-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/koagenda.cpp | 11 |
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/koagenda.cpp b/korganizer/koagenda.cpp index 002234d..7c41cab 100644 --- a/korganizer/koagenda.cpp +++ b/korganizer/koagenda.cpp @@ -1229,443 +1229,448 @@ void KOAgenda::drawContentsToPainter( QPainter* paint, bool backgroundOnly )// i // Highlight working hours if ( !backgroundOnly ) if (mWorkingHoursEnable) { int x1 = cx; int y1 = mWorkingHoursYTop; if (y1 < cy) y1 = cy; int x2 = cx+cw-1; // int x2 = mGridSpacingX * 5 - 1; // if (x2 > cx+cw-1) x2 = cx + cw - 1; int y2 = mWorkingHoursYBottom; if (y2 > cy+ch-1) y2=cy+ch-1; if (x2 >= x1 && y2 >= y1) { // qDebug("x1 %d mGridSpacingX %d ", x1, mGridSpacingX ); int gxStart = x1/mGridSpacingX; int gxEnd = x2/mGridSpacingX; while(gxStart <= gxEnd) { if (gxStart < int(mHolidayMask->count()) && !mHolidayMask->at(gxStart)) { int xStart = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX : gxStart*mGridSpacingX; if (xStart < x1) xStart = x1; int xEnd = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - gxStart)*mGridSpacingX-1 : (gxStart+1)*mGridSpacingX-1; if (xEnd > x2) xEnd = x2; if ( mSelectedDates[gxStart] == QDateTime::currentDateTime ().date()&& KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightCurrentDay ) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseHighlightLightColor ) p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor.light()); else p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor.dark()); } else { p->fillRect(xStart,y1,xEnd-xStart+1,y2-y1+1, KOPrefs::instance()->mWorkingHoursColor); } } ++gxStart; } } } /* int selectionX = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - mSelectionCellX) * mGridSpacingX : mSelectionCellX * mGridSpacingX; // Draw selection if ( ( cx + cw ) >= selectionX && cx <= ( selectionX + mGridSpacingX ) && ( cy + ch ) >= mSelectionYTop && cy <= ( mSelectionYTop + mSelectionHeight ) ) { // TODO: paint only part within cx,cy,cw,ch p->fillRect( selectionX, mSelectionYTop, mGridSpacingX, mSelectionHeight, KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor ); } */ // Draw vertical lines of grid int x = ((int)(cx/mGridSpacingX))*mGridSpacingX; if ( mGridSpacingX > 0 ) { while (x < cx + cw) { p->drawLine(x,cy,x,cy+ch); x+=mGridSpacingX; } } // Draw horizontal lines of grid int y = ((int)(cy/lGridSpacingY))*lGridSpacingY; if ( lGridSpacingY > 0 ) { while (y < cy + ch) { p->setPen( SolidLine ); p->drawLine(cx,y,cx+cw,y); y+=lGridSpacingY; p->setPen( DotLine ); p->drawLine(cx,y,cx+cw,y); y+=lGridSpacingY; } p->setPen( SolidLine ); } mPixPainter.end() ; } /* Convert srcollview contents coordinates to agenda grid coordinates. */ void KOAgenda::contentsToGrid (int x, int y, int& gx, int& gy) { gx = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? mColumns - 1 - x/mGridSpacingX : x/mGridSpacingX; gy = y/mGridSpacingY; } /* Convert agenda grid coordinates to scrollview contents coordinates. */ void KOAgenda::gridToContents (int gx, int gy, int& x, int& y) { x = KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - gx)*mGridSpacingX: gx*mGridSpacingX; y = gy*mGridSpacingY; } /* Return Y coordinate corresponding to time. Coordinates are rounded to fit into the grid. */ int KOAgenda::timeToY(const QTime &time) { int minutesPerCell = 24 * 60 / mRows; int timeMinutes = time.hour() * 60 + time.minute(); int Y = (timeMinutes + (minutesPerCell / 2)) / minutesPerCell; return Y; } /* Return time corresponding to cell y coordinate. Coordinates are rounded to fit into the grid. */ QTime KOAgenda::gyToTime(int gy) { int secondsPerCell = 24 * 60 * 60/ mRows; int timeSeconds = secondsPerCell * gy; QTime time( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( timeSeconds < 24 * 60 * 60 ) { time = time.addSecs(timeSeconds); } else { time.setHMS( 23, 59, 59 ); } return time; } void KOAgenda::setStartHour(int startHour) { int startCell = startHour * mRows / 24; setContentsPos(0,startCell * gridSpacingY()); } void KOAgenda::hideUnused() { // experimental only // return; KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mUnusedItems.first(); item != 0; item=mUnusedItems.next() ) { item->hide(); } } KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::getNewItem(Incidence * event,QDate qd, QWidget* view) { KOAgendaItem *fi; for ( fi=mUnusedItems.first(); fi != 0; fi=mUnusedItems.next() ) { if ( fi->incidence() == event ) { mUnusedItems.remove(); fi->init( event, qd ); return fi; } } fi=mUnusedItems.first(); if ( fi ) { mUnusedItems.remove(); fi->init( event, qd ); return fi; } // qDebug("new KOAgendaItem "); KOAgendaItem* agendaItem = new KOAgendaItem( event, qd, view, mAllDayMode ); agendaItem->installEventFilter(this); addChild(agendaItem,0,0); return agendaItem; } KOAgendaItem * KOAgenda::getItemForTodo ( Todo * todo ) { KOAgendaItem *item; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { if ( item->incidence() == todo ) { mItems.remove(); return item; } } return 0; } void KOAgenda::updateTodo( Todo * todo, int days, bool remove) { - + // ( todo->hasCompletedDate() && todo->completed().date() == currentDate )|| KOAgendaItem *item; item = getItemForTodo ( todo ); //qDebug("KOAgenda::updateTodo %d %d %d %d", this, todo, days, remove); if ( item ) { blockSignals( true ); //qDebug("item found "); item->hide(); item->setCellX(-2, -1 ); item->select(false); mUnusedItems.append( item ); mItems.remove( item ); QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> oldconflictItems = item->conflictItems(); KOAgendaItem *itemit; //globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { if ( itemit != item ) placeSubCells(itemit); } qApp->processEvents(); //globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; if ( itemit != item ) itemit->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; itemit->repaint(); } blockSignals( false ); } if ( remove ) { //qDebug("remove****************************************** "); return; } //qDebug("updateTodo+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "); bool overdue = (!todo->isCompleted()) && (todo->dtDue() < QDate::currentDate())&& ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowTodoInAgenda ); QDate currentDate; + QDateTime dt; + if ( todo->hasCompletedDate() ) + dt = todo->completed(); + else + dt = todo->dtDue(); if ( overdue ) { currentDate = QDate::currentDate(); days += todo->dtDue().date().daysTo( currentDate ); } else - currentDate = todo->dtDue().date(); + currentDate = dt.date(); if ( todo->doesFloat() || overdue ) { if ( ! mAllDayMode ) return; // aldayagenda globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; item = insertAllDayItem(todo, currentDate,days, days); item->show(); } else { if ( mAllDayMode ) return; // mAgenda globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1; - int endY = timeToY(todo->dtDue().time()) - 1; + int endY = timeToY(dt.time()) - 1; int hi = 12/KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize; int startY = endY - 1-hi; item = insertItem(todo,currentDate,days,startY,endY); item->show(); } qApp->processEvents(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 0; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> oldconflictItems = item->conflictItems(); KOAgendaItem *itemit; for ( itemit=oldconflictItems.first(); itemit != 0; itemit=oldconflictItems.next() ) { globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; itemit->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; itemit->repaint(); } globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 0; item->repaintMe(); globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1; item->repaint(); } /* Insert KOAgendaItem into agenda. */ KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::insertItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int X,int YTop,int YBottom) { //kdDebug() << "KOAgenda::insertItem:" << event->summary() << "-" << qd.toString() << " ;top, bottom:" << YTop << "," << YBottom << endl; if (mAllDayMode) { kdDebug() << "KOAgenda: calling insertItem in all-day mode is illegal." << endl; return 0; } KOAgendaItem *agendaItem = getNewItem(event,qd,viewport()); //agendaItem->setFrameStyle(WinPanel|Raised); int YSize = YBottom - YTop + 1; if (YSize < 0) { kdDebug() << "KOAgenda::insertItem(): Text: " << agendaItem->text() << " YSize<0" << endl; YSize = 1; } int iheight = mGridSpacingY * YSize; agendaItem->resize(mGridSpacingX,iheight ); agendaItem->setCellXY(X,YTop,YBottom); agendaItem->setCellXWidth(X); //addChild(agendaItem,X*mGridSpacingX,YTop*mGridSpacingY); mItems.append(agendaItem); placeSubCells(agendaItem); //agendaItem->show(); marcus_bains(); return agendaItem; } /* Insert all-day KOAgendaItem into agenda. */ KOAgendaItem *KOAgenda::insertAllDayItem (Incidence *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd) { if (!mAllDayMode) { return 0; } KOAgendaItem *agendaItem = getNewItem(event,qd,viewport()); agendaItem->setCellXY(XBegin,0,0); agendaItem->setCellXWidth(XEnd); agendaItem->resize(mGridSpacingX * agendaItem->cellWidth(),mGridSpacingY); //addChild(agendaItem,XBegin*mGridSpacingX,0); mItems.append(agendaItem); placeSubCells(agendaItem); //agendaItem->show(); return agendaItem; } void KOAgenda::insertMultiItem (Event *event,QDate qd,int XBegin,int XEnd, int YTop,int YBottom) { if (mAllDayMode) { ; return; } int cellX,cellYTop,cellYBottom; QString newtext; int width = XEnd - XBegin + 1; int count = 0; KOAgendaItem *current = 0; QPtrList<KOAgendaItem> multiItems; for (cellX = XBegin;cellX <= XEnd;++cellX) { if (cellX == XBegin) cellYTop = YTop; else cellYTop = 0; if (cellX == XEnd) cellYBottom = YBottom; else cellYBottom = rows() - 1; newtext = QString("(%1/%2): ").arg(++count).arg(width); newtext.append(event->summary()); current = insertItem(event,qd,cellX,cellYTop,cellYBottom); current->setText(newtext); multiItems.append(current); } KOAgendaItem *next = 0; KOAgendaItem *last = multiItems.last(); KOAgendaItem *first = multiItems.first(); KOAgendaItem *setFirst,*setLast; current = first; while (current) { next = multiItems.next(); if (current == first) setFirst = 0; else setFirst = first; if (current == last) setLast = 0; else setLast = last; current->setMultiItem(setFirst,next,setLast); current = next; } marcus_bains(); } //QSizePolicy KOAgenda::sizePolicy() const //{ // Thought this would make the all-day event agenda minimum size and the // normal agenda take the remaining space. But it doesnīt work. The QSplitter // donīt seem to think that an Expanding widget needs more space than a // Preferred one. // But it doesnīt hurt, so it stays. // if (mAllDayMode) { // return QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Preferred); // } else { // return QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding); // } //} void KOAgenda::finishResize ( ) { //qDebug("finishResize+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ( ) "); if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 0 ) { finishUpdate(); //qDebug("finishUpdate() called "); } } /* Overridden from QScrollView to provide proper resizing of KOAgendaItems. */ void KOAgenda::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *ev ) { mResizeTimer.start( 150 , true ); computeSizes(); return; } void KOAgenda::computeSizes() { if ( globalFlagBlockStartup ) return; if (mAllDayMode) { mGridSpacingX = (width()-3) / mColumns; mGridSpacingY = height() - 2 * frameWidth() - 1; resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY + 1); // mGridSpacingY = height(); // resizeContents( mGridSpacingX * mColumns + 1 , mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ); KOAgendaItem *item; int subCellWidth; for ( item=mItems.first(); item != 0; item=mItems.next() ) { subCellWidth = mGridSpacingY / item->subCells(); item->resize(mGridSpacingX * item->cellWidth(),subCellWidth); moveChild(item,KOGlobals::self()->reverseLayout() ? (mColumns - 1 - item->cellX()) * mGridSpacingX : item->cellX() * mGridSpacingX, item->subCell() * subCellWidth); } KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = mGridSpacingY; } else { mGridSpacingX = (width() - verticalScrollBar()->width()-3)/mColumns; if (height() > mGridSpacingY * mRows + 1 ) { KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize = ((height())/mRows)+1; mGridSpacingY = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize ; |