/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 Reginald Stadlbauer (reggie@kde.org) (C) 1997 Stephan Kulow (coolo@kde.org) (C) 1997-2000 Sven Radej (radej@kde.org) (C) 1997-2000 Matthias Ettrich (ettrich@kde.org) (C) 1999 Chris Schlaeger (cs@kde.org) (C) 2002 Joseph Wenninger (jowenn@kde.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qobjectlist.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qstatusbar.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include "kdebug.h" #include "kmainwindow.h" #include "kglobalsettings.h" #include "kactioncollection.h" class KMainWindowPrivate { public: //US bool showHelpMenu:1; bool autoSaveSettings:1; bool settingsDirty:1; bool autoSaveWindowSize:1; bool care_about_geometry:1; QString autoSaveGroup; //US KAccel * kaccel; //US KMainWindowInterface *m_interface; KDEPrivate::ToolBarHandler *toolBarHandler; QTimer* settingsTimer; KToggleAction *showStatusBarAction; QRect defaultWindowSize; }; static bool no_query_exit = false; KMainWindow::KMainWindow( QWidget* parent, const char *name, WFlags f ) : QMainWindow( parent, name ) /*LR, f ) with the default widget flag we cannot have fastload */ /*US, KXMLGUIBuilder( this ), helpMenu2( 0 ), factory_( 0 )*/ { mQToolBar = 0; initKMainWindow(name); } void KMainWindow::parseGeometry(bool parsewidth) { //US the following code is not getting used in the embedded version !! So disable it for now /*US assert ( !kapp->geometryArgument().isNull() ); assert ( d->care_about_geometry ); #ifndef Q_WS_QWS // FIXME: (E) Implement something similar for Qt Embedded (or decide we don't need it) int x, y; int w, h; int m = XParseGeometry( kapp->geometryArgument().latin1(), &x, &y, (unsigned int*)&w, (unsigned int*)&h); if (parsewidth) { QSize minSize = minimumSize(); QSize maxSize = maximumSize(); if ( (m & WidthValue) == 0 ) w = width(); if ( (m & HeightValue) == 0 ) h = height(); w = QMIN(w,maxSize.width()); h = QMIN(h,maxSize.height()); w = QMAX(w,minSize.width()); h = QMAX(h,minSize.height()); resize(w, h); } else { if ( parsewidth && (m & XValue) == 0 ) x = geometry().x(); if ( parsewidth && (m & YValue) == 0 ) y = geometry().y(); if ( (m & XNegative) ) x = KApplication::desktop()->width() + x - w; if ( (m & YNegative) ) y = KApplication::desktop()->height() + y - h; move(x, y); } #endif */ } KMainWindow::~KMainWindow() { delete d->settingsTimer; QMenuBar* mb = internalMenuBar(); delete mb; //US delete d->m_interface; delete d; //US memberList->remove( this ); } void KMainWindow::initKMainWindow(const char *name) { setDockMenuEnabled( FALSE ); //US mHelpMenu = 0; //US kapp->setTopWidget( this ); actionCollection()->setWidget( this ); //US connect(kapp, SIGNAL(shutDown()), this, SLOT(shuttingDown())); //US if( !memberList ) //US memberList = new QPtrList<KMainWindow>; /*US if ( !ksm ) ksm = ksmd.setObject(new KMWSessionManaged()); // set a unique object name. Required by session management. QCString objname; QCString s; int unusedNumber; if ( !name ) { // no name given objname = kapp->instanceName() + "-mainwindow#"; s = objname + '1'; // start adding number immediately unusedNumber = 1; } else if( name[ strlen( name ) - 1 ] == '#' ) { // trailing # - always add a number objname = name; s = objname + '1'; // start adding number immediately unusedNumber = 1; } else { objname = name; s = objname; unusedNumber = 0; // add numbers only when needed } for(;;) { QWidgetList* list = kapp->topLevelWidgets(); QWidgetListIt it( *list ); bool found = false; for( QWidget* w = it.current(); w != NULL; ++it, w = it.current()) if( w != this && w->name() == s ) { found = true; break; } delete list; if( !found ) break; s.setNum( ++unusedNumber ); s = objname + s; } setName( s ); memberList->append( this ); */ d = new KMainWindowPrivate; //US d->showHelpMenu = true; d->settingsDirty = false; d->autoSaveSettings = false; d->autoSaveWindowSize = true; // for compatibility //US d->kaccel = actionCollection()->kaccel(); d->toolBarHandler = 0; d->settingsTimer = 0; d->showStatusBarAction = NULL; /*US if ((d->care_about_geometry == beeing_first)) { beeing_first = false; if ( kapp->geometryArgument().isNull() ) // if there is no geometry, it doesn't mater d->care_about_geometry = false; else parseGeometry(false); } */ d->care_about_geometry = false; //US setCaption( kapp->caption() ); // attach dcop interface //US d->m_interface = new KMainWindowInterface(this); //US if (!kapp->authorize("movable_toolbars")) //US setDockWindowsMovable(false); } KAction *KMainWindow::toolBarMenuAction() { if ( !d->toolBarHandler ) return 0; return d->toolBarHandler->toolBarMenuAction(); } bool KMainWindow::canBeRestored( int number ) { /*US we do not have and want to save sessioninformation. Use info from the default application config. */ //US if ( !kapp->isRestored() ) //US return FALSE; //US KConfig *config = kapp->sessionConfig(); KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); if ( !config ) return FALSE; config->setGroup( QString::fromLatin1("Number") ); int n = config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1("NumberOfWindows") , 1 ); return number >= 1 && number <= n; } const QString KMainWindow::classNameOfToplevel( int number ) { /*US we do not have and want to save sessioninformation. Use info from the default application config. */ //US if ( !kapp->isRestored() ) //US return QString::null; //US KConfig *config = kapp->sessionConfig(); KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); if ( !config ) return QString::null; QString s; s.setNum( number ); s.prepend( QString::fromLatin1("WindowProperties") ); config->setGroup( s ); if ( !config->hasKey( QString::fromLatin1("ClassName") ) ) return QString::null; else return config->readEntry( QString::fromLatin1("ClassName") ); } bool KMainWindow::restore( int number, bool show ) { /*US we do not have and want to save sessioninformation. Use info from the default application config. */ if ( !canBeRestored( number ) ) return FALSE; //US KConfig *config = kapp->sessionConfig(); KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); if ( readPropertiesInternal( config, number ) ){ if ( show ) KMainWindow::show(); return FALSE; } return FALSE; } void KMainWindow::setCaption( const QString &caption ) { //US setPlainCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption(caption) ); setPlainCaption( caption ); } void KMainWindow::setCaption( const QString &caption, bool modified ) { //US setPlainCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption(caption, true, modified) ); setPlainCaption( caption + "modified:" ); } void KMainWindow::setPlainCaption( const QString &caption ) { QMainWindow::setCaption( caption ); #ifndef Q_WS_QWS //US the following is disabled for the embedded version //US NETWinInfo info( qt_xdisplay(), winId(), qt_xrootwin(), 0 ); //US info.setName( caption.utf8().data() ); #endif } void KMainWindow::slotStateChanged(const QString &newstate) { stateChanged(newstate, KXMLGUIClient::StateNoReverse); } /* * Get rid of this for KDE 4.0 */ void KMainWindow::slotStateChanged(const QString &newstate, KXMLGUIClient::ReverseStateChange reverse) { stateChanged(newstate, reverse); } void KMainWindow::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *e ) { // Save settings if auto-save is enabled, and settings have changed if (d->settingsDirty && d->autoSaveSettings) saveAutoSaveSettings(); if (queryClose()) { e->accept(); int not_withdrawn = 0; /*US QPtrListIterator<KMainWindow> it(*KMainWindow::memberList); for (it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it){ if ( !it.current()->isHidden() && it.current()->isTopLevel() && it.current() != this ) not_withdrawn++; } */ if ( !no_query_exit && not_withdrawn <= 0 ) { // last window close accepted? /*US if ( queryExit() && !kapp->sessionSaving()) { // Yes, Quit app? // don't call queryExit() twice disconnect(kapp, SIGNAL(shutDown()), this, SLOT(shuttingDown())); kapp->deref(); // ...and quit aplication. } else { // cancel closing, it's stupid to end up with no windows at all.... e->ignore(); } */ //US we have no sessionmanagement. Simply close app. if ( queryExit() ) { // Yes, Quit app? qDebug("KMainWindow::closeEvent: Exit application ???"); // don't call queryExit() twice //US disconnect(kapp, SIGNAL(shutDown()), this, SLOT(shuttingDown())); } } } } bool KMainWindow::queryExit() { return TRUE; } bool KMainWindow::queryClose() { return TRUE; } void KMainWindow::saveGlobalProperties( KConfig* ) { } void KMainWindow::readGlobalProperties( KConfig* ) { } void KMainWindow::savePropertiesInternal( KConfig *config, int number ) { bool oldASWS = d->autoSaveWindowSize; d->autoSaveWindowSize = true; // make saveMainWindowSettings save the window size QString s; s.setNum(number); s.prepend(QString::fromLatin1("WindowProperties")); config->setGroup(s); // store objectName, className, Width and Height for later restoring // (Only useful for session management) config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("ObjectName"), name()); config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("ClassName"), className()); saveMainWindowSettings(config); // Menubar, statusbar and Toolbar settings. s.setNum(number); config->setGroup(s); saveProperties(config); d->autoSaveWindowSize = oldASWS; } void KMainWindow::setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled( bool enable ) { if ( enable ) { if ( d->toolBarHandler ) return; d->toolBarHandler = new KDEPrivate::ToolBarHandler( this ); /*US if ( factory() ) factory()->addClient( d->toolBarHandler ); */ } else { if ( !d->toolBarHandler ) return; /*US if ( factory() ) factory()->removeClient( d->toolBarHandler ); */ delete d->toolBarHandler; d->toolBarHandler = 0; } } bool KMainWindow::isStandardToolBarMenuEnabled() const { return ( d->toolBarHandler != 0 ); } void KMainWindow::createStandardStatusBarAction(){ if(!d->showStatusBarAction){ d->showStatusBarAction = KStdAction::showStatusbar(this, SLOT(setSettingsDirty()), actionCollection()); connect(d->showStatusBarAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), statusBar(), SLOT(setShown(bool))); if(internalStatusBar()) d->showStatusBarAction->setChecked(!internalStatusBar()->isHidden()); } } QToolBar *KMainWindow::tBar( ) { if ( ! mQToolBar ) mQToolBar = new QToolBar( this ); return mQToolBar; } KToolBar *KMainWindow::toolBar( const char * name ) { if (!name) name = "mainToolBar"; KToolBar *tb = (KToolBar*)child( name, "KToolBar" ); if ( tb ) return tb; bool honor_mode = (name == "mainToolBar"); /*US if ( builderClient() ) return new KToolBar(this, name, honor_mode); // XMLGUI constructor else */ return new KToolBar(this, Top, false, name, honor_mode ); // non-XMLGUI } QPtrListIterator<KToolBar> KMainWindow::toolBarIterator() { toolbarList.clear(); QPtrList<QToolBar> lst; for ( int i = (int)QMainWindow::Unmanaged; i <= (int)Minimized; ++i ) { lst = toolBars( (ToolBarDock)i ); for ( QToolBar *tb = lst.first(); tb; tb = lst.next() ) { if ( !tb->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) continue; toolbarList.append( (KToolBar*)tb ); } } return QPtrListIterator<KToolBar>( toolbarList ); } void KMainWindow::setAutoSaveSettings( const QString & groupName, bool saveWindowSize ) { d->autoSaveSettings = true; d->autoSaveGroup = groupName; d->autoSaveWindowSize = saveWindowSize; // Get notified when the user moves a toolbar around //US connect( this, SIGNAL( dockWindowPositionChanged( QDockWindow * ) ), //US this, SLOT( setSettingsDirty() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( toolBarPositionChanged(QToolBar *) ), this, SLOT( setSettingsDirty() ) ); // Get default values //US int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(parentWidget()); //US QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(scnum); QRect desk = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(0); d->defaultWindowSize = QRect(desk.width(), width(), desk.height(), height()); // Now read the previously saved settings applyMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config(), groupName ); } void KMainWindow::resetAutoSaveSettings() { d->autoSaveSettings = false; if ( d->settingsTimer ) d->settingsTimer->stop(); } bool KMainWindow::autoSaveSettings() const { return d->autoSaveSettings; } QString KMainWindow::autoSaveGroup() const { return d->autoSaveGroup; } void KMainWindow::saveAutoSaveSettings() { ASSERT( d->autoSaveSettings ); //kdDebug(200) << "KMainWindow::saveAutoSaveSettings -> saving settings" << endl; saveMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config(), d->autoSaveGroup ); KGlobal::config()->sync(); d->settingsDirty = false; if ( d->settingsTimer ) d->settingsTimer->stop(); } void KMainWindow::createGUI( const QString &xmlfile, bool _conserveMemory ) { // disabling the updates prevents unnecessary redraws setUpdatesEnabled( false ); // just in case we are rebuilding, let's remove our old client //US guiFactory()->removeClient( this ); // make sure to have an empty GUI QMenuBar* mb = internalMenuBar(); if ( mb ) mb->clear(); (void)toolBarIterator(); // make sure toolbarList is most-up-to-date toolbarList.setAutoDelete( true ); toolbarList.clear(); toolbarList.setAutoDelete( false ); /*US // don't build a help menu unless the user ask for it if (d->showHelpMenu) { // we always want a help menu if (helpMenu2 == 0) helpMenu2 = new KHelpMenu(this, instance()->aboutData(), true, actionCollection()); } // we always want to load in our global standards file setXMLFile( locate( "config", "ui/ui_standards.rc", instance() ) ); // now, merge in our local xml file. if this is null, then that // means that we will be only using the global file if ( !xmlfile.isNull() ) { setXMLFile( xmlfile, true ); } else { QString auto_file(instance()->instanceName() + "ui.rc"); setXMLFile( auto_file, true ); } // make sure we don't have any state saved already setXMLGUIBuildDocument( QDomDocument() ); // do the actual GUI building guiFactory()->addClient( this ); // try and get back *some* of our memory if ( _conserveMemory ) { // before freeing the memory allocated by the DOM document we also // free all memory allocated internally in the KXMLGUIFactory for // the menubar and the toolbars . This however implies that we // have to take care of deleting those widgets ourselves. For // destruction this is no problem, but when rebuilding we have // to take care of that (and we want to rebuild the GUI when // using stuff like the toolbar editor ). // In addition we have to take care of not removing containers // like popupmenus, defined in the XML document. // this code should probably go into a separate method in KMainWindow. // there's just one problem: I'm bad in finding names ;-) , so // I skipped this ;-) QDomDocument doc = domDocument(); QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement(); for (; !e.isNull(); e = e.nextSibling().toElement() ) { if ( e.tagName().lower() == "toolbar" ) factory_->resetContainer( e.attribute( "name" ) ); else if ( e.tagName().lower() == "menubar" ) factory_->resetContainer( e.tagName(), true ); } conserveMemory(); } */ setUpdatesEnabled( true ); updateGeometry(); } void KMainWindow::saveMainWindowSettings(KConfig *config, const QString &configGroup) { kdDebug(200) << "KMainWindow::saveMainWindowSettings " << configGroup << endl; //US QStrList entryList; QStringList entryList; QString oldGroup; if (!configGroup.isEmpty()) { oldGroup = config->group(); config->setGroup(configGroup); } // Called by session management - or if we want to save the window size anyway if ( d->autoSaveWindowSize ) saveWindowSize( config ); QStatusBar* sb = internalStatusBar(); if (sb) { entryList.clear(); if ( sb->isHidden() ) entryList.append("Disabled"); else entryList.append("Enabled"); if(sb->isHidden()) //US config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("StatusBar"), entryList, ';'); config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("StatusBar"), entryList); else config->deleteEntry(QString::fromLatin1("StatusBar")); } QMenuBar* mb = internalMenuBar(); if (mb) { entryList.clear(); if ( mb->isHidden() ) entryList.append("Disabled"); else entryList.append("Enabled"); // By default we don't hide. if(mb->isHidden()) //US config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("MenuBar"), entryList, ';'); config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("MenuBar"), entryList); else config->deleteEntry(QString::fromLatin1("MenuBar")); } int n = 1; // Toolbar counter. toolbars are counted from 1, KToolBar *toolbar = 0; QPtrListIterator<KToolBar> it( toolBarIterator() ); while ( ( toolbar = it.current() ) ) { ++it; QString group; if (!configGroup.isEmpty()) { // Give a number to the toolbar, but prefer a name if there is one, // because there's no real guarantee on the ordering of toolbars group = (!::qstrcmp(toolbar->name(), "unnamed") ? QString::number(n) : QString(" ")+toolbar->name()); group.prepend(" Toolbar"); group.prepend(configGroup); } toolbar->saveSettings(config, group); n++; } if (!configGroup.isEmpty()) config->setGroup(oldGroup); } bool KMainWindow::readPropertiesInternal( KConfig *config, int number ) { if ( number == 1 ) readGlobalProperties( config ); // in order they are in toolbar list QString s; s.setNum(number); s.prepend(QString::fromLatin1("WindowProperties")); config->setGroup(s); // restore the object name (window role) if ( config->hasKey(QString::fromLatin1("ObjectName" )) ) setName( config->readEntry(QString::fromLatin1("ObjectName")).latin1()); // latin1 is right here applyMainWindowSettings(config); // Menubar, statusbar and toolbar settings. s.setNum(number); config->setGroup(s); readProperties(config); return true; } void KMainWindow::applyMainWindowSettings(KConfig *config, const QString &configGroup) { kdDebug(200) << "KMainWindow::applyMainWindowSettings" << endl; QString entry; //US QStrList entryList; QStringList entryList; int i = 0; // Number of entries in list if (!configGroup.isEmpty()) config->setGroup(configGroup); restoreWindowSize(config); QStatusBar* sb = internalStatusBar(); if (sb) { entryList.clear(); //US i = config->readListEntry (QString::fromLatin1("StatusBar"), entryList, ';'); entryList = config->readListEntry (QString::fromLatin1("StatusBar")); entry = entryList.first(); if (entry == QString::fromLatin1("Disabled")) sb->hide(); else sb->show(); if(d->showStatusBarAction) d->showStatusBarAction->setChecked(!sb->isHidden()); } QMenuBar* mb = internalMenuBar(); if (mb) { entryList.clear(); //US i = config->readListEntry (QString::fromLatin1("MenuBar"), entryList, ';'); entryList = config->readListEntry (QString::fromLatin1("MenuBar")); entry = entryList.first(); if (entry==QString::fromLatin1("Disabled")) { mb->hide(); } else { mb->show(); } } int n = 1; // Toolbar counter. toolbars are counted from 1, KToolBar *toolbar; QPtrListIterator<KToolBar> it( toolBarIterator() ); // must use own iterator for ( ; it.current(); ++it) { toolbar= it.current(); QString group; if (!configGroup.isEmpty()) { // Give a number to the toolbar, but prefer a name if there is one, // because there's no real guarantee on the ordering of toolbars group = (!::qstrcmp(toolbar->name(), "unnamed") ? QString::number(n) : QString(" ")+toolbar->name()); group.prepend(" Toolbar"); group.prepend(configGroup); } toolbar->applySettings(config, group); n++; } finalizeGUI( true ); } void KMainWindow::finalizeGUI( bool force ) { //kdDebug(200) << "KMainWindow::finalizeGUI force=" << force << endl; // The whole reason for this is that moveToolBar relies on the indexes // of the other toolbars, so in theory it should be called only once per // toolbar, but in increasing order of indexes. // Since we can't do that immediately, we move them, and _then_ // we call positionYourself again for each of them, but this time // the toolbariterator should give them in the proper order. // Both the XMLGUI and applySettings call this, hence "force" for the latter. QPtrListIterator<KToolBar> it( toolBarIterator() ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++ it ) it.current()->positionYourself( force ); d->settingsDirty = false; } void KMainWindow::saveWindowSize( KConfig * config ) const { /*US int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(parentWidget()); QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(scnum); */ QRect desk = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(0); QRect size( desk.width(), width(), desk.height(), height() ); if(size != d->defaultWindowSize){ config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("Width %1").arg(desk.width()), width() ); config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("Height %1").arg(desk.height()), height() ); } else{ config->deleteEntry(QString::fromLatin1("Width %1").arg(desk.width())); config->deleteEntry(QString::fromLatin1("Height %1").arg(desk.height())); } } void KMainWindow::restoreWindowSize( KConfig * config ) { if (d->care_about_geometry) { parseGeometry(true); } else { // restore the size /*US int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(parentWidget()); QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(scnum); */ QRect desk = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(0); QSize size( config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Width %1").arg(desk.width()), 0 ), config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Height %1").arg(desk.height()), 0 ) ); if (size.isEmpty()) { // try the KDE 2.0 way size = QSize( config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Width"), 0 ), config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Height"), 0 ) ); if (!size.isEmpty()) { // make sure the other resolutions don't get old settings config->writeEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Width"), 0 ); config->writeEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Height"), 0 ); } } if ( !size.isEmpty() ) resize( size ); } } bool KMainWindow::initialGeometrySet() const { return d->care_about_geometry; } void KMainWindow::ignoreInitialGeometry() { d->care_about_geometry = false; } void KMainWindow::setSettingsDirty() { //kdDebug(200) << "KMainWindow::setSettingsDirty" << endl; d->settingsDirty = true; if ( d->autoSaveSettings ) { // Use a timer to save "immediately" user-wise, but not too immediately // (to compress calls and save only once, in case of multiple changes) if ( !d->settingsTimer ) { d->settingsTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( d->settingsTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( saveAutoSaveSettings() ) ); } d->settingsTimer->start( 500, true ); } } bool KMainWindow::settingsDirty() const { return d->settingsDirty; } QString KMainWindow::settingsGroup() const { return d->autoSaveGroup; } void KMainWindow::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) { if ( d->autoSaveWindowSize ) setSettingsDirty(); } bool KMainWindow::hasMenuBar() { return (internalMenuBar()); } //US KMenuBar *KMainWindow::menuBar() QMenuBar *KMainWindow::menuBar() { //US KMenuBar * mb = internalMenuBar(); QMenuBar * mb = internalMenuBar(); if ( !mb ) { //US mb = new KMenuBar( this ); mb = new QMenuBar( this ); // trigger a re-layout and trigger a call to the private // setMenuBar method. QMainWindow::menuBar(); } return mb; } //US KStatusBar *KMainWindow::statusBar() QStatusBar *KMainWindow::statusBar() { //US KStatusBar * sb = internalStatusBar(); QStatusBar * sb = internalStatusBar(); if ( !sb ) { //US sb = new KStatusBar( this ); sb = new QStatusBar( this ); // trigger a re-layout and trigger a call to the private // setStatusBar method. QMainWindow::statusBar(); } return sb; } void KMainWindow::shuttingDown() { // Needed for Qt <= 3.0.3 at least to prevent reentrancy // when queryExit() shows a dialog. Check before removing! static bool reentrancy_protection = false; if (!reentrancy_protection) { reentrancy_protection = true; // call the virtual queryExit queryExit(); reentrancy_protection = false; } } //US KMenuBar *KMainWindow::internalMenuBar() QMenuBar *KMainWindow::internalMenuBar() { //US QObjectList *l = queryList( "KMenuBar", 0, false, false ); QObjectList *l = queryList( "QMenuBar", 0, false, false ); if ( !l || !l->first() ) { delete l; return 0; } //US KMenuBar *m = (KMenuBar*)l->first(); QMenuBar *m = (QMenuBar*)l->first(); delete l; return m; } //US KStatusBar *KMainWindow::internalStatusBar() QStatusBar *KMainWindow::internalStatusBar() { //US QObjectList *l = queryList( "KStatusBar", 0, false, false ); QObjectList *l = queryList( "QStatusBar", 0, false, false ); if ( !l || !l->first() ) { delete l; return 0; } //US KStatusBar *s = (KStatusBar*)l->first(); QStatusBar *s = (QStatusBar*)l->first(); delete l; return s; } void KMainWindow::childEvent( QChildEvent* e) { QMainWindow::childEvent( e ); } void KMainWindow::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { // do nothing } QSize KMainWindow::sizeForCentralWidgetSize(QSize size) { KToolBar *tb = (KToolBar*)child( "mainToolBar", "KToolBar" ); if (tb && !tb->isHidden()) { switch( tb->barPos() ) { case KToolBar::Top: case KToolBar::Bottom: size += QSize(0, tb->sizeHint().height()); break; case KToolBar::Left: case KToolBar::Right: size += QSize(toolBar()->sizeHint().width(), 0); break; case KToolBar::Flat: //US size += QSize(0, 3+kapp->style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_DockWindowHandleExtent )); size += QSize(0, tb->sizeHint().height()); break; default: break; } } //US KMenuBar *mb = menuBar(); QMenuBar *mb = menuBar(); if (!mb->isHidden()) { size += QSize(0,mb->heightForWidth(size.width())); /*US if (style().styleHint(QStyle::SH_MainWindow_SpaceBelowMenuBar, this)) size += QSize( 0, dockWindowsMovable() ? 1 : 2); */ size += QSize( 0, 2); } QStatusBar *sb = internalStatusBar(); if( sb && !sb->isHidden() ) size += QSize(0, sb->sizeHint().height()); return size; } // why do we support old gcc versions? using KXMLGUIBuilder::finalizeGUI; void KMainWindow::finalizeGUI( KXMLGUIClient *client ) { /*US KXMLGUIBuilder::finalizeGUI( client );*/ } void KMainWindow::virtual_hook( int id, void* data ) { /*US KXMLGUIBuilder::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ KXMLGUIClient::virtual_hook( id, data ); }