<  Format of *.pwm file  >
fileversion: 0x05  revision: 0x01

(note: another revision doesn't change fore- or
       backward compatibility)

The file has a header and a data-body.

* The header is build from the following elements: *

(note: fields marked with ~ were added _after_
       revision 0x01)

PWM_PASSWORD_FILE is a magic string to indentify the file.
This string is put directly at offset 0x00 of the file.

[FILEVER] is one byte for holding the file-version.
This byte is directly appended to the "magic-string".
(no newline or other separators between these fields)

[HASH-ALGO] is one byte for holding the type of the hash-algorithm
used to hash the key.
0x01 => SHA1

[DATA-HASH-ALGO] is one byte for holding the type of the
hash-algorithm used to hash the raw data-stream.
0x01 => SHA1

[CRYPT-ALGO] is one byte containing the type of the crypt-algorithm
used to encrypt the data.
0x01 => Blowfish

[COMPRESSED-FLAG] is one byte which can be
0x00 => not compressed
0x01 => compressed with gzip
0x02 => compressed with bzip2

[MPW-FLAG] is one byte, either 0x00 if
we used a master password to encrypt the data,
or 0x01, if we used a chipcard to encrypt the data.

64-bytes reserved for future-use.
Set all these to 0x00.

[KEY-HASH] is the hash of the key. This field has no constant
length, because it's length depends on the algorithm
used in HASH-ALGO.

[DATA-HASH] is a hash of the raw, unencrypted, serialized
data stream.

* Data-body: *

The data-body follows the header directly.
It contains the encrypted serialized data in XML-format.
It may be compressed.
For an example
how to serialize the data, have a look at:
The class "Serializer"

These functions are called by:
so, please have a look at these two functions, too.

Example of an XML-data-block:

<PwM-xml-dat ver="0x02">
		<cat_0 name="catName">

So I introduced shorter names for the entries. We also have to support
the old names to be backward compatibel.
New names are:
PwM-xml-dat		= P
<categories>		= <c>
<cat_X>			= <cX>
<entry_X>		= <eX>
<desc>			= <d>
<name>			= <n>
<pw>			= <p>
<comment>		= <c>
<url>			= <u>
<launcher>		= <l>
<listViewPos>		= <v>
<b>			= <b>