/* -*- C++ -*- This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1997 Tim D. Gilman (tdgilman@best.org) (C) 1998-2001 Mirko Boehm (mirko@kde.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "kdatepicker.h" #include <kglobal.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qfont.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qvalidator.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <knotifyclient.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include "kdatetbl.h" #include "kdateedit.h" //#include "kdatepicker.moc" KDatePicker::KDatePicker(QWidget *parent, QDate dt, const char *name) : QFrame(parent,name), yearForward(new QToolButton(this)), yearBackward(new QToolButton(this)), monthForward(new QToolButton(this)), monthBackward(new QToolButton(this)), selectMonth(new QToolButton(this)), selectYear(new QToolButton(this)), todayBut(new QToolButton(this)), //line(new QLineEdit(this)), val(new KDateValidator(this)) //table(new KDateTable(this)), //fontsize(1) { QFont fo = KGlobalSettings::generalFont(); int add = 2; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() >= 480 && QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 640 ) add += 4; fo.setPointSize(fo.pointSize()+add ); setFont( fo ); table = new KDateTable(this); setFontSize(font().pointSize()); //line->setValidator(val); lineDate = new KDateEdit( this, "dateediipicker", true ); yearForward->setPixmap(SmallIcon("3rightarrowB")); yearBackward->setPixmap(SmallIcon("3leftarrowB")); monthForward->setPixmap(SmallIcon("2rightarrowB")); monthBackward->setPixmap(SmallIcon("2leftarrowB")); todayBut->setPixmap(SmallIcon("today")); setDate(dt); // set button texts connect(table, SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate)), SLOT(dateChangedSlot(QDate))); connect(table, SIGNAL(tableClicked()), SLOT(tableClickedSlot())); connect(monthForward, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(monthForwardClicked())); connect(monthBackward, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(monthBackwardClicked())); connect(yearForward, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(yearForwardClicked())); connect(yearBackward, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(yearBackwardClicked())); connect(selectMonth, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(selectMonthClicked())); connect(selectYear, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(selectYearClicked())); connect(todayBut, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(goToday())); //connect(line, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(lineEnterPressed())); connect(lineDate, SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate)), SLOT(slotSetDate(QDate))); connect(lineDate, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(lineEnterPressed())); table->setFocus(); } KDatePicker::~KDatePicker() { } void KDatePicker::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) { QWidget *buttons[] = { yearBackward, monthBackward, selectMonth, selectYear, monthForward, yearForward }; const int NoOfButtons=sizeof(buttons)/sizeof(buttons[0]); QSize sizes[NoOfButtons]; int buttonHeight=0; int count; int w; int x=0; // ----- calculate button row height: for(count=0; count<NoOfButtons; ++count) { int xS = buttons[count]->sizeHint().width(); int yS = buttons[count]->sizeHint().height(); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) sizes[count]=QSize ( xS+4, yS ); else sizes[count]=QSize ( xS+10, yS ); buttonHeight=QMAX(buttonHeight, sizes[count].height()); } buttonHeight += 10; // ----- calculate size of the month button: w=0; for(count=0; count<NoOfButtons; ++count) { if(buttons[count]!=selectMonth) { w+=sizes[count].width(); } else { x=count; } } sizes[x].setWidth(width()-w); // stretch the month button // ----- place the buttons: x=0; for(count=0; count<NoOfButtons; ++count) { w=sizes[count].width(); buttons[count]->setGeometry(x, 0, w, buttonHeight); x+=w; } // ----- place the line edit for direct input: sizes[0]=lineDate->sizeHint(); //line->setGeometry(0, height()-sizes[0].height(), width(), sizes[0].height()); int todaywid = todayBut->sizeHint().width(); todayBut->setGeometry(0, height()-sizes[0].height(),todaywid, sizes[0].height()); lineDate->setGeometry(0+todaywid, height()-sizes[0].height(), width()-todaywid, sizes[0].height()); // ----- adjust the table: table->setGeometry(0, buttonHeight, width(), height()-buttonHeight-sizes[0].height()); } void KDatePicker::dateChangedSlot(QDate date) { lineDate->setDate( date );//(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(date, true)); //line->setText(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(date, true)); emit(dateChanged(date)); } void KDatePicker::tableClickedSlot() { emit(dateSelected(table->getDate())); emit(tableClicked()); } const QDate& KDatePicker::getDate() const { return table->getDate(); } const QDate & KDatePicker::date() const { return table->getDate(); } void KDatePicker::goToday() { slotSetDate( QDate::currentDate() ); } void KDatePicker::slotSetDate( QDate date ) { if(date.isValid()) { QString temp; // ----- table->setDate(date); selectMonth->setText(KGlobal::locale()->monthName(date.month(), false)); temp.setNum(date.year()); selectYear->setText(temp); //line->setText(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(date, true)); lineDate->setDate( date ); } } bool KDatePicker::setDate(const QDate& date) { table->setFocus(); if(date.isValid()) { QString temp; // ----- table->setDate(date); selectMonth->setText(KGlobal::locale()->monthName(date.month(), false)); temp.setNum(date.year()); selectYear->setText(temp); //line->setText(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(date, true)); lineDate->setDate( date ); return true; } else { return false; } } void KDatePicker::monthForwardClicked() { QDate temp=table->getDate(); int day=temp.day(); // ----- if(temp.month()==12) { temp.setYMD(temp.year()+1, 1, 1); } else { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month()+1, 1); } if(temp.daysInMonth()<day) { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month(), temp.daysInMonth()); } else { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month(), day); } // assert(temp.isValid()); setDate(temp); } void KDatePicker::monthBackwardClicked() { QDate temp=table->getDate(); int day=temp.day(); // ----- if(temp.month()==1) { temp.setYMD(temp.year()-1, 12, 1); } else { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month()-1, 1); } if(temp.daysInMonth()<day) { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month(), temp.daysInMonth()); } else { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month(), day); } // assert(temp.isValid()); setDate(temp); } void KDatePicker::yearForwardClicked() { QDate temp=table->getDate(); int day=temp.day(); // ----- temp.setYMD(temp.year()+1, temp.month(), 1); if(temp.daysInMonth()<day) { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month(), temp.daysInMonth()); } else { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month(), day); } // assert(temp.isValid()); setDate(temp); } void KDatePicker::yearBackwardClicked() { QDate temp=table->getDate(); int day=temp.day(); // ----- temp.setYMD(temp.year()-1, temp.month(), 1); if(temp.daysInMonth()<day) { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month(), temp.daysInMonth()); } else { temp.setYMD(temp.year(), temp.month(), day); } // assert(temp.isValid()); setDate(temp); } void KDatePicker::selectMonthClicked() { int month; KPopupFrame* popup = new KPopupFrame(this); KDateInternalMonthPicker* picker = new KDateInternalMonthPicker(popup); // ----- picker->resize(picker->sizeHint()); popup->setMainWidget(picker); picker->setFocus(); connect(picker, SIGNAL(closeMe(int)), popup, SLOT(close(int))); if(popup->exec(selectMonth->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, selectMonth->height())))) { QDate date; int day; // ----- month=picker->getResult(); date=table->getDate(); day=date.day(); // ----- construct a valid date in this month: date.setYMD(date.year(), month, 1); date.setYMD(date.year(), month, QMIN(day, date.daysInMonth())); // ----- set this month setDate(date); } else { KNotifyClient::beep(); } delete popup; } void KDatePicker::selectYearClicked() { int year; KPopupFrame* popup = new KPopupFrame(this); KDateInternalYearSelector* picker = new KDateInternalYearSelector(fontsize, popup); // ----- picker->resize(picker->sizeHint()); popup->setMainWidget(picker); connect(picker, SIGNAL(closeMe(int)), popup, SLOT(close(int))); picker->setFocus(); if(popup->exec(selectYear->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, selectMonth->height())))) { QDate date; int day; // ----- year=picker->getYear(); date=table->getDate(); day=date.day(); // ----- construct a valid date in this month: date.setYMD(year, date.month(), 1); date.setYMD(year, date.month(), QMIN(day, date.daysInMonth())); // ----- set this month setDate(date); } else { KNotifyClient::beep(); } delete popup; } void KDatePicker::setEnabled(bool enable) { QWidget *widgets[]= { yearForward, yearBackward, monthForward, monthBackward, selectMonth, selectYear, lineDate, table }; const int Size=sizeof(widgets)/sizeof(widgets[0]); int count; // ----- for(count=0; count<Size; ++count) { widgets[count]->setEnabled(enable); } } void KDatePicker::lineEnterPressed() { QDate temp; // ----- temp = lineDate->date(); //if(val->date(line->text(), temp)==QValidator::Acceptable) //{ emit(dateEntered(temp)); setDate(temp); // } else { // KNotifyClient::beep(); // } } QSize KDatePicker::sizeHint() const { QSize tableSize=table->sizeHint(); QWidget *buttons[]={ yearBackward, monthBackward, selectMonth, selectYear, monthForward, yearForward }; const int NoOfButtons=sizeof(buttons)/sizeof(buttons[0]); QSize sizes[NoOfButtons]; int cx=0, cy=0, count; // ----- store the size hints: for(count=0; count<NoOfButtons; ++count) { sizes[count]=buttons[count]->sizeHint(); if(buttons[count]==selectMonth) { cx+=maxMonthRect.width()+15; } else { cx+=sizes[count].width()+15; } cy=QMAX(sizes[count].height(), cy); } // ----- calculate width hint: cx=QMAX(cx, tableSize.width()); // line edit ignored if ( cx > QApplication::desktop()->width() -5 ) cx = QApplication::desktop()->width() -5; // ----- calculate height hint: cy+=tableSize.height()+lineDate->sizeHint().height(); return QSize(cx, cy); } void KDatePicker::setFontSize(int s) { QWidget *buttons[]= { // yearBackward, // monthBackward, selectMonth, selectYear, // monthForward, // yearForward }; const int NoOfButtons=sizeof(buttons)/sizeof(buttons[0]); int count; QFont font; QRect r; // ----- fontsize=s; for(count=0; count<NoOfButtons; ++count) { font=buttons[count]->font(); font.setPointSize(s); buttons[count]->setFont(font); } QFontMetrics metrics(selectMonth->fontMetrics()); for(int i=1; i <= 12; ++i) { // maxMonthRect is used by sizeHint() r=metrics.boundingRect(KGlobal::locale()->monthName(i, false)); maxMonthRect.setWidth(QMAX(r.width(), maxMonthRect.width())); maxMonthRect.setHeight(QMAX(r.height(), maxMonthRect.height())); } table->setFontSize(s); } void KDatePicker::virtual_hook( int id, void* data ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } void KDatePicker::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Right: monthForwardClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Left: monthBackwardClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Down: yearForwardClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Up: yearBackwardClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Return: tableClickedSlot(); break; case Qt::Key_Escape: e->ignore(); break; default: break; } }