/* (c) 2002-2003 by Marcin Wiacek */

#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "../gsmstate.h"
#include "../service/sms/gsmsms.h"
#include "../misc/coding/coding.h"

/* These SMS layouts are used exactly as written in Nokia DCT3 phones.
 * In AT module(s) we have to use some layouts to convert AT frame to format
 * understod by SMS module. To share source the same layouts are used */
GSM_SMSMessageLayout PHONE_SMSDeliver = {
	35 	/*	SMS Text	*/,	16  /*	Phone number	*/,
	0 	/*	SMSC Number 	*/,	14  /*	TPDCS		*/,
	28 	/*	SendingDateTime	*/,	255 /*	SMSCDateTime	*/,
	255	/*	TPStatus	*/,	15  /*	TPUDL		*/,
	255	/*	TPVP		*/,	12  /*	firstbyte	*/,
	255	/*	TPMR		*/,	13  /*  TPPID		*/};
GSM_SMSMessageLayout PHONE_SMSSubmit = {
	36 	/*	SMS Text	*/,	17  /*	Phone number	*/,
	0 	/*	SMSC Number 	*/,	15  /*	TPDCS		*/,
	255 	/*	SendingDateTime	*/,	255 /*	SMSCDateTime	*/,
	255	/*	TPStatus	*/,	16  /*	TPUDL		*/,
	29	/*	TPVP		*/,	12  /*	firstbyte	*/,
	13	/*	TPMR		*/,	14  /*  TPPID		*/};
GSM_SMSMessageLayout PHONE_SMSStatusReport = {
	255 	/*	SMS Text	*/,	15  /*	Phone number	*/,
	0 	/*	SMSC Number 	*/,	255 /*	TPDCS		*/,
	27 	/*	SendingDateTime	*/,	34  /*	SMSCDateTime	*/,
	14	/*	TPStatus	*/,	255 /*	TPUDL		*/,
	255	/*	TPVP		*/,	12  /*	firstbyte	*/,
	13	/*	TPMR		*/,	255 /*  TPPID??		*/};

GSM_Error PHONE_GetSMSFolders(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSFolders *folders)
	folders->Folder[0].InboxFolder = true;
	folders->Folder[1].InboxFolder = false;
	folders->Folder[0].Memory      = MEM_SM;
	folders->Folder[1].Memory      = MEM_SM;
	return ERR_NONE;

void GSM_CreateFirmwareNumber(GSM_StateMachine *s)
	StringToDouble(s->Phone.Data.Version, &s->Phone.Data.VerNum);
	dbgprintf("Number version is \"%f\"\n", s->Phone.Data.VerNum);

GSM_Error PHONE_EncodeSMSFrame(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage *SMS, unsigned char *buffer, GSM_SMSMessageLayout Layout, int *length, bool clear)
	GSM_Error error;

	if (SMS->SMSC.Location!=0) {
		error = s->Phone.Functions->GetSMSC(s, &SMS->SMSC);
		if (error != ERR_NONE) return error;
		SMS->SMSC.Location = 0;
	if (SMS->PDU == SMS_Deliver) {
		if (SMS->SMSC.Number[0] == 0x00 && SMS->SMSC.Number[1] == 0x00) {
			smprintf(s,"No SMSC in SMS Deliver\n");
			return ERR_EMPTYSMSC;
	return GSM_EncodeSMSFrame(SMS, buffer, Layout, length, clear);

GSM_Error PHONE_Terminate(GSM_StateMachine *s)
	GSM_Error error;

	if (s->Phone.Data.EnableIncomingCB==true) {
		if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error;
	if (s->Phone.Data.EnableIncomingSMS==true) {
		if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error;
	return ERR_NONE;

GSM_Error PHONE_RTTLPlayOneNote(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_RingNote note, bool first)
	int 		duration, Hz;
	GSM_Error 	error;

	if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error;

	duration = GSM_RingNoteGetFullDuration(note);

	/* Is it correct ? Experimental values here */
	switch (note.Style) {
		case StaccatoStyle:
			my_sleep (7500);
			if (error != ERR_NONE) return error;
			my_sleep ((1400000/note.Tempo*duration)-(7500));
		case ContinuousStyle:
			my_sleep  (1400000/note.Tempo*duration);
		case NaturalStyle:
			my_sleep  (1400000/note.Tempo*duration-50);
			if (error != ERR_NONE) return error;
			my_sleep (50);
	return ERR_NONE;

GSM_Error PHONE_Beep(GSM_StateMachine *s)
	GSM_Error error;

	error=s->Phone.Functions->PlayTone(s, 4000, 5,true);
	if (error!=ERR_NONE) return error;


	return s->Phone.Functions->PlayTone(s,255*255,0,false);

GSM_Error NoneReply(GSM_Protocol_Message msg, GSM_StateMachine *s)
	smprintf(s,"None answer\n");
	return ERR_NONE;

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