-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koeditorgeneralevent.cpp | 8 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/komonthview.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kotodoviewitem.cpp | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kowhatsnextview.cpp | 6 |
4 files changed, 15 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/koeditorgeneralevent.cpp b/korganizer/koeditorgeneralevent.cpp index adc733b..2a49528 100644 --- a/korganizer/koeditorgeneralevent.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koeditorgeneralevent.cpp @@ -16,412 +16,412 @@ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qbuttongroup.h> #include <qvgroupbox.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <libkcal/event.h> #include <libkdepim/kdateedit.h> #include "koprefs.h" #include "koeditorgeneralevent.h" #include "kolocationbox.h" KOEditorGeneralEvent::KOEditorGeneralEvent(QObject* parent, const char* name) : KOEditorGeneral( parent, name) { mTemplate = false; connect(this,SIGNAL(dateTimesChanged(QDateTime,QDateTime)), SLOT(setDuration())); connect(this,SIGNAL(dateTimesChanged(QDateTime,QDateTime)), SLOT(emitDateTimeStr())); } KOEditorGeneralEvent::~KOEditorGeneralEvent() { } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::finishSetup() { //disabled // QWidget::setTabOrder( mSummaryEdit, mLocationEdit ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mLocationEdit, mStartDateEdit ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mStartDateEdit, mStartTimeEdit ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mStartTimeEdit, mEndDateEdit ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mEndDateEdit, mEndTimeEdit ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mEndTimeEdit, mNoTimeButton ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mNoTimeButton, mAlarmButton ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mAlarmButton, mAlarmTimeEdit ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mFreeTimeCombo, mCategoriesButton ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mCategoriesButton, mSecrecyCombo ); // QWidget::setTabOrder( mSecrecyCombo, mDescriptionEdit ); mSummaryEdit->load(KOLocationBox::SUMMARYEVENT); mSummaryEdit->setFocus(); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::initTime(QWidget *parent,QBoxLayout *topLayout) { QBoxLayout *timeLayout = new QVBoxLayout(topLayout); QGroupBox *timeGroupBox = new QGroupBox(1,QGroupBox::Horizontal, i18n("Date && Time"),parent); timeLayout->addWidget(timeGroupBox); timeGroupBox->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); timeGroupBox->layout()->setMargin( 5 ); QFrame *timeBoxFrame = new QFrame(timeGroupBox); QGridLayout *layoutTimeBox = new QGridLayout(timeBoxFrame,2,3); layoutTimeBox->setSpacing(topLayout->spacing()); mStartDateLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Start:"),timeBoxFrame); layoutTimeBox->addWidget(mStartDateLabel,0,0); mStartDateEdit = new KDateEdit(timeBoxFrame); layoutTimeBox->addWidget(mStartDateEdit,0,1); mStartTimeEdit = new KOTimeEdit(timeBoxFrame); layoutTimeBox->addWidget(mStartTimeEdit,0,2); mEndDateLabel = new QLabel(i18n("End:"),timeBoxFrame); layoutTimeBox->addWidget(mEndDateLabel,1,0); mEndDateEdit = new KDateEdit(timeBoxFrame); layoutTimeBox->addWidget(mEndDateEdit,1,1); mEndTimeEdit = new KOTimeEdit(timeBoxFrame); layoutTimeBox->addWidget(mEndTimeEdit,1,2); QWidget* duration = new QWidget( timeBoxFrame ); QHBoxLayout *flagsBox = new QHBoxLayout( duration ); mNoTimeButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("All day event"),duration); flagsBox->addWidget(mNoTimeButton); connect(mNoTimeButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),SLOT(dontAssociateTime(bool))); mDurationLabel = new QLabel( duration ); // if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCompactDialogs ) { //layoutTimeBox->addMultiCellWidget( mDurationLabel, 3, 3, 0, 3 ); //} else { flagsBox->addWidget( mDurationLabel ); //} flagsBox->setStretchFactor(mDurationLabel, 10 ); mDurationLabel->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter); layoutTimeBox->addMultiCellWidget( duration, 2, 2, 0, 3 ); // time widgets are checked if they contain a valid time connect(mStartTimeEdit, SIGNAL(timeChanged(QTime)), this, SLOT(startTimeChanged(QTime))); connect(mEndTimeEdit, SIGNAL(timeChanged(QTime)), this, SLOT(endTimeChanged(QTime))); // date widgets are checked if they contain a valid date connect(mStartDateEdit, SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT(startDateChanged(QDate))); connect(mEndDateEdit, SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT(endDateChanged(QDate))); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::initClass(QWidget *parent,QBoxLayout *topLayout) { QBoxLayout *classLayout = new QHBoxLayout(topLayout); QLabel *freeTimeLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Show time as:"),parent); classLayout->addWidget(freeTimeLabel); mFreeTimeCombo = new QComboBox(false, parent); mFreeTimeCombo->insertItem(i18n("Busy")); mFreeTimeCombo->insertItem(i18n("Free")); classLayout->addWidget(mFreeTimeCombo); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::timeStuffDisable(bool disable) { mStartTimeEdit->setEnabled( !disable ); mEndTimeEdit->setEnabled( !disable ); setDuration(); emitDateTimeStr(); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::dontAssociateTime(bool noTime) { timeStuffDisable(noTime); //if(alarmButton->isChecked()) alarmStuffDisable(noTime); allDayChanged(noTime); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::setDateTimes(QDateTime start, QDateTime end) { // kdDebug() << "KOEditorGeneralEvent::setDateTimes(): Start DateTime: " << start.toString() << endl; if ( !mTemplate ) mStartDateEdit->setDate(start.date()); // KTimeEdit seems to emit some signals when setTime() is called. mStartTimeEdit->blockSignals( true ); mStartTimeEdit->setTime(start.time()); mStartTimeEdit->blockSignals( false ); if ( !mTemplate ) mEndDateEdit->setDate(end.date()); mEndTimeEdit->setTime(end.time()); mCurrStartDateTime = start; mCurrEndDateTime = end; setDuration(); emitDateTimeStr(); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::startTimeChanged(QTime newtime) { kdDebug() << "KOEditorGeneralEvent::startTimeChanged() " << newtime.toString() << endl; int secsep = mCurrStartDateTime.secsTo(mCurrEndDateTime); mCurrStartDateTime.setTime(newtime); // adjust end time so that the event has the same duration as before. mCurrEndDateTime = mCurrStartDateTime.addSecs(secsep); mEndTimeEdit->setTime(mCurrEndDateTime.time()); mEndDateEdit->setDate(mCurrEndDateTime.date()); emit dateTimesChanged(mCurrStartDateTime,mCurrEndDateTime); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::endTimeChanged(QTime newtime) { // kdDebug() << "KOEditorGeneralEvent::endTimeChanged " << newtime.toString() << endl; QDateTime newdt(mCurrEndDateTime.date(), newtime); mCurrEndDateTime = newdt; emit dateTimesChanged(mCurrStartDateTime,mCurrEndDateTime); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::startDateChanged(QDate newdate) { int daysep = mCurrStartDateTime.daysTo(mCurrEndDateTime); mCurrStartDateTime.setDate(newdate); // adjust end date so that the event has the same duration as before mCurrEndDateTime.setDate(mCurrStartDateTime.date().addDays(daysep)); mEndDateEdit->setDate(mCurrEndDateTime.date()); emit dateTimesChanged(mCurrStartDateTime,mCurrEndDateTime); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::endDateChanged(QDate newdate) { QDateTime newdt(newdate, mCurrEndDateTime.time()); if(newdt < mCurrStartDateTime) { // oops, we can't let that happen. newdt = mCurrStartDateTime; mEndDateEdit->setDate(newdt.date()); mEndTimeEdit->setTime(newdt.time()); } mCurrEndDateTime = newdt; emit dateTimesChanged(mCurrStartDateTime,mCurrEndDateTime); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::setDefaults(QDateTime from,QDateTime to,bool allDay) { mSummaryEdit->load(KOLocationBox::SUMMARYEVENT); mLocationEdit->load(KOLocationBox::LOCATION); KOEditorGeneral::setDefaults(allDay); mNoTimeButton->setChecked(allDay); timeStuffDisable(allDay); mFreeTimeCombo->setCurrentItem( 0 ); setDateTimes(from,to); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::readEvent( Event *event, bool tmpl ) { QString tmpStr; mTemplate = tmpl; // the rest is for the events only mNoTimeButton->setChecked(event->doesFloat()); timeStuffDisable(event->doesFloat()); setDateTimes(event->dtStart(),event->dtEnd()); mTemplate = false; switch( event->transparency() ) { case Event::Transparent: mFreeTimeCombo->setCurrentItem(1); break; case Event::Opaque: mFreeTimeCombo->setCurrentItem(0); break; } mSummaryEdit->load(KOLocationBox::SUMMARYEVENT); mLocationEdit->load(KOLocationBox::LOCATION); readIncidence(event); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::writeEvent(Event *event) { // kdDebug() << "KOEditorGeneralEvent::writeEvent()" << endl; writeIncidence(event); QDate tmpDate; QTime tmpTime; QDateTime tmpDT; // temp. until something better happens. QString tmpStr; if (mNoTimeButton->isChecked()) { event->setFloats(true); // need to change this. tmpDate = mStartDateEdit->date(); tmpTime.setHMS(0,0,0); tmpDT.setDate(tmpDate); tmpDT.setTime(tmpTime); event->setDtStart(tmpDT); tmpDate = mEndDateEdit->date(); tmpTime.setHMS(0,0,0); tmpDT.setDate(tmpDate); tmpDT.setTime(tmpTime); event->setDtEnd(tmpDT); } else { event->setFloats(false); // set date/time end tmpDate = mEndDateEdit->date(); tmpTime = mEndTimeEdit->getTime(); tmpDT.setDate(tmpDate); tmpDT.setTime(tmpTime); event->setDtEnd(tmpDT); // set date/time start tmpDate = mStartDateEdit->date(); tmpTime = mStartTimeEdit->getTime(); tmpDT.setDate(tmpDate); tmpDT.setTime(tmpTime); event->setDtStart(tmpDT); } // check for float mSummaryEdit->save(KOLocationBox::SUMMARYEVENT); event->setTransparency(mFreeTimeCombo->currentItem() > 0 ? KCal::Event::Transparent : KCal::Event::Opaque); // kdDebug() << "KOEditorGeneralEvent::writeEvent() done" << endl; } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::setDuration() { QString tmpStr = "", catStr; int hourdiff, minutediff; // end<date is an accepted temporary state while typing, but don't show // any duration if this happens if(mCurrEndDateTime >= mCurrStartDateTime) { if (mNoTimeButton->isChecked()) { int daydiff = mCurrStartDateTime.date().daysTo(mCurrEndDateTime.date()) + 1; tmpStr = i18n("Duration: "); tmpStr.append(i18n("1 Day","%n Days",daydiff)); } else { int secto = mCurrStartDateTime.secsTo( mCurrEndDateTime ); hourdiff = secto / 3600; minutediff = (secto/60 ) % 60; if (hourdiff || minutediff){ tmpStr = i18n("Duration: "); if (hourdiff){ catStr = i18n("1 h","%n h",hourdiff); tmpStr.append(catStr); } if (hourdiff && minutediff){ tmpStr += i18n(", "); } if (minutediff){ catStr = i18n("1 min","%n min",minutediff); tmpStr += catStr; } } else tmpStr = ""; } } mDurationLabel->setText(tmpStr); } void KOEditorGeneralEvent::emitDateTimeStr() { KLocale *l = KGlobal::locale(); QString from,to; if (mNoTimeButton->isChecked()) { from = l->formatDate(mCurrStartDateTime.date()); to = l->formatDate(mCurrEndDateTime.date()); } else { from = l->formatDateTime(mCurrStartDateTime); to = l->formatDateTime(mCurrEndDateTime); } QString str = i18n("From: %1 To: %2 %3").arg(from).arg(to) .arg(mDurationLabel->text()); emit dateTimeStrChanged(str); } bool KOEditorGeneralEvent::validateInput() { if (!mStartDateEdit->inputIsValid()) { KMessageBox::sorry( 0, - i18n("Please specify a valid start date, for example '%1'.") - .arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( QDate::currentDate() ) ) ); + i18n("Please specify a valid start date,\nfor example '%1'.") + .arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( QDate::currentDate(), true ) ) ); return false; } if (!mEndDateEdit->inputIsValid()) { KMessageBox::sorry( 0, - i18n("Please specify a valid end date, for example '%1'.") - .arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( QDate::currentDate() ) ) ); + i18n("Please specify a valid end date,\nfor example '%1'.") + .arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( QDate::currentDate(), true ) ) ); return false; } QDateTime startDt,endDt; startDt.setDate(mStartDateEdit->date()); endDt.setDate(mEndDateEdit->date()); if (!mNoTimeButton->isChecked()) { startDt.setTime(mStartTimeEdit->getTime()); endDt.setTime(mEndTimeEdit->getTime()); } if (startDt > endDt) { KMessageBox::sorry(0,i18n("The event ends before it starts.\n" "Please correct dates and times.")); return false; } return KOEditorGeneral::validateInput(); } diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp index da81586..f595d35 100644 --- a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp @@ -172,769 +172,769 @@ void KNoScrollListBox::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { switch(e->key()) { case Key_Shift: emit shiftUp(); break; default: break; } } void KNoScrollListBox::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QListBox::mousePressEvent(e); if(e->button() == RightButton) { emit rightClick(); } } MonthViewItem::MonthViewItem( Incidence *incidence, QDate qd, const QString & s) : QListBoxItem() { setText( s ); mIncidence = incidence; mDate = qd; // QWhatsThis::add(this,KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( mIncidence )); mRecur = false; mAlarm = false; mReply = false; mInfo = false; } void MonthViewItem::paint(QPainter *p) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 bool sel = isSelected(); #else bool sel = selected(); #endif if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) { p->setBackgroundColor( palette().color( QPalette::Normal, \ sel ? QColorGroup::Highlight : QColorGroup::Background ) ); p->eraseRect( 0, 0, listBox()->maxItemWidth(), height( listBox() ) ); } int x = 1; int y = 3;//(height() - mRecurPixmap.height()) /2; int size = PIXMAP_SIZE; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) size = 3; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowIcons ) { if ( mInfo ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::darkGreen ); x += size + 1; } if ( mRecur ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::blue ); x += size + 1; } if ( mAlarm ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::red ); x += size + 1; } if ( mReply ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::yellow ); x += size + 1; } } QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics(); int yPos; int pmheight = size; if( pmheight < fm.height() ) yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading()/2; else yPos = pmheight/2 - fm.height()/2 + fm.ascent(); p->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Normal, sel ? \ QColorGroup::HighlightedText : QColorGroup::Foreground ) ); p->drawText( x, yPos, text() ); if ( mIncidence->cancelled() ) { int wid = fm.width( text() ); p->drawLine( x, yPos- fm.height()/2+3,x+wid, yPos- fm.height()/2 +3); } } int MonthViewItem::height(const QListBox *lb) const { return lb->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+1; } int MonthViewItem::width(const QListBox *lb) const { int size = PIXMAP_SIZE; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) size = 3; int x = 1; if ( mInfo ) { x += size + 1; } if( mRecur ) { x += size+1; } if( mAlarm ) { x += size+1; } if( mReply ) { x += size+1; } return( x + lb->fontMetrics().width( text() ) + 1 ); } MonthViewCell::MonthViewCell( KOMonthView *parent,QWidget* par ) : QWidget( par ), mMonthView( parent ) { QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); // mLabel = new QLabel( this );QPushButton mLabel = new QPushButton( this ); //mLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain ); //mLabel->setLineWidth( 1 ); //mLabel->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); mLabel->setFlat( true ); mLabel->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); mItemList = new KNoScrollListBox( this ); mItemList->setMinimumSize( 10, 10 ); mItemList->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain ); mItemList->setLineWidth( 1 ); topLayout->addWidget( mItemList ); mLabel->raise(); // QColor( 0,0,255 ) QColor( 160,1600,255 ) mStandardPalette = palette(); mStandardPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, mStandardPalette.color( QPalette::Normal, QColorGroup::Background ) ); enableScrollBars( false ); updateConfig(); //connect( mLabel, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( newEvent() )); connect( mLabel, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( showDay() )); connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListBoxItem *) ), SLOT( defaultAction( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed( QListBoxItem *, const QPoint &) ), SLOT( contextMenu( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( highlighted( QListBoxItem *) ), SLOT( selection( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( clicked( QListBoxItem * ) ), SLOT( cellClicked( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( clicked( QListBoxItem * ) ), SLOT( selection( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QToolTipGroup *MonthViewCell::toolTipGroup() { if (!mToolTipGroup) mToolTipGroup = new QToolTipGroup(0); return mToolTipGroup; } #endif void MonthViewCell::setDate( const QDate &date ) { // kdDebug() << "MonthViewCell::setDate(): " << date.toString() << endl; mDate = date; //resizeEvent( 0 ); } QDate MonthViewCell::date() const { return mDate; } void MonthViewCell::setPrimary( bool primary ) { mPrimary = primary; //setMyPalette(); } void MonthViewCell::setMyPalette() { if ( mHoliday) { setPalette( mHolidayPalette ); } else { if ( mPrimary ) { setPalette( mPrimaryPalette ); } else { setPalette( mNonPrimaryPalette ); } } QPalette pal = palette(); mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( pal.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),pal.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); } QPalette MonthViewCell::getPalette () { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors ) return mStandardPalette; if ( mHoliday) { return mHolidayPalette ; } else { if ( mPrimary ) { return mPrimaryPalette ; } } return mNonPrimaryPalette; } bool MonthViewCell::isPrimary() const { return mPrimary; } void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( bool holiday ) { mHoliday = holiday; //setMyPalette(); } void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( const QString &holiday ) { mHolidayString = holiday; if ( !holiday.isEmpty() ) { setHoliday( true ); } } void MonthViewCell::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } void MonthViewCell::startUpdateCell() { mItemList->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; /* if ( !isVisible() ){ return; } */ // qDebug("MonthViewCell::updateCell() "); setPrimary( mDate.month()%2 ); setHoliday( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mDate) == KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayOfPray() || ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 6 ) && KOPrefs::instance()-> mExcludeSaturdays); if ( mDate == QDate::currentDate() ) { mItemList->setLineWidth( 3 ); } else { mItemList->setLineWidth( 1 ); } mItemList->clear(); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QToolTip::remove(this); #endif mToolTip = ""; //qApp->processEvents(); if ( !mHolidayString.isEmpty() ) { MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( 0, mDate, mHolidayString ); item->setPalette( mHolidayPalette ); mItemList->insertItem( item ); mToolTip += mHolidayString+"\n"; } } void MonthViewCell::insertEvent(Event *event) { mItemList->setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); if ( !(event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rNone) ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthDailyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rDaily ) return; else if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthWeeklyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rWeekly ) return; } if ( event->categories().contains("Holiday") || event->categories().contains(i18n("Holiday"))) { setHoliday( true ); if ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 ) mItemList->setLineWidth( 3 ); } QString text; if (event->isMultiDay()) { QString prefix = "<->"; if ( event->doesRecur() ) { if ( event->recursOn( mDate) ) prefix ="->" ; else { int days = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() ); if ( event->recursOn( mDate.addDays( -days)) ) prefix ="<-" ; } } else { if (mDate == event->dtStart().date()) { prefix ="->" ; } else if (mDate == event->dtEnd().date()) { prefix ="<-" ; } } if ( !event->doesFloat() ) { if ( mDate == event->dtStart().date () ) prefix += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time())+" "; else if ( mDate == event->dtEnd().date () ) prefix += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" "; } text = prefix + event->summary(); mToolTip += text; } else { if (event->doesFloat()) { text = event->summary(); mToolTip += text; } else { text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()); text += " " + event->summary(); mToolTip += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()) +"-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" " + event->summary(); } } MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( event, mDate, text ); QPalette pal; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) { QStringList categories = event->categories(); QString cat = categories.first(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) { pal = getPalette(); if (cat.isEmpty()) { pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); } else { pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } else { if (cat.isEmpty()) { pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); } else { pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } } else { pal = mStandardPalette ; } item->setPalette( pal ); item->setRecur( event->recurrence()->doesRecur() ); item->setAlarm( event->isAlarmEnabled() ); item->setMoreInfo( event->description().length() > 0 ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION Attendee *me = event->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails, KOPrefs::instance()->email()); if ( me != 0 ) { if ( me->status() == Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP()) item->setReply(true); else item->setReply(false); } else item->setReply(false); #endif mItemList->insertItem( item ); mToolTip += "\n"; } void MonthViewCell::insertTodo(Todo *todo) { mItemList->setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); QString text; if (todo->hasDueDate()) { if (!todo->doesFloat()) { text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(todo->dtDue().time()); text += " "; } } - text += i18n("Td: %1").arg(todo->summary()); + text += i18n("T: %1").arg(todo->summary()); MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( todo, mDate, text ); //item->setPalette( mStandardPalette ); QPalette pal; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) { QStringList categories = todo->categories(); QString cat = categories.first(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) { pal = getPalette(); if (cat.isEmpty()) { pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); } else { pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } else { if (cat.isEmpty()) { pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); } else { pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } } else { pal = mStandardPalette ; } item->setPalette( pal ); mItemList->insertItem( item ); mToolTip += text+"\n"; } void MonthViewCell::finishUpdateCell() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if (mToolTip != "") QToolTip::add(this,mToolTip,toolTipGroup(),""); #endif mItemList->sort(); //setMyPalette(); setMyPalette(); QString text; bool smallDisplay = QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 && KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek || KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( mDate ) == 1 || (mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 && !smallDisplay ) || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowShort) { text = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->monthName( mDate, true ) + " "; mLabel->resize( mLabelBigSize ); text += QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) ); } else { mLabel->resize( mLabelSize ); text += QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) ); } mLabel->setText( text ); resizeEvent( 0 ); } void MonthViewCell::updateCell() { qDebug("MonthViewCell::updateCell() "); if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; startUpdateCell(); //mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2); QPtrList<Event> events = mMonthView->calendar()->events( mDate, true ); Event *event; for( event = events.first(); event; event = events.next() ) { // for event insertEvent(event); } // insert due todos QPtrList<Todo> todos = mMonthView->calendar()->todos( mDate ); Todo *todo; for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = todos.next()) { insertTodo( todo ); } finishUpdateCell(); // if ( isVisible()) //qApp->processEvents(); } void MonthViewCell::updateConfig( bool bigFont ) // = false { if ( bigFont ) { QFont fo = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont; int ps = fo.pointSize() + 2; if ( ps < 18 ) ps += 2; fo.setPointSize( ps ); setFont( fo ); } else setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont ); QFontMetrics fm( font() ); mLabelSize = fm.size( 0, "30" ) + QSize( 4, 2 ); mLabelBigSize = fm.size( 0, "Mag 30" ) + QSize( 2, 2 ); mHolidayPalette = mStandardPalette; mPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette; mNonPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors ) { mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor ); mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor ); mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor.dark()); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor.dark()); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor.dark()); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor); } //updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::enableScrollBars( bool enabled ) { if ( enabled ) { mItemList->setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); mItemList->setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } else { mItemList->setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); mItemList->setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } } Incidence *MonthViewCell::selectedIncidence() { int index = mItemList->currentItem(); if ( index < 0 ) return 0; MonthViewItem *item = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( mItemList->item( index ) ); if ( !item ) return 0; return item->incidence(); } QDate MonthViewCell::selectedIncidenceDate() { QDate qd; int index = mItemList->currentItem(); if ( index < 0 ) return qd; MonthViewItem *item = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( mItemList->item( index ) ); if ( !item ) return qd; return item->incidenceDate(); } void MonthViewCell::deselect() { mItemList->clearSelection(); enableScrollBars( false ); // updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::select() { ;// updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * ) { if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; int size = height() - mLabel->height() - 2; if ( size > 0 ) mItemList->verticalScrollBar()->setMaximumHeight( size ); size = width() - mLabel->width() -2; if ( size > 0 ) mItemList->horizontalScrollBar()->setMaximumWidth( size ); mLabel->move( width()-mItemList->lineWidth() - mLabel->width(), height()-mItemList->lineWidth() - mLabel->height() ); //mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2); } void MonthViewCell::defaultAction( QListBoxItem *item ) { if ( !item ) return; MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item ); Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence(); if ( incidence ) mMonthView->defaultAction( incidence ); } void MonthViewCell::showDay() { emit showDaySignal( date() ); } void MonthViewCell::newEvent() { QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); } void MonthViewCell::cellClicked( QListBoxItem *item ) { static QListBoxItem * lastClicked = 0; if ( item == 0 ) { QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); return; } /* if ( lastClicked ) if ( ! item ) { if ( lastClicked->listBox() != item->listBox() ) lastClicked->listBox()->clearSelection(); } */ mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this ); if( KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableMonthScroll || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) enableScrollBars( true ); select(); } void MonthViewCell::contextMenu( QListBoxItem *item ) { if ( !item ) return; MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item ); Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence(); if ( incidence ) mMonthView->showContextMenu( incidence ); } void MonthViewCell::selection( QListBoxItem *item ) { if ( !item ) return; mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this ); } // ******************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************* KOMonthView::KOMonthView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KOEventView( calendar, parent, name ), mDaysPerWeek( 7 ), mNumWeeks( 6 ), mNumCells( mDaysPerWeek * mNumWeeks ), mWidthLongDayLabel( 0 ), mSelectedCell( 0 ) { mShortDayLabelsM = false; mShortDayLabelsW = false; skipResize = false; clPending = true; mNavigatorBar = new NavigatorBar( QDate::currentDate(), this, "useBigPixmaps" ); mWidStack = new QWidgetStack( this ); QVBoxLayout* hb = new QVBoxLayout( this ); mMonthView = new QWidget( mWidStack ); mWeekView = new QWidget( mWidStack ); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 mWidStack->addWidget(mMonthView ); mWidStack->addWidget(mWeekView ); #else mWidStack->addWidget( mMonthView, 1 ); mWidStack->addWidget( mWeekView , 1 ); #endif hb->addWidget( mNavigatorBar ); hb->addWidget( mWidStack ); mWeekStartsMonday = KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday(); mShowWeekView = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek; if ( mShowWeekView ) mWeekStartsMonday = true; updatePossible = false; //updatePossible = true; mCells.setAutoDelete( true ); mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ; mDayLabels.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); mDayLabelsW.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); QFont bfont = font(); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 650 ) { bfont.setPointSize( bfont.pointSize() - 2 ); } bfont.setBold( true ); int i; for( i = 0; i < mDaysPerWeek; i++ ) { QLabel *label = new QLabel( mMonthView ); label->setFont(bfont); label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); label->setLineWidth(1); label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mDayLabels.insert( i, label ); label = new QLabel( mWeekView ); label->setFont(bfont); label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); label->setLineWidth(1); label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mDayLabelsW.insert( i, label ); } bfont.setBold( false ); mWeekLabels.resize( mNumWeeks+1 ); mWeekLabelsW.resize( 2 ); for( i = 0; i < mNumWeeks+1; i++ ) { KOWeekButton *label = new KOWeekButton( mMonthView ); label->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); label->setFont(bfont); connect( label, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )),this, SLOT( selectInternalWeekNum ( int )) ); label->setFlat(true); QWhatsThis::add(label,i18n("Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed")); //label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); //label->setLineWidth(1); //label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mWeekLabels.insert( i, label ); } mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W")); QWhatsThis::add(mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks],i18n("Click on this to\nselect week number")); for( i = 0; i < 1+1; i++ ) { KOWeekButton *label = new KOWeekButton( mWeekView ); label->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); label->setFont(bfont); connect( label, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )),this, SLOT( selectInternalWeekNum ( int )) ); label->setFlat(true); QWhatsThis::add(label,i18n("Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed")); //label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); //label->setLineWidth(1); //label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mWeekLabelsW.insert( i, label ); } mWeekLabelsW[1]->setText( i18n("W")); int row, col; mCells.resize( mNumCells ); for( row = 0; row < mNumWeeks; ++row ) { for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) { MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this, mMonthView ); mCells.insert( row * mDaysPerWeek + col, cell ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ), SLOT( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ), SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ), SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ) ); } } mCellsW.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) { MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this, mWeekView ); mCellsW.insert( col, cell ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ), SLOT( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ), SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ), SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ) ); cell->updateConfig(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesBigFont ); } //connect( mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks], SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( switchView() ) ); mContextMenu = eventPopup(); // updateConfig(); //useless here... // ... but we need mWidthLongDayLabel computed QFontMetrics fontmetric(mDayLabels[0]->font()); mWidthLongDayLabel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int width = fontmetric.width(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1)); if ( width > mWidthLongDayLabel ) mWidthLongDayLabel = width; } //mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W")); #if 0 if ( mShowWeekView ) mWidStack->raiseWidget( mWeekView ); else mWidStack->raiseWidget( mMonthView ); #endif emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION resize( QApplication::desktop()->size() ); #else resize(640, 480 ); updatePossible = true; #endif computeLayout(); if ( mShowWeekView ) mWidStack->raiseWidget( mWeekView ); else mWidStack->raiseWidget( mMonthView ); } diff --git a/korganizer/kotodoviewitem.cpp b/korganizer/kotodoviewitem.cpp index 44db209..0e847c2 100644 --- a/korganizer/kotodoviewitem.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kotodoviewitem.cpp @@ -1,461 +1,461 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <qapp.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include "kotodoviewitem.h" #include "kotodoview.h" #include "koprefs.h" KOTodoViewItem::KOTodoViewItem( QListView *parent, Todo *todo, KOTodoView *kotodo) : QCheckListItem( parent , "", CheckBox ), mTodo( todo ), mTodoView( kotodo ) { construct(); } KOTodoViewItem::KOTodoViewItem( KOTodoViewItem *parent, Todo *todo, KOTodoView *kotodo ) : QCheckListItem( parent, "", CheckBox ), mTodo( todo ), mTodoView( kotodo ) { construct(); } QString KOTodoViewItem::key(int column,bool) const { QMap<int,QString>::ConstIterator it = mKeyMap.find(column); if (it == mKeyMap.end()) { return text(column).lower(); } else { return *it; } } void KOTodoViewItem:: setup() { int h = 20; if ( listView () ) { QFontMetrics fm ( listView ()->font () ); h = fm.height(); } setHeight( h ); } void KOTodoViewItem::setSortKey(int column,const QString &key) { mKeyMap.insert(column,key); } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 void KOTodoViewItem::paintBranches(QPainter *p,const QColorGroup & cg,int w, int y,int h) { QListViewItem::paintBranches(p,cg,w,y,h); } #else #endif void KOTodoViewItem::construct() { // qDebug("KOTodoViewItem::construct() "); m_init = true; QString keyd = "=="; QString keyt = "=="; QString skeyd = "=="; QString skeyt = "=="; setOn(mTodo->isCompleted()); setText(0,mTodo->summary()); setText(1,QString::number(mTodo->priority())); setText(2,i18n("%1 %").arg(QString::number(mTodo->percentComplete()))); if (mTodo->percentComplete()<100) { if (mTodo->isCompleted()) setSortKey(2,QString::number(999)); else setSortKey(2,QString::number(mTodo->percentComplete())); } else { if (mTodo->isCompleted()) setSortKey(2,QString::number(999)); else setSortKey(2,QString::number(99)); } if (mTodo->hasDueDate()) { setText(3, mTodo->dtDueDateStr()); QDate d = mTodo->dtDue().date(); keyd.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day()); // setSortKey(3,keyd); if (mTodo->doesFloat()) { setText(4,""); } else { setText(4,mTodo->dtDueTimeStr()); QTime t = mTodo->dtDue().time(); keyt.sprintf("%02d%02d",t.hour(),t.minute()); //setSortKey(4,keyt); } } else { setText(3,""); setText(4,""); } setSortKey(3,keyd); setSortKey(4,keyt); if (mTodo->isCompleted()) setSortKey(1,"6" + QString::number(mTodo->priority())+keyd+keyt); else setSortKey(1,QString::number(mTodo->priority())+keyd+keyt); if (mTodo->hasStartDate()) { setText(5, mTodo->dtStartDateStr()); QDate d = mTodo->dtStart().date(); skeyd.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day()); if (mTodo->doesFloat()) { setText(6,""); } else { setText(6,mTodo->dtStartTimeStr()); QTime t = mTodo->dtStart().time(); skeyt.sprintf("%02d%02d",t.hour(),t.minute()); } } else { setText(5,""); setText(6,""); } setSortKey(5,skeyd); setSortKey(6,skeyt); setText(7,mTodo->cancelled() ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No")); setText(8,mTodo->categoriesStr()); #if 0 // Find sort id in description. It's the text behind the last '#' character // found in the description. White spaces are removed from beginning and end // of sort id. int pos = mTodo->description().findRev('#'); if (pos < 0) { setText(6,""); } else { QString str = mTodo->description().mid(pos+1); str.stripWhiteSpace(); setText(6,str); } #endif m_known = false; m_init = false; setMyPixmap(); } void KOTodoViewItem::setMyPixmap() { int size = 5; QPixmap pixi = QPixmap( 1, 1 ); // if ( !mTodo->isCompleted() && mTodo->hasDueDate() && mTodo->dtDue() < QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) { // pixi = SmallIcon("redcross16"); // } else { QPainter p; int pixSize = 0; QPixmap pPix = QPixmap( size, size ); if ( mTodo->description().length() > 0 ) { pixi.resize(size, pixSize+size); pPix.fill( Qt::darkGreen ); p.begin( &pixi ); p. drawPixmap ( 0, pixSize, pPix); p.end(); pixSize += size; } if ( mTodo->isAlarmEnabled() ) { pixi.resize(size, pixSize+size); pPix.fill( Qt::red ); p.begin( &pixi ); p. drawPixmap ( 0, pixSize, pPix); p.end(); pixSize += size; } // } if ( pixi.width() > 1 ) { setPixmap ( 0,pixi ) ; } else { setPixmap ( 0,QPixmap() ) ; } } void KOTodoViewItem::stateChange(bool state) { // qDebug("KOTodoViewItem::stateChange "); // do not change setting on startup if ( m_init ) return; if (isOn()!=state) { setOn(state); //qDebug("SETON "); return; } if ( mTodo->isCompleted() == state ) { //qDebug("STATECHANGE:nothing to do "); return; } QString keyd = "=="; QString keyt = "=="; //qDebug("KOTodoViewItem::stateChange %s ", text(0).latin1()); mTodo->setCompleted(state); if (state) mTodo->setCompleted(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); if (mTodo->hasDueDate()) { setText(3, mTodo->dtDueDateStr()); QDate d = mTodo->dtDue().date(); keyd.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day()); setSortKey(3,keyd); if (mTodo->doesFloat()) { setText(4,""); } else { setText(4,mTodo->dtDueTimeStr()); QTime t = mTodo->dtDue().time(); keyt.sprintf("%02d%02d",t.hour(),t.minute()); setSortKey(4,keyt); } } if (mTodo->isCompleted()) setSortKey(1,QString::number(9)+keyd+keyt); else setSortKey(1,QString::number(mTodo->priority())+keyd+keyt); setText(2,i18n("%1 %").arg(QString::number(mTodo->percentComplete()))); if (mTodo->percentComplete()<100) { if (mTodo->isCompleted()) setSortKey(2,QString::number(999)); else setSortKey(2,QString::number(mTodo->percentComplete())); } else { if (mTodo->isCompleted()) setSortKey(2,QString::number(999)); else setSortKey(2,QString::number(99)); } if ( state ) { QListViewItem * myChild = firstChild(); KOTodoViewItem *item; while( myChild ) { //qDebug("stateCH "); item = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem*>(myChild); item->stateChange(state); myChild = myChild->nextSibling(); } } else { QListViewItem * myChild = parent(); if ( myChild ) (static_cast<KOTodoViewItem*>(myChild))->stateChange(state); } mTodoView->modified(true); setMyPixmap(); mTodoView->setTodoModified( mTodo ); } bool KOTodoViewItem::isAlternate() { KOTodoListView *lv = static_cast<KOTodoListView *>(listView()); if (lv && lv->alternateBackground().isValid()) { KOTodoViewItem *above = 0; - above = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(itemAbove()); + above = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(itemAbove()); m_known = above ? above->m_known : true; if (m_known) { m_odd = above ? !above->m_odd : false; } else { KOTodoViewItem *item; bool previous = true; if (QListViewItem::parent()) { - item = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(QListViewItem::parent()); + item = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(QListViewItem::parent()); if (item) previous = item->m_odd; - item = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(QListViewItem::parent()->firstChild()); + item = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(QListViewItem::parent()->firstChild()); } else { - item = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(lv->firstChild()); + item = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(lv->firstChild()); } while(item) { item->m_odd = previous = !previous; item->m_known = true; - item = dynamic_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(item->nextSibling()); + item = static_cast<KOTodoViewItem *>(item->nextSibling()); } } return m_odd; } return false; } void KOTodoViewItem::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int alignment) { QColorGroup _cg = cg; QColorGroup::ColorRole role; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewUsesForegroundColor ) role = QColorGroup::Text; else role = QColorGroup::Base; //#ifndef KORG_NOLVALTERNATION if (isAlternate()) _cg.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, static_cast< KOTodoListView* >(listView())->alternateBackground()); bool setColor = KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewUsesCatColors; QColor colorToSet; if ( setColor ) { QStringList categories = mTodo->categories(); QString cat = categories.first(); if ( !cat.isEmpty()) { colorToSet = *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat) ); } else setColor = false; } int odue = mTodo->hasDueSubTodo( !isOpen()); if (odue == 2) { colorToSet = KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoOverdueColor; setColor = true; } else if ( odue == 1 ) { colorToSet = KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoDueTodayColor; setColor = true; } if ( setColor ) { _cg.setColor(role,colorToSet ); if ( role == QColorGroup::Base) { int rgb = colorToSet.red(); rgb += colorToSet.blue()/2; rgb += colorToSet.green(); if ( rgb < 200 ) _cg.setColor(QColorGroup::Text,Qt::white ); } } //#endif if ( column > 0 ){ if ( column == 2 && !KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewShowsPercentage ) { p->save(); int progress = (int)(( (width-6)*mTodo->percentComplete())/100.0 + 0.5); p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), _cg.base() ); // background // p->setPen(Qt::black ); //border // p->setBrush( KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColorKGlobalSettings::baseColor() ); //filling QColor fc = KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor; if ( mTodo->percentComplete() == 100 ) fc = darkGreen; p->drawRect( 2, 2, width-4, height()-4); p->fillRect( 3, 3, progress, height()-6, fc ); p->restore(); } else { QCheckListItem::paintCell(p, _cg, column, width, alignment); } return; } int align = alignment; if ( !p ) return; p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), _cg.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) ); QListView *lv = listView(); if ( !lv ) return; int marg = 2;//lv->itemMargin(); int r = 0; QCheckListItem::Type myType = QCheckListItem::CheckBox; int BoxSize = 20; int boxOffset = 2; int xOffset = 2; if (qApp->desktop()->width() < 300 ) { BoxSize = 14; boxOffset = -1; xOffset = 1; // marg = 0; } if ( height() < BoxSize ) { boxOffset = boxOffset - ((BoxSize - height())/2) ; // qDebug("boxOffset %d height %d", boxOffset, height() ); BoxSize = height(); } //bool winStyle = lv->style() == WindowsStyle; int lineStart = 5; if ( myType == Controller ) { if ( !pixmap( 0 ) ) r += BoxSize + 4; } else { ASSERT( lv ); //### // QFontMetrics fm( lv->font() ); // int d = fm.height(); int x = 0; int y = (height() - BoxSize) / 2; // p->setPen( QPen( _cg.text(), winStyle ? 2 : 1 ) ); if ( myType == CheckBox ) { if ( isEnabled() ) p->setPen( QPen( _cg.text(), 1 ) ); else p->setPen( QPen( listView()->palette().color( QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text ), 1 ) ); p->drawRect( x+marg, y+2, BoxSize-4, BoxSize-4 ); lineStart = x+marg; ///////////////////// x++; y++; if ( isOn() ) { QPointArray a( 7*2 ); int i, xx, yy; xx = x+xOffset+marg+(boxOffset/2); yy = y+5+boxOffset; for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { a.setPoint( 2*i, xx, yy ); a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 ); // qDebug(" "); xx++; yy++; } yy -= 2; for ( i=3; i<7; i++ ) { a.setPoint( 2*i, xx, yy ); a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 ); xx++; yy--; } p->setPen( darkGreen ); p->drawLineSegments( a ); } //////////////////////// } r += BoxSize + 4; } p->translate( r, 0 ); p->setPen( QPen( _cg.text() ) ); QListViewItem::paintCell( p, _cg, column, width - r, align ); if ( mTodo->cancelled () ) { p->setPen( black ); QRect br = p->boundingRect( 1,1,1,1,0,mTodo->summary() ); int wid = br.width() +lineStart; if ( wid > width-3 ) wid = width-3; p->drawLine( lineStart, height()/2+1, wid, height()/2+1 ); } } diff --git a/korganizer/kowhatsnextview.cpp b/korganizer/kowhatsnextview.cpp index 10665f4..391b3bb 100644 --- a/korganizer/kowhatsnextview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kowhatsnextview.cpp @@ -234,531 +234,535 @@ void KOWhatsNextView::updateView() if (events.count() > 0) { // mText += "<p></p>"; // kil.loadIcon("month",KIcon::NoGroup,22,KIcon::DefaultState,&ipath); // mText += "<h2>"; //mText += " <img src=\""; //mText += ipath; //mText += "\">"; if ( ! itemAdded ) { appendDay ( iii, mEventDate ); } // for first day (iii == 0) // we may have syncevents, or events in the past, which maybe should not be diaplayed // for that reason we cannot append <table> in appendDay () for iii == 0 // we must append it in the first successful call of appendEvent() Event *ev = events.first(); while(ev) { //qDebug("+++++event append %s", ev->summary().latin1()); if ( true /*!ev->recurrence()->doesRecur() || ev->recursOn( mEventDate)*/) { if ( appendEvent(ev, false , iii!= 0,!itemAdded ) ) itemAdded = true; } ev = events.next(); } //mText += "</table>\n"; } todo = todos.first(); while(todo) { if ( !todo->isCompleted() &&todo->hasDueDate() && todo->dtDue().date() == mEventDate ) { if ( ! itemAdded ) { appendDay ( iii, mEventDate ); //itemAdded = true; } appendEvent(todo, false , iii!= 0,!itemAdded); itemAdded = true; } todo = todos.next(); } if ( !itemAdded && iii == 0 ) { // appendDay ( iii, mEventDate ); //mText += "<table>"; // mText += "<b><font color=\"#000080\"><em>"+i18n("No event, nothing to do.") +"</em></font></b>\n"; mText += "<h3 align=\"center\"><font color=\"#008000\"><em>"+i18n("No event, nothing to do.") +"</em></font></h3>\n"; //mText +="</table>"; } if ( itemAdded ) mText += "</table>\n"; mEventDate = mEventDate.addDays( 1 ); } int topmostPrios = KOPrefs::instance()->mWhatsNextPrios; if (todos.count() > 0 && topmostPrios > 0 ) { // kil.loadIcon("todo",KIcon::NoGroup,22,KIcon::DefaultState,&ipath); // mText += "<h2>"; //<img src=\""; // mText += ipath; // mText += "\">"; // mText += i18n("Overdue To-Do:") + "</h2>\n"; //mText += "<ul>\n"; bool gotone = false; int priority = 1; int priosFound = 0; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mText +="<p></p>"; #endif mText +="<h2><em><font color=\"#000080\">" + i18n("Incomplete Todo:") + "</font></em></h2>\n"; mText += "<ul>\n"; while (!gotone && priority<6) { todo = todos.first(); while(todo) { if (!todo->isCompleted() && (todo->priority() == priority) ) { if ( appendTodo(todo) ) gotone = true; } todo = todos.next(); } if ( gotone ) { gotone = false; ++priosFound; if ( priosFound == topmostPrios ) break; } priority++; // kdDebug() << "adding the todos..." << endl; } mText += "</ul>\n"; } int replys = 0; events = calendar()->events(QDate::currentDate(), QDate(2975,12,6)); if (events.count() > 0) { Event *ev = events.first(); while(ev) { Attendee *me = ev->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,KOPrefs::instance()->email()); if (me!=0) { if (me->status()==Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP()) { if (replys == 0) { mText += "<p></p>"; // kil.loadIcon("reply",KIcon::NoGroup,22,KIcon::DefaultState,&ipath); //mText += "<h2>"; //<img src=\""; // mText += ipath; // mText += "\">"; //mText += i18n("Events and To-Dos that need a reply:") + "</h2>\n"; mText +="<h2><em><font color=\"#000080\">" + i18n("Events and To-Dos that need a reply:") + "</font></em></h2>\n"; mText += "<table>\n"; } replys++; appendEvent(ev,true); } } ev = events.next(); } } todos = calendar()->todos(); if (todos.count() > 0) { Todo *to = todos.first(); while(to) { if ( !to->isCompleted() ){ Attendee *me = to->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,KOPrefs::instance()->email()); if (me!=0) { if (me->status()==Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP()) { if (replys == 0) { mText +="<h2><em><font color=\"#000080\">" + i18n("Events and To-Dos that need a reply:") + "</font></em></h2>\n"; mText += "<table>\n"; } replys++; appendEvent(to, true); } } } to = todos.next(); } } if (replys > 0 ) mText += "</table>\n"; mText += "</td></tr>\n</table>\n"; mView->setText(mText); mView->setFocus(); // QPixmap bPix = SmallIcon( "back" ); // qDebug("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "); // QWidget* test = new QWidget(); // test->setBackgroundMode(FixedPixmap ); // test->setBackgroundPixmap ( bPix ); // test->resize( 300, 400 ); // test->show(); // mView->setBackgroundMode(FixedPixmap ); // mView->setBackgroundPixmap ( bPix ); // qDebug("%s ",mText.latin1()); } void KOWhatsNextView::appendDay( int i, QDate eventDate ) { QString date; QString day = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( eventDate , KOPrefs::instance()->mShortDateInViewer); if ( ! KOPrefs::instance()->mShortDateInViewer && QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) { if ( i == 0 ) { //mText += "<table>\n"; return;//date = "<em><font color=\"#008000\"><em>" + day+"</font></em>"; } else if ( i == 1 ) date = "<em><font color=\"#000080\">" + day + "</font></em>" ; else date = "<em><font color=\"#000080\">" + day + "</font></em>"; mText += "<h2>" + date + "</h2>\n"; //mText += "<big><big><strong>" + date + "</strong></big></big>\n"; mText += "<table>\n"; } else { if ( i == 0 ) { //mText += "<table>\n"; return;// date = "<font color=\"#008000\"><em>" +i18n("Today: ") +"</em>" + day+"</font>"; } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION else if ( i == 1 ) { date = "<h2><em><font color=\"#000080\">" + i18n("Tomorrow: ") + day +"</font></em></h2>" ; } else date = "<h2><em><font color=\"#000080\">" + i18n("In %1 days: ").arg( i ) +day + "</font></em></h2>"; #else else if ( i == 1 ) { date = "<em><font color=\"#000080\">" + i18n("Tomorrow: ") + day +"</font></em>" ; } else date = "<em><font color=\"#000080\">" + i18n("In %1 days: ").arg( i ) +day + "</font></em>"; #endif mText += "<h2>" + date + "</h2>\n"; //mText += "<big><big><strong>" + date + "</strong></big></big>\n"; mText += "<table>\n"; } } void KOWhatsNextView::showDates(const QDate &, const QDate &) { updateView(); } void KOWhatsNextView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>) { } void KOWhatsNextView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int action) { switch(action) { case KOGlobals::EVENTADDED: updateView(); break; case KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED: updateView(); break; case KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED: updateView(); break; default: updateView(); kdDebug() << "KOWhatsNextView::changeEventDisplay(): Illegal action " << action << endl; } } bool KOWhatsNextView::appendEvent(Incidence *ev, bool reply, bool notRed, bool appendTable ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncEvents && ev->uid().left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) return false; QDateTime cdt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QDateTime noc; QString tempText; if ( appendTable && !notRed ) { tempText = "<table>"; } bool ok = true; if ( reply ) { noc = ev->getNextOccurence( cdt, &ok ); if (! ok && ev->type() == "Event") return false; } bool bDay = false; if ( ev->categories().contains( i18n("Birthday") ) || ev->categories().contains( i18n("Anniversary") ) ) bDay = true; tempText += "<tr><td><b>"; if (ev->type()=="Event") { if (reply) { if (!ev->doesFloat()) tempText += KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( noc , KOPrefs::instance()->mShortDateInViewer) +": "; else tempText += KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( noc.date() , KOPrefs::instance()->mShortDateInViewer) +": "; } else { if (!ev->doesFloat()) { Event *event = static_cast<Event *>(ev); QDateTime st,end; if ( event->recurrence()->doesRecur() ) { QDate recDate= mEventDate; int days = event->dtStart().date().daysTo (event->dtEnd().date() ); while ( ! event->recursOn( recDate ) ) { recDate = recDate.addDays( -1 ); } st = QDateTime ( recDate, event->dtStart().time() ); end = QDateTime ( recDate.addDays( days ), event->dtEnd().time() ); } else { st = event->dtStart(); end = event->dtEnd(); } QString dateText; // qDebug("%s %s %s %s ", mEventDate.toString().latin1(),event->summary().latin1(), st .toString().latin1(),end.toString().latin1() ); if ( st.date() < mEventDate ) dateText = "++:++-"; else dateText = event->dtStartTimeStr() + "-"; if ( end.date() > mEventDate ) dateText += "++:++"; else dateText += event->dtEndTimeStr(); if ( notRed ) tempText += dateText; else { if ( end < cdt ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mWNViewShowsPast ) return false; tempText += "<font color=\"#F00000\">" + dateText + "</font>"; } else if ( st < cdt ) tempText += "<font color=\"#008000\">" + dateText + "</font>"; else tempText += dateText; } } else { if ( bDay ) { if ( ev->categories().contains( i18n("Birthday") )) tempText += "<font color=\"#F00000\">" + i18n("Birthday") +":</font>"; else tempText += "<font color=\"#F00000\">" + i18n("Anniversary")+":</font>"; } else { tempText += i18n("Allday:"); } } } } else { mTodos.append( ev ); tempText += i18n("ToDo:"); if (reply) { tempText += " "; if ( noc != cdt ) { tempText += KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( noc.date() , KOPrefs::instance()->mShortDateInViewer) +": "; } } else { if ( ((Todo*)ev)->dtDue().date() < QDate::currentDate() ) { // tempText +="<font color=\"#F00000\">" + i18n("O-due!") + "</font>"; QString dfs = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormatShort(); KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormatShort("%d.%b"); tempText +="<font color=\"#F00000\">" + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(((Todo*)ev)->dtDue().date(), true, KLocale::Userdefined) + "</font>"; KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormatShort(dfs); } else { if (!ev->doesFloat() ) if( ( (Todo*)ev)->dtDue() < cdt ) { tempText +="<font color=\"#F00000\">" + ((Todo*)ev)->dtDueTimeStr() + "</font>"; } else tempText +=((Todo*)ev)->dtDueTimeStr(); mTodos.append( ev ); } } } tempText += "</b></td><td>"; bool needClose = false; if ( ev->cancelled() ) { tempText += "<font color=\"#F00000\">[c"; needClose =true; } if ( ev->isAlarmEnabled() ) { if ( !needClose) tempText +="["; tempText += "a"; needClose =true; } if ( ev->description().length() > 0 ) { if ( !needClose) tempText +="["; tempText += "i"; needClose =true; } if ( ev->recurrence()->doesRecur() ) { if ( !needClose) tempText +="["; tempText += "r"; needClose =true; } if ( needClose ) { tempText += "] "; } if ( ev->cancelled() ) tempText += "</font>"; tempText += "<a "; if (ev->type()=="Event") tempText += "href=\"event:"; if (ev->type()=="Todo") tempText += "href=\"todo:"; tempText += ev->uid() + "\">"; if ( ev->summary().length() > 0 ) tempText += ev->summary(); else tempText += i18n("-no summary-"); if ( bDay ) { noc = ev->getNextOccurence( cdt.addDays(-1), &ok ); if ( ok ) { - int years = noc.date().year() - ev->dtStart().date().year(); + int years = 0; + if ( ev->type() =="Todo" ) { + years = noc.date().year() -((Todo*)ev)->dtDue().date().year(); + } else + years = noc.date().year() - ev->dtStart().date().year(); tempText += i18n(" (%1 y.)"). arg( years ); } } tempText += "</a>"; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mWNViewShowLocation ) if ( !ev->location().isEmpty() ) tempText += " ("+ev->location() +")"; if ( ev->relatedTo() && KOPrefs::instance()->mWNViewShowsParents) tempText += " ["+ev->relatedTo()->summary() +"]"; tempText += "</td></tr>\n"; mText += tempText; return true; } bool KOWhatsNextView::appendTodo(Incidence *ev, QString ind , bool isSub ) { if ( mTodos.find( ev ) != mTodos.end() ) return false; mTodos.append( ev ); if ( !isSub ) mText += "<p>"; else mText += "<li>"; mText += "[" +QString::number(ev->priority()) + "/" + QString::number(((Todo*)ev)->percentComplete())+"%] "; mText += ind; bool needClose = false; if ( ev->cancelled() ) { mText += "<font color=\"#F00000\">[c"; needClose =true; } if ( ev->isAlarmEnabled() ) { if ( !needClose) mText +="["; mText += "a"; needClose =true; } if ( ev->description().length() > 0 ) { if ( !needClose) mText +="["; mText += "i"; needClose =true; } // if ( ev->recurrence()->doesRecur() ) { // if ( !needClose) // mText +="("; // mText += "r"; // needClose =true; // } if ( needClose ) mText += "] "; if ( ev->cancelled() ) mText += "</font>"; mText += "<a href=\"todo:" + ev->uid() + "\">"; if ( ev->summary().length() > 0 ) mText += ev->summary(); else mText += i18n("-no summary-"); mText += "</a>"; if ( ((Todo*)ev)->hasDueDate () ) { QString year = ""; int ye = ((Todo*)ev)->dtDue().date().year(); if ( QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().year() != ye ) year = QString::number( ye ); QString dfs = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormatShort(); KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormatShort("%d.%b"); mText +="<font color=\"#00A000\"> [" + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(((Todo*)ev)->dtDue().date(), true, KLocale::Userdefined) + "."+ year +"]</font>"; KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormatShort(dfs); } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mWNViewShowLocation ) if ( !ev->location().isEmpty() ) mText += " ("+ev->location() +")"; if ( !isSub ) { if ( ((Todo*)ev)->relatedTo()&& KOPrefs::instance()->mWNViewShowsParents) mText += " ["+ev->relatedTo()->summary() +"]"; mText += "</p>\n"; } else { ind += "-"; mText += "</li>\n"; } QPtrList<Incidence> Relations = ev->relations(); Incidence *to; for (to=Relations.first();to;to=Relations.next()) { if (!((Todo*)to)->isCompleted()) appendTodo( to, ind , true ); } return true; } /* void KOWhatsNextView::createEventViewer() { if (!mEventViewer) { mEventViewer = new KOEventViewerDialog(this); } } */ void KOWhatsNextView::setEventViewer(KOEventViewerDialog* v ) { mEventViewer = v; } // TODO: Create this function in CalendarView and remove it from here void KOWhatsNextView::showIncidence(const QString &uid) { if ( !mEventViewer ) { qDebug("KOWhatsNextView::showIncidence::sorry, no event viewer set "); return; } //kdDebug() << "KOWhatsNextView::showIncidence(): " << uid << endl; //qDebug("KOWhatsNextView::showIncidence %s ", uid.latin1()); if (uid.startsWith("event:")) { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION Event *event = calendar()->event(uid.mid(8)); #else Event *event = calendar()->event(uid.mid(6)); #endif //qDebug("event %d uid %s ", event, uid.mid(6).latin1()); if (!event) return; //createEventViewer(); mEventViewer->setEvent(event); } else if (uid.startsWith("todo:")) { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION Todo *todo = calendar()->todo(uid.mid(7)); #else Todo *todo = calendar()->todo(uid.mid(5)); #endif if (!todo) return; //createEventViewer(); mEventViewer->setTodo(todo); } else { return; } mEventViewer->showMe(); mEventViewer->raise(); } |