/* This file is part of the KOrganizer alarm daemon. Copyright (c) 2002 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include "simplealarmdaemonimpl.h" #include "alarmdialog.h" #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qapp.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qdialog.h> #define protected public #include <qspinbox.h> #undef protected #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qtopia/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qtopia/alarmserver.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl( QWidget *parent ) : QLabel( parent ) { mAlarmDialog = new AlarmDialog( 0 ); mPopUp = new QPopupMenu( this ); mPopUp->insertItem( "What's Next?", this, SLOT ( showWN() ) ); mPopUp->insertItem( "Next Days!", this, SLOT ( showKO() ) ); mPopUp->insertSeparator(); mPopUp->insertItem( "What's Todo?", this, SLOT ( showTodo() ) ); mPopUp->insertSeparator(); mPopUp->insertItem( "Addresses", this, SLOT ( showAdd() ) ); mPopUp->insertSeparator(); mPopUp->insertItem( "Edit Journal", this, SLOT ( writeJournal() ) ); mPopUp->insertItem( "New Event", this, SLOT ( newEvent() ) ); mPopUp->insertItem( "New Todo", this, SLOT ( newTodo() ) ); mPopUp->insertItem( "New Mail", this, SLOT ( newMail() ) ); mPopUp->insertSeparator(); mPopUp->insertItem( "Multi Sync", this, SLOT ( ringSync() ) ); mTimerPopUp = new QPopupMenu( this ); QFont fon = mTimerPopUp->font(); fon.setPointSize( fon.pointSize() *3/2 ); mTimerPopUp->setFont( fon ); mBeepPopUp = new QPopupMenu( this ); mSoundPopUp = new QPopupMenu( this ); mPausePopUp = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu* savePopUp = new QPopupMenu( this ); savePopUp->insertItem( "Save", 0 ); savePopUp->insertItem( "Load", 1 ); mSoundPopUp->insertItem( "Buzzer", 0 ); mSoundPopUp->insertItem( "Wav file", 1 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( " 1 sec", 1 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( " 2 sec", 2 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( " 3 sec", 3 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( " 5 sec", 5 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( "10 sec", 10 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( "30 sec", 30 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( " 1 min", 60 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( " 5 min", 300 ); mPausePopUp->insertItem( "10 min", 600 ); mSuspendPopUp = new QPopupMenu( this ); mSuspendPopUp->insertItem( "Off", 0 ); mSuspendPopUp->insertItem( " 1x", 1 ); mSuspendPopUp->insertItem( " 2x", 2 ); mSuspendPopUp->insertItem( " 3x", 3 ); mSuspendPopUp->insertItem( " 5x", 5 ); mSuspendPopUp->insertItem( "10x", 10 ); mSuspendPopUp->insertItem( "20x", 20 ); mSuspendPopUp->insertItem( "30x", 30 ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "Auto suspend",mSuspendPopUp ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "Beep interval",mPausePopUp ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "Replay",mSoundPopUp ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "Config",savePopUp ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "300", 300 ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "180", 180 ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "60", 60 ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "30", 30 ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "10", 10 ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "3", 3 ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "1", 1 ); mBeepPopUp->insertItem( "Off", 0 ); mBeepPopUp->setCheckable( true ); mPopUp->insertSeparator(); mPopUp->insertItem( "Play beeps", mBeepPopUp ); mPopUp->insertSeparator(); mPopUp->insertItem( "Timer", mTimerPopUp ); mPopUp->insertSeparator(); mPopUp->insertItem( "Simulate", this, SLOT ( simulate() ) ); mPopUp->resize( mPopUp->sizeHint() ); mPlayBeeps = 60; mBeepPopUp->setItemChecked ( mPlayBeeps, true ); connect ( mBeepPopUp, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (slotPlayBeep( int ) ) ); connect ( mTimerPopUp, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (confTimer( int ) ) ); connect ( mTimerPopUp, SIGNAL(aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT ( showTimer( ) ) ); connect ( mSoundPopUp, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (confSound( int ) ) ); connect ( mPausePopUp, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (confPause( int ) ) ); connect ( mSuspendPopUp, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (confSuspend( int ) ) ); connect ( savePopUp, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (saveSlot( int ) ) ); mTimerTime = 0; mCustomText = "Custom Text"; mCustomMinutes = 7; mTimerPopupConf = 1; fillTimerPopUp(); mPausePlay = 0; confPause( 1 ); mSuspend = 0; confSuspend( 0 ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) { wavAlarm = false; mSoundPopUp->setItemChecked ( 0, true ); } else { wavAlarm = true; mSoundPopUp->setItemChecked ( 1, true ); } saveSlot( 1 ); } SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::~SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl() { //delete mPopUp; delete mAlarmDialog; } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::saveSlot( int load ) { QString fileName = QDir::homeDirPath() +"/.kopialarmrc"; //qDebug("save %d ", load ); QFile file( fileName ); if ( load ) { if( !QFile::exists( fileName) ) return; if (!file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { return ; } QString line; bool ok; int val; int len; while ( file.readLine( line, 1024 ) > 0 ) { //qDebug("read %s ", line.latin1()); len = line.length(); if ( line.left(4 ) == "PPAU" ) { val = line.mid( 4,len-5).toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) { confPause( val ); } } if ( line.left(4 ) == "SUCO" ) { val = line.mid( 4,len-5).toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) confSuspend ( val ); } if ( line.left(4 ) == "WAAL" ) { val = line.mid( 4,len-5).toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) confSound( val ); } if ( line.left(4 ) == "PLBE" ) { val = line.mid( 4,len-5).toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) slotPlayBeep( val ); } if ( line.left(4 ) == "CUTE" ) { mCustomText = line.mid( 5,len-6); // qDebug("text ***%s*** ",mCustomText.latin1() ); } if ( line.left(4 ) == "CUMI" ) { val = line.mid( 4,len-5).toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) mCustomMinutes = val; } if ( line.left(4 ) == "SUTI" ) { val = line.mid( 4,len-5).toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) mAlarmDialog->setSuspendTime( val );; } } file.close(); } else { if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { return; } QString configString ; configString += "PPAU " + QString::number( mPausePlay ) + "\n"; configString += "SUCO " + QString::number( mSuspend ) + "\n"; configString += "WAAL " + QString::number( wavAlarm ) + "\n"; configString += "PLBE " + QString::number( mPlayBeeps ) + "\n"; configString += "CUTE " + mCustomText + "\n"; configString += "CUMI " + QString::number( mCustomMinutes ) + "\n"; configString += "SUTI " + QString::number( mAlarmDialog->getSuspendTime( )) + "\n"; QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << configString ; file.close(); } } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::confSuspend( int num ) { mSuspendPopUp->setItemChecked ( mSuspend,false ); mSuspend = num; mSuspendPopUp->setItemChecked ( mSuspend,true ); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::confPause( int num ) { mPausePopUp->setItemChecked ( mPausePlay,false ); mPausePlay = num; mPausePopUp->setItemChecked ( mPausePlay,true ); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::confSound( int num ) { if ( num == 0 ) { wavAlarm = false; mSoundPopUp->setItemChecked ( 0, true ); mSoundPopUp->setItemChecked ( 1, false ); } else { wavAlarm = true; mSoundPopUp->setItemChecked ( 0, false ); mSoundPopUp->setItemChecked ( 1, true ); } } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::slotPlayBeep( int num ) { mBeepPopUp->setItemChecked ( mPlayBeeps,false ); mPlayBeeps = num; mBeepPopUp->setItemChecked ( mPlayBeeps, true ); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::recieve( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& ) { //qDebug("SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::ALARM RECEIVED! %s", msg.data()); QString mess = msg; mAlarmMessage = mess.mid( 9 ); QString filename = getenv("QPEDIR") ; filename += "/pics/kdepim/korganizer/koalarm.wav"; QString tempfilename; if ( mess.left( 13 ) == "suspend_alarm") { bool error = false; int len = mess.mid( 13 ).find("+++"); if ( len < 2 ) error = true; else { tempfilename = mess.mid( 13, len ); if ( !QFile::exists( tempfilename ) ) error = true; } if ( ! error ) { filename = tempfilename; } mAlarmMessage = mess.mid( 13+len+3 ); //qDebug("suspend file %s ",tempfilename.latin1() ); startAlarm( mAlarmMessage, filename); return; } if ( mess.left( 11 ) == "timer_alarm") { mTimerTime = 0; startAlarm( mess.mid( 11 ), filename ); return; } if ( mess.left( 10 ) == "proc_alarm") { bool error = false; int len = mess.mid( 10 ).find("+++"); if ( len < 2 ) error = true; else { tempfilename = mess.mid( 10, len ); if ( !QFile::exists( tempfilename ) ) error = true; } if ( error ) { mAlarmMessage = "Procedure Alarm\nError - File not found\n"; mAlarmMessage += mess.mid( 10+len+3+9 ); } else { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-writeFileSilent"); //qDebug("-----system command %s ",tempfilename.latin1() ); if ( vfork () == 0 ) { execl ( tempfilename.latin1(), 0 ); return; } return; } //qDebug("+++++++system command %s ",tempfilename.latin1() ); } if ( mess.left( 11 ) == "audio_alarm") { bool error = false; int len = mess.mid( 11 ).find("+++"); if ( len < 2 ) error = true; else { tempfilename = mess.mid( 11, len ); if ( !QFile::exists( tempfilename ) ) error = true; } if ( ! error ) { filename = tempfilename; } mAlarmMessage = mess.mid( 11+len+3+9 ); //qDebug("audio file command %s ",tempfilename.latin1() ); } if ( mess.left( 9 ) == "cal_alarm") { mAlarmMessage = mess.mid( 9 ) ; } writeFile(); startAlarm( mAlarmMessage, filename ); } int SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::getFileNameLen( QString mess ) { return 0; } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::startAlarm( QString mess, QString filename ) { //mAlarmDialog->show(); //mAlarmDialog->raise(); mAlarmDialog->eventNotification( mess, mPlayBeeps, filename, wavAlarm,mPausePlay ,mSuspend ); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::fillTimerPopUp() { // qDebug(" timer %d %d ",mTimerPopupConf, mTimerTime ); if ( mTimerPopupConf == mTimerTime ) { if ( mTimerTime ) { int secs = QDateTime::currentDateTime().secsTo ( mRunningTimer ); QTime t ( secs/3600, (secs/60)%60, secs%60 ); mTimerPopUp->changeItem ( 1 , t.toString() + " (countdown)"); } else { QString text = mCustomText.stripWhiteSpace (); int in = text.find( " " ); text = text.left ( in ); mTimerPopUp->changeItem ( 3, text ); } return; } mTimerPopupConf = mTimerTime; mTimerPopUp->clear(); if ( mTimerTime ) { int secs = QDateTime::currentDateTime().secsTo ( mRunningTimer ); QTime t ( secs/3600, (secs/60)%60, secs%60 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "Stop timer "+ mRunningTimerText , 0 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( t.toString() + " (countdown)",1); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( mRunningTimer.time().toString() + " (alarm)",2); } else { QString fileName = QDir::homeDirPath() +"/.kopialarmtimerrc"; QFile file( fileName ); if( !QFile::exists( fileName) ) { // write defaults if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { return; } QString configString ; configString += "#config file for kopi alarm timer\n"; configString += "#format: <Text for popup menu>;<timer countdown in minutes>\n"; configString += "#NOTE: minimum value for timer are 3 minutes!\n"; configString += "24 h; 1440\n"; configString += " 8 h; 480\n"; configString += " 5 h; 300\n"; configString += " 1 h; 60\n"; configString += "30 min; 30\n"; configString += "15 min; 15\n"; configString += "SEPARATOR\n"; configString += "Pizza; 22\n"; configString += "Nap; 45\n"; configString += "Tea; 5\n"; QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << configString ; file.close(); } if (!file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { return ; } QString line; bool ok; while ( file.readLine( line, 1024 ) > 0 ) { //qDebug("read %s ", line.latin1()); if ( line.left(1 ) != "#" ) { // no comment if ( line.left(9 ) == "SEPARATOR" ) { mTimerPopUp->insertSeparator(); } else { QStringList li = QStringList::split(";",line); ok = false; if ( li.count() == 2 ) { int val = li[1].toInt( &ok ); if ( ok && val > 2 ) { mTimerPopUp->insertItem( li[0], val); } } } } } file.close(); #if 0 mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "24 h", 1440 ); // mTimerPopUp->insertItem( i18n("12 h"), 720 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( " 8 h", 480 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( " 5 h", 300 ); // mTimerPopUp->insertItem( i18n(" 2 h"), 120 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( " 1 h", 60 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "30 min", 30 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "15 min", 15 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "10 min", 10 ); //mTimerPopUp->insertItem( " 5 min", 5 ); mTimerPopUp->insertSeparator(); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "Pizza", 22 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "Nap", 45 ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "Tea", 5 ); #endif QString text = mCustomText.stripWhiteSpace (); int in = text.find( " " ); text = text.left ( in ); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( text, 3 ); mTimerPopUp->insertSeparator(); mTimerPopUp->insertItem( "Customize", 2 ); } } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::showTimer() { fillTimerPopUp(); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::confTimer( int time ) { //qDebug("impleAlarmDaemonImpl::confTimer() %d ", time ); int minutes = time; if ( minutes == 0 ) { if ( ! mTimerTime ) return; QDialog dia ( 0, ("Stop Timer" ), true ); QLabel lab (("Really stop the timer?\n\n"+ mRunningTimerText+"\n"), &dia ); lab.setAlignment( AlignCenter ); dia.setCaption(("KO/Pi Timer Stop" )); QVBoxLayout lay( &dia ); lay.addWidget( &lab); QPushButton ok ( "Stop timer!", &dia); QFont fo = dia.font(); fo.setPointSize( 36 ); ok.setFont( fo ); lay.addWidget( &ok); connect ( &ok, SIGNAL (clicked()), &dia, SLOT ( accept() ) ); QPushButton con ( "Continue timer!", &dia); fo.setPointSize( 36 ); con.setFont( fo ); lay.addWidget( &con); connect ( &con, SIGNAL (clicked()), &dia, SLOT ( reject() ) ); lay.setMargin(5); lay.setSpacing(5); dia.resize(dia.sizeHint() ); if ( !dia.exec() ) return; AlarmServer::deleteAlarm ( mRunningTimer,"koalarm" , timerMesssage.latin1() ); mTimerTime = 0; return; } if ( mTimerTime ) return; if ( minutes == 1 ) { return; } QString mess = "timer_alarm"; mess += ("Timer Alarm!\n"); if ( minutes == 22 ) { mess += ( "Pizza is ready"); mRunningTimerText = "Pizza"; } else if ( minutes == 45 ) { mess += ( "Please wake up!"); mRunningTimerText = "Nap"; } else if ( minutes == 5 ) { mess += ( "Tea is ready"); mRunningTimerText = "Tea"; } else if ( minutes == 3 ) { mess += mCustomText; minutes = mCustomMinutes ; mRunningTimerText = mCustomText.stripWhiteSpace (); int in = mRunningTimerText.find( " " ); mRunningTimerText = mRunningTimerText.left ( in ); } else { if ( minutes == 2 ) { // ask time QDialog dia ( 0, ("Customize Timer" ), true ); QLabel lab (("Message Text:"), &dia ); dia.setCaption(("KO/Pi Timer" )); QVBoxLayout lay( &dia ); lay.setMargin(5); lay.setSpacing(5); lay.addWidget( &lab); QLineEdit lEdit( mCustomText, &dia ); lay.addWidget( &lEdit); QLabel lab2 (("Countdown time (1 min - 24 h):"), &dia ); lay.addWidget( &lab2); QHBox hbox1 ( &dia ); lay.addWidget( &hbox1); QLabel lab3 (("Hours"), &hbox1 ); QLabel lab4 (("Minutes"), &hbox1 ); QHBox hbox ( &dia ); QSpinBox spinh( 0, 24, 1,& hbox ); QFont fo = dia.font(); fo.setPointSize( 36 ); QSpinBox spinm( 0, 59, 1,&hbox ); spinm.setFont( fo ); spinh.setFont( fo ); spinh.setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::PlusMinus ); spinm.setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::PlusMinus ); spinh.upButton ()->setFixedSize( QSize( 48, 30 )); spinh.downButton ()->setFixedSize( QSize( 48, 30 )); //spinh.editor ()->setFixedSize( QSize( 50, 100 )); spinh.setFixedSize( 100,62 ); spinm.upButton ()->setFixedSize( QSize( 48, 30 )); spinm.downButton ()->setFixedSize( QSize( 48, 30 )); spinm.downButton ()->setGeometry( 50,50,50,50); // spinm.setSuffix( " m" ); //spinh.setSuffix( " h" ); spinm.setWrapping ( true ); //spinm.editor ()->setFixedSize( QSize( 50, 100 )); spinm.setLineStep( 1 ); spinm.setFixedSize( 110,62 ); lay.addWidget( &hbox); QLabel lab5 ("Timer fires at:", &dia ); lab5.setAlignment( AlignCenter ); lay.addWidget( &lab5); KODateLabel dl ( &dia ); dl.setAlignment( AlignCenter ); dl.setFont( fo ); connect ( &spinh, SIGNAL ( valueChanged (int)), &dl, SLOT ( slot_hours( int ) ) ); connect ( &spinm, SIGNAL ( valueChanged (int)), &dl, SLOT ( slot_minutes( int ) ) ); lay.addWidget( &dl); spinh.setValue( mCustomMinutes/60 ); spinm.setValue( mCustomMinutes%60 ); QPushButton ok ( "Start timer", &dia); ok.setDefault( true ); ok.setFont( fo ); spinh.setFocus(); lay.addWidget( &ok); connect ( &ok, SIGNAL (clicked()), &dia, SLOT ( accept() ) ); dia.resize( dia.sizeHint().width(), dia.sizeHint().height() ); if ( !dia.exec() ) return; mCustomText = lEdit.text(); mCustomMinutes = spinh.value()*60+spinm.value(); if ( mCustomMinutes == 0 ) mCustomMinutes = 1; if ( mCustomMinutes > 1440 ) mCustomMinutes = 1440; mess += mCustomText; minutes = mCustomMinutes; mRunningTimerText = mCustomText.stripWhiteSpace (); int in = mRunningTimerText.find( " " ); mRunningTimerText = mRunningTimerText.left ( in ); } else { mess+= QString::number ( minutes ) + ( " minutes are past!"); int min = minutes; if ( min % 60 == 0 ) mRunningTimerText = QString::number ( min/60 ) + ( " hours"); else mRunningTimerText = QString::number ( minutes ) + ( " minutes"); } } //minutes = 1; mRunningTimer = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( minutes * 60 ); timerMesssage = mess; AlarmServer::addAlarm ( mRunningTimer,"koalarm",timerMesssage.latin1()); mTimerTime = 1; } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::writeFile() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-writeFile"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::showWN() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-showWN"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::newTodo() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-newTodo"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::newEvent() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-newEvent"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::newMail() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/ompi", "newMail()"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::showAdd() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kapi", "raise()"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::ringSync() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-ringSync"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::newCountdown() { //recieve("cal_alarm", 10 ); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::simulate() { writeFile(); QString filename = getenv("QPEDIR") ; filename += "/pics/kdepim/korganizer/koalarm.wav"; startAlarm("Alarm simulation", filename ); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::showKO() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-showKO"); // testing only //QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "nextView()"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::showTodo() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-showTodo"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::writeJournal() { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-showJournal"); } void SimpleAlarmDaemonImpl::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * ) { mPopUp->popup(mapToGlobal(QPoint (0, -mPopUp->height() ))); }