path: root/microkde
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'microkde') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/microkde/kio/kio/kdirwatch.cpp b/microkde/kio/kio/kdirwatch.cpp
index 98d24e0..1596d1f 100644
--- a/microkde/kio/kio/kdirwatch.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kio/kio/kdirwatch.cpp
@@ -214,769 +214,770 @@ KDirWatchPrivate::KDirWatchPrivate()
struct utsname uts;
int major, minor, patch;
if (uname(&uts) < 0)
supports_dnotify = false; // *shrug*
else if (sscanf(uts.release, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &patch) != 3)
supports_dnotify = false; // *shrug*
else if( major * 1000000 + minor * 1000 + patch < 2004019 ) { // <2.4.19
kdDebug(7001) << "Can't use DNotify, Linux kernel too old" << endl;
supports_dnotify = false;
if( supports_dnotify ) {
available += ", DNotify";
fcntl(mPipe[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
fcntl(mPipe[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
mSn = new QSocketNotifier( mPipe[0], QSocketNotifier::Read, this);
connect(mSn, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotActivated()));
connect(&mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotRescan()));
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_sigaction = KDirWatchPrivate::dnotify_handler;
act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
act.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;
if( dnotify_signal == 0 )
dnotify_signal = SIGRTMIN + 8;
sigaction(dnotify_signal, &act, NULL);
act.sa_sigaction = KDirWatchPrivate::dnotify_sigio_handler;
sigaction(SIGIO, &act, &old_sigio_act);
kdDebug(7001) << "Available methods: " << available << endl;
/* This should never be called, but doesn't harm */
/* remove all entries being watched */
#ifdef HAVE_FAM
if (use_fam) {
kdDebug(7001) << "KDirWatch deleted (FAM closed)" << endl;
void KDirWatchPrivate::slotActivated()
char dummy_buf[100];
read(mPipe[0], &dummy_buf, 100);
if (!mTimer.isActive())
mTimer.start(200, true);
/* In DNOTIFY mode, only entries which are marked dirty are scanned.
* We first need to mark all yet nonexistant, but possible created
* entries as dirty...
void KDirWatchPrivate::Entry::propagate_dirty()
Entry* sub_entry;
for(sub_entry = m_entries.first(); sub_entry; sub_entry =
if (!sub_entry->dn_dirty)
sub_entry->dn_dirty = true;
#else // !HAVE_DNOTIFY
// slots always have to be defined...
void KDirWatchPrivate::slotActivated() {}
/* A KDirWatch instance is interested in getting events for
* this file/Dir entry.
void KDirWatchPrivate::Entry::addClient(KDirWatch* instance)
Client* client = m_clients.first();
for(;client; client =
if (client->instance == instance) break;
if (client) {
client = new Client;
client->instance = instance;
client->count = 1;
client->watchingStopped = instance->isStopped();
client->pending = NoChange;
void KDirWatchPrivate::Entry::removeClient(KDirWatch* instance)
Client* client = m_clients.first();
for(;client; client =
if (client->instance == instance) break;
if (client) {
if (client->count == 0) {
delete client;
/* get number of clients */
int KDirWatchPrivate::Entry::clients()
int clients = 0;
Client* client = m_clients.first();
for(;client; client =
clients += client->count;
return clients;
KDirWatchPrivate::Entry* KDirWatchPrivate::entry(const QString& _path)
// we only support absolute paths
if (_path.left(1) != "/") {
return 0;
QString path = _path;
if ( path.length() > 1 && path.right(1) == "/" )
path.truncate( path.length() - 1 );
EntryMap::Iterator it = m_mapEntries.find( path );
if ( it == m_mapEntries.end() )
return 0;
return &(*it);
// set polling frequency for a entry and adjust global freq if needed
void KDirWatchPrivate::useFreq(Entry* e, int newFreq)
e->freq = newFreq;
// a reasonable frequency for the global polling timer
if (e->freq < freq) {
freq = e->freq;
if (timer->isActive()) timer->changeInterval(freq);
kdDebug(7001) << "Global Poll Freq is now " << freq << " msec" << endl;
#if defined(HAVE_FAM)
// setup FAM notification, returns false if not possible
bool KDirWatchPrivate::useFAM(Entry* e)
if (!use_fam) return false;
e->m_mode = FAMMode;
if (e->isDir) {
if (e->m_status == NonExistent) {
// If the directory does not exist we watch the parent directory
addEntry(0, QDir::cleanDirPath(e->path+"/.."), e, true);
else {
int res =FAMMonitorDirectory(&fc, QFile::encodeName(e->path),
&(e->fr), e);
if (res<0) {
e->m_mode = UnknownMode;
return false;
kdDebug(7001) << " Setup FAM (Req "
<< ") for " << e->path << endl;
else {
if (e->m_status == NonExistent) {
// If the file does not exist we watch the directory
addEntry(0, QFileInfo(e->path).dirPath(true), e, true);
else {
int res = FAMMonitorFile(&fc, QFile::encodeName(e->path),
&(e->fr), e);
if (res<0) {
e->m_mode = UnknownMode;
return false;
kdDebug(7001) << " Setup FAM (Req "
<< ") for " << e->path << endl;
// handle FAM events to avoid deadlock
// (FAM sends back all files in a directory when monitoring)
return true;
// setup DNotify notification, returns false if not possible
bool KDirWatchPrivate::useDNotify(Entry* e)
e->dn_fd = 0;
if (!supports_dnotify) return false;
e->m_mode = DNotifyMode;
if (e->isDir) {
e->dn_dirty = false;
if (e->m_status == Normal) {
int fd = open(QFile::encodeName(e->path).data(), O_RDONLY);
// Migrate fd to somewhere above 128. Some libraries have
// constructs like:
// fd = socket(...)
// if (fd > ARBITRARY_LIMIT)
// return error;
// Since programs might end up using a lot of KDirWatch objects
// for a rather long time the above braindamage could get
// triggered.
// By moving the kdirwatch fd's to > 128, calls like socket() will keep
// returning fd's < ARBITRARY_LIMIT for a bit longer.
int fd2 = fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 128);
if (fd2 >= 0)
fd = fd2;
if (fd<0) {
e->m_mode = UnknownMode;
return false;
// if dependant is a file watch, we check for MODIFY & ATTRIB too
for(Entry* dep=e->m_entries.first();dep;dep=e->
if (!dep->isDir) { mask |= DN_MODIFY|DN_ATTRIB; break; }
if(fcntl(fd, F_SETSIG, dnotify_signal) < 0 ||
fcntl(fd, F_NOTIFY, mask) < 0) {
kdDebug(7001) << "Not using Linux Directory Notifications."
<< endl;
supports_dnotify = false;
e->m_mode = UnknownMode;
return false;
fd_Entry.replace(fd, e);
e->dn_fd = fd;
kdDebug(7001) << " Setup DNotify (fd " << fd
<< ") for " << e->path << endl;
else { // NotExisting
addEntry(0, QDir::cleanDirPath(e->path+"/.."), e, true);
else { // File
// we always watch the directory (DNOTIFY can't watch files alone)
// this notifies us about changes of files therein
addEntry(0, QFileInfo(e->path).dirPath(true), e, true);
return true;
bool KDirWatchPrivate::useStat(Entry* e)
//US we have no KIO::probably_slow_mounted. So disable this part
//US if (KIO::probably_slow_mounted(e->path))
//US useFreq(e, m_nfsPollInterval);
//US else
useFreq(e, m_PollInterval);
if (e->m_mode != StatMode) {
e->m_mode = StatMode;
if ( statEntries == 1 ) {
// if this was first STAT entry (=timer was stopped)
timer->start(freq); // then start the timer
kdDebug(7001) << " Started Polling Timer, freq " << freq << endl;
kdDebug(7001) << " Setup Stat (freq " << e->freq
<< ") for " << e->path << endl;
return true;
/* If <instance> !=0, this KDirWatch instance wants to watch at <_path>,
* providing in <isDir> the type of the entry to be watched.
* Sometimes, entries are dependant on each other: if <sub_entry> !=0,
* this entry needs another entry to watch himself (when notExistent).
void KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry(KDirWatch* instance, const QString& _path,
Entry* sub_entry, bool isDir)
QString path = _path;
if (path.startsWith("/dev/") || (path == "/dev"))
return; // Don't even go there.
if ( path.length() > 1 && path.right(1) == "/" )
path.truncate( path.length() - 1 );
EntryMap::Iterator it = m_mapEntries.find( path );
if ( it != m_mapEntries.end() )
if (sub_entry) {
kdDebug(7001) << "Added already watched Entry " << path
<< " (for " << sub_entry->path << ")" << endl;
Entry* e = &(*it);
if( e->dn_fd > 0 ) {
// if dependant is a file watch, we check for MODIFY & ATTRIB too
for(Entry* dep=e->m_entries.first();dep;dep=e->
if (!dep->isDir) { mask |= DN_MODIFY|DN_ATTRIB; break; }
if( fcntl(e->dn_fd, F_NOTIFY, mask) < 0) { // shouldn't happen
e->m_mode = UnknownMode;
e->dn_fd = 0;
useStat( e );
else {
kdDebug(7001) << "Added already watched Entry " << path
<< " (now " << (*it).clients() << " clients)"
<< QString(" [%1]").arg(instance->name()) << endl;
// we have a new path to watch
struct stat stat_buf;
bool exists = (stat(QFile::encodeName(path), &stat_buf) == 0);
Entry newEntry;
m_mapEntries.insert( path, newEntry );
// the insert does a copy, so we have to use <e> now
Entry* e = &(m_mapEntries[path]);
if (exists) {
- e->isDir = S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode);
+ QFileInfo fi ( path );
+ e->isDir = fi.isDir();
if (e->isDir && !isDir)
qWarning("KDirWatch: %s is a directory. Use addDir!", path.ascii());
else if (!e->isDir && isDir)
qWarning("KDirWatch: %s is a file. Use addFile!", path.ascii());
e->m_ctime = stat_buf.st_ctime;
e->m_status = Normal;
e->m_nlink = stat_buf.st_nlink;
else {
e->isDir = isDir;
e->m_ctime = invalid_ctime;
e->m_status = NonExistent;
e->m_nlink = 0;
e->path = path;
if (sub_entry)
kdDebug(7001) << "Added " << (e->isDir ? "Dir ":"File ") << path
<< (e->m_status == NonExistent ? " NotExisting" : "")
<< (sub_entry ? QString(" for %1").arg(sub_entry->path) : QString(""))
<< (instance ? QString(" [%1]").arg(instance->name()) : QString(""))
<< endl;
// now setup the notification method
e->m_mode = UnknownMode;
e->msecLeft = 0;
#if defined(HAVE_FAM)
if (useFAM(e)) return;
if (useDNotify(e)) return;
void KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry( KDirWatch* instance,
const QString& _path, Entry* sub_entry )
Entry* e = entry(_path);
if (!e) {
kdWarning(7001) << "KDirWatch::removeDir can't handle '" << _path << "'" << endl;
if (sub_entry)
if (e->m_clients.count() || e->m_entries.count())
if (delayRemove) {
// removeList is allowed to contain any entry at most once
if (removeList.findRef(e)==-1)
// now e->isValid() is false
#ifdef HAVE_FAM
if (e->m_mode == FAMMode) {
if ( e->m_status == Normal) {
FAMCancelMonitor(&fc, &(e->fr) );
kdDebug(7001) << "Cancelled FAM (Req "
<< ") for " << e->path << endl;
else {
if (e->isDir)
removeEntry(0, QDir::cleanDirPath(e->path+"/.."), e);
removeEntry(0, QFileInfo(e->path).dirPath(true), e);
if (e->m_mode == DNotifyMode) {
if (!e->isDir) {
removeEntry(0, QFileInfo(e->path).dirPath(true), e);
else { // isDir
// must close the FD.
if ( e->m_status == Normal) {
if (e->dn_fd) {
kdDebug(7001) << "Cancelled DNotify (fd " << e->dn_fd
<< ") for " << e->path << endl;
e->dn_fd = 0;
else {
removeEntry(0, QDir::cleanDirPath(e->path+"/.."), e);
if (e->m_mode == StatMode) {
if ( statEntries == 0 ) {
timer->stop(); // stop timer if lists are empty
kdDebug(7001) << " Stopped Polling Timer" << endl;
kdDebug(7001) << "Removed " << (e->isDir ? "Dir ":"File ") << e->path
<< (sub_entry ? QString(" for %1").arg(sub_entry->path) : QString(""))
<< (instance ? QString(" [%1]").arg(instance->name()) : QString(""))
<< endl;
m_mapEntries.remove( e->path ); // <e> not valid any more
/* Called from KDirWatch destructor:
* remove <instance> as client from all entries
void KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntries( KDirWatch* instance )
QPtrList<Entry> list;
int minfreq = 3600000;
// put all entries where instance is a client in list
EntryMap::Iterator it = m_mapEntries.begin();
for( ; it != m_mapEntries.end(); ++it ) {
Client* c = (*it).m_clients.first();
if (c->instance == instance) break;
if (c) {
c->count = 1; // forces deletion of instance as client
else if ( (*it).m_mode == StatMode && (*it).freq < minfreq )
minfreq = (*it).freq;
for(Entry* e=list.first();e;
removeEntry(instance, e->path, 0);
if (minfreq > freq) {
// we can decrease the global polling frequency
freq = minfreq;
if (timer->isActive()) timer->changeInterval(freq);
kdDebug(7001) << "Poll Freq now " << freq << " msec" << endl;
// instance ==0: stop scanning for all instances
bool KDirWatchPrivate::stopEntryScan( KDirWatch* instance, Entry* e)
int stillWatching = 0;
Client* c = e->m_clients.first();
for(;c;c=e-> {
if (!instance || instance == c->instance)
c->watchingStopped = true;
else if (!c->watchingStopped)
stillWatching += c->count;
kdDebug(7001) << instance->name() << " stopped scanning " << e->path
<< " (now " << stillWatching << " watchers)" << endl;
if (stillWatching == 0) {
// if nobody is interested, we don't watch
e->m_ctime = invalid_ctime; // invalid
// e->m_status = Normal;
return true;
// instance ==0: start scanning for all instances
bool KDirWatchPrivate::restartEntryScan( KDirWatch* instance, Entry* e,
bool notify)
int wasWatching = 0, newWatching = 0;
Client* c = e->m_clients.first();
for(;c;c=e-> {
if (!c->watchingStopped)
wasWatching += c->count;
else if (!instance || instance == c->instance) {
c->watchingStopped = false;
newWatching += c->count;
if (newWatching == 0)
return false;
kdDebug(7001) << instance->name() << " restarted scanning " << e->path
<< " (now " << wasWatching+newWatching << " watchers)" << endl;
// restart watching and emit pending events
int ev = NoChange;
if (wasWatching == 0) {
if (!notify) {
struct stat stat_buf;
bool exists = (stat(QFile::encodeName(e->path), &stat_buf) == 0);
if (exists) {
e->m_ctime = stat_buf.st_ctime;
e->m_status = Normal;
e->m_nlink = stat_buf.st_nlink;
else {
e->m_ctime = invalid_ctime;
e->m_status = NonExistent;
e->m_nlink = 0;
e->msecLeft = 0;
ev = scanEntry(e);
return true;
// instance ==0: stop scanning for all instances
void KDirWatchPrivate::stopScan(KDirWatch* instance)
EntryMap::Iterator it = m_mapEntries.begin();
for( ; it != m_mapEntries.end(); ++it )
stopEntryScan(instance, &(*it));
void KDirWatchPrivate::startScan(KDirWatch* instance,
bool notify, bool skippedToo )
if (!notify)
EntryMap::Iterator it = m_mapEntries.begin();
for( ; it != m_mapEntries.end(); ++it )
restartEntryScan(instance, &(*it), notify);
// timer should still be running when in polling mode
// clear all pending events, also from stopped
void KDirWatchPrivate::resetList( KDirWatch* /*instance*/,
bool skippedToo )
EntryMap::Iterator it = m_mapEntries.begin();
for( ; it != m_mapEntries.end(); ++it ) {
Client* c = (*it).m_clients.first();
if (!c->watchingStopped || skippedToo)
c->pending = NoChange;
// Return event happened on <e>
int KDirWatchPrivate::scanEntry(Entry* e)
#ifdef HAVE_FAM
// we do not stat entries using FAM
if (e->m_mode == FAMMode) return NoChange;
// Shouldn't happen: Ignore "unknown" notification method
if (e->m_mode == UnknownMode) return NoChange;
if (e->m_mode == DNotifyMode) {
// we know nothing has changed, no need to stat
if(!e->dn_dirty) return NoChange;
e->dn_dirty = false;
if (e->m_mode == StatMode) {
// only scan if timeout on entry timer happens;
// e.g. when using 500msec global timer, a entry
// with freq=5000 is only watched every 10th time
e->msecLeft -= freq;
if (e->msecLeft>0) return NoChange;
e->msecLeft += e->freq;
struct stat stat_buf;
bool exists = (stat(QFile::encodeName(e->path), &stat_buf) == 0);
if (exists) {
if (e->m_status == NonExistent) {
e->m_ctime = stat_buf.st_ctime;
e->m_status = Normal;
e->m_nlink = stat_buf.st_nlink;
return Created;
if ( (e->m_ctime != invalid_ctime) &&
((stat_buf.st_ctime != e->m_ctime) ||
// (stat_buf.st_nlink != (nlink_t) e->m_nlink)) ) {
(stat_buf.st_nlink != e->m_nlink)) ) {
e->m_ctime = stat_buf.st_ctime;
e->m_nlink = stat_buf.st_nlink;
return Changed;
return NoChange;
// dir/file doesn't exist
if (e->m_ctime == invalid_ctime)
return NoChange;
e->m_ctime = invalid_ctime;
e->m_nlink = 0;
e->m_status = NonExistent;
return Deleted;
/* Notify all interested KDirWatch instances about a given event on an entry
* and stored pending events. When watching is stopped, the event is
* added to the pending events.
void KDirWatchPrivate::emitEvent(Entry* e, int event, const QString &fileName)
QString path = e->path;
if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
if (fileName[0] == '/')
path = fileName;
path += "/" + fileName;
Client* c = e->m_clients.first();
for(;c;c=e-> {
if (c->instance==0 || c->count==0) continue;
if (c->watchingStopped) {
// add event to pending...
if (event == Changed)
c->pending |= event;
else if (event == Created || event == Deleted)
c->pending = event;
// not stopped
if (event == NoChange || event == Changed)
event |= c->pending;
c->pending = NoChange;
if (event == NoChange) continue;
if (event & Deleted) {
// emit only Deleted event...
if (event & Created) {
// possible emit Change event after creation
if (event & Changed)
// Remove entries which were marked to be removed
void KDirWatchPrivate::slotRemoveDelayed()