0 }, // RPL_LUSEROP
{ 253, QT_TR_NOOP("There are %1 unknown connection(s)"), "1", 0 }, // RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN
{ 254, QT_TR_NOOP("There are %1 channels formed"), "1", 0 }, // RPL_LUSERCHANNELS
{ 255, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_LUSERME
{ 263, QT_TR_NOOP("Please wait a while and try again"), 0, 0 }, // RPL_TRYAGAIN
{ 265, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_LOCALUSERS
{ 266, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_GLOBALUSERS
{ 311, QT_TR_NOOP("Whois %1 (%2@%3)\nReal name: %4"), "1:3,5", 0 }, // RPL_WHOISUSER
{ 312, QT_TR_NOOP("%1 is using server %2"), "1,2", 0 }, // RPL_WHOISSERVER
{ 317, 0, 0, FUNC(parseNumericalWhoisIdle) }, // RPL_WHOISIDLE
{ 318, "%1 :%2", "1,2", 0 }, // RPL_ENDOFWHOIS
{ 319, QT_TR_NOOP("%1 is on channels: %2"), "1,2", 0 }, // RPL_WHOISCHANNELS
{ 320, "%1 %2", "1,2", 0}, // RPL_WHOISVIRT
{ 332, 0, 0, FUNC(parseNumericalTopic) }, // RPL_TOPIC
{ 333, 0, 0, FUNC(parseNumericalTopicWhoTime) }, // RPL_TOPICWHOTIME*/
{ 353, QT_TR_NOOP("Names for %1: %2"), "2,3", FUNC(parseNumericalNames) }, // RPL_NAMREPLY
{ 366, "%1 :%2", "1,2", FUNC(parseNumericalEndOfNames) }, // RPL_ENDOFNAMES
{ 369, "%1 :%2", "1,2", 0 }, // RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS
{ 372, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_MOTD
{ 375, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_MOTDSTART
{ 376, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_ENDOFMOTD
{ 377, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_MOTD2
{ 378, "%1", "1", 0 }, // RPL_MOTD3
{ 391, QT_TR_NOOP("Time on server %1 is %2"), "1,2", 0 }, // RPL_TIME
{ 401, QT_TR_NOOP("Channel or nick %1 doesn't exists"), "1", 0 }, // ERR_NOSUCHNICK
{ 403, QT_TR_NOOP("Channel %1 doesn't exists"), "1", 0 }, // ERR_ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL
{ 406, QT_TR_NOOP("There is no history information for %1"), "1", 0 }, // ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK
{ 409, "%1", "1", 0 }, // ERR_NOORIGIN
{ 411, "%1", "1", 0 }, // ERR_NORECIPIENT
{ 412, "%1", "1", 0 }, // ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND
{ 421, QT_TR_NOOP("Unknown command: %1"), "1", 0 }, // ERR_ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND
{ 422, "%1", "1", 0 }, // ERR_NOMOTD
{ 433, QT_TR_NOOP("Can't change nick to %1: %2"), "1,2", FUNC(parseNumericalNicknameInUse) }, // ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE
{ 442, QT_TR_NOOP("You're not on channel %1"), "1", 0}, // ERR_NOTONCHANNEL
{ 477, "%1", "1", 0 }, // ERR_NOCHANMODES || ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK
{ 482, QT_TR_NOOP("[%1] Operation not permitted, you don't have enough channel privileges"), "1", 0 }, //ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
IRCMessageParser::IRCMessageParser(IRCSession *session) {
m_session = session;
void IRCMessageParser::parse(IRCMessage *message) {
/* Find out what kind of message we have here and call the appropriate handler using
the parser tables. If no handler can be found, print out an error message */
if (message->isNumerical()) {
for (int i=0; i<numericalParserProcTable[i].commandNumber; i++) {
if (message->commandNumber() == numericalParserProcTable[i].commandNumber) {
parseNumerical(message, i);
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received unhandled numeric command: %1").arg( QString::number(message->commandNumber()) )));
} else if (message->isCTCP()) {
for (int i=0; ctcpParserProcTable[i].commandName; i++) {
if (message->ctcpCommand() == ctcpParserProcTable[i].commandName) {
parseCTCP(message, i);
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received unhandled ctcp command: %1").arg( message->ctcpCommand())) );
} else {
for (int i=0; literalParserProcTable[i].commandName; i++) {
if (message->command() == literalParserProcTable[i].commandName) {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received unhandled literal command: %1").arg( message->command()) ));
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumerical(IRCMessage *message, int position) {
QString out = tr(numericalParserProcTable[position].message);
QString paramString = numericalParserProcTable[position].params;
if(!out.isEmpty() && !paramString.isEmpty()) {
QStringList params = message->params(numericalParserProcTable[position].params);
QStringList::Iterator end = params.end();
for (QStringList::Iterator it = params.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
out = out.arg(*it);
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, out));
void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCP(IRCMessage *message, int position) {
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalServerName(IRCMessage *message) {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_TITLE, tr("Connected to")+" <b>" + message->prefix() + "</b>"));
/* Register EFFECTIVE nickname, some networks (as irc-hispano) use nick:password
* for authentication and the parser gets confused */
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalServerFeatures(IRCMessage *message) {
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalServerProtocol(IRCMessage *message) {
/* XXX: Add some usefull features here */
QString out = message->allParameters();
out = out.mid(out.find(' ')+1);
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, out));
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalWhoisIdle(IRCMessage *message) {
QDateTime dt;
QTime t;
t = t.addSecs(message->param(2).toInt());
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, tr("%1 has been idle for %2").arg(message->param(1)).arg(t.toString())));
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, tr("%1 signed on %2").arg(message->param(1)).arg(dt.toString())));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPing(IRCMessage *message) {
m_session->m_connection->sendLine("PONG " + message->allParameters());
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralNotice(IRCMessage *message) {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->allParameters()));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralJoin(IRCMessage *message) {
QString channelName = message->param(0).lower();
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(channelName);
if (!channel) {
/* We joined */
if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) {
channel = new IRCChannel(channelName);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Nonexistant channel join - desynchronized?")));
} else {
/* Someone else joined */
if (mask.nick() != m_session->m_server->nick()) {
if (!channel->getPerson(mask.nick())) {
IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (!person) {
person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix());
IRCChannelPerson *chanperson = new IRCChannelPerson(person);
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_OTHERJOIN ,tr("%1 joined channel %2").arg( mask.nick() ).arg( channelName ));
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Person has already joined the channel - desynchronized?")));
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("You already joined the channel - desynchronized?")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPart(IRCMessage *message) {
QString channelName = message->param(0).lower();
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(channelName);
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
if (channel) {
if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_SELFPART, tr("You left channel %1").arg( channelName ));
emit outputReady(output);
delete channel;
} else {
IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (person) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_OTHERPART, tr("%1 left channel %2").arg( mask.nick() ).arg( channelName) );
emit outputReady(output);
delete person;
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Parting person not found - desynchronized?")));
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel for part not found - desynchronized?")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPrivMsg(IRCMessage *message) {
if (m_session->m_server->nick().lower() == message->param(0).lower() ) {
/* IRC Query message detected, verify sender and display it */
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (!person) {
/* Person not yet known, create and add to the current session */
person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix());
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUERYPRIVMSG, message->param(1));
emit outputReady(output);
if (IRCChannel::isValid(message->param(0))) {
/* IRC Channel message detected, verify sender, channel and display it */
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0).lower());
if (channel) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (person) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANPRIVMSG, message->param(1));
emit outputReady(output);
else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel message with unknown sender")));
else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel message with unknown channel %1").arg(message->param(0).lower()) ));
else {emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received PRIVMSG of unknown type")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralNick(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
m_session->updateNickname(mask.nick(), message->param(0));
/* this way of handling nick changes really sucks
if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) {
We are changing our nickname
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_NICKCHANGE, tr("You are now known as %1").arg( message->param(0)));
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
Someone else is
RCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (person) {
//IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_NICKCHANGE, tr("%1 is now known as %2").arg( mask.nick() ).arg( message->param(0)));
new code starts here -- this removes the person from all channels
QList<IRCChannel> channels;
m_session->getChannelsByPerson(person, channels);
QListIterator<IRCChannel> it(channels);
for (;it.current(); ++it) {
IRCChannelPerson *chanperson = it.current()->getPerson(mask.nick());
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_NICKCHANGE, tr("%1 is now known as %2").arg( mask.nick() ).arg( message->param(0)));
emit outputReady(output);
new code ends here
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Nickname change of an unknown person")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralQuit(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (person) {
QList<IRCChannel> channels;
m_session->getChannelsByPerson(person, channels);
QListIterator<IRCChannel> it(channels);
for (;it.current(); ++it) {
IRCChannelPerson *chanperson = it.current()->getPerson(mask.nick());
delete chanperson;
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUIT, tr("%1 has quit (%2)" ).arg( mask.nick() ).arg( message->param(0) ));
emit outputReady(output);
delete person;
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown person quit - desynchronized?")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralTopic(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0).lower());
if (channel) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_TOPIC, mask.nick() + tr(" changed topic to ") + "\"" + message->param(1) + "\"");
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown channel topic - desynchronized?")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralError(IRCMessage *message) {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, message->allParameters()));
void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPPing(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
if(message->isCTCPReply()) {
unsigned int sentTime = message->param(0).toUInt();
QDateTime tm;
unsigned int receivedTime = tm.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime());
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CTCP, tr("Received a CTCP PING reply from %1: %2 seconds").arg(mask.nick()).arg(receivedTime-sentTime)));
m_session->m_connection->sendCTCPReply(mask.nick(), "PING", message->allParameters());
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CTCP, tr("Received a CTCP PING request from %1").arg(mask.nick())));
//IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
QString dest = message->ctcpDestination();
if (dest.startsWith("#")) {
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(dest.lower());
if (channel) {
IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (person) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANACTION, tr("Received a CTCP PING from ")+ mask.nick()) ;
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP PING with unknown person - Desynchronized?")));
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP PING with unknown channel - Desynchronized?")));
} else {
if (message->ctcpDestination() == m_session->m_server->nick()) {
IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (!person) {
/* Person not yet known, create and add to the current session */
person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix());
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUERYACTION, tr("Received a CTCP PING from ")+ mask.nick() );
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP PING with bad recipient")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPVersion(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CTCP);
if(message->isCTCPRequest()) {
m_session->m_connection->sendCTCPReply(mask.nick(), "VERSION", APP_VERSION " " APP_COPYSTR);
output.setMessage(tr("Received a CTCP VERSION request from ") + mask.nick());
else {
output.setMessage("Received CTCP VERSION reply from " + mask.nick() + ":" + message->param(0));
emit outputReady(output);
void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPAction(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
QString dest = message->ctcpDestination();
if (dest.startsWith("#")) {
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(dest.lower());
if (channel) {
IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (person) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANACTION, "*" + mask.nick() + message->param(0));
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP ACTION with unknown person - Desynchronized?")));
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP ACTION with unknown channel - Desynchronized?")));
} else {
if (message->ctcpDestination() == m_session->m_server->nick()) {
IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick());
if (!person) {
/* Person not yet known, create and add to the current session */
person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix());
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUERYACTION, "*" + mask.nick() + message->param(0));
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP ACTION with bad recipient")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPDCC(IRCMessage *message) {
QStringList params = QStringList::split(' ', message->param(0).stripWhiteSpace());
if(params[0] == "SEND") {
QString nickname = IRCPerson(message->prefix()).nick();
if( params.count() != 5) {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Malformed DCC request from %1").arg(nickname)));
bool accepted = DCCTransferTab::confirm(static_cast<QWidget*>(m_session->parent()), nickname, params[1], params[4].toUInt());
QString filename = Opie::Ui::OFileDialog::getSaveFileName(Opie::Ui::OFileSelector::EXTENDED_ALL,
QString::null, params[1], MimeTypes(), 0, tr("Save As"));
odebug << "Receiving file " << filename << " from " << nickname << oendl;
static_cast<IRCServerTab*>(m_session->parent())->mainwindow()->addDCC(DCCTransfer::Recv, params[2].toUInt(), params[3].toUInt(),
filename, nickname, params[4].toUInt());
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralMode(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
if (IRCChannel::isValid(message->param(0))) {
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0).lower());
if (channel) {
QString temp, parameters = message->allParameters().right(message->allParameters().length() - channel->channelname().length() - 1);
QTextIStream stream(&parameters);
bool set = FALSE;
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
stream >> temp;
if (temp.startsWith("+")) {
set = TRUE;
temp = temp.right(1);
if (temp.startsWith("-")) {
set = FALSE;
temp = temp.right(1);
else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change has unknown type")));
if (temp == "o") {
stream >> temp;
IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(temp);
if (person) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANPERSONMODE, person->setOp(mask.nick(), set));
emit outputReady(output);
else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change with unknown person - Desynchronized?")));
if (temp == "v") {
stream >> temp;
IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(temp);
if (person) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANPERSONMODE, person->setVoice(mask.nick(), set));
emit outputReady(output);
else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change with unknown person - Desynchronized?")));
else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change with unknown flag")));
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change with unknown kannel - Desynchronized?")));
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("User modes not supported yet")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralKick(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCPerson mask(message->prefix());
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0).lower());
if (channel) {
IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(message->param(1));
if (person) {
if (person->nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) {
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_SELFKICK, tr("You were kicked from ") + channel->channelname() + tr(" by ") + mask.nick() + " (" + message->param(2) + ")");
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
/* someone else got kicked */
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_OTHERKICK, person->nick() + tr(" was kicked from ") + channel->channelname() + tr(" by ") + mask.nick()+ " (" + message->param(2) + ")");
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown person kick - desynchronized?")));
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown channel kick - desynchronized?")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalNames(IRCMessage *message) {
/* Name list sent when joining a channel */
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(2).lower());
if (channel != 0) {
QString people = message->param(3);
QTextIStream stream(&people);
QString temp;
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
stream >> temp;
char flagch =;
int flag = 0;
QString nick;
/* Parse person flags */
if (flagch == '~' || flagch == '&' || flagch == '@' || flagch == '+' ||
flagch=='%' || flagch == '*') {
nick = temp.right(temp.length()-1);
switch (flagch) {
* @note '~' and `&' are extensions of the unrealircd irc
* daemon. This app can't see users w/out checking for these
* chars.
case '~':
case '&':
case '@':
flag = IRCChannelPerson::PERSON_FLAG_OP;
case '+':
flag = IRCChannelPerson::PERSON_FLAG_VOICE;
case '%':
flag = IRCChannelPerson::PERSON_FLAG_HALFOP;
default :
flag = 0;
} else
nick = temp;
IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(nick);
if (person == 0) {
person = new IRCPerson();
IRCChannelPerson *chan_person = new IRCChannelPerson(person);
} else
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR,
tr("Server message with unknown channel")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalEndOfNames(IRCMessage *message) {
/* Done syncing to channel */
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(1).lower());
if (channel) {
/* Yes, we want the names before anything happens inside the GUI */
IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_SELFJOIN, tr("You joined channel ") + channel->channelname());
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Server message with unknown channel")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalNicknameInUse(IRCMessage *) {
/* If we are connnected this error is not critical */
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Nickname is in use, please reconnect with a different nickname")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalNoSuchNick(IRCMessage *) {
emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("No such nickname")));
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalTopic(IRCMessage *message) {
IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(1).lower());
if (channel) {
- IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_TOPIC, tr("Topic for channel " + channel->channelname() + " is \"" + message->param(2) + "\""));
+ IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_TOPIC, tr("Topic for channel ") + channel->channelname() + tr(" is \"") + message->param(2) + "\"");
emit outputReady(output);
} else {
- IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_TOPIC, tr("Topic for channel " + message->param(1) + " is \"" + message->param(2) + "\""));
+ IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_TOPIC, tr("Topic for channel ") + message->param(1) + tr(" is \"") + message->param(2) + "\"");
emit outputReady(output);
void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalTopicWhoTime(IRCMessage *) {