/* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brown This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qvbuttongroup.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qradiobutton.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qsplitter.h> #include <kprinter.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <ksimpleconfig.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kdebug.h> //#include <kdeversion.h> #include "koprefsdialog.h" #include "calprinter.h" #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER //#include "calprinter.moc" #include "calprintplugins.h" CalPrinter::CalPrinter( QWidget *parent, Calendar *calendar ) : QObject( parent, "CalPrinter" ) { mCalendar = calendar; mParent = parent; mPrinter = new KPrinter; mPrinter->setOrientation( KPrinter::Portrait ); mConfig = new KConfig(locateLocal("config","korganizer_printing.rc" )); //KSimpleConfig( "korganizer_printing.rc" ); init( mPrinter, calendar ); } CalPrinter::~CalPrinter() { kdDebug() << "~CalPrinter()" << endl; CalPrintBase *plug = mPrintPlugins.first(); while ( plug ) { plug->doSaveConfig(); plug = mPrintPlugins.next(); } mConfig->sync(); delete mConfig; delete mPrintDialog; delete mPrinter; } void CalPrinter::init( KPrinter *printer, Calendar *calendar ) { mPrintPlugins.setAutoDelete( true ); mPrintPlugins.append( new CalPrintDay( printer, calendar, mConfig ) ); mPrintPlugins.append( new CalPrintWeek( printer, calendar, mConfig ) ); mPrintPlugins.append( new CalPrintMonth( printer, calendar, mConfig ) ); mPrintPlugins.append( new CalPrintTodos( printer, calendar, mConfig ) ); // TODO_RK: Add a plugin interface here mPrintDialog = new CalPrintDialog( mPrintPlugins, mPrinter, mParent ); CalPrintBase *plug = mPrintPlugins.first(); while ( plug ) { connect( mPrintDialog, SIGNAL( okClicked() ), plug, SLOT( readSettingsWidget() ) ); plug->doLoadConfig(); plug = mPrintPlugins.next(); } } void CalPrinter::setupPrinter() { KMessageBox::sorry( mParent, i18n("Not implemented.") ); #if 0 KOPrefsDialog *optionsDlg = new KOPrefsDialog(mParent); optionsDlg->readConfig(); optionsDlg->showPrinterTab(); connect(optionsDlg, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mParent, SLOT(updateConfig())); optionsDlg->show(); #endif } void CalPrinter::setDateRange( const QDate &fd, const QDate &td ) { CalPrintBase *plug = mPrintPlugins.first(); while ( plug ) { plug->setDateRange( fd, td ); plug = mPrintPlugins.next(); } } void CalPrinter::preview( PrintType type, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td ) { mPrintDialog->setPreview( true ); mPrintDialog->setPrintType( int( type ) ); setDateRange( fd, td ); if ( mPrintDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { doPrint( mPrintDialog->selectedPlugin(), true ); } } void CalPrinter::print( PrintType type, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td ) { mPrintDialog->resize( 640, 380 ); mPrintDialog->setPreview( false ); mPrintDialog->setPrintType( int( type ) ); setDateRange( fd, td ); if ( mPrintDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { doPrint( mPrintDialog->selectedPlugin(), false ); } } void CalPrinter::doPrint( CalPrintBase *selectedStyle, bool preview ) { // FIXME: add a better caption to the Printingdialog //mPrinter->setPreviewOnly( preview ); if ( preview || mPrinter->setup( mParent ) ) { switch ( mPrintDialog->orientation() ) { case eOrientPlugin: mPrinter->setOrientation( selectedStyle->orientation()); break; case eOrientPortrait: mPrinter->setOrientation( KPrinter::Portrait ); break; case eOrientLandscape: mPrinter->setOrientation( KPrinter::Landscape ); break; case eOrientPrinter: default: break; } selectedStyle->doPrint(); } //mPrinter->setPreviewOnly( false ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CalPrinter::updateConfig() { } /****************************************************************************/ CalPrintDialog::CalPrintDialog( QPtrList<CalPrintBase> plugins, KPrinter *p, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KDialogBase( parent, name, /*modal*/true, i18n("Print"), Ok | Cancel ), mPrinter( p ), mPrintPlugins( plugins ) { QVBox *page = new QVBox(this);//makeVBoxMainWidget(); setMainWidget( page ); QHBox *printerLayout = new QHBox( page ); mPrinterLabel = new QLabel( printerLayout ); QPushButton *setupButton = new QPushButton( i18n("&Setup Printer..."), printerLayout ); setupButton->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)4, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, setupButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter( page ); splitter->setOrientation( QSplitter::Horizontal ); mTypeGroup = new QVButtonGroup( i18n("View Type"), splitter, "buttonGroup" ); // use the minimal width possible = max width of the radio buttons, not extensible /* mTypeGroup->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)4, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, mTypeGroup->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );*/ QWidget *splitterRight = new QWidget( splitter, "splitterRight" ); QGridLayout *splitterRightLayout = new QGridLayout( splitterRight ); splitterRightLayout->setMargin( marginHint() ); splitterRightLayout->setSpacing( spacingHint() ); mConfigArea = new QWidgetStack( splitterRight, "configWidgetStack" ); splitterRightLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mConfigArea, 0,0, 0,1 ); QLabel *orientationLabel = new QLabel( i18n("Page &orientation:"), splitterRight, "orientationLabel" ); splitterRightLayout->addWidget( orientationLabel, 1, 0 ); mOrientationSelection = new QComboBox( splitterRight, "orientationCombo" ); mOrientationSelection->insertItem( i18n("Use Default of Selected Style") ); mOrientationSelection->insertItem( i18n("Use Default Setting of Printer") ); mOrientationSelection->insertItem( i18n("Portrait") ); mOrientationSelection->insertItem( i18n("Landscape") ); splitterRightLayout->addWidget( mOrientationSelection, 1, 1 ); // signals and slots connections connect( setupButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( setupPrinter() ) ); connect( mTypeGroup, SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), SLOT( setPrintType( int ) ) ); // buddies orientationLabel->setBuddy( mOrientationSelection ); CalPrintBase *plug = mPrintPlugins.first(); QRadioButton *radioButton; int id = 0; while ( plug ) { radioButton = new QRadioButton( plug->description(), mTypeGroup ); mTypeGroup->insert( radioButton, id ); //radioButton->setMinimumHeight( radioButton->sizeHint().height() - 5 ); mConfigArea->addWidget( plug->configWidget( mConfigArea ), id ); plug = mPrintPlugins.next(); id++; } // setMinimumSize( minimumSizeHint() ); //resize( minimumSizeHint() ); } CalPrintDialog::~CalPrintDialog() { } void CalPrintDialog::setupPrinter() { if ( mPrinter->setup( this ) ) { setPrinterLabel(); } } void CalPrintDialog::setPreview(bool preview) { setButtonText(KDialogBase::Ok, preview ? i18n("&Preview") : i18n("&Print...") ); mPreviewText = preview ? i18n("<qt>Preview for printer <b>%1</b></qt>") : i18n( "<qt>Printing on printer <b>%1</b></qt>"); setPrinterLabel(); } void CalPrintDialog::setPrinterLabel() { QString printerName( mPrinter->printerName() ); if ( printerName.isEmpty() ) mPrinterLabel->setText( mPreviewText.arg( i18n("[Unconfigured]") ) ); else mPrinterLabel->setText( mPreviewText.arg( printerName ) ); } void CalPrintDialog::setPrintType( int i ) { // TODO: Make a safe correlation between type and the radio button mTypeGroup->setButton( i ); mConfigArea->raiseWidget( i ); } CalPrintBase *CalPrintDialog::selectedPlugin() { int pos = mTypeGroup->id( mTypeGroup->selected() ); if ( pos < 0 ) return 0; CalPrintBase *retval = mPrintPlugins.at( pos ); return retval; } void CalPrintDialog::slotOk() { mOrientation = (CalPrinter::ePrintOrientation)mOrientationSelection->currentItem(); KDialogBase::slotOk(); emit okClicked(); } #endif