/* This file is part of KAddressbook. Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlist.h> #include <kabc/addressbook.h> #include <kabc/resource.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kdialogbase.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED #include <ktrader.h> #else //KAB_EMBEDDED extern "C" { void* init_kaddrbk_csv_xxport(); void* init_kaddrbk_kde2_xxport(); void* init_kaddrbk_vcard_xxport(); } #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED #include <libkdepim/addresseeview.h> #include "kabcore.h" #include "undocmds.h" #include "xxportselectdialog.h" #include "xxportmanager.h" KURL XXPortManager::importURL = KURL(); QString XXPortManager::importData = QString::null; class PreviewDialog : public KDialogBase { public: PreviewDialog( const KABC::Addressee &addr, QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 ); }; XXPortManager::XXPortManager( KABCore *core, QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ), mCore( core ), mShowPreview( false ) { loadPlugins(); } XXPortManager::~XXPortManager() { } void XXPortManager::restoreSettings() { } void XXPortManager::saveSettings() { } void XXPortManager::importVCard( const KURL &url ) { importVCard( url, false ); } void XXPortManager::importVCard( const KURL &url, bool showPreview ) { importURL = url; mShowPreview = showPreview; slotImport( "vcard", "<empty>" ); mShowPreview = false; importURL = KURL(); } void XXPortManager::importVCard( const QString &vCard, bool showPreview ) { importData = vCard; mShowPreview = showPreview; slotImport( "vcard", "<empty>" ); mShowPreview = false; importData = ""; } void XXPortManager::slotImport( const QString &identifier, const QString &data ) { XXPortObject *obj = mXXPortObjects[ identifier ]; if ( !obj ) { KMessageBox::error( mCore, i18n( "<qt>No import plugin available for <b>%1</b>.</qt>" ).arg( identifier ) ); return; } KABC::Resource *resource = mCore->requestResource( mCore ); if ( !resource ) return; KABC::AddresseeList list = obj->importContacts( data ); KABC::AddresseeList::Iterator it; bool imported = false; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { if ( mShowPreview ) { PreviewDialog dlg( *it, mCore ); if ( !dlg.exec() ) continue; } (*it).setResource( resource ); // We use a PwNewCommand so the user can undo it. PwNewCommand *command = new PwNewCommand( mCore->addressBook(), *it ); UndoStack::instance()->push( command ); RedoStack::instance()->clear(); imported = true; } if ( imported ) { KMessageBox::information( mCore, i18n( "contacts successfully imported." ) ); emit modified(); } } void XXPortManager::slotExport( const QString &identifier, const QString &data ) { XXPortObject *obj = mXXPortObjects[ identifier ]; if ( !obj ) { KMessageBox::error( mCore, i18n( "<qt>No export plugin available for <b>%1</b>.</qt>" ).arg( identifier ) ); return; } KABC::AddresseeList addrList; XXPortSelectDialog dlg( mCore, obj->requiresSorting(), mCore ); if ( dlg.exec() ) addrList = dlg.contacts(); else return; if ( !obj->exportContacts( addrList, data ) ) KMessageBox::error( mCore, i18n( "Unable to export contacts." ) ); else KMessageBox::information( mCore, i18n( "contacts successfully exported." ) ); } void XXPortManager::loadPlugins() { mXXPortObjects.clear(); #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED KTrader::OfferList plugins = KTrader::self()->query( "KAddressBook/XXPort" ); KTrader::OfferList::ConstIterator it; for ( it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it ) { if ( !(*it)->hasServiceType( "KAddressBook/XXPort" ) ) continue; KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( (*it)->library().latin1() ); if ( !factory ) { kdDebug(5720) << "XXPortManager::loadExtensions(): Factory creation failed" << endl; continue; } XXPortFactory *xxportFactory = static_cast<XXPortFactory*>( factory ); if ( !xxportFactory ) { kdDebug(5720) << "XXPortManager::loadExtensions(): Cast failed" << endl; continue; } #else //KAB_EMBEDDED QList<XXPortFactory> factorylist; factorylist.append(static_cast<XXPortFactory*>(init_kaddrbk_csv_xxport())); factorylist.append(static_cast<XXPortFactory*>(init_kaddrbk_kde2_xxport())); factorylist.append(static_cast<XXPortFactory*>(init_kaddrbk_vcard_xxport())); //now add the opie import library dynamically KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( "kaddrbk_opie_xxport" ); if ( factory ) { XXPortFactory *xxportFactory = static_cast<XXPortFactory*>( factory ); factorylist.append(xxportFactory); } QListIterator<XXPortFactory> it(factorylist); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { XXPortFactory *xxportFactory = it.current(); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED XXPortObject *obj = xxportFactory->xxportObject( mCore->addressBook(), mCore ); if ( obj ) { mCore->addGUIClient( obj ); mXXPortObjects.insert( obj->identifier(), obj ); connect( obj, SIGNAL( exportActivated( const QString&, const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotExport( const QString&, const QString& ) ) ); connect( obj, SIGNAL( importActivated( const QString&, const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotImport( const QString&, const QString& ) ) ); } } } PreviewDialog::PreviewDialog( const KABC::Addressee &addr, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KDialogBase( Plain, i18n( "Contact Preview" ), Ok | Cancel, Ok, parent, name, true, true ) { QWidget *page = plainPage(); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( page, marginHint(), spacingHint() ); KPIM::AddresseeView *view = new KPIM::AddresseeView( page ); view->setAddressee( addr ); layout->addWidget( view ); resize( 400, 300 ); } #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED #include "xxportmanager.moc" #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED