/* * libEtPan! -- a mail stuff library * * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 - DINH Viet Hoa * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the libEtPan! project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * $Id$ */ #include "mailmime.h" /* RFC 2045 RFC 2046 RFC 2047 RFC 2048 RFC 2049 RFC 2231 RFC 2387 RFC 2424 RFC 2557 RFC 2183 Content-Disposition RFC 1766 Language */ #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "mailmime_types.h" #include "mailmime_disposition.h" #include "mailimf.h" #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif static int mailmime_attribute_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** result); static int mailmime_composite_type_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_composite_type ** result); static int is_text(char ch); static int mailmime_discrete_type_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_discrete_type ** result); static int mailmime_mechanism_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_mechanism ** result); static int mailmime_subtype_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** result); static int is_token(char ch); static int mailmime_token_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** token); static int is_tspecials(char ch); static int mailmime_type_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_type ** result); /* int mailmime_version_parse(const char * message, guint32 length, guint32 * index, guint32 * result); */ /* static gboolean mailmime_x_token_parse(gconst char * message, guint32 length, guint32 * index, gchar ** result); */ /* ********************************************************************** */ /* x attribute := token ; Matching of attributes ; is ALWAYS case-insensitive. */ static int mailmime_attribute_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** result) { return mailmime_token_parse(message, length, index, result); } /* x composite-type := "message" / "multipart" / extension-token */ static int mailmime_composite_type_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_composite_type ** result) { char * extension_token; int type; struct mailmime_composite_type * ct; size_t cur_token; int r; int res; cur_token = * index; extension_token = NULL; type = MAILMIME_COMPOSITE_TYPE_ERROR; /* XXX - removes a gcc warning */ r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "message"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_COMPOSITE_TYPE_MESSAGE; if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "multipart"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_COMPOSITE_TYPE_MULTIPART; } if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto err; } ct = mailmime_composite_type_new(type, extension_token); if (ct == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_extension; } * result = ct; * index = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free_extension: if (extension_token != NULL) mailmime_extension_token_free(extension_token); err: return res; } /* x content := "Content-Type" ":" type "/" subtype *(";" parameter) ; Matching of media type and subtype ; is ALWAYS case-insensitive. */ int mailmime_content_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_content ** result) { size_t cur_token; struct mailmime_type * type; char * subtype; clist * parameters_list; struct mailmime_content * content; int r; int res; cur_token = * index; mailimf_cfws_parse(message, length, &cur_token); r = mailmime_type_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &type); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto err; } r = mailimf_unstrict_char_parse(message, length, &cur_token, '/'); switch (r) { case MAILIMF_NO_ERROR: r = mailimf_cfws_parse(message, length, &cur_token); if ((r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) && (r != MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE)) { res = r; goto free_type; } r = mailmime_subtype_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &subtype); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto free_type; } break; case MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE: subtype = strdup("unknown"); break; default: res = r; goto free_type; } parameters_list = clist_new(); if (parameters_list == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_type; } while (1) { size_t final_token; struct mailmime_parameter * parameter; final_token = cur_token; r = mailimf_unstrict_char_parse(message, length, &cur_token, ';'); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { cur_token = final_token; break; } r = mailimf_cfws_parse(message, length, &cur_token); if ((r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) && (r != MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE)) { res = r; goto free_type; } r = mailmime_parameter_parse(message, length, &cur_token, ¶meter); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { /* do nothing */ } else if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { cur_token = final_token; break; } else { res = r; goto err; } r = clist_append(parameters_list, parameter); if (r < 0) { mailmime_parameter_free(parameter); res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_parameters; } } content = mailmime_content_new(type, subtype, parameters_list); if (content == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_parameters; } * result = content; * index = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free_parameters: clist_foreach(parameters_list, (clist_func) mailmime_parameter_free, NULL); clist_free(parameters_list); mailmime_subtype_free(subtype); free_type: mailmime_type_free(type); err: return res; } /* x description := "Content-Description" ":" *text */ static int is_text(char ch) { unsigned char uch = (unsigned char) ch; if (uch < 1) return FALSE; if ((uch == 10) || (uch == 13)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } int mailmime_description_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** result) { return mailimf_custom_string_parse(message, length, index, result, is_text); } /* x discrete-type := "text" / "image" / "audio" / "video" / "application" / extension-token */ /* currently porting */ static int mailmime_discrete_type_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_discrete_type ** result) { char * extension; int type; struct mailmime_discrete_type * discrete_type; size_t cur_token; int r; int res; cur_token = * index; extension = NULL; type = MAILMIME_DISCRETE_TYPE_ERROR; /* XXX - removes a gcc warning */ r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "text"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_DISCRETE_TYPE_TEXT; if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "image"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_DISCRETE_TYPE_IMAGE; } if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "audio"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_DISCRETE_TYPE_AUDIO; } if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "video"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_DISCRETE_TYPE_VIDEO; } if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "application"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_DISCRETE_TYPE_APPLICATION; } if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailmime_extension_token_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &extension); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_DISCRETE_TYPE_EXTENSION; } if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto err; } discrete_type = mailmime_discrete_type_new(type, extension); if (discrete_type == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free; } * result = discrete_type; * index = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free: mailmime_extension_token_free(extension); err: return res; } /* x encoding := "Content-Transfer-Encoding" ":" mechanism */ int mailmime_encoding_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_mechanism ** result) { return mailmime_mechanism_parse(message, length, index, result); } /* x entity-headers := [ content CRLF ] [ encoding CRLF ] [ id CRLF ] [ description CRLF ] *( MIME-extension-field CRLF ) */ enum { FIELD_STATE_START, FIELD_STATE_T, FIELD_STATE_D }; static int guess_field_type(char * name) { int state; if (* name == 'M') return MAILMIME_FIELD_VERSION; if (strncasecmp(name, "Content-", 8) != 0) return MAILMIME_FIELD_NONE; name += 8; state = FIELD_STATE_START; while (1) { switch (state) { case FIELD_STATE_START: switch ((char) toupper((unsigned char) * name)) { case 'T': state = FIELD_STATE_T; break; case 'I': return MAILMIME_FIELD_ID; case 'D': state = FIELD_STATE_D; break; case 'L': return MAILMIME_FIELD_LANGUAGE; default: return MAILMIME_FIELD_NONE; } break; case FIELD_STATE_T: switch ((char) toupper((unsigned char) * name)) { case 'Y': return MAILMIME_FIELD_TYPE; case 'R': return MAILMIME_FIELD_TRANSFER_ENCODING; default: return MAILMIME_FIELD_NONE; } break; case FIELD_STATE_D: switch ((char) toupper((unsigned char) * name)) { case 'E': return MAILMIME_FIELD_DESCRIPTION; case 'I': return MAILMIME_FIELD_DISPOSITION; default: return MAILMIME_FIELD_NONE; } break; } name ++; } } int mailmime_field_parse(struct mailimf_optional_field * field, struct mailmime_field ** result) { char * name; char * value; int guessed_type; size_t cur_token; struct mailmime_content * content; struct mailmime_mechanism * encoding; char * id; char * description; uint32_t version; struct mailmime_field * mime_field; struct mailmime_language * language; struct mailmime_disposition * disposition; int res; int r; name = field->fld_name; value = field->fld_value; cur_token = 0; content = NULL; encoding = NULL; id = NULL; description = NULL; version = 0; disposition = NULL; language = NULL; guessed_type = guess_field_type(name); switch (guessed_type) { case MAILMIME_FIELD_TYPE: if (strcasecmp(name, "Content-Type") != 0) return MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; r = mailmime_content_parse(value, strlen(value), &cur_token, &content); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; break; case MAILMIME_FIELD_TRANSFER_ENCODING: if (strcasecmp(name, "Content-Transfer-Encoding") != 0) return MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; r = mailmime_encoding_parse(value, strlen(value), &cur_token, &encoding); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; break; case MAILMIME_FIELD_ID: if (strcasecmp(name, "Content-ID") != 0) return MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; r = mailmime_id_parse(value, strlen(value), &cur_token, &id); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; break; case MAILMIME_FIELD_DESCRIPTION: if (strcasecmp(name, "Content-Description") != 0) return MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; r = mailmime_description_parse(value, strlen(value), &cur_token, &description); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; break; case MAILMIME_FIELD_VERSION: if (strcasecmp(name, "MIME-Version") != 0) return MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; r = mailmime_version_parse(value, strlen(value), &cur_token, &version); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; break; case MAILMIME_FIELD_DISPOSITION: if (strcasecmp(name, "Content-Disposition") != 0) return MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; r = mailmime_disposition_parse(value, strlen(value), &cur_token, &disposition); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; break; case MAILMIME_FIELD_LANGUAGE: if (strcasecmp(name, "Content-Language") != 0) return MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; r = mailmime_language_parse(value, strlen(value), &cur_token, &language); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; break; default: return MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; } mime_field = mailmime_field_new(guessed_type, content, encoding, id, description, version, disposition, language); if (mime_field == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free; } * result = mime_field; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free: if (content != NULL) mailmime_content_free(content); if (encoding != NULL) mailmime_encoding_free(encoding); if (id != NULL) mailmime_id_free(id); if (description != NULL) mailmime_description_free(description); return res; } /* x extension-token := ietf-token / x-token */ int mailmime_extension_token_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** result) { return mailmime_token_parse(message, length, index, result); } /* hex-octet := "=" 2(DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F") ; Octet must be used for characters > 127, =, ; SPACEs or TABs at the ends of lines, and is ; recommended for any character not listed in ; RFC 2049 as "mail-safe". */ /* x iana-token := <A publicly-defined extension token. Tokens of this form must be registered with IANA as specified in RFC 2048.> */ /* x ietf-token := <An extension token defined by a standards-track RFC and registered with IANA.> */ /* x id := "Content-ID" ":" msg-id */ int mailmime_id_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** result) { return mailimf_msg_id_parse(message, length, index, result); } /* x mechanism := "7bit" / "8bit" / "binary" / "quoted-printable" / "base64" / ietf-token / x-token */ static int mailmime_mechanism_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_mechanism ** result) { char * token; int type; struct mailmime_mechanism * mechanism; size_t cur_token; int r; int res; cur_token = * index; type = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_ERROR; /* XXX - removes a gcc warning */ token = NULL; r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "7bit"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_7BIT; if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "8bit"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_8BIT; } if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "binary"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_BINARY; } if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "quoted-printable"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; } if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailimf_token_case_insensitive_parse(message, length, &cur_token, "base64"); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_BASE64; } if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailmime_token_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &token); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_TOKEN; } if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto err; } mechanism = mailmime_mechanism_new(type, token); if (mechanism == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free; } * result = mechanism; * index = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free: if (token != NULL) mailmime_token_free(token); err: return res; } /* x MIME-extension-field := <Any RFC 822 header field which begins with the string "Content-"> */ /* in headers x MIME-message-headers := entity-headers fields version CRLF ; The ordering of the header ; fields implied by this BNF ; definition should be ignored. */ /* in message x MIME-part-headers := entity-headers [fields] ; Any field not beginning with ; "content-" can have no defined ; meaning and may be ignored. ; The ordering of the header ; fields implied by this BNF ; definition should be ignored. */ #if 0 int mailmime_unparsed_fields_parse(struct mailimf_unparsed_fields * fields, struct mailmime_fields ** result) { clistiter * cur; struct mailmime_fields * mime_fields; clist * list; int r; int res; list = clist_new(); if (list == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto err; } if (fields->list == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; goto err; } for(cur = clist_begin(fields->list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { struct mailimf_optional_field * field = cur->data; struct mailmime_field * mime_field; r = mailmime_field_parse(field, &mime_field); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { r = clist_append(list, mime_field); if (r < 0) { mailmime_field_free(mime_field); res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_list; } } } if (clist_begin(list) == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; goto free_list; } mime_fields = mailmime_fields_new(list); if (mime_fields == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_list; } * result = mime_fields; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free_list: clist_foreach(list, (clist_func) mailmime_field_free, NULL); clist_free(list); err: return res; } #endif int mailmime_fields_parse(struct mailimf_fields * fields, struct mailmime_fields ** result) { clistiter * cur; struct mailmime_fields * mime_fields; clist * list; int r; int res; list = clist_new(); if (list == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto err; } for(cur = clist_begin(fields->fld_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { struct mailimf_field * field; struct mailmime_field * mime_field; field = clist_content(cur); if (field->fld_type == MAILIMF_FIELD_OPTIONAL_FIELD) { r = mailmime_field_parse(field->fld_data.fld_optional_field, &mime_field); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { r = clist_append(list, mime_field); if (r < 0) { mailmime_field_free(mime_field); res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_list; } } else if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { /* do nothing */ } else { res = r; goto free_list; } } } if (clist_begin(list) == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE; goto free_list; } mime_fields = mailmime_fields_new(list); if (mime_fields == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_list; } * result = mime_fields; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free_list: clist_foreach(list, (clist_func) mailmime_field_free, NULL); clist_free(list); err: return res; } /* x parameter := attribute "=" value */ int mailmime_parameter_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_parameter ** result) { char * attribute; char * value; struct mailmime_parameter * parameter; size_t cur_token; int r; int res; cur_token = * index; r = mailmime_attribute_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &attribute); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto err; } r = mailimf_unstrict_char_parse(message, length, &cur_token, '='); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto free_attr; } r = mailimf_cfws_parse(message, length, &cur_token); if ((r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) && (r != MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE)) { res = r; goto free_attr; } r = mailmime_value_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &value); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto free_attr; } parameter = mailmime_parameter_new(attribute, value); if (parameter == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_value; } * result = parameter; * index = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free_value: mailmime_value_free(value); free_attr: mailmime_attribute_free(attribute); err: return res; } /* ptext := hex-octet / safe-char */ /* qp-line := *(qp-segment transport-padding CRLF) qp-part transport-padding */ /* qp-part := qp-section ; Maximum length of 76 characters */ /* qp-section := [*(ptext / SPACE / TAB) ptext] */ /* qp-segment := qp-section *(SPACE / TAB) "=" ; Maximum length of 76 characters */ /* quoted-printable := qp-line *(CRLF qp-line) */ /* safe-char := <any octet with decimal value of 33 through 60 inclusive, and 62 through 126> ; Characters not listed as "mail-safe" in ; RFC 2049 are also not recommended. */ /* x subtype := extension-token / iana-token */ static int mailmime_subtype_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** result) { return mailmime_extension_token_parse(message, length, index, result); } /* x token := 1*<any (US-ASCII) CHAR except SPACE, CTLs, or tspecials> */ static int is_token(char ch) { unsigned char uch = (unsigned char) ch; if (uch > 0x7F) return FALSE; if (uch == ' ') return FALSE; if (is_tspecials(ch)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static int mailmime_token_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** token) { return mailimf_custom_string_parse(message, length, index, token, is_token); } /* transport-padding := *LWSP-char ; Composers MUST NOT generate ; non-zero length transport ; padding, but receivers MUST ; be able to handle padding ; added by message transports. */ /* enum { LWSP_1, LWSP_2, LWSP_3, LWSP_4, LWSP_OK }; gboolean mailmime_transport_padding_parse(gconst char * message, guint32 length, guint32 * index) { guint32 cur_token; gint state; guint32 last_valid_pos; cur_token = * index; if (cur_token >= length) return FALSE; state = LWSP_1; while (state != LWSP_OUT) { if (cur_token >= length) return FALSE; switch (state) { case LWSP_1: last_valid_pos = cur_token; switch (message[cur_token]) { case '\r': state = LWSP_2; break; case '\n': state = LWSP_3; break; case ' ': case '\t': state = LWSP_4; break; default: state = LWSP_OK; break; } case LWSP_2: switch (message[cur_token]) { case '\n': state = LWSP_3; break; default: state = LWSP_OUT; cur_token = last_valid_pos; break; } case LWSP_3: switch (message[cur_token]) { case ' ': case '\t': state = LWSP_1; break; default: state = LWSP_OUT; cur_token = last_valid_pos; break; } cur_token ++; } } * index = cur_token; return TRUE; } */ /* x tspecials := "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" / "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <"> "/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "=" ; Must be in quoted-string, ; to use within parameter values */ static int is_tspecials(char ch) { switch (ch) { case '(': case ')': case '<': case '>': case '@': case ',': case ';': case ':': case '\\': case '\"': case '/': case '[': case ']': case '?': case '=': return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } /* x type := discrete-type / composite-type */ static int mailmime_type_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_type ** result) { struct mailmime_discrete_type * discrete_type; struct mailmime_composite_type * composite_type; size_t cur_token; struct mailmime_type * mime_type; int type; int res; int r; cur_token = * index; discrete_type = NULL; composite_type = NULL; type = MAILMIME_TYPE_ERROR; /* XXX - removes a gcc warning */ r = mailmime_composite_type_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &composite_type); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_TYPE_COMPOSITE_TYPE; if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { r = mailmime_discrete_type_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &discrete_type); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) type = MAILMIME_TYPE_DISCRETE_TYPE; } if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto err; } mime_type = mailmime_type_new(type, discrete_type, composite_type); if (mime_type == NULL) { res = r; goto free; } * result = mime_type; * index = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free: if (discrete_type != NULL) mailmime_discrete_type_free(discrete_type); if (composite_type != NULL) mailmime_composite_type_free(composite_type); err: return res; } /* x value := token / quoted-string */ int mailmime_value_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, char ** result) { int r; r = mailmime_token_parse(message, length, index, result); if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) r = mailimf_quoted_string_parse(message, length, index, result); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; } /* x version := "MIME-Version" ":" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT */ int mailmime_version_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, uint32_t * result) { size_t cur_token; uint32_t hi; uint32_t low; uint32_t version; int r; cur_token = * index; r = mailimf_number_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &hi); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; r = mailimf_unstrict_char_parse(message, length, &cur_token, '.'); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; r = mailimf_cfws_parse(message, length, &cur_token); if ((r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) && (r != MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE)) return r; r = mailimf_number_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &low); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; version = (hi << 16) + low; * result = version; * index = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; } /* x x-token := <The two characters "X-" or "x-" followed, with no intervening white space, by any token> */ /* static gboolean mailmime_x_token_parse(gconst char * message, guint32 length, guint32 * index, gchar ** result) { guint32 cur_token; gchar * token; gchar * x_token; gboolean min_x; cur_token = * index; if (!mailimf_char_parse(message, length, &cur_token, 'x')) { if (!mailimf_char_parse(message, length, &cur_token, 'X')) return FALSE; min_x = FALSE; } else min_x = TRUE; if (!mailimf_char_parse(message, length, &cur_token, '-')) return FALSE; if (!mailmime_token_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &token)) return FALSE; if (min_x) x_token = g_strconcat("x-", token, NULL); else x_token = g_strconcat("X-", token, NULL); mailmime_token_free(token); if (x_token == NULL) return FALSE; * result = x_token; * index = cur_token; return TRUE; } */ int mailmime_language_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * index, struct mailmime_language ** result) { size_t cur_token; int r; int res; clist * list; int first; struct mailmime_language * language; cur_token = * index; list = clist_new(); if (list == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto err; } first = TRUE; while (1) { char * atom; r = mailimf_unstrict_char_parse(message, length, &cur_token, ','); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { /* do nothing */ } else if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { break; } else { res = r; goto err; } r = mailimf_atom_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &atom); if (r == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { /* do nothing */ } else if (r == MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE) { break; } else { res = r; goto err; } r = clist_append(list, atom); if (r < 0) { mailimf_atom_free(atom); res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free; } } language = mailmime_language_new(list); if (language == NULL) { res = MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free; } * result = language; * index = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; free: clist_foreach(list, (clist_func) mailimf_atom_free, NULL); clist_free(list); err: return res; }