Howto Compile KO/Pi for Qt-Embedded: Remove all Makefile files first! Please look at the files setQtopia and setZaurus in the same dir. You may have to - create a softlink from /opt/qtopia/include/qpe to /opt/qtopia/include/qtopia - remove -ljpeg in korganizer/Makefilezaurus -create the directory /opt/Qtopia/sharp/plugins /opt/Qtopia/sharp/plugins/applets to get the sources compiled, depending on your Qtopia compiler setup. The needed Makefile is Makefile.Embedded. Copy it and rename it to Makefile. To build for the Zaurus: Install Qtopia development environment and the cross-compiler. The file sharp.tmake.conf contains e DEFINE,which is needed to fix the QWhatsThis problem: TMAKE_CXXFLAGS = blabla -DADD_TOOLTIP Add this to your tmake.conf file for sharp. Now, you can do from command line a: cz #comment: for setZaurus make clean #comment: for removing old Makefiles - if there are any make make install make clean make dist to build a binary and source package. The sources are ../kdepim.src.tar.gz The binaries are korganizer-alarm_1.9.0a_arm.ipk and kdepim_1.9.0a_arm.ipk , depending on the version. ========================================================= Howto Compile+Run KO/Pi Desktop for Linux Desktop: Remove all Makefile files first! Set the needed environment variables to compile a Qt program. (e.g. QTDIR, ,... ) Do a qmake make clean make in this directory. After compilation, you will find the binary and the libs in ./bin. Goto ./bin in console and type type ./kopi Now kopi starts. ========================================================= KOrganizer/Platform-independent (KO/Pi) This is the platform-independend version of KOrganizer. It includes a replacement for the KDE libraries called microkde, which provides the KDE specific functions KOrganizer needs, but does not add the overhead of the complete implementation. KOrganizer/Pi compiles with Qt/Embedded 2.3.2 and the corresponding QPE libs. It compiles with Qt 3.2.3 on the Linux or Windows desktop as well. KOrganizer/Pi is based on the unaltered original KOrganizer code from the KDE CVS HEAD branch of spring 2003. Some functionality of the full KDE version of Korganizer is not present in the platform-independend, because microkde is not yet complete. KOrganizer/Pi is licenced under the GPL, the microkde library is licenced under the LGPL and the original KOrganizer code is licenced under GPL or LPGL. If you have questions or comments please contact Lutz Rogowski <>. History ------- 1.5 (January 2004) - Korganizer/E has been renamed to Korganizer/Pi (platform-independend) In this version, there are many bugfixes/enhancements. 1.0 (April 2002): - First stable release as final submission to the Trolltech Qtopia contest. 0.8 (beta1) (January 2002): - Initial release as entry to the Trolltech Qtopia contest.