%{ /* -*- Mode: C -*- ====================================================================== FILE: icalsslexer.l CREATOR: eric 8 Aug 2000 DESCRIPTION: $Id$ $Locker$ (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom, http://www.softwarestudio.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1, available at: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html Or: The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ The Original Code is eric. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric Busboom ======================================================================*/ #include "icalssyacc.h" #include "icalgaugeimpl.h" #include "assert.h" #include <string.h> /* For strdup() */ int icalparser_flex_input(char* buf, int max_size); void icalparser_clear_flex_input(); #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(b,r,ms) ( r= icalparser_flex_input(b,ms)) #undef SS_FATAL_ERROR #define SS_FATAL_ERROR(msg) sserror(msg) %} crlf \x0D?\x0A space [ ] qsafechar [^\x00-\x1F\"] safechar [^\x00-\x1F\"\:\;\,] tsafechar [\x20-\x21\x23-\x2B\x2D-\x39\x3C-\x5B\x5D-\x7E] valuechar [^\x00-\x08\x10-\x1F] xname X-[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+ xname2 [a-zA-Z0-9\-\ ] paramtext {safechar}+ value {valuechar}+ quotedstring \"{qsafechar}+\" digit [0-9] %array /* Make yytext an array. Slow, but handy. HACK */ %option caseless %s sql string_value %% %{ %} SELECT { return SELECT; } FROM { return FROM; } WHERE { return WHERE; } , { return COMMA; } "=" { return EQUALS; } "!=" { return NOTEQUALS; } "<" { return LESS; } ">" { return GREATER; } "<=" { return LESSEQUALS; } ">=" { return GREATEREQUALS; } AND { return AND; } OR { return OR; } \' { return QUOTE; } [ \t\n\r]+ ; ; { return EOL; } \'[\*A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+\' { int c = input(); unput(c); if(c!='\''){ sslval.v_string= icalmemory_tmp_copy(sstext); return STRING; } else { /*ssmore();*/ } } [\*A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+ { sslval.v_string= icalmemory_tmp_copy(sstext); return STRING; } . { return yytext[0]; } %% int sswrap() { return 1; }