    This file is part of libkdepim.
    Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

    As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
    with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
    without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.

Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk



#include <qobject.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qmap.h>

class QCopEnvelope;

class ExternalAppHandler;
class QCopTransferItem  : public QObject
    QCopTransferItem(int usedSourceParameters, const QString& sourceMessage, const QString& targetChannel, const QString& targetMessage);

    bool sendMessageToTarget(const QString& uid, const QString& param1 = QString::null, const QString& param2 = QString::null, const QString& param3 = QString::null);

    void setSourceChannel(const QString& sourceChannel);

    virtual bool appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data );

    void receivedMessageFromSource(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid);
    void receivedMessageFromSource(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid, const QString& param1);
    void receivedMessageFromSource(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid, const QString& param1, const QString& param2);
    void receivedMessageFromSource(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid, const QString& param1, const QString& param2, const QString& param3);

    int _usedSourceParameters;
    QString _sourceChannel;
    QString _sourceMessage;
    QString _sourceMessageParameters;
    QString _targetChannel;
    QString _targetMessage;
    QString _targetMessageParameters;



class QCopMapTransferItem : public QCopTransferItem
    QCopMapTransferItem(int usedSourceParameters, const QString& sourceMessage, const QString& targetChannel, const QString& targetMessage);

    bool sendMessageToSource(const QString& uid, const QMap<QString,QString>& nameEmailMap);

    virtual bool appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data );

    void receivedMessageFromTarget(const QString& uid, const QMap<QString,QString>& nameEmailMap);



class QCopListTransferItem : public QCopTransferItem
    QCopListTransferItem(int usedSourceParameters, const QString& sourceMessage, const QString& targetChannel, const QString& targetMessage);
    bool sendMessageToSource(const QString& uid, const QStringList& list1, const QStringList& list2, const QStringList& list3, const QStringList& list4, const QStringList& list5,  const QStringList& list6);

    virtual bool appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data );

    void receivedMessageFromTarget(const QString& uid, const QStringList& list1, const QStringList& list2, const QStringList& list3, const QStringList& list4 , const QStringList& list5,  const QStringList& list6);



class DefaultAppItem
    DefaultAppItem(int type, int id, const QString& label,  const QString& channel, const QString& message, const QString& parameters, const QString& message2, const QString& parameters2)
      : _type(type), _id(id), _label(label), _channel(channel), _message(message), _parameters(parameters), _message2(message2), _parameters2(parameters2)
      {	}

	{  }

    int _type;
    int _id;
    QString _label;
    QString _channel;
    QString _message;
    QString _parameters;	// a list of parameters in stringrepresentation. Delimiter is ;
    QString _message2;
    QString _parameters2;  // a list of parameters in stringrepresentation. Delimiter is ;



class ExternalAppHandler : public QObject
    virtual ~ExternalAppHandler();

    static ExternalAppHandler *instance();

    enum Types {
		EMAIL = 0,
		PHONE = 1,
		SMS   = 2,
		FAX   = 3,
		PAGER = 4,
		SIP   = 5

    enum Availability {

    //calls the emailapplication with a number of attachments that need to be send.
    //either parameter can be left empty.
    bool mailToMultipleContacts( const QString& recipients, const QString& attachmenturls );

    //calls the emailapplication and creates a mail with parameter emailadress as recipients
    bool mailToOneContact( const QString& name, const QString& emailadress );

    //calls the emailapplication and creates a mail with parameter as recipients
    // parameters format is
    bool mailToOneContact( const QString& adressline );

    //calls the phoneapplication with the number
    bool callByPhone( const QString& phonenumber );

    //calls the smsapplication with the number
    bool callBySMS( const QString& phonenumber );

    //calls the pagerapplication with the number
    bool callByPager( const QString& pagernumber );

    //calls the faxapplication with the number
    bool callByFax( const QString& faxnumber );

    //calls the sipapplication with the number
    bool callBySIP( const QString& sipnumber );

    bool isEmailAppAvailable();
    bool isSMSAppAvailable();
    bool isPhoneAppAvailable();
    bool isFaxAppAvailable();
    bool isPagerAppAvailable();
    bool isSIPAppAvailable();

    //Call this method on the source when you want to select names from the addressbook by using QCop
    bool requestNameEmailUidListFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid);
    //Call this method on the target when you want to return the name/email map to the source (client).
    bool returnNameEmailUidListFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QStringList& name, const QStringList& email, const QStringList& uid);

    bool requestFindByEmailFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& email);
    bool returnFindByEmailFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QStringList& name, const QStringList& email, const QStringList& uid);

    bool requestDetailsFromKAPI(const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid);

    bool requestBirthdayListFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid);
    bool returnBirthdayListFromKAPI(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid,
				    const QStringList& birthdayList, const QStringList& anniversaryList,
				    const QStringList& realNameList, const QStringList& emailList,
				    const QStringList& assembledNameList, const QStringList& uidList);

    //loadConfig clears the cache and checks again if the applications are available or not
    void loadConfig();

    QList<DefaultAppItem> getAvailableDefaultItems(Types);
    DefaultAppItem* getDefaultItem(Types, int);

 public  slots:
    void appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data );

    void nextView();
    // Emmitted when the target app receives a request from the source app
    void requestForNameEmailUidList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid);

    // Emitted when the source app recieves a list of name/email pairs (=addresses) from another target app. Usually Ka/Pi
    // The first parameter is a uniqueid. It can be used to identify the event
    void receivedNameEmailUidListEvent(const QString& uid, const QStringList& nameList, const QStringList& emailList, const QStringList& uidList);

    void requestFindByEmail(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid, const QString& email);
    void receivedFindByEmailEvent(const QString& uid, const QStringList& nameList, const QStringList& emailList, const QStringList& uidList);

    void requestForDetails(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid);

    // Emmitted when the target app receives a request from the source app
    void requestForBirthdayList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& uid);

    // Emitted when the source app recieves a list of name/email pairs (=addresses) from another target app. Usually Ka/Pi
    // The first parameter is a uniqueid. It can be used to identify the event
    void receivedBirthdayListEvent(const QString& uid, const QStringList& birthdayList,
				   const QStringList& anniversaryList, const QStringList& realNameList,
				   const QStringList& emailList, const QStringList& assembledNameList,
				   const QStringList& uidList);

    QList<DefaultAppItem> mDefaultItems;

    Availability mEmailAppAvailable;
    Availability mPhoneAppAvailable;
    Availability mFaxAppAvailable;
    Availability mSMSAppAvailable;
    Availability mPagerAppAvailable;
    Availability mSIPAppAvailable;

    QCopListTransferItem* mNameEmailUidListFromKAPITransfer;
    QCopListTransferItem* mFindByEmailFromKAPITransfer;
    QCopTransferItem* mDisplayDetails;
    QCopListTransferItem* mBirthdayListFromKAPITransfer;

    void addDefaultAppItem(Types type, int id, const QString& label,  const QString& channel, const QString& message, const QString& parameters, const QString& message2, const QString& parameters2);

    QString& translateMessage(QString& message, const QString& param1, const QString& param2) const;
	void passParameters(QCopEnvelope* e, const QString& parameters, const QString& param1, const QString& param2) const;

    static ExternalAppHandler *sInstance;

  private slots:
    void receivedNameEmailUidList_Slot(const QString& uid, const QStringList& nameList, const QStringList& emailList, const QStringList& uidList, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList& );

