/* * libEtPan! -- a mail stuff library * * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 - DINH Viet Hoa * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the libEtPan! project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * $Id$ */ /* POP3 Protocol RFC 1734 RFC 1939 RFC 2449 */ #include "mailpop3.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "md5.h" #include "mail.h" #include <stdlib.h> enum { POP3_STATE_DISCONNECTED, POP3_STATE_AUTHORIZATION, POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION }; /* mailpop3_msg_info structure */ static struct mailpop3_msg_info * mailpop3_msg_info_new(unsigned int index, uint32_t size, char * uidl) { struct mailpop3_msg_info * msg; msg = malloc(sizeof(* msg)); if (msg == NULL) return NULL; msg->msg_index = index; msg->msg_size = size; msg->msg_deleted = FALSE; msg->msg_uidl = uidl; return msg; } static void mailpop3_msg_info_free(struct mailpop3_msg_info * msg) { if (msg->msg_uidl != NULL) free(msg->msg_uidl); free(msg); } static void mailpop3_msg_info_tab_free(carray * msg_tab) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0 ; i < carray_count(msg_tab) ; i++) { struct mailpop3_msg_info * msg; msg = carray_get(msg_tab, i); mailpop3_msg_info_free(msg); } carray_free(msg_tab); } static void mailpop3_msg_info_tab_reset(carray * msg_tab) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0 ; i < carray_count(msg_tab) ; i++) { struct mailpop3_msg_info * msg; msg = carray_get(msg_tab, i); msg->msg_deleted = FALSE; } } static inline struct mailpop3_msg_info * mailpop3_msg_info_tab_find_msg(carray * msg_tab, unsigned int index) { struct mailpop3_msg_info * msg; if (index == 0) return NULL; if (index > carray_count(msg_tab)) return NULL; msg = carray_get(msg_tab, index - 1); return msg; } int mailpop3_get_msg_info(mailpop3 * f, unsigned int index, struct mailpop3_msg_info ** result) { carray * tab; struct mailpop3_msg_info * info; mailpop3_list(f, &tab); if (tab == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; info = mailpop3_msg_info_tab_find_msg(tab, index); if (info == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MESSAGE; * result = info; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } /* mailpop3_capa */ struct mailpop3_capa * mailpop3_capa_new(char * name, clist * param) { struct mailpop3_capa * capa; capa = malloc(sizeof(* capa)); if (capa == NULL) return NULL; capa->cap_name = name; capa->cap_param = param; return capa; } void mailpop3_capa_free(struct mailpop3_capa * capa) { clist_foreach(capa->cap_param, (clist_func) free, NULL); clist_free(capa->cap_param); free(capa->cap_name); free(capa); } /* mailpop3 structure */ mailpop3 * mailpop3_new(size_t progr_rate, progress_function * progr_fun) { mailpop3 * f; f = malloc(sizeof(* f)); if (f == NULL) goto err; f->pop3_timestamp = NULL; f->pop3_response = NULL; f->pop3_stream = NULL; f->pop3_progr_rate = progr_rate; f->pop3_progr_fun = progr_fun; f->pop3_stream_buffer = mmap_string_new(""); if (f->pop3_stream_buffer == NULL) goto free_f; f->pop3_response_buffer = mmap_string_new(""); if (f->pop3_response_buffer == NULL) goto free_stream_buffer; f->pop3_msg_tab = NULL; f->pop3_deleted_count = 0; f->pop3_state = POP3_STATE_DISCONNECTED; return f; free_stream_buffer: mmap_string_free(f->pop3_stream_buffer); free_f: free(f); err: return NULL; } void mailpop3_free(mailpop3 * f) { if (f->pop3_stream) mailpop3_quit(f); mmap_string_free(f->pop3_response_buffer); mmap_string_free(f->pop3_stream_buffer); free(f); } /* operations on mailpop3 structure */ #define RESPONSE_OK 0 #define RESPONSE_ERR -1 static int send_command(mailpop3 * f, char * command); static char * read_line(mailpop3 * f); static char * read_multiline(mailpop3 * f, size_t size, MMAPString * multiline_buffer); static int parse_response(mailpop3 * f, char * response); /* get the timestamp in the connection response */ #define TIMESTAMP_START '<' #define TIMESTAMP_END '>' static char * mailpop3_get_timestamp(char * response) { char * begin_timestamp; char * end_timestamp; char * timestamp; int len_timestamp; if (response == NULL) return NULL; begin_timestamp = strchr(response, TIMESTAMP_START); end_timestamp = NULL; if (begin_timestamp != NULL) { end_timestamp = strchr(begin_timestamp, TIMESTAMP_END); if (end_timestamp == NULL) begin_timestamp = NULL; } if (!begin_timestamp) return NULL; len_timestamp = end_timestamp - begin_timestamp + 1; timestamp = malloc(len_timestamp + 1); if (timestamp == NULL) return NULL; strncpy(timestamp, begin_timestamp, len_timestamp); timestamp[len_timestamp] = '\0'; return timestamp; } /* connect a stream to the mailpop3 structure */ int mailpop3_connect(mailpop3 * f, mailstream * s) { char * response; int r; char * timestamp; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_DISCONNECTED) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; f->pop3_stream = s; response = read_line(f); r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED; f->pop3_state = POP3_STATE_AUTHORIZATION; timestamp = mailpop3_get_timestamp(f->pop3_response); if (timestamp != NULL) f->pop3_timestamp = timestamp; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } /* disconnect from a pop3 server */ int mailpop3_quit(mailpop3 * f) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; char * response; int r; int res; if ((f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_AUTHORIZATION) && (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION)) { res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; goto close; } snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "QUIT\r\n"); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) { res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; goto close; } response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) { res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; goto close; } parse_response(f, response); res = MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; close: mailstream_close(f->pop3_stream); if (f->pop3_timestamp != NULL) { free(f->pop3_timestamp); f->pop3_timestamp = NULL; } f->pop3_stream = NULL; if (f->pop3_msg_tab != NULL) { mailpop3_msg_info_tab_free(f->pop3_msg_tab); f->pop3_msg_tab = NULL; } f->pop3_state = POP3_STATE_DISCONNECTED; return res; } int mailpop3_apop(mailpop3 * f, const char * user, const char * password) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; MD5_CTX md5context; unsigned char md5digest[16]; char md5string[33]; char * cmd_ptr; int r; int i; char * response; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_AUTHORIZATION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; if (f->pop3_timestamp == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_APOP_NOT_SUPPORTED; /* calculate md5 sum */ MD5Init(&md5context); MD5Update(&md5context, f->pop3_timestamp, strlen (f->pop3_timestamp)); MD5Update(&md5context, password, strlen (password)); MD5Final(md5digest, &md5context); cmd_ptr = md5string; for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++, cmd_ptr += 2) snprintf(cmd_ptr, 3, "%02x", md5digest[i]); * cmd_ptr = 0; /* send apop command */ snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "APOP %s %s\r\n", user, md5string); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_DENIED; f->pop3_state = POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } int mailpop3_user(mailpop3 * f, const char * user) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; int r; char * response; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_AUTHORIZATION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; /* send user command */ snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "USER %s\r\n", user); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_USER; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } int mailpop3_pass(mailpop3 * f, const char * password) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; int r; char * response; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_AUTHORIZATION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; /* send password command */ snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "PASS %s\r\n", password); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) { // LR fprintf(stderr,"POP3 login error. Response from server:\n%s\n",response ); return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD; } f->pop3_state = POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } static int read_list(mailpop3 * f, carray ** result); static int read_uidl(mailpop3 * f, carray * msg_tab); static int mailpop3_do_uidl(mailpop3 * f, carray * msg_tab) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; int r; char * response; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; /* send list command */ snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "UIDL\r\n"); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_CANT_LIST; r = read_uidl(f, msg_tab); if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) return r; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } static int mailpop3_do_list(mailpop3 * f) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; int r; carray * msg_tab; char * response; if (f->pop3_msg_tab != NULL) { mailpop3_msg_info_tab_free(f->pop3_msg_tab); f->pop3_msg_tab = NULL; } if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; /* send list command */ snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "LIST\r\n"); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_CANT_LIST; r = read_list(f, &msg_tab); if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) return r; f->pop3_msg_tab = msg_tab; f->pop3_deleted_count = 0; mailpop3_do_uidl(f, msg_tab); return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } static void mailpop3_list_if_needed(mailpop3 * f) { if (f->pop3_msg_tab == NULL) mailpop3_do_list(f); } /* mailpop3_list */ void mailpop3_list(mailpop3 * f, carray ** result) { mailpop3_list_if_needed(f); * result = f->pop3_msg_tab; } static inline struct mailpop3_msg_info * find_msg(mailpop3 * f, unsigned int index) { mailpop3_list_if_needed(f); if (f->pop3_msg_tab == NULL) return NULL; return mailpop3_msg_info_tab_find_msg(f->pop3_msg_tab, index); } static void mailpop3_multiline_response_free(char * str) { mmap_string_unref(str); } void mailpop3_top_free(char * str) { mailpop3_multiline_response_free(str); } void mailpop3_retr_free(char * str) { mailpop3_multiline_response_free(str); } /* mailpop3_retr message content in (* result) is still there until the next retrieve or top operation on the mailpop3 structure */ static int mailpop3_get_content(mailpop3 * f, struct mailpop3_msg_info * msginfo, char ** result, size_t * result_len) { char * response; char * result_multiline; MMAPString * buffer; int r; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MESSAGE; buffer = mmap_string_new(""); if (buffer == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_MEMORY; result_multiline = read_multiline(f, msginfo->msg_size, buffer); if (result_multiline == NULL) { mmap_string_free(buffer); return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; } else { r = mmap_string_ref(buffer); if (r < 0) { mmap_string_free(buffer); return MAILPOP3_ERROR_MEMORY; } * result = result_multiline; * result_len = buffer->len; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } } int mailpop3_retr(mailpop3 * f, unsigned int index, char ** result, size_t * result_len) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; struct mailpop3_msg_info * msginfo; int r; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; msginfo = find_msg(f, index); if (msginfo == NULL) { f->pop3_response = NULL; return MAILPOP3_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MESSAGE; } snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "RETR %i\r\n", index); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; return mailpop3_get_content(f, msginfo, result, result_len); } int mailpop3_top(mailpop3 * f, unsigned int index, uint32_t count, char ** result, size_t * result_len) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; struct mailpop3_msg_info * msginfo; int r; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; msginfo = find_msg(f, index); if (msginfo == NULL) { f->pop3_response = NULL; return MAILPOP3_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MESSAGE; } snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "TOP %i %i\r\n", index, count); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; return mailpop3_get_content(f, msginfo, result, result_len); } int mailpop3_dele(mailpop3 * f, unsigned int index) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; struct mailpop3_msg_info * msginfo; char * response; int r; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; msginfo = find_msg(f, index); if (msginfo == NULL) { f->pop3_response = NULL; return MAILPOP3_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MESSAGE; } snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "DELE %i\r\n", index); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_NO_SUCH_MESSAGE; msginfo->msg_deleted = TRUE; f->pop3_deleted_count ++; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } int mailpop3_noop(mailpop3 * f) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; char * response; int r; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "NOOP\r\n"); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; parse_response(f, response); return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } int mailpop3_rset(mailpop3 * f) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; char * response; int r; if (f->pop3_state != POP3_STATE_TRANSACTION) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_BAD_STATE; snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "RSET\r\n"); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; parse_response(f, response); if (f->pop3_msg_tab != NULL) { mailpop3_msg_info_tab_reset(f->pop3_msg_tab); f->pop3_deleted_count = 0; } return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } static int read_capa_resp(mailpop3 * f, clist ** result); int mailpop3_capa(mailpop3 * f, clist ** result) { clist * capa_list; char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; int r; char * response; snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "CAPA\r\n"); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_CAPA_NOT_SUPPORTED; r = read_capa_resp(f, &capa_list); if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) return r; * result = capa_list; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } void mailpop3_capa_resp_free(clist * capa_list) { clist_foreach(capa_list, (clist_func) mailpop3_capa_free, NULL); clist_free(capa_list); } int mailpop3_stls(mailpop3 * f) { char command[POP3_STRING_SIZE]; int r; char * response; snprintf(command, POP3_STRING_SIZE, "STLS\r\n"); r = send_command(f, command); if (r == -1) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; response = read_line(f); if (response == NULL) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; r = parse_response(f, response); if (r != RESPONSE_OK) return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STLS_NOT_SUPPORTED; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; } #define RESP_OK_STR "+OK" #define RESP_ERR_STR "-ERR" static int parse_space(char ** line) { char * p; p = * line; while ((* p == ' ') || (* p == '\t')) p ++; if (p != * line) { * line = p; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } static char * cut_token(char * line) { char * p; char * p_tab; char * p_space; p = line; p_space = strchr(line, ' '); p_tab = strchr(line, '\t'); if (p_tab == NULL) p = p_space; else if (p_space == NULL) p = p_tab; else { if (p_tab < p_space) p = p_tab; else p = p_space; } if (p == NULL) return NULL; * p = 0; p ++; return p; } static int parse_response(mailpop3 * f, char * response) { char * msg; if (response == NULL) { f->pop3_response = NULL; return RESPONSE_ERR; } if (strncmp(response, RESP_OK_STR, strlen(RESP_OK_STR)) == 0) { if (response[strlen(RESP_OK_STR)] == ' ') msg = response + strlen(RESP_OK_STR) + 1; else msg = response + strlen(RESP_OK_STR); if (mmap_string_assign(f->pop3_response_buffer, msg)) f->pop3_response = f->pop3_response_buffer->str; else f->pop3_response = NULL; return RESPONSE_OK; } else if (strncmp(response, RESP_ERR_STR, strlen(RESP_ERR_STR)) == 0) { if (response[strlen(RESP_ERR_STR)] == ' ') msg = response + strlen(RESP_ERR_STR) + 1; else msg = response + strlen(RESP_ERR_STR); if (mmap_string_assign(f->pop3_response_buffer, msg)) f->pop3_response = f->pop3_response_buffer->str; else f->pop3_response = NULL; } f->pop3_response = NULL; return RESPONSE_ERR; } static int read_list(mailpop3 * f, carray ** result) { unsigned int index; uint32_t size; carray * msg_tab; struct mailpop3_msg_info * msg; char * line; msg_tab = carray_new(128); if (msg_tab == NULL) goto err; while (1) { line = read_line(f); if (line == NULL) goto free_list; if (mailstream_is_end_multiline(line)) break; index = strtol(line, &line, 10); if (!parse_space(&line)) continue; size = strtol(line, &line, 10); msg = mailpop3_msg_info_new(index, size, NULL); if (msg == NULL) goto free_list; if (carray_count(msg_tab) < index) { int r; r = carray_set_size(msg_tab, index); if (r == -1) goto free_list; } carray_set(msg_tab, index - 1, msg); } * result = msg_tab; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; free_list: mailpop3_msg_info_tab_free(msg_tab); err: return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; } static int read_uidl(mailpop3 * f, carray * msg_tab) { unsigned int index; struct mailpop3_msg_info * msg; char * line; while (1) { char * uidl; line = read_line(f); if (line == NULL) goto err; if (mailstream_is_end_multiline(line)) break; index = strtol(line, &line, 10); if (!parse_space(&line)) continue; uidl = strdup(line); if (uidl == NULL) continue; if (index > carray_count(msg_tab)) { free(uidl); continue; } msg = carray_get(msg_tab, index - 1); if (msg == NULL) { free(uidl); continue; } msg->msg_uidl = uidl; } return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; err: return MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; } static int read_capa_resp(mailpop3 * f, clist ** result) { char * line; int res; clist * list; int r; char * name; clist * param_list; list = clist_new(); if (list == NULL) { res = MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; goto err; } while (1) { char * next_token; char * param; struct mailpop3_capa * capa; line = read_line(f); if (line == NULL) { res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM; goto free_list; } if (mailstream_is_end_multiline(line)) break; next_token = cut_token(line); name = strdup(line); if (name == NULL) { res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_list; } param_list = clist_new(); if (param_list == NULL) { res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_capa_name; } while (next_token != NULL) { line = next_token; next_token = cut_token(line); param = strdup(line); if (param == NULL) { res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_param_list; } r = clist_append(param_list, param); if (r < 0) { free(param); res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_param_list; } } capa = mailpop3_capa_new(name, param_list); if (capa == NULL) { res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_param_list; } r = clist_append(list, capa); if (r < 0) { mailpop3_capa_free(capa); res = MAILPOP3_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_list; } } * result = list; return MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; free_param_list: clist_foreach(param_list, (clist_func) free, NULL); clist_free(param_list); free_capa_name: free(name); free_list: clist_foreach(list, (clist_func) mailpop3_capa_free, NULL); clist_free(list); err: return res; } static char * read_line(mailpop3 * f) { return mailstream_read_line_remove_eol(f->pop3_stream, f->pop3_stream_buffer); } static char * read_multiline(mailpop3 * f, size_t size, MMAPString * multiline_buffer) { return mailstream_read_multiline(f->pop3_stream, size, f->pop3_stream_buffer, multiline_buffer, f->pop3_progr_rate, f->pop3_progr_fun); } static int send_command(mailpop3 * f, char * command) { ssize_t r; r = mailstream_write(f->pop3_stream, command, strlen(command)); if (r == -1) return -1; r = mailstream_flush(f->pop3_stream); if (r == -1) return -1; return 0; }