authorzecke <zecke>2004-04-02 19:28:09 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2004-04-02 19:28:09 (UTC)
commit97bdc55663590ba430a4f322ad97aab9f4c02bf3 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent09d1ebb55ab44ebd129ff44b83b6b20054df77aa (diff)
-Fix realignment of the items but now it updates too often
-Fix slave not to include <qt></qt> for iconViewName
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
5 files changed, 20 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/gui/iconview.cpp b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/gui/iconview.cpp
index b3f0006..ed9fc9c 100644
--- a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/gui/iconview.cpp
+++ b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/gui/iconview.cpp
@@ -1,161 +1,160 @@
* GPLv2
* No WArranty...
#include "iconview.h"
#include <lib/imagecache.h>
#include <iface/dirview.h>
#include <iface/dirlister.h>
#include <opie2/oconfig.h>
#include <opie2/okeyconfigwidget.h>
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpe/qpemessagebox.h>
#include <qpe/ir.h>
#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include <qiconview.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qmainwindow.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
using Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigItem;
namespace {
QPixmap* _dirPix = 0;
QPixmap* _unkPix = 0;
class IconViewItem : public QIconViewItem {
IconViewItem( QIconView*, const QString& path, const QString& name, bool isDir = false);
QPixmap* pixmap()const;
QString path()const { return m_path; }
bool isDir()const { return m_isDir; }
void setText( const QString& );
- void reCalc();
mutable QPixmap* m_pix;
QString m_path;
bool m_isDir : 1;
bool m_noInfo :1;
* If we request an Image or String
* we add it to the map
QMap<QString, IconViewItem*> g_stringInf;
QMap<QString, IconViewItem*> g_stringPix;
IconViewItem::IconViewItem( QIconView* view,const QString& path,
const QString& name, bool isDir )
: QIconViewItem( view ), m_path( path ), m_isDir( isDir ),
m_noInfo( false )
QIconViewItem::setText( name );
if ( isDir && !_dirPix )
_dirPix = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("advancedfm/FileBrowser"));
else if ( !isDir && !_unkPix )
_unkPix = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "UnknownDocument" ) );
inline QPixmap* IconViewItem::pixmap()const {
+ qWarning( "Name is " + m_path.right( 15 ) + " rect is %d %d %d %d | %d %d",
+ rect().x(),rect().y(),rect().width(),rect().height(),
+ iconView()->contentsX(), iconView()->contentsY());
if ( m_isDir )
return _dirPix;
if (!m_noInfo && !g_stringInf.contains( m_path ) ) {
currentView()->dirLister()->imageInfo( m_path );
g_stringInf.insert( m_path, const_cast<IconViewItem*>(this));
m_pix = PPixmapCache::self()->cachedImage( m_path, 64, 64 );
if ( !m_pix && !g_stringPix.contains( m_path )) {
currentView()->dirLister()->thumbNail( m_path, 64, 64 );
g_stringPix.insert( m_path, const_cast<IconViewItem*>(this));
return m_pix ? m_pix : _unkPix;
inline void IconViewItem::setText( const QString& str ) {
QString text = QIconViewItem::text()+"\n"+str;
m_noInfo = true;
QIconViewItem::setText( text );
- reCalc();
- }
- inline void IconViewItem::reCalc()
- {
- calcRect();
PIconView::PIconView( QWidget* wid, Opie::Core::OConfig* cfg )
: QVBox( wid ), m_cfg( cfg )
QCopEnvelope( "QPE/Application/opie-eye_slave", "refUp()" );
m_path = QDir::homeDirPath();
QHBox *hbox = new QHBox( this );
QLabel* lbl = new QLabel( hbox );
lbl->setText( tr("View as" ) );
m_views = new QComboBox( hbox, "View As" );
connect( m_views, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, SLOT(slotViewChanged(int)) );
m_view= new QIconView( this );
connect(m_view, SIGNAL(clicked(QIconViewItem*) ),
this, SLOT(slotClicked(QIconViewItem*)) );
m_view->setArrangement( QIconView::LeftToRight );
m_view->setItemTextPos( QIconView::Right );
- m_view->setResizeMode(QIconView::Adjust);
int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int viewerWidth = dw-style().scrollBarExtent().width();
- m_view->setGridX( viewerWidth-2*m_view->spacing() );
+ m_view->setGridX( viewerWidth-3*m_view->spacing());
m_view->setGridY( fontMetrics().height()*2+40 );
slotViewChanged( m_views->currentItem() );
PIconView::~PIconView() {
QCopEnvelope( "QPE/Application/opie-eye_slave", "refDown()" );
delete m_viewManager;
Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigManager* PIconView::manager() {
return m_viewManager;
void PIconView::initKeys() {
Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::List lst;
lst.append( Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::upArrowKey() );
lst.append( Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::downArrowKey() );
lst.append( Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::leftArrowKey() );
lst.append( Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::rightArrowKey() );
lst.append( Opie::Ui::OKeyPair::returnKey() );
m_viewManager = new Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigManager(m_cfg, "View-KeyBoard-Config",
lst, false,this, "keyconfig name" );
m_viewManager->addKeyConfig( OKeyConfigItem(tr("Beam Current Item") , "beam",
@@ -167,69 +166,69 @@ void PIconView::initKeys() {
Opie::Ui::OKeyPair(Qt::Key_D, Qt::ShiftButton),
this, SLOT(slotTrash())) );
m_viewManager->addKeyConfig( OKeyConfigItem(tr("View Current Item"), "view",
QString::fromLatin1("1to1"), ViewItem,
Opie::Ui::OKeyPair(Qt::Key_V, Qt::ShiftButton),
this, SLOT(slotShowImage())));
m_viewManager->addKeyConfig( OKeyConfigItem(tr("Show Image Info") , "info",
QString::fromLatin1("DocumentTypeWord"), InfoItem,
Opie::Ui::OKeyPair(Qt::Key_I, Qt::ShiftButton ),
this, SLOT(slotImageInfo()) ) );
m_viewManager->handleWidget( m_view );
void PIconView::slotDirUp() {
QDir dir( m_path );
slotChangeDir( dir.absPath() );
void PIconView::slotChangeDir(const QString& path) {
if ( !currentView() )
PDirLister *lister = currentView()->dirLister();
if (!lister )
lister->setStartPath( path );
m_path = lister->currentPath();
- m_view->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
+ m_view->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
addFolders( lister->folders() );
addFiles( lister->files() );
- m_view->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
+ m_view->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
// Also invalidate the cache. We can't cancel the operations anyway
// looks ugly
static_cast<QMainWindow*>(parent())->setCaption( QObject::tr("%1 - O View", "Name of the dir").arg( m_path ) );
QString PIconView::currentFileName(bool &isDir)const {
isDir = false;
QIconViewItem* _it = m_view->currentItem();
if ( !_it )
return QString::null;
IconViewItem* it = static_cast<IconViewItem*>( _it );
isDir = it->isDir();
return it->path();
void PIconView::slotTrash() {
bool isDir;
QString pa = currentFileName( isDir );
if ( isDir && pa.isEmpty() )
if (!QPEMessageBox::confirmDelete( this,
tr("Delete Image" ),
tr("the Image %1" ).arg(pa)))
@@ -285,94 +284,92 @@ void PIconView::addFolders( const QStringList& lst) {
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for(it=lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
(void)new IconViewItem( m_view, m_path+"/"+(*it), (*it), true );
void PIconView::addFiles( const QStringList& lst) {
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for (it=lst.begin(); it!= lst.end(); ++it )
(void)new IconViewItem( m_view, m_path+"/"+(*it), (*it) );
void PIconView::slotClicked(QIconViewItem* _it) {
if(!_it )
IconViewItem* it = static_cast<IconViewItem*>(_it);
if( it->isDir() )
slotChangeDir( it->path() );
else // view image
void PIconView::slotThumbInfo( const QString& _path, const QString& str ) {
if ( g_stringInf.contains( _path ) ) {
IconViewItem* item = g_stringInf[_path];
/* if set the view shows nonsens!
I dont know how to fix the format of displayed text :(*/
item->setText( str );
- item->repaint();
g_stringInf.remove( _path );
void PIconView::slotThumbNail(const QString& _path, const QPixmap &pix) {
if ( g_stringPix.contains( _path ) ) {
IconViewItem* item = g_stringPix[_path];
if (pix.width()>0) {
PPixmapCache::self()->insertImage( _path, pix, 64, 64 );
/* required for a recalculated rectangle. otherwise the view show nonsense! */
- item->reCalc();
} else {
PPixmapCache::self()->insertImage(_path,Resource::loadPixmap( "UnknownDocument" ),64,64 );
- item->repaint();
g_stringPix.remove( _path );
void PIconView::slotRename() {
void PIconView::slotBeam() {
bool isDir;
QString pa = currentFileName( isDir );
if ( isDir && pa.isEmpty() )
Ir* ir = new Ir( this );
connect( ir, SIGNAL(done(Ir*)),
this, SLOT(slotBeamDone(Ir*)));
ir->send(pa, tr( "Image" ) );
void PIconView::slotBeamDone( Ir* ir) {
delete ir;
void PIconView::slotStart() {
- m_view->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
+ m_view->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
void PIconView::slotEnd() {
- m_view->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
+ m_view->arrangeItemsInGrid( );
+ m_view->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
void PIconView::slotShowImage() {
void PIconView::slotShowImage( const QString& ) {
void PIconView::slotImageInfo() {
void PIconView::slotImageInfo( const QString& ) {
diff --git a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/gui/mainwindow.cpp b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/gui/mainwindow.cpp
index 0314659..83ff4f1 100644
--- a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/gui/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/gui/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -80,59 +80,59 @@ PMainWindow::PMainWindow(QWidget* wid, const char* name, WFlags style)
btn->setIconSet( Resource::loadIconSet( "SettingsIcon" ) );
connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked() ),
this, SLOT(slotConfig() ) );
PMainWindow::~PMainWindow() {
void PMainWindow::slotConfig() {
* have a tab with the possible views
* a tab for globals image cache size.. scaled loading
* and one tab for the KeyConfigs
QDialog dlg(this, 0, true);
dlg.setCaption( tr("Phunk View - Config" ) );
QHBoxLayout *lay = new QHBoxLayout(&dlg);
Opie::Ui::OTabWidget *wid = new Opie::Ui::OTabWidget(&dlg );
lay->addWidget( wid );
ViewMap *vM = viewMap();
ViewMap::Iterator _it = vM->begin();
QMap<PDirView*, QWidget*> lst;
for( ; _it != vM->end(); ++_it ) {
PDirView *view = (*m_cfg);
PInterfaceInfo *inf = view->interfaceInfo();
QWidget *_wid = inf->configWidget( *m_cfg );
_wid->reparent(wid, QPoint() );
lst.insert( view, _wid );
- wid->addTab( _wid, QString::null, inf->name() );
+ wid->addTab( _wid, "fileopen", inf->name() );
* Add the KeyConfigWidget
Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigWidget* keyWid = new Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigWidget( wid, "key config" );
keyWid->setChangeMode( Opie::Ui::OKeyConfigWidget::Queue );
keyWid->insert( tr("Browser Keyboard Actions"), m_view->manager() );
wid->addTab( keyWid, QString::fromLatin1("AppsIcon" ), tr("Keyboard Configuration") );
bool act = ( QPEApplication::execDialog( &dlg ) == QDialog::Accepted );
QMap<PDirView*, QWidget*>::Iterator it;
for ( it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
if ( act )
it.key()->interfaceInfo()->writeConfig(, *m_cfg);
delete it.key();
if ( act ) {
diff --git a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/gif_slave.cpp b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/gif_slave.cpp
index feb69b6..f0dc86e 100644
--- a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/gif_slave.cpp
+++ b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/gif_slave.cpp
@@ -257,49 +257,50 @@ FILE * infile;
if ((infile = fopen(original_filename, READ_BINARY)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open gif image '%s'\n", original_filename);
return ;
output = FALSE;
verbose = TRUE;
debug = FALSE;
skipcomment = FALSE;
giftrans( infile, NULL, str, full );
fclose( infile );
: SlaveInterface(QStringList("gif"))
GifSlave::~GifSlave() {
QString GifSlave::iconViewName(const QString& str) {
QString st;
get_gif_info(QFile::encodeName( str ).data(), st );
return st;
QString GifSlave::fullImageInfo( const QString& str) {
- QString st;
+ QString st = "<qt>";
get_gif_info(QFile::encodeName( str ).data(), st, true );
+ st.append( "</qt>" );
return st;
QPixmap GifSlave::pixmap(const QString& path, int width, int height ) {
static QImage img;
img.load( path );
if ( img.isNull() ) {
QPixmap pix;
return pix;
return ThumbNailTool::scaleImage( img, width,height );
diff --git a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/jpeg_slave.cpp b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/jpeg_slave.cpp
index 95055fd..086b47f 100644
--- a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/jpeg_slave.cpp
+++ b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/jpeg_slave.cpp
@@ -1271,92 +1271,91 @@ static QString exposure_program( int i ) {
case 5:
exp = QObject::tr( "Creative progam\n(biased toward fast shutter speed" );
case 6:
exp = QObject::tr( "Action progam\n(biased toward fast shutter speed)" );
case 7:
exp = QObject::tr( "Portrait mode\n(for closeup photos with the background out of focus)" );
case 8:
exp = QObject::tr( "Landscape mode\n(for landscape photos with the background in focus)" );
exp = QObject::tr( "Unknown" );
return QObject::tr( "Exposure Program: %1\n" ).arg( exp );
: SlaveInterface( QStringList::split( " ", "jpeg jpg" ) )
JpegSlave::~JpegSlave() {}
QString JpegSlave::iconViewName( const QString& path) {
ExifData ImageInfo;
if ( !ImageInfo.scan( path ) )
return QString::null;
QString tag;
- tag = QObject::tr( "<qt>Comment: %1\n" ).arg( ImageInfo.getComment() );
+ tag = QObject::tr( "Comment: %1\n" ).arg( ImageInfo.getComment() );
// ODP fixme
QString timestring = TimeString::dateString( parseDateTime( ImageInfo.getDateTime() ), FALSE );
tag += QObject::tr( "Date/Time: %1\n" ).arg( timestring );
tag += QObject::tr( "Dimensions: %1x%2\n" ).arg(ImageInfo.getWidth())
.arg(ImageInfo.getHeight() );
tag += color_mode_to_string( ImageInfo.getIsColor() );
tag += compression_to_string( ImageInfo.getCompressionLevel() );
- tag += QObject::tr( "</qt>" );
return tag;
* messy messy string creation
QString JpegSlave::fullImageInfo( const QString& path) {
ExifData ImageInfo;
if ( !ImageInfo.scan( path ) )
return QString::null;
QString tag, tmp;
- tag = QObject::tr( "Comment: %1\n" ).arg( ImageInfo.getComment() );
+ tag = QObject::tr( "<qt>Comment: %1\n" ).arg( ImageInfo.getComment() );
tmp = ImageInfo.getCameraMake();
if ( tmp.length() )
tag += QObject::tr( "Manufacturer: %1\n" ).arg( tmp );
tmp = ImageInfo.getCameraModel();
if ( tmp.length() )
tag += QObject::tr( "Model: %1\n" ).arg( tmp );
// ODP fixme
tmp = TimeString::dateString( parseDateTime( ImageInfo.getDateTime() ), FALSE );
tag += QObject::tr( "Date/Time: %1\n" ).arg( tmp );
tag += QObject::tr( "Dimensions: %1x%2\n" ).arg(ImageInfo.getWidth())
.arg(ImageInfo.getHeight() );
tag += color_mode_to_string( ImageInfo.getIsColor() );
tag += compression_to_string( ImageInfo.getCompressionLevel() );
if ( ImageInfo.getOrientation() )
tag += QObject::tr( "Orientation: %1\n" ).arg(ImageInfo.getOrientation() );
int flash_used = ImageInfo.getFlashUsed();
if ( flash_used >= 0 )
tag += QObject::tr( "Flash used\n" );
if ( ImageInfo.getFocalLength() ) {
tag += QObject::tr( "Focal length: %1\n" ).arg( QString().sprintf( "%4.1f", ImageInfo.getFocalLength() ) );
if ( ImageInfo.getCCDWidth() )
tag += QObject::tr( "35mm equivalent: %1\n" ).arg( (int)(ImageInfo.getFocalLength()/ImageInfo.getCCDWidth()*35 + 0.5) );
diff --git a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/png_slave.cpp b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/png_slave.cpp
index 72b93cc..86e1cdc 100644
--- a/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/png_slave.cpp
+++ b/noncore/graphics/opie-eye/slave/png_slave.cpp
@@ -166,45 +166,46 @@ static void read_comment( const QString& inf,
QByteArray arr(textsize);
arr = QByteArray(textsize).duplicate((const char*)text,
str += QObject::tr(
QString(arr) );
index += CHUNK_SIZE(data, index) + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
delete[] data;
: SlaveInterface("png")
PNGSlave::~PNGSlave() {
QString PNGSlave::iconViewName( const QString& path) {
QString str;
read_comment( path, false, str );
return str;
QString PNGSlave::fullImageInfo( const QString& path) {
- QString str;
+ QString str = "<qt>";
read_comment( path, true, str );
+ str += "</qt>";
return str;
QPixmap PNGSlave::pixmap( const QString& path, int width, int height) {
QImage img; img.load( path );
if ( img.isNull() )
return QPixmap();
return ThumbNailTool::scaleImage( img, width,height );