    This file is part of libkcal.

    Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brown
    Copyright (c) 2001,2003 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include "calendar.h"

namespace KCal {

class CalFormat;

  This class provides a calendar stored as a local file.
class CalendarLocal : public Calendar
      Constructs a new calendar, with variables initialized to sane values.
      Constructs a new calendar, with variables initialized to sane values.
    CalendarLocal( const QString &timeZoneId );
      Loads a calendar on disk in vCalendar or iCalendar format into the current
      calendar. Any information already present is lost.
      @return true, if successfull, false on error.
      @param fileName the name of the calendar on disk.
    bool load( const QString &fileName );
      Writes out the calendar to disk in the specified \a format.
      CalendarLocal takes ownership of the CalFormat object.
      @return true, if successfull, false on error.
      @param fileName the name of the file
    bool save( const QString &fileName, CalFormat *format = 0 );

      Clears out the current calendar, freeing all used memory etc. etc.
    void close();

    void save() {}
      Add Event to calendar.
    void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile); 
    bool addAnniversaryNoDup( Event *event );
    bool addEventNoDup( Event *event );
    bool addEvent( Event *event );
      Deletes an event from this calendar.
    void deleteEvent( Event *event );

      Retrieves an event on the basis of the unique string ID.
    Event *event( const QString &uid );
      Return unfiltered list of all events in calendar.
    QPtrList<Event> rawEvents();
    QPtrList<Event> getExternLastSyncEvents();
      Add a todo to the todolist.
    bool addTodo( Todo *todo );
    bool addTodoNoDup( Todo *todo );
      Remove a todo from the todolist.
    void deleteTodo( Todo * );
      Searches todolist for an event with this unique string identifier,
      returns a pointer or null.
    Todo *todo( const QString &uid );
      Return list of all todos.
    QPtrList<Todo> rawTodos();
      Returns list of todos due on the specified date.
    QPtrList<Todo> todos( const QDate &date );
      Return list of all todos.
      Workaround because compiler does not recognize function of base class.
    QPtrList<Todo> todos() { return Calendar::todos(); }

      Add a Journal entry to calendar.
    bool addJournal( Journal * );
      Remove a Journal from the calendar.
    void deleteJournal( Journal * );
      Return Journal for given date.
    Journal *journal( const QDate & );
      Return Journal with given UID.
    Journal *journal( const QString &uid );
      Return list of all Journals stored in calendar.
    QPtrList<Journal> journals();

      Return all alarms, which ocur in the given time interval.
    Alarm::List alarms( const QDateTime &from, const QDateTime &to );

      Return all alarms, which ocur before given date.
    Alarm::List alarmsTo( const QDateTime &to );
    QDateTime nextAlarm( int daysTo ) ;
    QDateTime nextAlarmEventDateTime()  const;
    void  checkAlarmForIncidence( Incidence *, bool deleted )  ;
    void registerAlarm();
    void deRegisterAlarm();
    QString getAlarmNotification();
    QString nextSummary() const ;
      This method should be called whenever a Event is modified directly
      via it's pointer. It makes sure that the calendar is internally
    void update( IncidenceBase *incidence );
      Builds and then returns a list of all events that match for the
      date specified. useful for dayView, etc. etc.
    QPtrList<Event> rawEventsForDate( const QDate &date, bool sorted = false );
      Get unfiltered events for date \a qdt.
    QPtrList<Event> rawEventsForDate( const QDateTime &qdt );
      Get unfiltered events in a range of dates. If inclusive is set to true,
      only events are returned, which are completely included in the range.
    QPtrList<Event> rawEvents( const QDate &start, const QDate &end,
                               bool inclusive = false );
    Todo *todo( QString, QString );
    Event *event( QString, QString );


    // Event* mNextAlarmEvent;
    QString mNextSummary;
    QString mNextAlarmEventDateTimeString;
    QString mLastAlarmNotificationString;
    QDateTime mNextAlarmEventDateTime;
    QDateTime mNextAlarmDateTime; 
    void reInitAlarmSettings();
    /** Notification function of IncidenceBase::Observer. */
    void incidenceUpdated( IncidenceBase *i ) { update( i ); }
    /** inserts an event into its "proper place" in the calendar. */
    void insertEvent( Event *event );
    /** Append alarms of incidence in interval to list of alarms. */
    void appendAlarms( Alarm::List &alarms, Incidence *incidence,
                       const QDateTime &from, const QDateTime &to );

    /** Append alarms of recurring events in interval to list of alarms. */
    void appendRecurringAlarms( Alarm::List &alarms, Incidence *incidence,
                       const QDateTime &from, const QDateTime &to );

    void init();

    QPtrList<Event> mEventList;
    QPtrList<Todo> mTodoList;
    QPtrList<Journal> mJournalList;

