author | deller <deller> | 2005-04-01 22:46:30 (UTC) |
committer | deller <deller> | 2005-04-01 22:46:30 (UTC) |
commit | 88cc0cc17864de6e36bdeedaae6df0a5cc738c5a (patch) (side-by-side diff) | |
tree | ae0b24a579e940e6d508821dd98ee0edf2c95c03 | |
parent | cc4594a5c8d45d2f8d14c6ac1723a8ed39577f8f (diff) | |
download | opie-88cc0cc17864de6e36bdeedaae6df0a5cc738c5a.tar.gz opie-88cc0cc17864de6e36bdeedaae6df0a5cc738c5a.tar.bz2 |
show the popups inside the visible screen
-rw-r--r-- | core/applets/volumeapplet/volume.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/applets/wirelessapplet/wireless.cpp | 2 |
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/core/applets/volumeapplet/volume.cpp b/core/applets/volumeapplet/volume.cpp index 11ba2f6..7f0aca5 100644 --- a/core/applets/volumeapplet/volume.cpp +++ b/core/applets/volumeapplet/volume.cpp @@ -326,385 +326,385 @@ VolumeControl::VolumeControl ( VolumeApplet *icon, bool /*showMic*/, QWidget *pa QLabel *trebleLabel = new QLabel( this ); trebleLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap ( treble_xpm ) ); grid->addWidget( trebleLabel, 0, 4, AlignCenter ); grid->addWidget( basstrebleBox, 1, 4, AlignCenter ); grid-> addWidget ( bassLabel, 2, 4, AlignCenter ); if ( !has_bass ) { bassSlider->hide(); bassLabel->hide(); } if ( !has_treble ) { trebleSlider->hide(); trebleLabel->hide(); } micSlider = new QSlider ( this ); micSlider-> setRange ( 0, 100 ); micSlider-> setTickmarks ( QSlider::Both ); micSlider-> setTickInterval ( 20 ); micSlider-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); l = new QLabel ( this ); l-> setPixmap ( QPixmap ( mic_xpm )); grid-> addWidget ( l, 0, 2, AlignCenter ); grid-> addWidget ( micSlider, 1, 2, AlignCenter ); micLed = new OLedBox ( red, this ); micLed-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); micLed-> setFixedSize ( 16, 16 ); grid-> addWidget ( micLed, 2, 2, AlignCenter ); alarmSlider = new QSlider ( this ); alarmSlider-> setRange ( 0, 100 ); alarmSlider-> setTickmarks ( QSlider::Both ); alarmSlider-> setTickInterval ( 20 ); alarmSlider-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); QLabel *alarmLabel = new QLabel ( this ); alarmLabel-> setPixmap ( QPixmap ( alarm_xpm )); grid-> addWidget ( alarmLabel, 0, 3, AlignCenter ); grid-> addWidget ( alarmSlider, 1, 3, AlignCenter ); alarmLed = new OLedBox ( yellow, this ); alarmLed-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); alarmLed-> setFixedSize ( 16, 16 ); grid-> addWidget ( alarmLed, 2, 3, AlignCenter ); if ( !has_wav_alarm ) { alarmSlider-> hide ( ); alarmLabel-> hide ( ); alarmLed-> hide ( ); } grid-> addWidget ( new QLabel ( tr( "Enable Sounds for:" ), this ), 0, 6, AlignVCenter | AlignLeft ); vbox = new QVBoxLayout ( ); vbox-> setSpacing ( 4 ); grid-> addMultiCellLayout ( vbox, 1, 2, 6, 6 ); tapBox = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Screen Taps" ), this ); tapBox-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); vbox-> addWidget ( tapBox, AlignVCenter | AlignLeft ); keyBox = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Key Clicks" ), this ); keyBox-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); vbox-> addWidget ( keyBox, AlignVCenter | AlignLeft ); alarmBox = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Alarm Sound" ), this ); alarmBox-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); vbox-> addWidget ( alarmBox, AlignVCenter | AlignLeft ); if ( has_wav_alarm ) { alarmBox-> hide ( ); } vbox-> addStretch ( 100 ); setFixedSize ( sizeHint ( )); setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); rateTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect ( rateTimer, SIGNAL( timeout()), this, SLOT( rateTimerDone())); connect ( upButton, SIGNAL( pressed()), this, SLOT( buttonChanged())); connect ( upButton, SIGNAL( released()), this, SLOT( buttonChanged())); connect ( downButton, SIGNAL( pressed()), this, SLOT( buttonChanged())); connect ( downButton, SIGNAL( released()), this, SLOT( buttonChanged())); connect ( micSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT( micMoved(int))); connect ( volSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT( volMoved(int))); connect ( alarmSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT( alarmMoved(int))); connect ( bassSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT( bassMoved(int))); connect ( trebleSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT( trebleMoved(int))); connect ( volLed, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( volMuteToggled(bool))); connect ( micLed, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( micMuteToggled(bool))); connect ( alarmLed, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( alarmSoundToggled(bool))); connect ( alarmBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( alarmSoundToggled(bool))); connect ( keyBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( keyClickToggled(bool))); connect ( tapBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( screenTapToggled(bool))); // initialize variables readConfig ( true ); // initialize the config file, in case some entries are missing writeConfigEntry ( "VolumePercent", m_vol_percent, UPD_None ); writeConfigEntry ( "BassPercent", m_vol_percent, UPD_None ); writeConfigEntry ( "TreblePercent", m_vol_percent, UPD_None ); writeConfigEntry ( "Mute", m_vol_muted, UPD_None ); writeConfigEntry ( "AlarmPercent", m_alarm_percent, UPD_None ); writeConfigEntry ( "TouchSound", m_snd_touch, UPD_None ); writeConfigEntry ( "KeySound", m_snd_key, UPD_None ); writeConfigEntry ( "AlarmSound", m_snd_alarm, UPD_Vol ); writeConfigEntry ( "Mic", m_mic_percent, UPD_None ); writeConfigEntry ( "MicMute", m_mic_muted, UPD_Mic ); } bool VolumeControl::volMuted ( ) const { return m_vol_muted; } int VolumeControl::volPercent ( ) const { return m_vol_percent; } void VolumeControl::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e ) { switch ( e-> key ( )) { case Key_Up: volSlider-> subtractStep ( ); break; case Key_Down: volSlider-> addStep ( ); break; case Key_Space: volLed-> toggle ( ); break; case Key_Escape: hide ( ); break; } } void VolumeControl::buttonChanged ( ) { if ( upButton-> isDown ( ) || downButton->isDown ( )) { rateTimerDone ( ); // Call it one time manually, otherwise it wont get // called at all when a button is pressed for a time // shorter than RATE_TIMER_INTERVAL. rateTimer-> start ( RATE_TIMER_INTERVAL, false ); } else rateTimer-> stop ( ); } void VolumeControl::rateTimerDone ( ) { if ( upButton-> isDown ( )) volSlider-> setValue ( volSlider-> value ( ) - 2 ); else // if ( downButton-> isDown ( )) volSlider-> setValue ( volSlider-> value ( ) + 2 ); } void VolumeControl::show ( bool /*showMic*/ ) { readConfig ( ); QPoint curPos = m_icon-> mapToGlobal ( QPoint ( 0, 0 )); int w = sizeHint ( ). width ( ); int x = curPos.x ( ) - ( w / 2 ); if (( x + w ) > QPEApplication::desktop ( )-> width ( )) x = QPEApplication::desktop ( )-> width ( ) - w; - move ( x, curPos. y ( ) - sizeHint ( ). height ( )); + move ( QMAX(x,0), curPos. y ( ) - sizeHint ( ). height ( )); QFrame::show ( ); } void VolumeControl::readConfig ( bool force ) { Config cfg ( "qpe" ); cfg. setGroup ( "Volume" ); int old_vp = m_vol_percent; int old_mp = m_mic_percent; int old_bass = m_bass_percent; int old_treble = m_treble_percent; bool old_vm = m_vol_muted; bool old_mm = m_mic_muted; bool old_sk = m_snd_key; bool old_st = m_snd_touch; bool old_sa = m_snd_alarm; int old_ap = m_alarm_percent; m_vol_percent = cfg. readNumEntry ( "VolumePercent", 50 ); m_mic_percent = cfg. readNumEntry ( "Mic", 50 ); m_bass_percent = cfg. readNumEntry ( "BassPercent", 50 ); m_treble_percent = cfg. readNumEntry ( "TreblePercent", 50 ); m_vol_muted = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "Mute", 0 ); m_mic_muted = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "MicMute", 0 ); m_snd_key = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "KeySound", 0 ); m_snd_touch = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "TouchSound", 0 ); m_snd_alarm = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "AlarmSound", 1 ); m_alarm_percent = cfg. readNumEntry ( "AlarmPercent", 65 ); if ( force || ( m_vol_percent != old_vp )) volSlider-> setValue ( 100 - m_vol_percent ); if ( force || ( m_mic_percent != old_mp )) micSlider-> setValue ( 100 - m_mic_percent ); if ( force || ( m_alarm_percent != old_ap )) alarmSlider-> setValue ( 100 - m_alarm_percent ); if ( force || ( m_bass_percent != old_bass )) bassSlider-> setValue ( 100 - m_bass_percent ); if ( force || ( m_treble_percent != old_treble )) trebleSlider-> setValue ( 100 - m_treble_percent ); if ( force || ( m_vol_muted != old_vm )) volLed-> setOn ( !m_vol_muted ); if ( force || ( m_mic_muted != old_mm )) micLed-> setOn ( !m_mic_muted ); if ( force || ( m_snd_alarm != old_sa )) alarmLed-> setOn ( m_snd_alarm ); if ( force || ( m_snd_key != old_sk )) keyBox-> setChecked ( m_snd_key ); if ( force || ( m_snd_touch != old_st )) tapBox-> setChecked ( m_snd_touch ); if ( force || ( m_snd_alarm != old_sa )) alarmBox-> setChecked ( m_snd_alarm ); } void VolumeControl::volumeChanged ( bool /*nowMuted*/ ) { int prevVol = m_vol_percent; bool prevMute = m_vol_muted; readConfig ( ); // Handle case where muting it toggled if ( m_vol_muted != prevMute ) m_icon-> redraw ( true ); else if ( prevVol != m_vol_percent ) // Avoid over repainting m_icon-> redraw ( false ); } void VolumeControl::micChanged ( bool nowMuted ) { if ( !nowMuted ) readConfig ( ); m_mic_muted = nowMuted; } void VolumeControl::screenTapToggled ( bool b ) { m_snd_touch = b; writeConfigEntry ( "TouchSound", m_snd_touch, UPD_Vol ); } void VolumeControl::keyClickToggled ( bool b ) { m_snd_key = b; writeConfigEntry ( "KeySound", m_snd_key, UPD_Vol ); } void VolumeControl::alarmSoundToggled ( bool b ) { m_snd_alarm = b; writeConfigEntry ( "AlarmSound", m_snd_alarm, UPD_Vol ); } void VolumeControl::volMuteToggled ( bool b ) { m_vol_muted = !b; m_icon-> redraw ( true ); writeConfigEntry ( "Mute", m_vol_muted, UPD_Vol ); } void VolumeControl::micMuteToggled ( bool b ) { m_mic_muted = !b; writeConfigEntry ( "MicMute", m_mic_muted, UPD_Mic ); } void VolumeControl::volMoved ( int percent ) { m_vol_percent = 100 - percent; // clamp volume percent to be between 0 and 100 m_vol_percent = ( m_vol_percent < 0 ) ? 0 : (( m_vol_percent > 100 ) ? 100 : m_vol_percent ); // repaint just the little volume rectangle m_icon-> redraw ( false ); writeConfigEntry ( "VolumePercent", m_vol_percent, UPD_Vol ); } void VolumeControl::micMoved ( int percent ) { m_mic_percent = 100 - percent; // clamp volume percent to be between 0 and 100 m_mic_percent = ( m_mic_percent < 0 ) ? 0 : (( m_mic_percent > 100 ) ? 100 : m_mic_percent ); writeConfigEntry ( "Mic", m_mic_percent, UPD_Mic ); } void VolumeControl::alarmMoved ( int percent ) { m_alarm_percent = 100 - percent; // clamp volume percent to be between 0 and 100 m_alarm_percent = ( m_alarm_percent < 0 ) ? 0 : (( m_alarm_percent > 100 ) ? 100 : m_alarm_percent ); writeConfigEntry ( "AlarmPercent", m_alarm_percent, UPD_None ); } void VolumeControl::bassMoved ( int percent ) { m_bass_percent = 100 - percent; // clamp bass percent to be between 0 and 100 m_bass_percent = ( m_bass_percent < 0 ) ? 0 : (( m_bass_percent > 100 ) ? 100 : m_bass_percent ); writeConfigEntry ( "BassPercent", m_bass_percent, UPD_Bass ); } void VolumeControl::trebleMoved ( int percent ) { m_treble_percent = 100 - percent; // clamp treble percent to be between 0 and 100 m_treble_percent = ( m_treble_percent < 0 ) ? 0 : (( m_treble_percent > 100 ) ? 100 : m_treble_percent ); writeConfigEntry ( "TreblePercent", m_treble_percent, UPD_Treble ); } void VolumeControl::writeConfigEntry ( const char *entry, int val, eUpdate upd ) { Config cfg ( "qpe" ); cfg. setGroup ( "Volume" ); cfg. writeEntry ( entry, val ); // cfg. write ( ); #if ( defined Q_WS_QWS || defined(_WS_QWS_) ) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) switch ( upd ) { case UPD_Vol: { QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "volumeChange(bool)" ) << m_vol_muted; break; } case UPD_Mic: { QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "micChange(bool)" ) << m_mic_muted; break; } case UPD_Bass: { QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "bassChange(bool)" ) << true; break; } diff --git a/noncore/applets/wirelessapplet/wireless.cpp b/noncore/applets/wirelessapplet/wireless.cpp index 364f3ad..88ab032 100644 --- a/noncore/applets/wirelessapplet/wireless.cpp +++ b/noncore/applets/wirelessapplet/wireless.cpp @@ -1,354 +1,354 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <> ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "wireless.h" #include "mgraph.h" #include "advancedconfig.h" /* OPIE */ #include <opie2/odebug.h> #include <opie2/onetwork.h> #include <opie2/otaskbarapplet.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> using namespace Opie::Core; using namespace Opie::Ui; using namespace Opie::Net; /* QT */ #include <qradiobutton.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qslider.h> #include <qbuttongroup.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> /* STD */ #include <math.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <signal.h> #if defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3) #define round qRound #endif //#define MDEBUG #undef MDEBUG WirelessControl::WirelessControl( WirelessApplet *applet, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QFrame( parent, name, WStyle_StaysOnTop | WType_Popup ), applet( applet ) { readConfig(); writeConfigEntry( "UpdateFrequency", updateFrequency ); setFrameStyle( QFrame::PopupPanel | QFrame::Raised ); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout( this, 3, 2, 6, 2, "top layout" ); /* status label */ statusLabel = new QLabel( this, "statuslabel" ); QString text( "Wireless Status:<br>" "*** Unknown ***<br>" "Card not inserted ?<br>" "Or Sharp ROM ?<br>" "CELL: 00:00:00:00:00:00" ); /* QString text( "Station: Unknown<br>" "ESSID: Unknown<br>" "MODE: Unknown<br>" "FREQ: Unknown<br>" "CELL: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" ); */ statusLabel->setText( text ); statusLabel->setFixedSize( statusLabel->sizeHint() ); grid->addWidget( statusLabel, 0, 0 ); /* visualization group box */ /* quality graph */ mgraph = new MGraph( this ); mgraph->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); mgraph->setMin( 0 ); mgraph->setMax( 92 ); grid->addWidget( mgraph, 1, 0 ); mgraph->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); /* advanced configuration Button */ QPushButton* advanced = new QPushButton( "Advanced...", this ); advanced->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); grid->addWidget( advanced, 2, 0, Qt::AlignCenter ); connect( advanced, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( advancedConfigClicked() ) ); /* update Frequency Label */ updateLabel = new QLabel( this ); text.sprintf( "Update every %d s", updateFrequency ); updateLabel->setText( text ); grid->addWidget( updateLabel, 2, 1 ); /* update Frequency Slider */ QSlider* updateSlider = new QSlider( QSlider::Horizontal, this ); updateSlider->setRange( 0, 9 ); updateSlider->setValue( updateFrequency ); updateSlider->setTickmarks( QSlider::Both ); updateSlider->setTickInterval( 1 ); updateSlider->setSteps( 1, 1 ); updateSlider->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); grid->addWidget( updateSlider, 1, 1 ); connect( updateSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( updateDelayChange(int) ) ); setFixedSize( sizeHint() ); setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); applet->updateDelayChange( updateFrequency ); applet->updateDHCPConfig( rocESSID, rocFREQ, rocAP, rocMODE ); } void WirelessControl::advancedConfigClicked() { AdvancedConfig * a = new AdvancedConfig( this, "dialog", TRUE ); int result = a->exec(); a->hide(); delete a; if ( result == QDialog::Accepted ) { readConfig(); applet->updateDHCPConfig( rocESSID, rocFREQ, rocAP, rocMODE ); } } void WirelessControl::updateDelayChange( int delay ) { QString text; text.sprintf( "Update every %d s", delay ); updateLabel->setText( text ); applet->updateDelayChange( delay ); writeConfigEntry( "UpdateFrequency", delay ); } void WirelessControl::displayStyleChange( int style ) { applet->displayStyleChange( style ); writeConfigEntry( "DisplayStyle", style ); } void WirelessControl::show ( bool ) { QPoint curPos = applet->mapToGlobal( QPoint ( 0, 0 ) ); int w = sizeHint().width(); int x = curPos.x() - ( w / 2 ); if ( ( x + w ) > QPEApplication::desktop() ->width() ) x = QPEApplication::desktop ( ) -> width ( ) - w; - move( x, curPos.y () - sizeHint().height () ); + move( QMAX(x,0), curPos.y () - sizeHint().height () ); QFrame::show(); } void WirelessControl::readConfig() { Config cfg( "qpe" ); cfg.setGroup( "Wireless" ); updateFrequency = cfg.readNumEntry( "UpdateFrequency", 2 ); rocESSID = cfg.readBoolEntry( "renew_dhcp_on_essid_change", false ); rocFREQ = cfg.readBoolEntry( "renew_dhcp_on_freq_change", false ); rocAP = cfg.readBoolEntry( "renew_dhcp_on_ap_change", false ); rocMODE = cfg.readBoolEntry( "renew_dhcp_on_mode_change", false ); } void WirelessControl::writeConfigEntry( const char *entry, int val ) { Config cfg( "qpe" ); cfg.setGroup( "Wireless" ); cfg.writeEntry( entry, val ); } //=========================================================================== WirelessApplet::WirelessApplet( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ), timer( 0 ), interface( 0 ), oldiface( 0 ), rocESSID( false ), rocFREQ( false ), rocAP( false ), rocMODE( false ) { setFixedHeight( 18 ); setFixedWidth( 14 ); status = new WirelessControl( this, this, "wireless status" ); } void WirelessApplet::checkInterface() { interface = 0L; ONetwork* net = ONetwork::instance(); net->synchronize(); ONetwork::InterfaceIterator it = net->iterator(); while ( it.current() && !it.current()->isWireless() ) ++it; if ( it.current() && it.current()->isWireless() ) interface = static_cast<OWirelessNetworkInterface*>( it.current() ); if ( interface ) { #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: using interface '" << ( const char* ) interface->name() << "'" << oendl; #endif } else { #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: D'oh! No Wireless interface present... :(" << oendl; #endif hide(); } } void WirelessApplet::renewDHCP() { #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: Going to request a DHCP configuration renew." << oendl; #endif QString pidfile; if ( !interface ) return ; QString ifacename( interface->name() ); // At first we are trying dhcpcd pidfile.sprintf( "/var/run/", ( const char* ) ifacename ); #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: dhcpcd pidfile is '" << ( const char* ) pidfile << "'" << oendl; #endif int pid; QFile pfile( pidfile ); bool hasFile = IO_ReadOnly ); QTextStream s( &pfile ); if ( hasFile ) { s >> pid; #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: sent SIGALARM to pid " << pid << "" << oendl; #endif kill( pid, SIGALRM ); return ; } // No dhcpcd, so we are trying udhcpc #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: dhcpcd not available." << oendl; #endif pidfile.sprintf( "/var/run/", ( const char* ) ifacename ); #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: udhcpc pidfile is '" << ( const char* ) pidfile << "'" << oendl; #endif QFile pfile2( pidfile ); hasFile = IO_ReadOnly ); QTextStream s2( &pfile2 ); if ( hasFile ) { s2 >> pid; #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: sent SIGUSR1 to pid " << pid << "" << oendl; #endif kill( pid, SIGUSR1 ); return ; } } void WirelessApplet::updateDHCPConfig( bool ESSID, bool FREQ, bool AP, bool MODE ) { rocESSID = ESSID; rocFREQ = FREQ; rocAP = AP; rocMODE = MODE; } void WirelessApplet::updateDelayChange( int delay ) { if ( timer ) killTimer( timer ); delay *= 1000; if ( delay == 0 ) delay = 50; timer = startTimer( delay ); } void WirelessApplet::displayStyleChange( int style ) { visualStyle = style; repaint(); } WirelessApplet::~WirelessApplet() {} void WirelessApplet::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* ) { #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WirelessApplet::timerEvent" << oendl; #endif if ( interface ) { if ( !ONetwork::instance()->isPresent( (const char*) interface->name() ) ) { #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: Interface no longer present." << oendl; #endif interface = 0L; mustRepaint(); return; } if ( mustRepaint() ) { #ifdef MDEBUG odebug << "WIFIAPPLET: A value has changed -> repainting." << oendl; #endif repaint(); } if ( status->isVisible() ) { updatePopupWindow(); } } else { checkInterface(); } } void WirelessApplet::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * ) { if ( status->isVisible() ) status->hide(); else status->show( true ); } bool WirelessApplet::mustRepaint() { // check if there are enough changes to justify a (flickering) repaint // has the interface changed? |