    This file is part of libkcal.
    Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef KCAL_ALARM_H
#define KCAL_ALARM_H

#include <qstring.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>

#include "customproperties.h"
#include "duration.h"
#include "person.h"

namespace KCal {

class Incidence;

  This class represents an alarm notification.
class Alarm : public CustomProperties
    enum Type { Invalid, Display, Procedure, Email, Audio };
    typedef QValueList<Alarm *> List;

    /** Construct a new alarm with variables initialized to "sane" values. */
    explicit Alarm(Incidence *parent);
    /** Destruct Alarm object. */

    /** Compare this alarm with another one. */
    bool operator==(const Alarm &) const;
    bool operator!=(const Alarm &a) const   { return !operator==(a); }

    /** Set the type of the alarm.
        If the specified type is different from the current type of the alarm,
        the alarm's type-specific properties are initialised to null.
        @param type type of alarm.
    void setType(Type type);
    /** Return the type of the alarm */
    Type type() const;
    int offset();
    /** Set the alarm to be a display alarm.
        @param text text to display when the alarm is triggered.
    void setDisplayAlarm(const QString &text);
    /** Set the text to be displayed when the alarm is triggered.
        Ignored if the alarm is not a display alarm.
    void setText(const QString &text);
    /** Return the text string that displays when the alarm is triggered. */
    QString text() const;

    /** Set the alarm to be an audio alarm.
        @param audioFile optional file to play when the alarm is triggered.
    void setAudioAlarm(const QString &audioFile = QString::null);
    /** Set the file to play when the audio alarm is triggered.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an audio alarm.
    void setAudioFile(const QString &audioFile);
    /** Return the name of the audio file for the alarm.
        @return The audio file for the alarm, or QString::null if not an audio alarm.
    QString audioFile() const;

    /** Set the alarm to be a procedure alarm.
        @param programFile program to execute when the alarm is triggered.
        @param arguments arguments to supply to programFile.
    void setProcedureAlarm(const QString &programFile, const QString &arguments = QString::null);
    /** Set the program file to execute when the alarm is triggered.
        Ignored if the alarm is not a procedure alarm.
    void setProgramFile(const QString &programFile);
    /** Return the name of the program file to execute when the alarm is triggered.
        @return the program file name, or QString::null if not a procedure alarm.
    QString programFile() const;
    /** Set the arguments to the program to execute when the alarm is triggered.
        Ignored if the alarm is not a procedure alarm.
    void setProgramArguments(const QString &arguments);
    /** Return the arguments to the program to run when the alarm is triggered.
        @return the program arguments, or QString::null if not a procedure alarm.
    QString programArguments() const;

    /** Set the alarm to be an email alarm.
        @param subject subject line of email.
        @param text body of email.
        @param addressees email addresses of recipient(s).
        @param attachments optional names of files to attach to the email.
    void setEmailAlarm(const QString &subject, const QString &text, const QValueList<Person> &addressees,
                       const QStringList &attachments = QStringList());

    /** Send mail to this address when the alarm is triggered.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm.
    void setMailAddress(const Person &mailAlarmAddress);
    /** Send mail to these addresses when the alarm is triggered.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm.
    void setMailAddresses(const QValueList<Person> &mailAlarmAddresses);
    /** Add this address to the list of addresses to send mail to when the alarm is triggered.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm.
    void addMailAddress(const Person &mailAlarmAddress);
    /** return the addresses to send mail to when an alarm goes off */
    QValueList<Person> mailAddresses() const;

    /** Set the subject line of the mail.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm.
    void setMailSubject(const QString &mailAlarmSubject);
    /** return the subject line of the mail  */
    QString mailSubject() const;

    /** Attach this filename to the email.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm.
    void setMailAttachment(const QString &mailAttachFile);
    /** Attach these filenames to the email.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm.
    void setMailAttachments(const QStringList &mailAttachFiles);
    /** Add this filename to the list of files to attach to the email.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm.
    void addMailAttachment(const QString &mailAttachFile);
    /** return the filenames to attach to the email */
    QStringList mailAttachments() const;

    /** Set the email body text.
        Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm.
    void setMailText(const QString &text);
    /** Return the email body text.
        @return the body text, or QString::null if not an email alarm.
    QString mailText() const;

    /** set the time to trigger an alarm */
    void setTime(const QDateTime &alarmTime);
    /** return the date/time when an alarm goes off */
    QDateTime time() const;
    /** Return true, if the alarm has an explicit date/time. */
    bool hasTime() const;

    /** Set offset of alarm in time relative to the start of the event. */
    void setStartOffset(const Duration &);
    /** Return offset of alarm in time relative to the start of the event.
     *  If the alarm's time is not defined in terms of an offset relative
     *  to the start of the event, returns zero.
    Duration startOffset() const;
    /** Return whether the alarm is defined in terms of an offset relative
     *  to the start of the event.
    bool hasStartOffset() const;

    /** Set offset of alarm in time relative to the end of the event. */
    void setEndOffset(const Duration &);
    /** Return offset of alarm in time relative to the end of the event.
     *  If the alarm's time is not defined in terms of an offset relative
     *  to the end of the event, returns zero.
    Duration endOffset() const;
    /** Return whether the alarm is defined in terms of an offset relative
     *  to the end of the event.
    bool hasEndOffset() const;

    /** Set the interval between snoozes for the alarm.
        @param snoozeTime the time in minutes between snoozes.
    void setSnoozeTime(int alarmSnoozeTime);
    /** Get how long the alarm snooze interval is.
        @return the number of minutes between snoozes.
    int snoozeTime() const;

    /** set how many times an alarm is to repeat itself (w/snoozes) */
    void setRepeatCount(int alarmRepeatCount);
    /** get how many times an alarm repeats */
    int repeatCount() const;

    /** toggles the value of alarm to be either on or off.
        set's the alarm time to be x minutes before dtStart time. */
    void toggleAlarm();

    /** set the alarm enabled status */
    void setEnabled(bool enable);
    /** get the alarm enabled status */
    bool enabled() const;

    /** Set the alarm's parent incidence */
    void setParent( Incidence * );
    /** get the alarm's parent incidence */
    Incidence *parent() const  { return mParent; }

    Incidence *mParent;          // the incidence which this alarm belongs to
    Type mType;                  // type of alarm
    QString mDescription;        // text to display/email body/procedure arguments
    QString mFile;               // procedure program to run/optional audio file to play
    QStringList mMailAttachFiles;      // filenames to attach to email
    QValueList<Person> mMailAddresses; // who to mail for reminder
    QString mMailSubject;        // subject of email

    int mAlarmSnoozeTime;        // number of minutes after alarm to
                                 // snooze before ringing again
    int mAlarmRepeatCount;       // number of times for alarm to repeat
                                 // after the initial time

    QDateTime mAlarmTime;        // time at which to trigger the alarm
    Duration mOffset;            // time relative to incidence DTSTART to trigger the alarm
    bool mEndOffset;             // if true, mOffset relates to DTEND, not DTSTART
    bool mHasTime;               // use mAlarmTime, not mOffset
    bool mAlarmEnabled;

