/* * libEtPan! -- a mail stuff library * * chash - Implements generic hash tables. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Ga�l Roualland <gael.roualland@iname.com> * interface changes - 2002 - DINH Viet Hoa * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the libEtPan! project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * $Id$ */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "chash.h" /* This defines the maximum (average) number of entries per bucket. The hash is resized everytime inserting an entry makes the average go over that value. */ #define CHASH_MAXDEPTH 3 static inline unsigned int chash_func(const char * key, unsigned int len) { #if 0 register unsigned int c = 0, t; register const char * k = key; while (len--) { c += (c << 4) + *k++; if ((t = c & 0xF0000000)) { c ^= t >> 24; c ^= t; } } return c; #endif register unsigned int c = 5381; register const char * k = key; while (len--) { c = ((c << 5) + c) + *k++; } return c; } static inline char * chash_dup(const void * data, unsigned int len) { void * r; r = (char *) malloc(len); if (!r) return NULL; memcpy(r, data, len); return r; } chash * chash_new(unsigned int size, int flags) { chash * h; h = (chash *) malloc(sizeof(chash)); if (h == NULL) return NULL; h->count = 0; h->cells = (struct chashcell **) calloc(size, sizeof(struct chashcell *)); if (h->cells == NULL) { free(h); return NULL; } h->size = size; h->copykey = flags & CHASH_COPYKEY; h->copyvalue = flags & CHASH_COPYVALUE; return h; } int chash_get(chash * hash, chashdatum * key, chashdatum * result) { unsigned int func; chashiter * iter; func = chash_func(key->data, key->len); /* look for the key in existing cells */ iter = hash->cells[func % hash->size]; while (iter) { if (iter->key.len == key->len && iter->func == func && !memcmp(iter->key.data, key->data, key->len)) { * result = iter->value; /* found */ return 0; } iter = iter->next; } return -1; } int chash_set(chash * hash, chashdatum * key, chashdatum * value, chashdatum * oldvalue) { unsigned int func, indx; chashiter * iter, * cell; int r; if (hash->count > hash->size * CHASH_MAXDEPTH) { r = chash_resize(hash, (hash->count / CHASH_MAXDEPTH) * 2 + 1); if (r < 0) goto err; } func = chash_func(key->data, key->len); indx = func % hash->size; /* look for the key in existing cells */ iter = hash->cells[indx]; while (iter) { if (iter->key.len == key->len && iter->func == func && !memcmp(iter->key.data, key->data, key->len)) { /* found, replacing entry */ if (hash->copyvalue) { char * data; data = chash_dup(value->data, value->len); if (data == NULL) goto err; free(iter->value.data); iter->value.data = data; iter->value.len = value->len; } else { if (oldvalue != NULL) { oldvalue->data = iter->value.data; oldvalue->len = iter->value.len; } iter->value.data = value->data; iter->value.len = value->len; } if (!hash->copykey) iter->key.data = key->data; if (oldvalue != NULL) { oldvalue->data = value->data; oldvalue->len = value->len; } return 0; } iter = iter->next; } if (oldvalue != NULL) { oldvalue->data = NULL; oldvalue->len = 0; } /* not found, adding entry */ cell = (struct chashcell *) malloc(sizeof(struct chashcell)); if (cell == NULL) goto err; if (hash->copykey) { cell->key.data = chash_dup(key->data, key->len); if (cell->key.data == NULL) goto free; } else cell->key.data = key->data; cell->key.len = key->len; if (hash->copyvalue) { cell->value.data = chash_dup(value->data, value->len); if (cell->value.data == NULL) goto free_key_data; } else cell->value.data = value->data; cell->value.len = value->len; cell->func = func; cell->next = hash->cells[indx]; hash->cells[indx] = cell; hash->count++; return 0; free_key_data: if (hash->copykey) free(cell->key.data); free: free(cell); err: return -1; } int chash_delete(chash * hash, chashdatum * key, chashdatum * oldvalue) { /* chashdatum result = { NULL, TRUE }; */ unsigned int func, indx; chashiter * iter, * old; /* if (!keylen) keylen = strlen(key) + 1; */ func = chash_func(key->data, key->len); indx = func % hash->size; /* look for the key in existing cells */ old = NULL; iter = hash->cells[indx]; while (iter) { if (iter->key.len == key->len && iter->func == func && !memcmp(iter->key.data, key->data, key->len)) { /* found, deleting */ if (old) old->next = iter->next; else hash->cells[indx] = iter->next; if (hash->copykey) free(iter->key.data); if (hash->copyvalue) free(iter->value.data); else { if (oldvalue != NULL) { oldvalue->data = iter->value.data; oldvalue->len = iter->value.len; } } free(iter); hash->count--; return 0; } old = iter; iter = iter->next; } return -1; /* not found */ } void chash_free(chash * hash) { unsigned int indx; chashiter * iter, * next; /* browse the hash table */ for(indx = 0; indx < hash->size; indx++) { iter = hash->cells[indx]; while (iter) { next = iter->next; if (hash->copykey) free(iter->key.data); if (hash->copyvalue) free(iter->value.data); free(iter); iter = next; } } free(hash->cells); free(hash); } void chash_clear(chash * hash) { unsigned int indx; chashiter * iter, * next; /* browse the hash table */ for(indx = 0; indx < hash->size; indx++) { iter = hash->cells[indx]; while (iter) { next = iter->next; if (hash->copykey) free(iter->key.data); if (hash->copyvalue) free(iter->value.data); free(iter); iter = next; } } memset(hash->cells, 0, hash->size * sizeof(* hash->cells)); hash->count = 0; } chashiter * chash_begin(chash * hash) { chashiter * iter; unsigned int indx = 0; iter = hash->cells[0]; while(!iter) { indx++; if (indx >= hash->size) return NULL; iter = hash->cells[indx]; } return iter; } chashiter * chash_next(chash * hash, chashiter * iter) { unsigned int indx; if (!iter) return NULL; indx = iter->func % hash->size; iter = iter->next; while(!iter) { indx++; if (indx >= hash->size) return NULL; iter = hash->cells[indx]; } return iter; } int chash_resize(chash * hash, unsigned int size) { struct chashcell ** cells; unsigned int indx, nindx; chashiter * iter, * next; if (hash->size == size) return 0; cells = (struct chashcell **) calloc(size, sizeof(struct chashcell *)); if (!cells) return -1; /* browse initial hash and copy items in second hash */ for(indx = 0; indx < hash->size; indx++) { iter = hash->cells[indx]; while (iter) { next = iter->next; nindx = iter->func % size; iter->next = cells[nindx]; cells[nindx] = iter; iter = next; } } free(hash->cells); hash->size = size; hash->cells = cells; return 0; } #ifdef NO_MACROS int chash_count(chash * hash) { return hash->count; } int chash_size(chash * hash) { return hash->size; } void chash_value(chashiter * iter, chashdatum * result) { * result = iter->value; } void chash_key(chashiter * iter, chashdatum * result) { * result = iter->key; } #endif