// CHANGED 2004-09-31 Lutz Rogowski #include "nntpwrapper.h" #include "logindialog.h" #include "mailtypes.h" #include <qfile.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <libetpan/libetpan.h> #define HARD_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT 5242880 using namespace Opie::Core; NNTPwrapper::NNTPwrapper( NNTPaccount *a ) : Genericwrapper() { account = a; m_nntp = NULL; msgTempName = a->getFileName()+"_msg_cache"; last_msg_id = 0; } NNTPwrapper::~NNTPwrapper() { logout(); QFile msg_cache(msgTempName); if (msg_cache.exists()) { msg_cache.remove(); } } void NNTPwrapper::nntp_progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ) { ; // << "NNTP: " << current << " of " << maximum << "" << oendl; } RecBodyP NNTPwrapper::fetchBody( const RecMailP &mail ) { int err = NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR; char *message = 0; size_t length = 0; RecBodyP body = new RecBody(); login(); if ( !m_nntp ) { return body; } mailmessage * mailmsg; if (mail->Msgsize()>HARD_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT) { ; // << "Message to large: " << mail->Msgsize() << "" << oendl; return body; } QFile msg_cache(msgTempName); cleanMimeCache(); if (mail->getNumber()!=last_msg_id) { if (msg_cache.exists()) { msg_cache.remove(); } msg_cache.open(IO_ReadWrite|IO_Truncate); last_msg_id = mail->getNumber(); err = mailsession_get_message(m_nntp->sto_session, mail->getNumber(), &mailmsg); err = mailmessage_fetch(mailmsg,&message,&length); msg_cache.writeBlock(message,length); } else { QString msg=""; msg_cache.open(IO_ReadOnly); message = new char[4096]; memset(message,0,4096); while (msg_cache.readBlock(message,4095)>0) { msg+=message; memset(message,0,4096); } delete message; message = (char*)malloc(msg.length()+1*sizeof(char)); memset(message,0,msg.length()+1); memcpy(message,msg.latin1(),msg.length()); /* transform to libetpan stuff */ mailmsg = mailmessage_new(); mailmessage_init(mailmsg, NULL, data_message_driver, 0, strlen(message)); generic_message_t * msg_data; msg_data = (generic_message_t *)mailmsg->msg_data; msg_data->msg_fetched = 1; msg_data->msg_message = message; msg_data->msg_length = strlen(message); } body = parseMail(mailmsg); /* clean up */ if (mailmsg) mailmessage_free(mailmsg); if (message) free(message); return body; } void NNTPwrapper::listMessages(const QString & which, QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail> > &target, int maxSizeInKb) { login(); if (!m_nntp) return; uint32_t res_messages,res_recent,res_unseen; mailsession_status_folder(m_nntp->sto_session,(char*)which.latin1(),&res_messages,&res_recent,&res_unseen); parseList(target,m_nntp->sto_session,which,true, maxSizeInKb); } void NNTPwrapper::login() { if (account->getOffline()) return; /* we'll hold the line */ if ( m_nntp != NULL ) return; QString server; QString User,Pass; uint16_t port; int err = NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR; server = account->getServer(); port = account->getPort().toUInt(); if ( ( account->getUser().isEmpty() || account->getPassword().isEmpty() ) && account->getLogin() ) { LoginDialog login( account->getUser(), account->getPassword(), NULL, 0, true ); login.show(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == login.exec() ) { // ok User = login.getUser(); Pass = login.getPassword(); } else { // cancel ; // << "NNTP: Login canceled" << oendl; return; } } else { User = account->getUser(); Pass = account->getPassword(); } // bool ssl = account->getSSL(); m_nntp=mailstorage_new(NULL); int conntypeset = account->ConnectionType(); int conntype = 0; if ( conntypeset == 3 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_COMMAND; } else if ( conntypeset == 2 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_TLS; } else if ( conntypeset == 1 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_STARTTLS; } else if ( conntypeset == 0 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_TRY_STARTTLS; } nntp_mailstorage_init(m_nntp,(char*)server.latin1(), port, NULL, CONNECTION_TYPE_PLAIN, NNTP_AUTH_TYPE_PLAIN, (char*)User.latin1(),(char*)Pass.latin1(),0,0,0); err = mailstorage_connect( m_nntp ); if (err != NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR) { ; // << QString( "FEHLERNUMMER %1" ).arg( err ) << oendl; // Global::statusMessage(tr("Error initializing folder")); mailstorage_free(m_nntp); m_nntp = 0; } else { mailsession * session = m_nntp->sto_session; newsnntp * news = ( ( nntp_session_state_data * )session->sess_data )->nntp_session; news->nntp_progr_fun = &nntp_progress; } } void NNTPwrapper::logout() { int err = NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR; if ( m_nntp == NULL ) return; mailstorage_free(m_nntp); m_nntp = 0; } QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* NNTPwrapper::listFolders() { QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* folders = new QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >(); QStringList groups; if (account) { groups = account->getGroups(); } for ( QStringList::Iterator it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); ++it ) { folders->append(new Folder((*it),".")); } return folders; } /* we made this method in raw nntp access of etpan and not via generic interface * 'cause in that case there will be doubled copy operations. eg. the etpan would * copy that stuff into its own structures and we must copy it into useable c++ * structures for our frontend. this would not make sense, so it is better to reimplement * the stuff from generic interface of etpan but copy it direct to qt classes. */ QStringList NNTPwrapper::listAllNewsgroups(const QString&mask) { login(); QStringList res; clist *result = 0; clistcell *current = 0; newsnntp_group_description *group; if ( m_nntp ) { mailsession * session = m_nntp->sto_session; newsnntp * news = ( ( nntp_session_state_data * )session->sess_data )->nntp_session; int err = NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR; if (mask.isEmpty()) { err = newsnntp_list(news, &result); } else { /* taken from generic wrapper of etpan */ QString nmask = mask+".*"; err = newsnntp_list_active(news, nmask.latin1(), &result); } if ( err == NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR && result) { for ( current=clist_begin(result);current!=NULL;current=clist_next(current) ) { group = ( newsnntp_group_description* ) current->data; if (!group||!group->grp_name||strlen(group->grp_name)==0) continue; res.append(group->grp_name); } } } if (result) { newsnntp_list_free(result); } return res; } void NNTPwrapper::answeredMail(const RecMailP&) {} void NNTPwrapper::statusFolder(folderStat&target_stat,const QString&) { login(); target_stat.message_count = 0; target_stat.message_unseen = 0; target_stat.message_recent = 0; if (!m_nntp) return; int r = mailsession_status_folder(m_nntp->sto_session,0,&target_stat.message_count, &target_stat.message_recent,&target_stat.message_unseen); } encodedString* NNTPwrapper::fetchRawBody(const RecMailP&mail) { char*target=0; size_t length=0; encodedString*res = 0; mailmessage * mailmsg = 0; int err = mailsession_get_message(m_nntp->sto_session, mail->getNumber(), &mailmsg); err = mailmessage_fetch(mailmsg,&target,&length); if (mailmsg) mailmessage_free(mailmsg); if (target) { res = new encodedString(target,length); } return res; } MAILLIB::ATYPE NNTPwrapper::getType()const { return account->getType(); } const QString&NNTPwrapper::getName()const{ return account->getAccountName(); } void NNTPwrapper::deleteMail(const RecMailP&) { } int NNTPwrapper::deleteAllMail(const FolderP&) { }