authormickeyl <mickeyl>2003-03-30 14:48:08 (UTC)
committer mickeyl <mickeyl>2003-03-30 14:48:08 (UTC)
commitf921599651459b393e6a9846a1ecf7551323f4c2 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent9e3dc048e171af6d88f0cc3f16ad0c9fb6a15ce2 (diff)
- implement switching monitor mode on hostap
- work around damn buggy hostap drivers needing more space for SIOCGIWRANGE than defined by sizeof(struct iw_range)...
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp b/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp
index 21fa390..cd36f16 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp
@@ -188,605 +188,622 @@ bool ONetworkInterface::ioctl( int call ) const
bool ONetworkInterface::isLoopback() const
return _ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK;
bool ONetworkInterface::setUp( bool b )
if ( b ) _ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP;
else _ifr.ifr_flags &= (~IFF_UP);
return ioctl( SIOCSIFFLAGS );
bool ONetworkInterface::isUp() const
return _ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP;
QString ONetworkInterface::ipV4Address() const
if ( ioctl( SIOCGIFADDR ) )
struct sockaddr_in *sa = (struct sockaddr_in *) &_ifr.ifr_addr;
//FIXME: Use QHostAddress here
return QString( inet_ntoa( sa->sin_addr ) );
return "<unknown>";
OMacAddress ONetworkInterface::macAddress() const
if ( ioctl( SIOCGIFHWADDR ) )
return OMacAddress( _ifr );
return OMacAddress::unknown;
void ONetworkInterface::setMonitoring( OMonitoringInterface* m )
_mon = m;
qDebug( "ONetwork::setMonitoring(): Installed monitoring interface '%s'", (const char*) m->name() );
OMonitoringInterface* ONetworkInterface::monitoring() const
return _mon;
const QString& ONetworkInterface::name() const
return _name;
qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::~ONetworkInterface()" );
if ( _sfd != -1 ) ::close( _sfd );
bool ONetworkInterface::setPromiscuousMode( bool b )
if ( b ) _ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
else _ifr.ifr_flags &= (~IFF_PROMISC);
return ioctl( SIOCSIFFLAGS );
bool ONetworkInterface::promiscuousMode() const
return _ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_PROMISC;
bool ONetworkInterface::isWireless() const
return ioctl( SIOCGIWNAME );
* OChannelHopper
OChannelHopper::OChannelHopper( OWirelessNetworkInterface* iface )
:QObject( 0, "Mickey's funky hopper" ),
_iface( iface ), _interval( 0 ), _channel( 1 ), _tid( 0 ),
_maxChannel( iface->channels()+1 )
bool OChannelHopper::isActive() const
return _tid;
int OChannelHopper::channel() const
return _channel;
void OChannelHopper::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* )
if ( !--_channel ) _channel = _maxChannel;
_iface->setChannel( _channel );
qDebug( "OChannelHopper::timerEvent(): set channel %d on interface '%s'",
_channel, (const char*) _iface->name() );
void OChannelHopper::setInterval( int interval )
if ( interval == _interval )
if ( _interval )
killTimer( _tid );
_tid = 0;
_interval = interval;
if ( _interval )
_tid = startTimer( interval );
int OChannelHopper::interval() const
return _interval;
* OWirelessNetworkInterface
OWirelessNetworkInterface::OWirelessNetworkInterface( const QString& name )
:ONetworkInterface( name ), _hopper( 0 )
qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::OWirelessNetworkInterface()" );
iwreqstruct& OWirelessNetworkInterface::iwr() const
return _iwr;
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::init()
qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::init()" );
memset( &_iwr, 0, sizeof( struct iwreq ) );
// IEEE802.11(b) radio frequency channels
- //FIXME: get these directly from the interface
- //FIXME: check if these channels are off-by-one
iwrangestruct range;
+ //ML: work around an ugly HostAP bug, which needs
+ //ML: extra space or will complain with "invalid argument length"... :-(
+ char __extraBufferForBuggyDrivers[sizeof range]; = (char*) &range;
- = sizeof( iwrangestruct );
+ = (sizeof range) * 2;
+ = 0;
if ( !wioctl( SIOCGIWRANGE ) )
qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::init(): SIOCGIWRANGE failed (%s)", strerror( errno ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < range.num_frequency; ++i )
int freq = (int) ( double( range.freq[i].m ) * pow( 10, range.freq[i].e ) / 1000000.0 );
_channels.insert( freq, i+1 );
QString OWirelessNetworkInterface::associatedAP() const
//FIXME: use OMacAddress
QString mac;
if ( ioctl( SIOCGIWAP ) )
mac.sprintf( "%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X",
_ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[5]&0xff );
mac = "<Unknown>";
return mac;
int OWirelessNetworkInterface::channel() const
//FIXME: When monitoring enabled, then use it
//FIXME: to gather the current RF channel
//FIXME: Until then, get active channel from hopper.
if ( _hopper && _hopper->isActive() )
return _hopper->channel();
if ( !wioctl( SIOCGIWFREQ ) )
return -1;
return _channels[ static_cast<int>(double( _iwr.u.freq.m ) * pow( 10, _iwr.u.freq.e ) / 1000000) ];
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setChannel( int c ) const
if ( !_mon )
memset( &_iwr, 0, sizeof( iwreqstruct ) );
_iwr.u.freq.m = c;
_iwr.u.freq.e = 0;
wioctl( SIOCSIWFREQ );
_mon->setChannel( c );
double OWirelessNetworkInterface::frequency() const
if ( !wioctl( SIOCGIWFREQ ) )
return -1.0;
return double( _iwr.u.freq.m ) * pow( 10, _iwr.u.freq.e ) / 1000000000.0;
int OWirelessNetworkInterface::channels() const
return _channels.count();
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setChannelHopping( int interval )
if ( !_hopper ) _hopper = new OChannelHopper( this );
_hopper->setInterval( interval );
//FIXME: When and by whom will the channel hopper be deleted?
int OWirelessNetworkInterface::channelHopping() const
return _hopper->interval();
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMonitorMode( bool b )
if ( _mon )
_mon->setEnabled( b );
qDebug( "ONetwork(): can't switch monitor mode without installed monitoring interface" );
bool OWirelessNetworkInterface::monitorMode() const
return _mon ? _mon->enabled() : false;
QString OWirelessNetworkInterface::nickName() const
char str[IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE]; = &str[0]; = IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE;
if ( !wioctl( SIOCGIWNICKN ) )
return "<unknown>";
str[] = 0x0; // some drivers (e.g. wlan-ng) don't zero-terminate the string
return str;
QString OWirelessNetworkInterface::SSID() const
char str[IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE];
_iwr.u.essid.pointer = &str[0];
_iwr.u.essid.length = IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE;
if ( !wioctl( SIOCGIWESSID ) )
return "<unknown>";
return str;
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setSSID( const QString& ssid )
_iwr.u.essid.pointer = const_cast<char*>( (const char*) ssid );
_iwr.u.essid.length = ssid.length();
bool OWirelessNetworkInterface::wioctl( int call, iwreqstruct& iwreq ) const
int result = ::ioctl( _sfd, call, &iwreq );
if ( result == -1 )
qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::wioctl(): Call %d - Status: Failed: %d (%s)", call, result, strerror( errno ) );
qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::wioctl(): Call %d - Status: Ok.", call );
return ( result != -1 );
bool OWirelessNetworkInterface::wioctl( int call ) const
strcpy( _iwr.ifr_name, (const char*) _name );
return wioctl( call, _iwr );
* OMonitoringInterface
OMonitoringInterface::OMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface )
:_enabled( false ), _if( static_cast<OWirelessNetworkInterface*>( iface ) )
void OMonitoringInterface::setChannel( int c )
// use standard WE channel switching protocol
memset( &_if->_iwr, 0, sizeof( iwreqstruct ) );
_if->_iwr.u.freq.m = c;
_if->_iwr.u.freq.e = 0;
_if->wioctl( SIOCSIWFREQ );
bool OMonitoringInterface::enabled() const
return _enabled;
void OMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
// open a packet capturer here or leave this to
// the client code?
if ( b )
OPacketCapturer* opcap = new OPacketCapturer();
opcap->open( _if->name() );
_enabled = b;
* OCiscoMonitoringInterface
OCiscoMonitoringInterface::OCiscoMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface )
:OMonitoringInterface( iface )
iface->setMonitoring( this );
void OCiscoMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
QString fname;
fname.sprintf( "/proc/driver/aironet/%s", (const char*) _if->name() );
QFile f( fname );
if ( !f.exists() ) return;
if ( IO_WriteOnly ) )
QTextStream s( &f );
s << "Mode: r";
s << "Mode: y";
s << "XmitPower: 1";
OMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( b );
// flushing and closing will be done automatically when f goes out of scope
QString OCiscoMonitoringInterface::name() const
return "cisco";
void OCiscoMonitoringInterface::setChannel( int )
// cisco devices automatically switch channels when in monitor mode
* OWlanNGMonitoringInterface
OWlanNGMonitoringInterface::OWlanNGMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface )
:OMonitoringInterface( iface )
iface->setMonitoring( this );
void OWlanNGMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
//FIXME: do nothing if its already in the same mode
QString enable = b ? "true" : "false";
QString cmd;
cmd.sprintf( "$(which wlanctl-ng) %s lnxreq_wlansniff channel=%d enable=%s", (const char*) _if->name(), 1, (const char*) enable );
system( cmd );
OMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( b );
QString OWlanNGMonitoringInterface::name() const
return "wlan-ng";
void OWlanNGMonitoringInterface::setChannel( int )
// wlan-ng devices automatically switch channels when in monitor mode
* OHostAPMonitoringInterface
OHostAPMonitoringInterface::OHostAPMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface )
:OMonitoringInterface( iface )
iface->setMonitoring( this );
void OHostAPMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
// IW_MODE_MONITOR was introduced in Wireless Extensions Version 15
// Wireless Extensions < Version 15 need iwpriv commandos for monitoring
- #if WIRELESS_EXT > 14
- _if->_iwr.u.mode = IW_MODE_MONITOR;
- _if->wioctl( SIOCSIWMODE );
- #else
- int* args = (int*) &_if->;
- args[0] = 2;
- args[1] = 0;
- _if->wioctl( SIOCDEVPRIVATE );
- #endif
+ if ( b )
+ {
+ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 14
+ _if->_iwr.u.mode = IW_MODE_MONITOR;
+ _if->wioctl( SIOCSIWMODE );
+ #else
+ int* args = (int*) &_if->;
+ args[0] = 2;
+ args[1] = 0;
+ _if->wioctl( SIOCDEVPRIVATE );
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #if WIRELESS_EXT > 14
+ _if->_iwr.u.mode = IW_MODE_INFRA;
+ _if->wioctl( SIOCSIWMODE );
+ #else
+ int* args = (int*) &_if->;
+ args[0] = 0;
+ args[1] = 0;
+ _if->wioctl( SIOCDEVPRIVATE );
+ #endif
+ }
OMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( b );
QString OHostAPMonitoringInterface::name() const
return "hostap";
* OOrinocoNetworkInterface
OOrinocoMonitoringInterface::OOrinocoMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface )
:OMonitoringInterface( iface )
iface->setMonitoring( this );
void OOrinocoMonitoringInterface::setChannel( int c )
// call iwpriv <device> monitor 2 <channel>
int* args = (int*) &_if->;
args[0] = 2;
args[1] = c;
_if->wioctl( SIOCIWFIRSTPRIV + 0x8 );
void OOrinocoMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
if ( b )
setChannel( 1 );
// call iwpriv <device> monitor 0 0
int* args = (int*) &_if->;
args[0] = 0;
args[1] = 0;
_if->wioctl( SIOCIWFIRSTPRIV + 0x8 );
OMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( b );
QString OOrinocoMonitoringInterface::name() const
return "orinoco";